
Little Sister’s Dilemma – Part II

Jim & Joanne try to make a week-long vacation together . . . nad have some uninvited company come along . . .

Little Sister’s Dilemma – Part II

In the morning at breakfast, I sat at the kitchen table, absent-mindedly remembering the magic of the previous and fateful afternoon. Mom puttered around the stove, bouncing between there and the sink, busy doing something that kept her occupied, and out of my hair. Most mornings, she’d have some snide remark to make to me, but this particular day, she was strangely quiet. I have no problem remembering those days of her being quiet, because there weren’t very many of them. Being lost in my thoughts, I missed Joanne coming up behind me, until she lightly placed one hand on my left shoulder. I glanced at the intrusion, then turned and looked at whoever owned that warm and soft hand. As my eyes focused, Jo’s lips were no more than an inch or so from mine, and it took all my willpower to resist kissing her. With Mom in the same room, I could do without the sarcastic comment that she’d invariably make.

“Morning, Jim” Joanne greeted me, her voice so low that I could barely hear her. I think that was for my benefit, because she glanced up towards Mom, hoping that our mother hadn’t heard her. I just smiled as warmly as I could, not trusting myself to be as quiet as my sister. I did reach up and cover her hand, still on my shoulder, and her returned grin told me that she got the message.

“Jim, have you got anything planned for Spring break?” Jo asked as she sat down across the table from me. After yesterday, that was a double-edged lead-in. Was I supposed to tell her that the only thing I had planned was standing beside me, or did she want to know the truth, which was just about the same thing? I decided to leave her as big an opening as I could by supplying a non-committal answer.

“I have a couple of ideas, but nothing definite yet. How about you? You going to hang out with Sarah for the week?” Normally, Joanne would have either agreed with me, or grunted something to the same effect. Today, however, she just stared at me with daggers in her eyes, and a determined scowl on her face. I took the hint, shut my mouth, and went back to filling my face.

Jo never said another word to me the whole time we were in the house, and I figured she’d scoot off on her own as soon as we got out the door. But she didn’t, walking beside me instead, and matching my pace. She had the legs to do it, too. Mine are quite short, and I used to tell everyone that I was built close to the ground for that “sporty” look. In reality, I usually placed no better than second in the hundred-yard dash against a slug as my only competition. We never spoke a single word, but as we rounded the corner, now out of sight from the house, Jo glanced all around us to make sure there was no one watching, then drove her clenched fist deep into my shoulder.

“Oww! Jesus Christ, what the fuck was that for?” I exclaimed loudly. Her punch had come out of nowhere, and I had no idea of why, either.

“Asshole!” she cursed me in a low but dangerous-sounding tone. “I was trying to get out of hanging out with Sarah next week, and you were supposed to give me an excuse to be somewhere else. If I hang out wit her, she’ll figure out that something’s going on, and probably figure out what, too, before the week’s over!”

“Shit, you could have given me a hint, or something” I muttered, as I rubbed my aching arm. Like I said, I’ve seen my little sister fight, and I sure wouldn’t want to be in a dark alley with her if she was pissed at me. Especially if she was as pissed as she was at that moment.

“Jim, somehow, I’ve got to duck Sarah next week. I need your help to pull it off. And besides, where I really want to be is with you . . . or was the sex yesterday just a one-shot deal?” Joanne growled.

“No, it wasn’t a one-shot thing!” I proclaimed. “I told you yesterday, I love you. If you want, I’ll tell you again today, and tomorrow, and the next day, too. I thought you already knew that, Sis.”

Again, Joanne surveyed the street, looking for spying eyes, then leaned against me, lifted her lips to my cheek, and kissed me tenderly. My emotions were torn. I was afraid that she might have missed someone peeking, but I loved the feel of her warmth, and the heat from her lips. If I hadn’t had an arm full of books, I’d have wrapped my arm around her and held her tightly to me. But I did, and I couldn’t.

“Jim, there’s got to be a way that the two of us can get out of here for the holiday. I don’t want to be around Sarah all week, for obvious reasons. I do want to be with my big brother, for even more obvious reasons. So help me out on this one, would you?” she commanded. I had to think of something ,but right then, my mind was blank.

“Yeah, I’ll see what I can dream up. Meet me after school, but make it about two blocks away, and we’ll figure something out. Okay?”

“Mmm. I knew I could count on you” she almost cooed. “But whatever you come up with, make sure that it’s just the two of us. No making up one story, then having us go off somewhere else. If Mom finds out we lied, she’ll cut your balls off, not to mention my boobs. And as you found out yesterday, I can’t afford to lose any more of the tits that I do have!” I assured her that I’d do everything in my power to protect her breasts, even offering to cover one of them up with my hand. I think she considered slugging me again, but gave me a reprieve and just snarled something unintelligible.

Again the school day dragged, but I did manage to focus on math class enough to keep Mr. Semaile, our teacher, from yelling at me like he had the previous class. I found a quiet corner at lunch time, needing space alone to think of something that would work for whatever my little sister was plotting. It was about ten minutes before class, when Sarah snuck up on me, looking like she was running a one-woman manhunt.

“Where’s Joanne, Jim?” she demanded. “I looked for her all lunch period, and I can’t find her anywhere.”

“Sorry, Sarah. I haven’t seen her since first period this morning. Maybe she’s in the library, or something. I think she had some project in mind that she wanted to work on” I tried to make up as an excuse. If Jo was distancing herself from her friend, she’d found an effective technique, but shaking Sarah was a major undertaking at the best of times. The girl could track people down better than a bloodhound.

“Tell her to call me after school” I was ordered. “And if I find out that you forgot, I’ll . . . I’ll kick your nuts!” she extended her threat. It wasn’t often that she made a threat, but when she did, it was more of a promise than anything else. Fortunately, Sarah decided to resume her quest for my sister, and I managed to survive.

I met Joanne a couple of blocks from the school on my way home. She was standing on the lawn of the boulevard, leaning against one of the maple trees that lined the street. Unfortunately, the sidewalks were littered with students, either on their way home or off to the nearest coffee shop. Joanne had one of those looks that said she could really use a hug, and a kiss would be better.

“Did you figure anything out, Jim?” was the first thing she demanded, not even taking the time to say hello first.

“Well hi there, little sister,” I snapped at her. “Fancy seeing you here.” Again she had that daggered look, just like I got at breakfast, and a silent demand that I get myself focused.

“Okay, Jo, here’s the best I can come up with, on short notice. If I can get Dad to lend me the pickup, what would you say to going up to Pallisade Lake for the week? Just the two of us, although we could always tell Mom that there’s supposed to be a bunch of kids from school that talked of going, too. It would get us out of the house, away from Sarah, and alone, together, for the week.”

“Camping? In April? Jim, I know I hit you pretty good this morning, but I didn’t hit you that hard! We’ll freeze our asses off up there! Is that the best you could think of?”

“Oh, for Christ’s sake, Jo, it’s not that cold, and besides, with both of us in one sleeping bag . . .” I hinted. She wasn’t buying it, though. “Look, if it gets that cold, we can rent one of those cabins at the far end of the lake. At this time of year, they’ll be cheap as hell, and I doubt there’ll be many people up there anyway. The chances of someone from the school being at Pallisade are pretty slim . . . and it’s a big park. Finding somewhere secluded should be a piece of cake.”

“Right! And you think Mom and Dad are going to go for this idea? You and me, camping, in the same place, at the same time? What the fuck have you been mixing up in the chemistry lab?” she snapped right back at me.

“Yeah, well, if you have a better idea, let’s hear it” I shot out at her. She said nothing, but just glared in angry frustration. “Hey, you could always stick around town, and hang out with Sarah,” I suggested, “and speaking of, she was looking for you at lunchtime. Says I’m supposed to tell you to call her as soon as you get home. I told her I thought you might be in the library, working on some project, if she starts to quiz you.”

Joanne spent the rest of the walk deep in thought, not saying a word until we were about four blocks from home, then quietly opened up to ask a myriad of questions.

“Jim, would you really take me camping, if it meant that we could be together? And if it did get cold, would you really rent one of those cabins?” she asked. I assured her that I would do whatever I could to make sure we would have our own space and time. She looked around for spies again, then not seeing any, stretched up and kissed me again. This time, I had a free arm, and I used it to grab her by the waist and hold her tightly. The feel of her lips on my skin was like a bolt of electricity, and her warm breath raised the temperature of my own blood a large number of degrees.

“Let’s go for it, Jim” she whispered softly as she pulled her lips from me. “I’ll make up some excuse for Sarah’s sake. Otherwise, she’ll want to come, too, and we both know how well that’ll work out. Now if you can only convince Dad to let us have the truck . . . “

The thought of spending a whole week with Joanne, alone in an isolated location, sent shivers into my groin, and my cock reacted accordingly. I guess I must have moaned lustfully at the idea, because my sister gave me the weirdest look. Staring back at her, though, I could tell she had the same ideas as I did. I was sorely tempted to run the remaining distance home. I also prayed that the house would be empty, because I wanted Joanne so badly at that moment. She must have read my mind, because our pace increased substantially. With those short legs of mine, I almost had to run anyway, just to keep up with her.

As we burst through the front door, Jo called out to Mom, telling her we were home, and I prayed for the sounds of silence. I got my wish, too. Maybe that Supreme Being that I’d cursed the other day had taken pity on me. Then again, maybe he had some other nefarious scheme in mind, like Mom being home, but just not hearing my little sister’s beckoning yet.

“Mom? Are you home?” I yelled. We both froze, waiting for a reply that neither one of us wanted to hear. As the seconds ticked away, I realized that I was holding my breath, just in case the noise of air rushing in and out of my lungs might drown out something, and we ‘d miss an important clue. But silence reigned supreme, and I scurried up the stairs to my bedroom, my little sister hot on my heels. When I reached my door, I flung it open, then waited as Jo preceded me into the room. The second that the latch clicked shut, she pulled her top off, then turned and grabbed me with her arms around my neck. I was going to say something, but her lips pressing against mine made that a little difficult. The passion and want in her kisses drove the thought from my mind instantly. In fact, the only thing that did go through my brain was a line from an old science fiction TV show. “You will be assimilated! Resistance is futile!”

“No shit?” I told myself, then fell completely under her magical spell.

I attempted to run my hands up Jo’s body, only to find her arms in the way as she unbuttoned my shirt, the warmth of her skin on my chest almost hypnotic. I still had the wherewithal to reach behind her and unclasp her bra. When she got to the bottom button, that supportive garment just slipped down her arms, making it only a matter of her escaping the straps quickly, then returning to the task of pushing my shirt down my arms and over my wrists. The whole process might have taken all of five seconds, but it played out in slow motion for me. I was suspended between the delicious sensations that Joanne drew from my body, and the burning desire to feel her naked skin against my own. Somewhere in there, I let out a groan, but whether it was from pleasure or frustration, I couldn’t tell you to this day. It didn’t matter though, because my little sister muffled me with another one of her demanding kisses, pulling me tightly to her, and mashing her bared breasts into my flesh. I was lost in the heat of her wanton lust, and the reflective radiation of my own.

Joanne somehow wiggled herself so that she could run her fingers lightly up and down my chest. My first hint was the light touch of her fingers over my man-nipples, and the tickling, tingling reaction excited the hell out of me. My cock twitched in reaction to every flick of her fingers as she danced and dominated my very existence. I was like a drowning man that had given up any hope of survival, surrendering myself to the fate that would take me anyway. “Resistance is futile!” kept running through my brain, and the truth of it gave me an excuse to allow myself to surrender and relax while under my sister’s control. In a way, I felt like she was offering me the safety of being mothered, in a manner that was so damned inviting, I capitulated instantly.

Babies suckle their mother’s breasts, and I pushed my sister far enough away so that I could, too. No foreplay, no manipulation, no warning, just my lips moving from hers, in one swift movement, directly to her unsuspecting nipple. I clamped my lips onto her barely-hardened teat, and began to swirl it with my tongue. I don’t think Joanne was quite ready for that, because she gasped and inhaled sharply, then crushed my head to her chest. Her moan of delight was all the thanks I got, yet all I needed, all at the same time.

No, she wasn’t overly endowed, but as I felt her nipple harden and extend, the concept of quality over quantity tippy-toed past my eyelids. Her breasts became the sole focus of my intentions and desires. I couldn’t get enough of her taste, her texture, her warmth, or our mutual need for each other. The more I sucked her nipple, the more she wanted of it, and the more she wanted, the more I did, too.

“Oh God, Jim,” Joanne growled at me, “you make me feel like my tits are growing right between your lips! Damn, but I love that! Play with them, big brother! You’re making me feel so hot, so horny! Damn, but I love you!” Then she twisted ever so slightly, so that I could slide a hand up her body, easily encasing her other breast under my palm, squeezing and plying her delicate skin between my fingers. Her breast felt like it was on fire with her lustful need to have her chest manipulated and mauled.

Somewhere in our tango of love, Joanne had manoeuvered me to the edge of the bed, because I suddenly felt myself falling backwards, landing flat on my back in a daze of disorientation, with my sister’s full weight crushing me, knocking the wind out of me. Her silky smooth skin pressing on top of me made the whole death-like scene more than worthwhile to me, and I tried to pull her through the barrier of my own skin. She pried herself loose, attacking the button and zipper of my jeans like a maddened fiend. As her fingers danced over my lower belly, I could feel the frustrations in her at being denied quick access to my groin. The desires she stirred in me called to take over the task, and expedite it’s completion. But Joanne’s insistence overruled my mind, and before I could even reach down to help her, she had my pants undone, and was busily dragging and pulling them, and my briefs, down towards my ankles. In her haste, she’d snagged my throbbing hard cock in the waistband of my undershorts, pulling it along with them until it finally came free of the restriction, then sprang back up to slap me in the belly. There was a quick attempt to slide my pant legs over my ankles, which was just as quickly abandoned.

Joanne wrapped her hand around my straining member, lifting it up so that my cockhead pointed directly towards the ceiling. Then with a glassy look in her eye, and a definitive demand in her actions, she pressed her lips to my cockhead, easing them open just enough to take my purple helmet into her mouth. The sensations in my cock as her lips captured me was electric, and somewhere between the pressure of her tongue on my glans and the warm wetness of her saliva as it trickled down my shaft and ran over the middle of my nut sac, I felt the escape of a lustful groan of pure pleasure from deep inside me.

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