
Little House

A teen loses her boyfriend and finds herself in a Halloween attraction

She feared it would be a waste of time, but Nikki finally acceded to Jake’s suggestion they tour the new “Haunted House” he’d visited with some of his other friends. It wasn’t the sort of thing that interested her, but Jake wanted to do it, so here she was. She wanted to wait for Sara, who was late, but Jake was impatient, so they were going in now and Sara would be on her own.

It was the story of Nikki’s relationship with Jake, and the boys before him. She might be an attractive, intelligent young woman, but for some reason, if a boy was standing in front of her, it was as if she had no spine. The only exception was that she didn’t put out — at all. They were boys, but her father was a man and the prospect of disappointing him was unthinkable.

Nikki took another look around, hoping Sara would show at the last minute, and wondered if Jake was going to break up with her. She felt they were drifting apart, possibly because he was starting to understand that her uncharacteristically stubborn refusal to hook up wasn’t going to fade. The teen hoped he wasn’t going to try pawing her in some dark hallway within this place.

The operation was set up in an emptied former grocery store, evidently leased for the month. People of all ages milled outside, drawn by the large and lurid “Little House of Horrors” sign surrounding the entrance. The admission seemed steep to Nikki, but Jake didn’t hesitate to count out the cover for both of them; she reminded herself he’d already been through and evidently felt it was worth the price.

Once inside, she became disoriented almost immediately and stumbled along through the darkness, flashing lights, and artificial fog. There was lots of fog. Knots of people worked their way through the maze, alternately screaming in surprise and laughing at some of the almost comically stereotypical scenes they encountered.

Nikki grudgingly admitted to herself that the quality of the effects and costumes almost justified the admission, and that she was enjoying herself more than she’d expected. In fact, she wished Jake wasn’t hurrying them past some of the cleverer scenarios quite so quickly.

She was about to complain when Jake exclaimed and pulled her sideways, off the route most of the people were following and through a passage that wasn’t particularly obvious, even without the darkness and ever-present fog. A chill draft raised goose bumps on Nikki’s arms. The teen wondered if they’d taken a wrong turn, but new screams sounded ahead of them and she could see the passage opening onto another room.

The pair, part of a much smaller eddy of guests, moved more slowly now. The tableaux were just as violent as before, but missing the element of sardonic humor that had colored the earlier scenes, and so sexually graphic Nikki had difficulty believing her eyes.

They passed through a room where a masked man, drenched in red and waving a hatchet, chased screaming, half-clad coeds back and forth around a table. Nikki had seen more T&A on cable TV, but it still seemed awfully graphic for kids. She looked around, but there weren’t any youngsters present — just more of the black-clad bouncers than she’d seen in the first rooms.

A curtain of drifting fog showered over them as they moved into the next room. Nikki stopped short, shocked at the scene. Several black men surrounded a white girl, apparently gang-raping her. It had to be make-believe, just like the others, but they were all completely naked and it sure looked like their hard cocks were penetrating her…

Ready to be done with this, Nikki uncharacteristically grabbed Jake’s arm and tugged him in the direction of the exit. Unfortunately, it merely opened into another room. Gaping, Nikki realized that if the previous scene had left nothing to her imagination, this one far surpassed her imagination. A young man, sporting a raging erection, was chained up and being whipped by a dominatrix. As they watched, a last blow landed and he came violently, spraying semen everywhere.

Nikki was grossed out by the sticky droplet on her forearm, but Jake laughed hysterically, gasping out, “that’s gotta hurt!” He started to move closer, but a bouncer stoically herded them towards the room’s exit.

Lights strobed in the darkness and Nikki screamed as a pair of shapely, and scantily clad, vampires accosted them. One of them, a brunette, smiled widely at Nikki, baring gleaming fangs, and leaned forward to lick the still-warm scum from the teen’s arm. Her blonde companion pressed herself against Jake’s body, groping him roughly.

Nikki wriggled free from a wet kiss and the blonde straight-armed Jake. The provocative girls shouted “trick or treat!” in unison as the lights went out again. This time the doorway led to a short dogleg passage and the welcome relief of daylight.

“Damn!” Jake cursed, pushing at the obvious wet spot at his crotch. Any ambivalence Nikki felt disappeared when he suggested, “let’s go through again!”

“Now?” Disbelief warred with disgust; a year would be too soon. “You can go by yourself. I’m going home.” Both of them stared at each other, equally surprised by her impertinence, before Jake whirled away and stalked off. Luckily for Nikki, it wasn’t that long a walk.

Mr. Poplin’s lecture the next day was completely wasted on Nikki, who spent the entire hour seated in the back of the classroom whispering to her best friend, Sara. Sara’s news was riveting — she’d gotten to the Little House of Horrors late, and seen Jake with some other girl!

Convinced he wouldn’t just cheat on her like that, but shaken, Nikki probed for details; they weren’t reassuring. Sara had arrived in time to see Jake near the head of the line, but he’d gone inside before Sara could catch him; she’d just assumed that Nikki was with him. He hadn’t exited until after she did. When he emerged, it had been in the company of an older blonde. Nikki’s eyes narrowed as she thought of the blonde vampire.

Under repeated questioning, Sara remained confident that she hadn’t passed him inside the House; and she hadn’t seen anything remotely like the veiled descriptions Nikki provided of the latter rooms. Unfortunately, Nikki’s vagueness served only to inflame Sara’s curiosity, and she found herself agreeing to accompany her friend on another visit after school.

Later that afternoon, Nikki stood in line with Sara, wondering why she was blowing off her homework and squandering her hard-earned disposable income to revisit such an offensive, and probably illegal, attraction. She forced a smile as she paid her admission and soon the girls were making their way inside.

Finding the turnoff was not as easy as Nikki imagined; she hadn’t paid close attention the previous day, and apparently some of the exhibits rotated; no wonder people kept coming back. Just when Nikki began to think she must have missed it completely, an apparently out of place bouncer drew her attention to a familiar-looking corner. He watched them carefully as the girls approached, but made no move to interfere as they walked through the cascading fog and out of the room. Nikki could already hear labored grunting ahead as they felt their way down the dark passageway.

“Jesus!” exclaimed Sara, sounding shaken, when she caught sight of the naked sweating bodies. Nikki felt the same way, but had known roughly what to expect and was able to remain silent. It was another gang rape scene, but this time it was a guy at the center of attention, taking it in the mouth and ass as another pair of burley goons held him down while waiting their turns.

“You saw this yesterday?” Sara whispered as they squeezed behind a man who was opening masturbating as he watched and found the passage to the next room.

“Sort of — it was a girl then,” confirmed Nikki. “I can’t believe we’re doing this.” A scream, definitely feminine, sounded through the smoke-filled hallway. She thought about turning around and just going back, but the silent bouncer behind them met her gaze with a forbidding look. The teen walked a little more quickly to catch up with Sara.

Nikki had to push her friend the rest of the way into the next room so she could see what was happening ahead. The stupid fog obscured everything before a draft wafted it aside. A screaming girl, wearing only a bikini top, was backing away from a large German shepherd. The growling dog, shredded bikini bottom in its mouth, paced slowly toward the girl. It sported an obscenely large red erection.

“I so do not need to see this,” Nikki hissed under her breath, tugging at her lead-footed friend’s arm. “C’mon, Sara, let’s go.” She swore the watching bouncer almost cracked a grin, but she spared only a momentary glare at him while struggling to get the other girl moving. “Are you okay?”

Sara nodded weakly. Nikki could only imagine what was going through her head; her friend’s mother had an absolute phobia about dogs, and a lifetime of “cautionary” horror stories meant that any canine, no matter how meek and inoffensive, was enough to make Sara uncomfortable. Nikki shook her head. “Hey, I’m sorry — if I’d had any idea…”

The next stop in the physically and mentally dark and twisty madhouse provided a surprising resolution to their quest. The room was blessedly quiet, although it meant Nikki could hear it when the girl in the last room stopped screaming and started moaning. There was a man chained atop a table in the center of the room. The blonde vampire bent over him, sucking his blood-stained cock, and the brunette vampire crouched atop his face, hissing and displaying her fangs. She smiled widely as she recognized Nikki and rose.

Fury burned through Nikki as Jake’s moisture-slicked face was revealed. Whether it was directed at Jake or the vampirette was something to think about later.

“Did you bring your little friend for me?” the fiend asked, leaping to the floor with catlike grace and advancing toward the girls.

If she seemed blithely unaware of her nudity, Nikki certainly was not. Her mind screamed “run!” but her feet felt pinned beneath her.

The girls shrieked like damned souls when hands fell upon their shoulders. “That’s enough, ladies,” the bouncer announced, and moved them inexorably in the direction of the exit.

“Happy Halloween,” offered the brunette, blowing Nikki a kiss. Jake looked like he was about to say something, but lay back with a moan when the blonde renewed her attentions to his erection.

The sunlight outside seemed grey and Sara was uncharacteristically silent when the girls parted company. Nikki nursed her anger through dinner, and finally boiled over when Jake called later that evening.

“I’ve had it,” she snapped at the phone. “I can’t trust you and I don’t like you. We’re through!”

“Fine!” Jake shouted over the line. “At least I can find a girl who knows how to please a man!”

Stricken, Nikki hung up immediately. He’d always claimed to respect her desire to wait, but apparently that had been a lie, too. Well, she was better off without him.

Nikki slept restlessly, disturbed by dreams. She was blowing Jake, better than that fanged-up blonde ever had, and then he was eating her. It was something he’d never done in real life, her dream-self reflected, but it felt really good. There was something about the feel of the smooth soft skin gliding across hers… Nikki realized it was a girl’s face buried in her bare crotch, orgasmed, and woke up.

She tried to put the entire experience, and Jake, out of her mind and behind her, but it seemed like half the school had nothing better to do than talk about the Little House of Horrors — even if it was clear few, if any of them, knew about the real horrors there.

It didn’t help that apparently everybody knew Jake had dumped her — but I broke up with him, she fumed every time — and was hanging out with the blonde. Sara was silent during school and nonexistent outside of it, apparently more shaken than she’d let on.

Nikki lasted two days before unwanted but lingering attraction to Jake, half-remembered erotic dreams, and jealousy of the blonde finally overcame her better instincts. Mad at herself even before she left home, Nikki headed down to the Little House of Horrors early Saturday before opening to look for Jake.

Nikki had circled the building twice, watching the back entrance used by the staff, and still hadn’t seen him. She was surprised to be greeted by an older girl.

After a long moment, Nikki recognized the brunette vampire — in street clothes, with no makeup or fangs, and with a dark most unvampire-like tan, she looked quite different. “Hi,” she responded uncertainly, “I’m Nikki.”

“Nice to meet you, Nikki; I’m Liz,” smiled the brunette. “Are you looking for your friend?”

Nikki nodded, not comfortable with saying anything more.

It apparently was answer enough for Liz, who smiled again and gestured towards the entrance. “C’mon; I’ll walk you in.” Together they passed a gauntlet of security and entered the building.

The maintenance halls were better lit than the public passages, but still winding and filled with the same drifting artificial fog and smoke. They passed a number of performers, not in character but for the most part scantily clad.

Liz stopped to peer through a peephole, and moved on. At the second peephole, she nodded and stood aside for Nikki to look. Muted grunting and panting filtered through the closed door.

Nikki looked through the small window; it took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the lighting on the other side. It was Sara, on all fours, getting fucked — by a dog! She was facing away from the public passage so her face was hidden from the gaping onlookers, but Nikki could see the arousal written on it.

She whirled away from the window, face flaming, and her initial outrage faded as if it were wiped away by the passing fog.

Liz eyed her with thinly veiled amusement. “You think you know somebody…”

“I…” Nikki had to swallow and try again. “I, I meant Jake.” She took another breath and felt calmer. “You know, the boy, with your friend?”

“Oh. Oops, sorry,” Liz apologized, without looking particularly apologetic. “Let’s keep looking.”

The next window revealed a man, masked and chained into a stock, being whipped by a woman while the blonde, in dominatrix drag, pulled his face into her crotch. The lighting wasn’t good, but Nikki recognized the birthmark on Jake’s back.

Her hand was on the knob before she realized it, but Liz restrained her before she could turn it. “You can’t go out there like this,” the brunette explained, stepping between Nikki and the door. “You have to stay in character and reasonably unidentifiable.” She shrugged. “Those are the house rules.

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