
Little Cindy’s Texas Adventure

This Story was originally posted by lubutt17, but seems to have disappeared during our site’s problems earlier this year. It’s just such a great story that it had to be reposted.

Eleven-year-old Cindy opened her eyes and blinked; where was she? This wasn’t her room…

Oh, yes. She smiled as it came back to her.


The lovely little blonde girl sat up in her strange American bed and stretched, looking at the harsh sunlight glaring around the edges of the window shades. July; the dead of winter in her native Australia, but high summer here.

And so hot! She smiled again. So much the better. She would be sweaty, and sweaty means shiny, and shiny is sexy. She giggled and got out of bed. Today would be special.

Her parents were in America on a sort of mini-vacation; her father was considering a new job with a firm in Dallas, and she and her mother had come along for a holiday in this strange place.

Their plan had been to search for a house, and perhaps for her dad to stay and start the new job while Cindy and her mom returned to Sydney to begin the move; but it appeared that the job was a nonstarter, so they would all be going home at the end of the week.

They had been staying in the home of an American family who was taking a holiday in Australia and staying in theirs; “House-swapping” was becoming more and more popular for vacationers from all over the English-speaking world, since it saved a huge amount of money in hotel fees.

The house was in a neighborhood filled with children – all boys, as it happened, and most of them a bit older than Cindy. The pretty little Australian girl was a hit with them all; they found her high, sweet voice and her Aussie accent as charming as her lovely face, and she was spending most of her time playing with them outdoors in an enormous undeveloped area at the end of the street. Her parents were too busy seeking out job leads and such to supervise much, and Cindy seemed happy enough; so most afternoons they just left the children to their own devices. They were playing outside, or in the boys’ homes; what could happen?

Cindy was bouncing around her borrowed bedroom happily, wearing nothing but the XXL T-shirt that she used as a nightie. Her parents didn’t know that she wore no panties under it.

That day, her parents would be gone all day to a neighboring town with the funny name of Irving, and Cindy was on her own. She was looking forward to it.

She was finally going to get a chance to tease these boys as they deserved.

After checking downstairs – indeed, her parents were already gone, and had left her a note on the kitchen table – Cindy hurried back to her room to put on her naughty, teasy outfit for the day.

The pretty child pulled off the T-shirt and posed in front of the mirror for a moment, sweetly nude; she stroked her smooth young body sensuously and giggled. She was going to make these Yank boys suffer.

She giggled again. They’ll be Yank boys, all right, she thought. They’ll be yanking their dicks all night after watching me today.

She chose her special cockteasing shorts, that she never wore in front of her parents; at once too small, top to bottom, and too loose, side to side. They rode low at their highest, they barely stayed up, and were always slipping sideways and twisting to show glimpses of her little panties.

Only today she wasn’t going to wear any panties. Cindy pulled on the dangerously loose little shorts and shivered. Ooo, yes, she thought. Those American boys were going to get LOTS of peeks at her chubby little bare bottom and her downy-smooth pussy today.

She walked around the room and turned and bent experimentally, and without panties the shorts were slipping and sagging even worse than usual.

What can I wear on top that’s just as bad? she wondered. Ooo, I know!

She dug down to the bottom of her suitcase, where she had hidden her naughtiest clothes, and came up with a loose, low-cut, sleeveless white tank top, like an oversized man’s undershirt. She usually wore it as a coverup over her swimsuit, but today she was going to wear it over nothing. She pulled it on, then looked in the mirror and frowned. No good; it covered her belly, which she wanted to show off.

Then she smirked. There’s a cure for that, she thought.

She pulled the top off and ran to the study, which she had seen doubled as a sewing room for the woman who lived here. She had to pull her shorts back up twice on the way.

She found a pair of sewing scissors, and unceremoniously snipped about five inches off the lower hem of the shirt, then put it on again.

Still too long. She pulled it off and started to take another five inches off – then shrugged and clipped off seven inches.

This time, when she put it on, Cindy gasped – and then smiled wickedly. The cropped top actually left the bottoms of her flat little titties peeking out from underneath it.

Cindy posed in front of the mirror. The neckline and armholes of the top were so low, and the garment so loose, that any time she leaned forward at all – or did anything other than stand straight and still with her shoulders back – her pretty pink nipples could be seen from the front and both sides. She may as well have been topless.

Cindy walked back to her room, and there was a sensuous little wiggle and strut to her walk now. She felt shockingly bare and naughty, and her shorts and top felt deliciously insecure and precariously loose. She stood in front of the mirror again, and the top slipped from her shoulder, baring one almost-flat little breast completely. “Ooo!” she squeaked, and pulled it back up. She had forgotten how often it did that.

She turned and posed before the mirror, and she shivered and pressed her little thighs together in excitement. She was practically naked!

She looked down at her pretty bare feet. Shoes? Sandals?

No. The less she wore, the better. She smiled at the mirror smugly. I’ll go barefoot for these randy American boys, she thought. I want to make them all get so hard their dicks ache.

The cute little blonde giggled and headed for the door. The boys would be waiting for her at Charles’s house, down at the end of the block across from the open fields and woods.

Cindy closed the door and stepped out onto the hot sidewalk. Her pretty little bare feet were stinging a bit after walking only a short distance, so she began walking in the cooler grass.

She was hitching her shorts up every three or four steps, and she had to pull the shoulders of her top back up five times before she got to Charles’s. She felt the moisture between her legs – and she smirked even as she shivered in anticipation and a little fear. Not only were they going to get to see her pussy; they were going to get to see it wet and juicy.

There they were, standing around the driveway and watching her. Even at this distance, she could see their eyes widen as she approached, holding her shorts up and walking barefoot in the grass.

The boys had been standing around in Charles’s driveway, killing time till the cute little Aussie girl showed up. There were eight of them, ranging in age from thirteen upwards.

At sixteen, Charles was the oldest; short and muscular, he had the look of a bully about him, though he wasn’t. “I think she’s doing it on purpose,” he said.

“I think she’s just a kid and doesn’t know any better,” said another boy. This was Jimmy, a slender fifteen-year old who wore glasses and had an uncertain air.

“Oh, yeah?” asked Lee, another boy with glasses; he was dark-haired, also fifteen, and had freckles. “What about that time when she bent way over in front of all of us and let us look at her panties for about an hour and a half?”

They all laughed. Another boy said, “Yeah, and she lets her skirt slide way up and acts like she doesn’t care, too.”

“I saw her tits the other day,” piped up still another.

“Shit, we all have,” said Charles.

“Yeah,” said David, Charles’s cousin. “She’s flat, but she has real pretty knobs anyway.” He was fourteen and blond, with prominent teeth.

There was a moment’s silence.

“Whatever,” said Ricky, dark and small, and the youngest at thirteen. “I think she’s fuckin’ beautiful.”

“Me too.”


“She’s gorgeous.”

“Prettiest girl I ever saw.”

Lee snorted. “Shit, she’s only eleven.”

“So what?” said David.

“Yeah, so what? She’s still way prettier than any girl in our class.” this was Billy, redheaded and with more freckles than Lee.

“And the way she TALKS,” said Charles, shaking his head and smiling.

“Yeah! I love her accent. Gives me a hard-on,” said Jimmy.

There was much laughter.

“Me, too.”

“No shit.”

“So sexy.”

Another silence.

“Okay,” said Charles. “Everybody ‘fess up. How many of you have thought about Cindy while you’re jackin’ off?” He looked around, and then raised his own hand.

He was the oldest, and the leader. Within seconds, all eight of their hands were up.

“I like to think about her tits,” said Ricky.

“She doesn’t have any tits.”

“Her chest then. She’s still pretty and sexy.”

“I like her legs. Especially when she goes barefooted,” said Lee.

“What are you, a foot freak?” laughed David.

“She does have real pretty feet,” said Charles. “Me, I think about what she must look like naked. Or wearing something really crazy sexy.”

“Damn,” said Billy. “You mean like that?”

Billy was staring down the street, his eyes popping out of his head. They all turned to look.

“Holy Jesus.”

“Oh, fuck.”

“Oh, my God. I’m gonna shoot, right here.”

“She can’t keep her shorts up. Look at that!”

“She’s barefooted…”

“Oh, shit,” said five of them all at once. Cindy’s top had slipped off her shoulder, and they all saw a hard pink nipple.
They just stared as she came closer. Cindy walked up to the boys with a wide, amused smile. “G’day, boys,” she simpered. “Hot today, isn’t it?”

The pretty little blonde was already gleaming with sweat. Every single boy there was staring at her shorts with the same two words flashing like fire alarms in his brain: “NO PANTIES.”

Cindy giggled. “Don’t you like my shorts?” she asked, as she hitched them up again. Her top slipped from her shoulder again, and she pretended not to notice as they all stared at her pale, exposed breast. “Ooo!” she finally squeaked, and pulled it back into place.

Little Cindy was surrounded by eight erect young penises, and she was loving it. She frankly posed, bending one pretty bare knee in front of the other, lifting her arms and putting her hands behind her head, causing her top to lift high enough to show the lower swellings of her almost- flat little titties, coming close to revealing her tight young nipples.

Eight mouths dropped open as one, and Cindy giggled.

I’m the smallest and the youngest, and I’m the one in control, she thought. She pulled up her sagging shorts again and smiled at the staring boys.

“What shall we do today, fellows?” she asked.

The boys looked at each other. “I think we should show her the clubhouse,” said Jimmy.

“Clubhouse? What’s that?” asked little Cindy.

“Let’s go,” said Charles. He grinned, and the whole group moved toward the street, across which was the open field. “You go first,” he said to Cindy, who smirked and walked in front. She knew they all wanted to stare at her from behind.

“Ooo! Ouch! Ouch, ouch!” Cindy squealed. She was hopping and dancing; the black asphalt pavement was burning her bare little feet – and she wasn’t paying attention to her dangerously loose little shorts….

And suddenly they fell down, almost to her knees.

Cindy pulled them back up quickly and looked back at the boys with a smirk. They had all gotten a good look at her cute little bare bottom.

Cindy quickly skipped the rest of the way across the hot street, then stood there smiling at them with one flat little breast exposed. She looked down at it – and left it bare.

“Well, that was bloody embarrassing,” she said. “I guess you boys all got a good look at my bum!”

“Your what?” asked Lee. “You mean your butt?”

She finally adjusted her top. “Yes,” she said, pouting a bit – and secretly thrilled. The shorts were working out nicely.

Cindy and the boys walked through the tall grass; she was touched that two of the boys walked ahead of her, warning her of patches of prickly grassburrs.

The others surrounded her with an oddly protective air; she could feel their eyes on her small body, though. She might have let her troublesome shorts sag a bit lower than she should have, and perhaps not been as careful to keep her top in place as she ought…

Cindy was enjoying herself hugely. So were the boys, she knew.

She smirked. This day had only just started.

They topped a low hill, and she saw it. “A cubby! We made those in Oz!”

The boys looked at each other and shrugged. “What’s a cubby?” asked one.

She blinked and pointed at the rough little shack that stood in a small hollow at the foot of the hill. “That,” she said.


“Where’s Oz?” asked another.

“Oz-tralia, stupid,” said Charles.

“Oh. Duh.”

As they approached the little house, Lee said, “We built it ourselves.”

Cindy looked at it admiringly. “Fair dinkum?” she said.

They blinked at her. “That means, ‘Is that the truth?'” she said.

“Oh. Yeah, we really did,” said Lee.

“How do you say that in Texas?”

James grinned. “‘No shit?'” he said, and they all laughed.

As they passed the entrance – not a door, just a gap in the boards – Cindy gasped to see a framework of round bars standing on the other side of the cubby. “What do you call that?” she asked.

“Monkeybars. A jungle gym. It’s to play on.”

“I know what it’s for,” said Cindy, and she quickly scrambled up to the top. Perfect, she thought. She straddled two of the bars, facing the boys, and their mouths dropped open in unison. Cindy giggled.

Her loose shorts were skewed far to the side, and she knew that her bare, bald little pussy was almost completely exposed. “Want to see the mappa Tazzie?” she asked impishly.

“What’s that?” asked Charles. His eyes, like all their eyes, were glued to her bare young crotch.

“Never mind. Did you blokes build this, too?”

“Uh… Uh, yeah. Somebody dumped it out here, and we fixed it up and put it together.”

‘It’s bonzer,” she said, kicking her bare little feet in excitement.

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