
Like a Good Neighbor 4

After living now with 2 beautiful, and very sexual women for months now. My life has changed so much. I’m Luke, 45 now, divorced and living with my girlfriend Maureen, or Mo, who is now 34. Her best friend Jessie, who is 35, also now lives with us.

It is now the week of Thanksgiving, and on the sunday previous, Jessie informed us that her 2nd cousin, Mike, was being discharged from the Marines on Friday, and coming back to the area.

After Mike’s mom, who is Jessie’s great aunt, and aunt to Jessie’s mom, died when he was 12, he lived with Jessie and her mom until he was 17 and graduated. He then joined the Marines. He is 2 years older than Jessie, but they became quite close during their time together and also were each other’s first lover.

Jessie had asked if he could stay with us, since he had no other family, and neither does Jessie. Mo and I were all for him coming here. In fact, Mo and Jessie gave Mike a going away present of both girls giving him a blow job, when he was to depart for the service.

On Monday, Mo asked if we could make Thanksgiving dinner for us, and invite her mom and dad, and sister, brother in law and the kids, and of course, Jessie. I thought it was a great idea.

When I got home from work on Tuesday, it was late, almost 5pm and Mo was already gone to work, but she had been shopping and got all that was needed for dinner. I was going to surprise her tonight, and be waiting up for her, when she got home at 12:30am. I asked for, and got, the next day off and wasn’t scheduled back to work until the following Monday.

I got a text from her about 7pm saying she has some awesome news to tell me and wants me to catch a nap so she can tell me tonight. I just smiled knowing I was going to anyways. I already knew she was off the rest of the week too.

Around 11:30, I went to the kitchen and got some cheese, summer sausage, crackers, and some wine for us. As I was preparing, Jessie came down for water and saw me.

“Hi Handsome. I see someone is going to get laid tonight. God, I wish Mike was already here, I could use a good fucking about now.”

I nodded and smiled, “The weekend will soon be here Lover, and I am sure we won’t see much of you two.”

“About that!” Jessie started to say, “Are you really sure it is Ok with you. I mean I am a guest here and I don’t want to make you guys feel uncomfortable.”

“Jessie, you are not a guest here. This is now your home too. Who am I to say who you have here, or not. Plus, Mo and I don’t expect to see you for day’s, once he is home with you. Probably the only way we’ll know you are here is when we hear the bed banging the wall and your loud orgasms.” We both laughed then.

“True. I do get into sex a bit. And yes, I do plan on fucking him the whole weekend at least, and he already knows it.”

Jessie then got her water and told me good night, and I gathered up my provisions and headed off to the bedroom. About 12:15, I lit a couple of candles and lay on the bed, awaiting her arrival.

Around 12:30, Mo finally was home and came into the bedroom. When she saw the candles lit and me waiting for her, she got a huge smile on her face.

“Damn Baby. I could get used to looking at you like this all the time. You are one sexy, handsome man.”

She then asked if she could turn on a light, and of course I said sure. She got out a VS bag, rummaged through it and pulled out this black thong and threw it at me.

“Babe, put that on, while I go freshen up” and off she went, with bag in hand, to our bathroom.

I got up and put the thong on. It was black, but definitely see through, and my cock actually responded and was getting hard. Then Mo came out and walked towards the bed. She had on a babydoll outfit. Now this was something new for us. My ex used to wear outfits all the time, but this is a first for Mo and I.

The top was see through black, and had a clasp holding it at the top of the plunging neckline, with spaghetti straps and stopped midriff, showing off her belly button ring. She too had a matching thong and then thigh high stockings. Her red hair cascaded over her shoulders and she looked simply amazing.

“Oh My God Maureen, you are stunning. You should be a Victoria Secret Model.I really mean that.”

“Thank you kind sir, and you look so sexy with that thong. I have been wet all night, waiting to put this on for you. I absolutely feel incredibly sexy right now. And hearing you say that, makes me even sexier.”

She crawled up on the bed and I handed her a glass of wine. Then fixed her a cracker with cheese and sausage and fed it to her. She drank and ate a few crackers.

“God. You always make me feel like a queen, but now I really feel like one, and you are my servant. And trust me, I have something that really needs serviced quite badly.”

“Your wish is my command your highness. But first, what your news?”

She broke out in a huge grin and set her glass down. “Honey. I was told today that I am being promoted to supervisor and I go to day shift. With that promotion, I get a 10 grand raise in pay. What do you think?”

“I hope you said yes. That is awesome news, and judging from your smile, you accepted and love it too.”

“Oh god yes. I have worked hard for this and have been hoping for some time now. I start next monday too. So we can start being a real couple now, going out in the evenings and going to bed together and falling asleep together. God it has been an awesome day.

“I am so happy for you and for us too. I would love going to bed every night with you, and doing things in the evening, but, I was never unhappy about what we had before.”

I then asked, “When did you buy these items?”

“That’s the other thing I needed to tell and ask about something” I just stared at her, trying to figure out what she is up too, because she had this sly smile on her face.

“After I went shopping for dinner this morning, I headed to the mall for a new outfit for Thursday. In fact I found a couple of outfits and then went into my favorite store, Victoria Secret. As I was picking out some nice things, like this outfit, and yours too, I ran into the lady from the Toy store.”

“Her name is Sarah, by the way. She was looking for a new dress that was sexy, yet classy too. By the way, did you find her attractive?”

“Yes I did. I won’t lie Babe. She is very pretty and sexy too”

“Good. I find her attractive too. So anyways. We started talking and she asked if we did have a good time that night, and of course, I said it was fantastic and told her about our 3some.”

“I could tell I was turning her on too as I explained some things to her about that night and with Jessie, in general. So as she was picking out a couple of dresses, we continued to talk and found that her husband Brad, and she, do swing and both are Bi. Brad being Bi oral.”

“Sounds like you two hit it off quite nicely. Just so you know, I am not homophobic either.”

“Yes Sweetie, I knew that. So, she pulled me into the dressing room with her, so she could see what these dresses looked like. When she stripped down, I couldn’t help myself, and I pulled her in for a kiss, that lasted well over a minute.”

“Fuck baby, I was so hot. Sarah put her hand in my pants and started rubbing my clit and when she felt my ring, she said. Oh my, I like that. I have one too. She stepped back and pulled her thong to the side and said, “Look at mine”.”

“Of course I did, and got on my knees to see it better. Then saw she had more piercings on her outer pussy lips. 2 on each side. The smaller balls on the outside and bigger balls on the inside.”

“I was in my own little world then and reached up and licked her slit and played with those balls.When I sucked her clit, she came then. Just a small one, cum she did.”

I was watching Mo as she talked with me. I knew for sure she was in need of a good fucking now, but wanted her to finish her story.

“God Baby, she said that she cums easily now with these in her and Brad loves the feeling when they fuck. I guess it stimulates you guys big time. We then kissed one more time and she tried on the dress, and looked amazing in it, as she did with the other one. She ended up buying both.”

“As we were checking out, the cashier was giving us funny looks. We must have made some noise, but who cares. Then we decided to eat at the food court.”

“Sarah and Brad have been married 5 years now, and dated 3 years before that, living together for 2 of them. They started swinging 4 years ago, with her then best friend and husband. He, I guess, got a big promotion and moved to the west coast.”

“Anyways, they really enjoyed what swinging brought to their lives and want to find another couple for it. One thing she did tell me was that she can’t have kids and Brad got himself fixed, but neither of them wanted kids in the first place.”

“As I was saying. Sarah said she felt this tremendous vibe from the both of us, when we were in the store and wants to know if we would like to meet for drinks and dinner this saturday, and then see how we all get along. So what do you think?”

I smiled at her.Mo was like a kid at christmas and this was her present. She’s been wanting to experiment in the lifestyle and I do trust her and love her and I know from our 3some and the one my ex and I had, it would not bother me, as long as I was there to share in it.

I leaned in and kissed her lips, and told her, “Baby, if you really want too, I am all for it. To be honest, I have wanted to see you fucked by another man for some time now. It may not even happen this weekend, but if it does, just be your natural self and enjoy every second of it.”

“God, I do love you. But understand, only you own my heart and if we decide to play with them, it is just sex, and hopefully, plenty of it. Sarah said they have not been with another couple since their friends moved away. They are clean too, and expect us to be as well. Which I said we were.”

Mo jumped off the bed and retrieved her phone and said “Look at these.” They were pics that Sarah had sent. One was of just Sarah, naked on a bed, legs spread wide, showing her shaved pussy. I could see the piercings, at least the outer ones and her clit ring. Just above her clit was a tat that said “Lick Here” in cursive, inside a heart.

I have to admit, when I met Sarah, she looked a little chunky, but naked, she looked great. Some women are like that, better looking naked than dressed. The next pic showed the inner balls. Fuck. I bet those would feel good on a cock as you fuck.

The next two were of Brad. He looked in good shape and had a pretty big cock. In fact, the next pic was of his cock with a tape measure next to it and showed 8 ½ inches, and his cock had a piercing, just below the head on the underside. “Ouch” I thought.

“Where’s a tape measure Honey?” I laughed, “In the kitchen Island drawer.”

Mo went and got it, jumped back on the bed, pulled my thong off, and gave the head a little kiss. Then measured me. I stood at a proud 7 ¾ inches. By the looks of mine, I was a little fatter than Brads.

Mo had me hold the tape and she snapped a couple of pics of it and the rest of me. The had me take some of her. She then sent them to Sarah’s phone. When I took one of Mo’s snatch, she just pulled the thong to the side. She said she wanted Sarah to see her new outfit.

She then placed the tray, tape measure and her phone on the night stand, lay back down and said, “Come make love to me Baby. I know you have work in the morning. Then after I cum, fuck me like the slut I am”

As I pulled her thong off I told her, “We can go all night love. I am off until monday”

“MMMMMMMMM, Oh Yeahhhhhhhhh.Get that cock ring on and get inside me. Eat me later”

I got on top and entered her easily. She was so wet and tight. We kissed and moaned and told each other over and over we loved each other. The more we said those words, the hotter she became and had an orgasm. As she was cumming, we held each other tight. Arms around each other’s necks and her legs around my waist.

As I looked down on her she was smiling broadly. “What?” I asked. “I feel so loved right now. Where do you see us in a year?”

Without hesitating, “Married”

Her eyes grew big and said “Really. You want to be married in a year?” “Yes”

She pulled me back down for another kiss, that was, by far, the hottest she has ever done with me. I then rolled us over, so she was on top.

“MMMMMMM. I think my future husband wants to fuck his future wife’s pussy huh?”

“Yeah. I got to see if my future wife has what it takes to fuck me like the little slut I know and love.”

She leaned down and pushed her tits into my face, and of course I had to bite and suck them. As I did that, her ass started pumping up and down on me, riding me like a wild stallion. As we fucked, I left to sucker bites on the underside of each tit.

“You like leaving marks like that on me baby? You like how your slut rides this gorgeous cock of yours? I think you love this hot little cunt don’t you, you fucker?”

Mo knows her dirty talk really sets me off. I grabbed her ass cheeks and started pumping into her now.

“I bet you wish Brad’s cock was pumping inside you right now. Let him experience the best cunt there is in this world. Is that what you want baby?”

“Oh Fuckkkkkkkkkk Luke. Yes. I want to feel that cock of his and especially those two gold balls attacking my pussy. And I want you next to me, plowing into Sarah’s hot cunt and let me know how those 4 gold balls feel against your hard shaft as you 2 fuck.”

“Oh Baby, if we do fuck them, would you please fulfill my one fantasy?” “Just one” I asked.

She giggles, “OK, one of them. But suck his cock with me. Let him cum in our mouths then share it together.”

“We can do that Babe, Anything …For.. You Honey. I need to cum Babe.”

MO jump off my cock and started jacking my cock and sucking the head. She moved so I could finger her too and finger her hard I did. Within minutes, we were both ready.

“Fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Mo” I started cumming. My fingers were deep in her pussy. She was drinking my cum and she started to cum too. When I stopped cumming, She crawled back to me and showed me my cum, then kissed me, pushing most of it in my mouth.

When we finished kissing, we just held each other. I was pretty tired now and so was she. I got up, blew out the candles, and took off the cock ring. I climbed back in bed and threw the covers over us.

As we lay there holding one another, she asked, “Seriously. You want married by this time next year?” “Yes Sweetie I do. I can’t even think about not having you in my life for good.”

“Oh Lucas, I love you. I would have married you the first time we made love. That’s how long I have been in love with you.”

“Me too Sweetheart. So Yes, I want us married by this time next year.”

“MMMMMMM. From Good Neighbors, to Lovers, to husband and wife. Life is so good” she said.

Mo rolled over so we were spooning now. My dick was still pretty stiff and she reached around and grabbed it and guided it home.

“Fall asleep inside me Honey”


Thanksgiving dinner went off without a hitch. Maureen can actually cook and did a fantastic job. Jessie and I did help her, so she wasn’t saddled with it all. There was 7 adults and two kids, and Bob and Angie really liked that they did not have to host this year.

Jackie came up to me at one point and told me, “Mo looks so content and happy since moving in with you. Please don’t hurt her. I know she is head over heels in love with you.”

“I have no intention of hurting her,now, or at anytime.Although it is not official, but plan on me being your brother in law in about a year.”

She kissed me on the lips, “Oh Luke, that will be fabulous. I promise I won’t say a word until she says something to me.”

Jackie giggled and shook her head. “What”, I asked.

“Is it true you 3 go around naked all the time?” I chuckled and wondered if Bob and Angie heard the same thing.

“Honestly? Yes. All the time. Come over and join one day.”

Jackie laughed, “Oh that would go over big with John. I would, alone, but I know hubby, he’d never think of that to do. We used to run around naked until the kids showed up. I miss it. I really do. It leads to fun times usually.”

By the time everyone left and we cleaned up, it was almost 10pm, and Mo and I were beat. We just cuddled in bed, with no thoughts of sex this night. Though Mo did say she did talk with Sarah for a bit through text messages.

“Sarah is so excited about this saturday Hun. Well so am I. But, she did say that if we all agree and we have sex and enjoy it together, they’d like us to spend the night with them, especially if we are drinking or smoking a bit.”

I smiled thinking, “Wow, she really wants this to happen.” “Babe. Everything we do Saturday, is all up to you. I will not force you into anything you don’t want to happen. Remember, I have never had a 4some either, but it does sound exciting, and to be honest, I can’t wait to see you with him.”

She kissed me, “Oh Baby, I don’t have a clue why this has me so turned on, but it just does. I definitely want to watch you and Sarah together too. Wait until you taste her, MMMMMM, she is yummy.”

“Well, wait until Brad get’s a taste of your yummy pussy. I’m getting hard just thinking about you fucking him.”

“Sarah did say something that I don’t know if you’ll agree to though.”

“What’s that?” Her hand was now stroking my cock. “She said that they like to sleep with their guest. So you and Sarah together in one room, and Brad and I in another room. But that’s after we all play together for a good part of the evening.”

“I think I would be ok with that, if you are.

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