
Lesbian Desire 2

a continuation

Part II The Defilement Continues
Carries continued defilement by a group of lesbians continues and we now join our poor heroine about to be subjected to even more Lesbian perversions. Krizzy

Carrie lay trembling her tears rolling down her cheeks, her anus and pussy burned with pain from the rapes inflicted upon them earlier, she had tried all night to loosen the padded cuffs that held her pinned to the mattress,”Please God help me to get out of this disgusting mess alive…I promise that I’ll do whatever you want,just make this stop please..”,her silent prayers were interrupted by the door being unlocked and slowly opened. A glimmer of hope crossed her face as her muffled cries filled the room, for as the door swung inward the form of a woman filled the doorway,”A policewoman!!!”,Carrie struggled and screamed behind the ball gag as the woman approached her.Sim walked to the bound girl,it was exactly as she planned ,”She was to busy being played with to notice Kylie or herself in the room the night before last….this was going to be awesome.”,she kept a straight face as she loosened Jess’ toys gag,”Oh my God what happened to you?..”,the girls sobbing and crying increased as she related what had been done to her,”Please get me out of here please!!!! I want to go home..”, Sim made a show of trying to unlock the cuffs and shook her head in a false frustration,”These are locked pretty good…,give me a moment to straighten things up..”,she sat on the edge of the mattress and turned her gaze to the young woman once more,”So Carrie your saying that your co worker Jess Feldman abducted you,imprisoned you here,and that she and a group of lesbians have been training you to be a sexslave?..”,Carrie cried as she answered,”Please get me out of here!!!please!!!!.Sim smiled inwardly but kept her game afoot,”I realise how terrified you are miss but please answer the questions..”.The young woman sobbed as she tried to articulate what had happened,”J,J,Jess..,she raped m,m,me..and she,she told me I was for lesbian use only from now on…please unlock me and get me out of here please!!”,Sim turned her head away as the evil grin appeared across her face,”Calm dow hun,I’ll help you..,but I have to find out what happened first..”,Sim was satisfied as the girls sobs filled the room,”The game was definitely afoot.”.

Kylie waited patiently outside the room as her girlfriend baited the girl along,she smiled as she heard Sims words carry out into the hallway,”Now calm down hun,I want to help you but I have to find out what happened exactly,…I was called to this residence about a domestic disturbace complaint and when no one answered the door I gained entry because I thought I heard someone crying, you if I’m not mistaken..,like I said,I want to help you but you have to describe in detail what has transpired here..can you do that for me?..”,Kylie felt her pussy grow wet as the girl sobbed and started to scream,”THEY RAPED MY PUSSY AND ASS WITH THEIR STRAPONS!!!!!,THEY MADE ME LICK THEIR CUNTS!!,AND THEN THEY RAPED ME MORE!!!,,PLEASE JUST UNLOCK ME AND GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!!!,PLEASE!!!”,Kylie grinned,that was her que,she entered the room holding the fake gun and laughed,”Well,well….,what do we have here?..”Carrie struggled on the bed screaming even louder as the young woman approached,gun aimed straight at the police woman,”Lose the gun belt sweet heart and put your cuffs on,left wrist first and face away from me so I can cuff your hands behind your back,”.Sim smiled inwardly as Kylie cuffed her arms behind her,”I’m a policewoman and what your doing will not go unpunished..let me and the girl go now and I’ll try to get you a deal from the D.A for helping us.”Kylie merely smiled and pushed Sim onto the bed next to Jess’ sexslave,”I don’t think so bitch,see I’m the one who called you,I figured Jess’ little fucktoy might like some company and when I saw you and found out you were on duty I couldn’t help but imagine how hot it would be to make you help me play with her like the little fucktoy that she is…”,Carries eyes widened in dread,and as she tried to scream once more, Kylie pushed the ball gag back into her mouth and tightened it,” Shut up….,we’re gonna make a little movie about lez lovin!!!!!””,Kylie felt her pussy grow hotter as the girl cried.

Carries tears fell as the woman helped the officer undress,she had been so close to freedom until the interuption of Jess’ friend,”Why is this happening to me God?, Why?”, she only felt dread as the woman finished disrobing the policewoman,”Pretty fucking hot for a cop slut..”,Carrie wasn’t sure but she thought she saw the officer smile at the womans words,”Now lay on the bed next to my friends fucktoy!…”,her tears continued to stream as the helpless officer did as instructed.As Sim lay next to Carrie she hoped that she would not notice how wet her pussy was getting or how hard her nipples were growing.Kylie smiled as her girlfriend lay next to Jess’ slave,” What she and Sim had planned was awesome,give some false hope,then take it away,it always made the fucktoy struggle harder,just like fucking them for the very first time…a fun ride indeed..”,she thought as she set up the tripod and camera.” O.K sluts this is the way it’s gonna work…”,she turned to Sim with a fake glare,”You my sweet piece of cop meat will be the top..”,Sim smiled inwardly as Kylie turned to Jess’ slave,”.And you Fucktoy shall be the bottom….a roll you should be used to by now,,,and if not, to fucking bad…..”.Carries tears fell as the woman pointed the gun at the officer and ordered her to stand,her tears fell harder as she watched her pull a harness and strap on up over the womans thighs and tighten them around her ample hips.

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