Learning to Kiss (and other stuff)_(1)
Learning to Kiss (and other stuff)_(1)
Sex Story Author: | Mystic47 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I felt what you did and it was kind of, uh, kind of --” she couldn’t explain how she felt |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Fiction, First Time, Incest, Teen Male/Teen Female, Young |
“God these are ugly, I look like a freak.”
My sister April was standing in front of the bathroom mirror inspecting her new braces. She turned to me “Do they look okay, I mean do you think they are ugly?” My fourteen-year-old sister was in shock while she poked at her new braces for the First Time. “Nobody will like me, they’ll all laugh at me.”
“Come on April, they aren’t that bad. I can’t even see them when your mouth is closed, no lumps or bumps to give you away. Why are you even freaking out, a lot of boys and girls wear braces?”
She looked at me “What boy would want to be with a metal mouth like this?”
“You’re only fourteen, why are you worried about boys right now?”
She stepped back from the mirror “Don’t you look at girls? Do you look at girls with plastic and wire grills?”
“Believe me April, when I look at a girl it isn’t her teeth I’m looking at.”
A sudden coyness blossomed in her eyes “What do you look at Wyatt?” I turned and left my sister agonize over her shiny new mouth work. As I left it flashed through my mind it would be fun to hook up a 9-volt battery to them and watch her buzz.
Two weeks later April came to my room disgusted “I was with Brandon and I wanted to kiss him but he told me it wouldn’t feel right because of my braces, he started to but then stopped and started talking about something else. I got mad and pushed him away and came home.”
“Have you kissed any boy yet, even before the tooth cage?”
My sister lowered her head and admitted as if she was humiliated “No, he would have been the first boy to kiss me, I don’t know how to kiss and now I can’t get a boy interested enough to try. Fucking braces!”
I approached April with an idea. My kissing experience was equal to hers, which is to say, none. “Let’s watch YouTube about kissing. Maybe we can learn how to get someone to do it with us.”
So, we began watching YouTube videos about making out. First kisses, boys and girls giving advice on how to kiss and stuff like that. My sister was coming on fifteen and never been kissed for real by a boy. I’m only 11 months older than she and my girl kissing experience was limited to a quick embarrassing buss at a party at Taylor’s house with his cousin one time. I guess April and I were virgin kissers and both of us wanted to lose that stigma. First time kiss YouTube videos aren’t hard to find. We did a search and watched boys and girls from like five and six to adults kissing for the first time. A lot of them gave step by step instructions how to tilt your head, purse your lips and move your mouth while kissing. Some even went on to tell about tongue kisses. Once in while we could tell if the boy or girl was wearing braces so after a few videos of brace face kissing my sister stopped fretting about that.
We watched kissing videos for a couple of hours making comments and practicing on our own arms or the back of our hands then quit when her bff called. April told Kayla what she was doing but now who she was doing it with, neither of us wanted the world to know we were doing that together.
About a week after the first look at learning to kiss videos my sister and I were at it again. We got past the first shy kisses and started watching serious necking couples. As one couple made out I remarked to April “You know, this is all very cool but maybe we should try it for real. I mean my arm doesn’t kiss me back.”
She looked at me “You think we should kiss like that? You and me?”
“No, not totally making out but some kisses, real ones on our lips and stuff.”
April was quiet for a long time looking at me like I was a puzzle she was trying to figure out “Okay, but my brother? Will it be real? Maybe kissing you will be like, uh, totally gross.”
“Maybe, but let’s try.”
We were sitting side by side at a desk where the laptop was set. I turned to her, she to me, our knees bumped together keeping a space between us. We leaned to the other she tilted her head to the left so I tilted the other way then with wide open eyes I moved to put my mouth on hers. Our lips touched and I knew immediately the kiss was wrong. We didn’t pucker or open mouth kiss, we didn’t move our lips against the other. After about two seconds of contact we pulled apart “Well?” I asked.
She frowned lightly then made her assessment “Well, not totally gross but totally blah.”
I mumbled an agreement then put a hand on her shoulder and pulled her close again. I closed my eyes and pretended I was going to kiss Rihanna. When our lips met it felt a lot better, softer, more intimate, more fun. April held the kiss for a few moments then tilted her head again so her lips slipped lightly across mine. We broke the kiss and pulled apart “That was better and my braces didn’t get in the way” she judged. I didn’t answer her but pulled her close again and went in for another mouth to mouth experiment. That was the third time we kissed and being siblings was becoming trivial. My sister and I held our faces together for maybe fifteen seconds then she broke loose. Her smile was contagious “Wow, did you like it too?”
I smiled my agreement and nodded yes but didn’t tell her that not only did I like what we did, my prick was warming up “Yeah, that was a lot better than the first.” We stopped our little tête-à-tête and left the house. Two days later after we got home from school April invited me to go back to kissing lessons. I agreed quickly so after we changed into house rags we sat at my laptop again. We watched three videos of teenagers kissing and making out then started practicing. The first few kisses were kind of experimental and we agreed we needed to do better. It was my sister who was bold enough to suggest “We should do it like them, put your arms around me.”
We were sitting in two chairs so holding her would be awkward, “Stand up.” We stood facing each other then I put my hands on her cheeks and pulled her close. Her lips parted slightly just as our mouths met. I moved my hands and kissed April for a long time holding her waist, her hands were on my shoulders. We didn’t hold our bodies against each other but the kiss was a whole lot better than what we had done before.
When I pulled away from her, her eyes were bright as she critiqued “I think we are doing better.” I didn’t answer her, I just put my mouth on her again and held her a little closer as my lips slipped on hers. We kissed maybe 15 or 20 seconds, the longest yet then I let her go. April licked her mouth to wet her lips, then ran the tip of her tongue across the rack covering her teeth and suggested “Let me put on lip gloss, let’s see how that feels.” She left me standing while a video of a boy and girl necked on my monitor. She came back in less than a minute with a fresh layer of red gloss on her lips. She stepped close to me, locked her eyes on mine then offered “Kiss me again, like you’re not my brother.”
I put my hands on her waist and my mouth on hers. We kissed, the lipstick felt smooth and let my lips slide softly on hers. We held the kiss for about ten seconds then she pulled back and laughed “Ha! Much better.” She gave me a quick sisterly smooch on the corner of my mouth then sat back down at the computer.
We watched three more videos, one was about ten minutes long and the boy and girl were showing how to tongue kiss. Both my sister and I agreed that tongue kissing was something we weren’t ready to do. Not with each other anyway, it would be too weird, kind of gross. After doing more kissing that bordered on full out necking April and I stopped. We had learned to kiss, we were ready for other boys and girls. I don’t know what she felt when we were doing it but the last couple of times we made out I got sort of turned on. My prick got heavy and my nuts tickled while I held her but I sure as hell didn’t tell her that.
It must be easier for a girl to find a kissing partner because even though I was flirting a lot with some girls not one would let me kiss her without dating or something. On the other hand, April came running into my room one Saturday and happily announced she had kissed two boys the night before. “Two? Who?”
“Brad and Jimmie. I was at Jaycee’s for a party and we starting playing spin the bottle. When I spun and got Jimmie we kissed like we were just married. Brad spun and pointed at me so him and me kissed. It was so cool that I had practiced with you, those two said I am a good kisser.” She was beaming her pride, “I didn’t even remember I have braces and that didn’t stop either of them, did you kiss anybody yet?”
I was kind of embarrassed to admit I still hadn’t persuaded a girl to kiss me. I suggested maybe we should throw a party and play the bottle game too. April was happy that she was becoming experienced at kissing boys so she offered “Let me show you how we did it, maybe if you get better and kiss a girl, she will like it and do it more.” I was sitting on the edge of my bed so she moved to me then sat on my lap, put her arms around neck and said “This is how me and Brad did it.” She bent her head then put her lips on mine. She had licked her lips so they were moist so she moved her head making her mouth slip back and forth on mine. Her nose was bumping mine and she wrapped her arms around me tight. She was really kissing me like a boyfriend which made me kiss her back just as hard. When she pulled her head back she was grinning a mile wide, her eyes were laughing “How was that?”
Her weight on my legs started to get heavy so I laid back on my bed pulling her down with me. April and I shuffled around so we were lying face to face while we talked. “You kissed Brad like that? You sat on his lap and did it? How about Jimmie?”
“Yeah, I sat on Brad’s legs when we did it. After the game Jimmie and me sat on the sofa and made out a little.”
“Made out?”
“You know, we kissed some more.”
“In front of the other guys?”
“Hey Wyatt, most of the rest of them were necking with somebody too. I even saw boys and girls putting their hands where they shouldn’t.”
“You know, boys feeling up girls, girls rubbing on boy parts.”
“Did you and Jimmie do that?”
She blushed slightly “Maybe, I’m not sure.”
I watched my sister’s cheeks turn pink as she hinted she may have done more than necking “What do you mean you’re not sure?”
“I mean we were kissing and I felt his hand on my bra but it was like accidental. I think. He didn’t grab me or push on it but kind of moved his and across it when he shifted for a better kissing position.”
Crap! April was a year younger than me and she was learning a lot faster than me about boy and girl stuff. “I never felt up a girl.”
“No doubt,” she snuffled, “if you can’t kiss em you can’t feel em.”
I rested my head on the bed and looked at my younger sister. April was changing from a cute little girl to a pretty teen. Until that very moment I hadn’t paid much attention to the emerging butterfly but at that moment it struck me she was sexy. At least to a fifteen-year-old boy she was sexy. I put my hand on her shoulder and pulled her close enough to put my lips on hers. The brother sister connection broke down and I started necking with April. She wasn’t reluctant to kiss me back so we made out like new lovers for a minute or so. She pulled her head back “That was nice” then put her mouth over mine again. I kind of moved closer and we put our arms around the other so we were touching on the legs, her breasts were pressed on my chest. We broke apart again but only to take a breath then she mashed her mouth on mine. I don’t know what she was feeling but I was starting to react to the hot girl in my arms. My prick got hard. I bent my back a little to keep her from feeling it but I enjoyed the feeling of what being close to her was doing to me.
Again, we stopped for air then after a quick couple of breaths she rolled to her back and pulled on my shoulder to face to her. I was lying on my stomach with my chest on her tits then she put her hand on my neck and pulled me into more necking. I wrapped my arms around her, one under her back, the other around her waist and held tight while we kissed. Her lips were getting softer, warmer and my cock was stone hard. Instinctively I moved my right hand off her waist to her breasts. I pressed on her left tit, she puffed a short breath into my mouth. April pushed me up and off and stared wide eyed at me for a few moments then stated the obvious “You touched me.” I started to apologize but she continued “Nobody did that before, it felt kind of good.”
“You said Jimmie did that.”
“Not like that, he didn’t press, he just kind of brushed across it.
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