
Light of Hellfire: Chapter 8

The first battle of the siege of New York begins, but there may be a way out.

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Chapter 8

The sky was filled with thousands of Gargoyles, all bursting from the ground and gathering above the city like a cloud of toxic gas in the first battle of New York. Working together to counter the army of darkness, all the Angels grouped together and attacked like a tidal wave of light, slamming into the Gargoyle swarm and slaughtering hundreds of beasts every minute with their combined power. Selene was not among them, as Baltoh wanted her close by at all times when the fighting began. Regardless of Baltoh’s worrying, she refused to stay out of the battle and fought with everything she had against the Gargoyles.

Like all Angels, she had no sword or spells with which to fight, so she instead fought hand-to-hand and a nameless radiance that allowed her to shock and burn unholy creatures on contact. Even without having ever been in a real fight or even a martial arts lesson, she was able to take on the Gargoyles with miraculous skill, having been reborn faster, stronger, and smarter as an Angel. With holy energy wrapped around her like a shroud, she would obliterate Gargoyles with individual punches and kicks that would burn right through their flesh. Whenever she was wounded, she would retreat to heal her injuries and then return to battle.

Baltoh flew like a dizzy housefly through the cloud of Gargoyles, swinging his sword wildly and hacking the beasts to pieces like blades of grass under a lawnmower. Moving faster than a high-caliber bullet, he zoomed through the crowd, carving dozens of Gargoyles in half every second with his sword glistening with their blood. Now with greater numbers of enemies all around him, his death count was reaching its usual numbers. Unlike before when he was basically trying to kill moths with darts, now it was like shooting fish in a barrel.

A booming laugh drew his attention and his instinctively looked over to Selene who was flying though the air as fast as possible with a Demon with two elephantine tusks protruding from his jaw chasing after her. Zooming over, Baltoh appeared in front of the Demon and grabbed him with his tail like a fly landing in a spider’s web. With a powerful jerk of his tail, Baltoh crushed the Demon in his grip, slicing it to pieces as if a dozen guillotines had besieged the body. He then whiplashed his tail, discarding the body and splattering off the blood.

Down in the street below and in the buildings, humans with blessed weapons were trying to fight the Gargoyles that were crawling out from underground. Everything that could be used against them had been blessed by Angels, meaning that anyone who could fight and had the guts to fight were facing the forces of Hell with blessed crowbars, nail-bats, butcher knives, and firearms. While the sky was filled with howls and wing beats of Gargoyles, the streets were filled with the clapping of guns and screams of the injured in dying. Holy bullets flew like hornets, slaying Gargoyles in the same way that they would bears. However, the battle was far from in the human’s favor. The Gargoyles were resilient, able to keep fighting after multiple gunshot wounds to the chest, not to mention that they too had a long-range attack in the form of their mini Dark Pulses. The streets ran red with blood as people were tackled and torn to shreds by the gleeful Gargoyles, feasting upon the living flesh with gusto.

In one office building, a man with a blessed shotgun had been forced out of hiding and was being chased by a group of Gargoyles, running on all fours like a pack of cheetahs sprinting after a fleeing gazelle. With sweat and tears running down his face, the man ran as fast as he could towards the window. As he ran, one of the cubicles he was passing by was ripped apart by a pouncing Gargoyle. The airborne creature managed to leave five deep gashes across his shoulder and back as he flew over the man. The desperate mortal quickly jumped to his feet as the recovering Gargoyle reached out to grab him. Taking aim with his shotgun, he blasted the monster in the face with a load of holy buckshot, ripping off the top of its skull and leaving its flesh badly burned.

He turned around, firing two rounds at a pair of the chasing Gargoyles, slowing down the pack while he ran backwards. Slamming against the window, the man jerked and looked around, realizing his back was to the wall and there was no way out. With the Gargoyles slowly approaching, weaving through the maze of cubicles, the man discharged his last empty shell casing and hurriedly began to reloading, trying to keep his hands as steady as possible while sweat dripped from his nose. He looked up as one of the Gargoyles turned a corner through the cubicle aisle, slowly approaching on all fours like a stalking lion. Raising his weapon with trembling hands, the man loaded the first shell and fired, blasting the beast in the shoulder and wounded it. A second Gargoyle leapt from the side, snarling with bloodlust. With a scream passing his lips, the man discharged the empty casing with a yank of the fore-end and fired, blowing a hole in the creature’s chest and sending it tumbling to the floor, struggling to stay alive.

As one, all the Gargoyles attacked, thundering towards him and knocking everything aside. Working feverishly, he fired four rounds, cocking his shotgun almost before he had even pulled the trigger. One Gargoyle was sprinting towards him head-on with its long forked tongue swinging from side to side. Discharging the empty shell, he took aim and fired, only to hear a soft click instead of a loud bang. Before he could even swear, the Gargoyle tackled him, knocking them both through the window as it sank its teeth into his neck.

Down the street in an alley, a 19-year-old girl was screaming and crying as a Gargoyle raped her, thrusting its spiny cock into her frail body with brutal power. A puddle of blood was forming beneath her, her pussy was an indistinguishable mess of shredded flesh, and her pelvis was already broken. As the Gargoyle grunted and snarled while tearing her apart like a chainsaw, the screaming girl was desperately reaching for a gun she had taken from a disemboweled police officer. Sitting in a puddle of filthy water, the pistol was almost mocking her, laughing as she was violated. With one final scream and stretch, she reached out grasped the end of the barrel, pulling it towards her and grabbing it. Turning around, she pointed the gun at her rapist and fired five rounds straight into its skull, shredding its brain and killing it.

As the Gargoyle fell dead to the side, its cock was removed with one final painful tear. With her lower body almost ripped apart and tears streaking her face, the whimpering girl looked around, praying that someone would help her. She looked and gave a silent cry as she saw a lone Gargoyle, clinging to the wall with a devilish smile and a throbbing erection. Releasing its claws from the wall, the beast dropped down towards the girl. There was only one bullet left, and the Gargoyle was too powerful to be taken down in a single shot. With tears streaming down her face, she whispered a soft apology to her family, put the gun in her mouth, and pulled the trigger.

In the distance in the central plaza of the city, the pavement opened up into a burning pit and eight Gargoyles streamed out, pulling a chariot of twisted black steel with flaming wheels and rotting carcasses nailed to the sides. Being dragged behind it were four long bladed chains, secured to the rusted collars of slaves from Hell, each with rags for clothing, rail-thin bodies, bound arms, and iron masks. Riding in the chariot was a Demon with black armor, a whip of pure fire, and a serrated broadsword. He began shouting out in Hellscript, making every human and Angel cringe as the unholy words ravaged their minds like bullet ants chewing on their eardrums.

“Contorst eortus ostit, lacortata eortus carnois, ots biberto eortus sanguotos! Ens mulierti voluntax clamaxos unst noxi xtrupris eos! Uns filiixeray voluntax clamocta unst noxi dezorabi eos! Ent hominequsi voluntax ortsa enost mortist unst noxi servator eos! Fiazt eos scirst cruziator, fiazen eos scirsh timoshos, ext fiazt eos scirst infernusami!” ‘Crush their bones, rip their flesh, and drink their blood! The women will scream as we rape them! The children will cry as we devour them! The men will beg for death as we enslave them! Let them know pain, let them know fear, and let them know Hell!’

“Demon Art: Graveyard Of The Damned!” the Demon then called as he cracked his whip.

Upon the announcement of the spell, the street was ripped apart as hundreds of tombstones of all sizes and shapes burst out like groundhogs, destroying the roar and coming up with enough power to flip cars. With a dull roar, skeletal hands with greenish-black color reached out of the ground as the Sinners of Hell entered New York, each grave spitting them out like snakes from a pit. Swords of black steel in hand, the skeletons laughed and cheered at the chance to finally bring carnage to a real human city after so many years and Hell. Being truly evil souls, they had lost their flesh and blood in tandem with what little mercy they had when they were living, becoming the malicious undead and the foot soldiers of Hell.

Police cars and SWAT vans skidded to a halt at the end of the street as the skeletons marched down the road with a deep clacking rhythm. Wasting no time in ordering the undead criminals to halt, the officers formed a thick barrier with their cars and all opened fire with pistols, shotguns, and machineguns, raining holy lead down upon the skeletons. While they were weaker than Demons in terms of power and they were made of only bones, they proved to be quite resilient to the bullets. The skeletons were made of a far stronger material than just calcium-rich cells, and unlike the Gargoyles that required organs to live, the Sinners could only be stopped through dismembering or obliteration of the skull.

Shouting swears and praising the Devil, the skeletons broke rank and charged towards the line of police officers, swinging their swords above their heads while they ran. The closer they got, the more damage they received from the officer’s bullets, fracturing skulls, breaking off limbs, and snapping spines. But while they were falling like dominos in the fray, their momentum was only being slowed. Inevitably, they reached the barrier of cars and immediately went to work, stabbing, slashing, and butchering the police while screaming in sadistic enjoyment.

Landing on the roof of one of the SWAT vans, an elderly Archangel clapped his hands together. “Angel Art: Heaven Lantern Summoning!”

Behind him, a fifty-foot tall statue of a nude female Angel materialized, carved from marble and holding out a solid gold lantern. A bright flash sparked within the confines of the lantern, and in a vibrant display, the light of Heaven shone down from the sides and onto the army of the Sinners. The skeletons howled in agony and tried to shield themselves as the light set them ablaze like ants under a magnifying glass.

The Demon commanding them shielded his eyes as smoke billowed from his flesh, hissing from the burning pain. With a roar of frustration, the Demon cracked his fiery whip, causing it to grow in length and dart forward like a tentacle. The flaming tether wrapped around the statue, and with a furious snarl, the Demon yanked on the handle, tightening the whip’s hold and shattering the marble Angel, sending huge pieces of marble tumbling to the ground with the lantern now dark.

“Angel Art: Divine Smite!”

He looked up, spotting the Archangel flying straight down towards him with his sword in hand. With a bellow of confidence, the Archangel brought down his sword with the weight of a 747, pulverizing the Demon’s chariot, reducing the Demon and his Gargoyles to bloody paste, and causing every building in the four surrounding city blocks to simultaneously explode into clouds of dust and twisted metal.

Off in the distance, a deafening screech cut through the air, following several ominous crashes. Great pillars of smoke and dust were rising into the air as buildings collapsed, due to the forces of Hell coming up from right beneath them. These were a new threat, great skeletons that towered at over two hundred feet in height. These dark-green bone behemoths were known as Bleaks, and they were the result of hundreds of Sinners joining together into one entity, similar to how Demons are born.

However, their size and bodies were due to the fact that the hatred of the individual spirits that made them up was not purely concentrated. Unlike Demons, which were born from the pure hatred of prisoners joining together from the purest ashes, all the emotions and memories from the Sinners were included, resulting in an inflated creature that was not dense enough in its evil to gain a compacted Demon body. However, while they were not quite as durable as Demons and they lacked the ability to use spells, their full-sized Dark Pulses and colossal bodies allowed them to cause vast amounts of destruction.

With their red eyes gleaming, the three Bleaks opened their jaws and each released a devastatingly powerful Dark Pulse, launching the dense black lasers into the city. The blasts whiplashed across the sea of buildings, blooming into massive explosions that illuminated and shook the city and sent rubble flying in all directions.

Raphael zoomed towards the Bleaks as fast as his wings could carry him, charging his power in preparation to destroy the unholy abominations. Spotting his approach, one of the Bleaks roared in fury and swung its arm like he was a fly, missing the Archangel but ripping away the roof of a tall apartment building and sending bricks and twisted metal raining down into the street.

“Angel Art: Divine Smite!” Raphael shouted, reached the Bleak’s face and delivering a powerful kick.

Upon contact, the giant skeleton’s skull turned into a claymore mine, spraying shrapnel in one direction from the power of Raphael’s kick and essentially beheading the beast.

“Angel Art: Gates of Heaven!” he cast with his back turned to a Bleak charging a Dark Pulse. The black beam surged out from between the skeleton’s jaws and was deflected by the golden gate behind Raphael, protecting him from harm.

“Angel Art: Divinity Ray!” he called once the blast was ended, turning around and firing an equally powerful beam of holy energy at the skeleton and obliterating its skull.

The third Bleak reached out towards him, trying to swat him out of the air with its palm.

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