
Learning a Few Lessons – Chapter 3

The contents of this story are purely fictional and are for entertainment. I hope you guys enjoy and if you do, please give me a thumbs up!

The moment my head hit the pillow once I’d returned to my dorm, I was fast asleep. This time, there were no dreams or overwhelming thoughts to fill my mind or wake me. Just a pitch black and an utter silence until the ringing of my alarm clock signaled that it was time to begin my day. I groaned, as was my morning routine, and rolled over to snooze the obnoxious sound. For a moment, I rolled up into a ball, cradling my arms around my knees as I brought them to my chest beneath the covers.

I considered staying there all day, ignoring the certain humiliation that would come that day. But there was some obedient voice in the back of my head beckoning me to get up and get dressed. Dallas would surely be angry if I disobeyed his commands for the day. With a small sigh, I forced myself to uncurl from the warm comfort of my bed.

I tossed the blankets to the side and stood from my bed, glancing over to my dresser. Just before bed, I’d tucked the small vibrator Dallas had given me under my panties in the top drawer. Even the thought of what might ensue today was enough to make me cringe with nerves. Either way, I powered myself to the bathroom, turning the water in the shower on and testing it with my hand until it ran hot enough.

I hopped in, allowing the steaming water to rush over my curves, then exfoliating my skin gently with my lavender body wash. I ran some conditioner through the locks of auburn hair to help with any tangles that may try to form later in the day. And once I was clean, I exited the shower, drying myself thoroughly. Normally, getting ready for my day wasn’t so lengthy. Normally, I didn’t pay as much mind.
Today, I was stalling. Anything to prolong the insertion of the little buddy hiding in my top drawer. But once I was completely dry, I knew it was time. I could no longer put off the inevitable. I opened the drawer, taking in a deep breath as my hands busied themselves tossing the panties to the side. I plucked the 3-inch dildo up as if it might bite me, gulping nervously.

Remembering the rules Dallas had laid out, I forced myself to follow each one of them. I turned the vibrator on then spread my legs while standing. I spit a little on the index and middle finger of my free hand, gliding the spit over my slit to wet it lightly. Slowly, I brought the dildo down to my hole and lightly pressed it in. It was small, so there was barely any resistance, but I couldn’t keep the small gasp from exiting my lips.

Not at the size of the dildo, no. Because that was nothing compared to what I’d felt just last night with Dallas. It was the vibrations the dildo sent up much deeper than the dildo itself could reach and just barely tickling at the nub of my clit. I bit on my bottom lip, standing still and silent for a moment after putting it in place.

How was I going to make it through a whole day with this thing if I could barely stand a few seconds?

Still, I found that strange sense of excitement in thoughts of feeling this way for an entire day—having to face my friends and professors all the while being pleasured beneath the surface. It was thoughts like these that drew me to grab a pair of panties and pull them up over my hips. They held the dildo nicely in place. I held back moans beneath my breath, having a feeling that I’d be doing that a lot today.

As I finished dressing in one of my casual outfits, some black yoga pants and my blue district thespians t-shirt from high school. I had no intention of actually seeing Dallas today so I wasn’t concerned about impressing him. I threw my hair up into a ponytail and quickly scattered on some mascara and eyeliner. I left my room with my backpack slung over my shoulder. Already, I could feel myself nearing my first orgasm.

The small dildo between my legs continued to vibrate vigorously and my juices were already wetting my panties, I could feel that much. Every step I took, I could feel the toy moving slightly within me. I kept my eyes down, trying my best not to draw any attention from my peers who certainly all had their own classes to rush to. But as I was walking, I could feel it. The tensing up of my lower muscles, something brewing in my abdomen. And suddenly, a wonderful feeling of release. I fought off the urge to moan in the midst of the rushing students.

Although, I did have to wait a few moments before I could continue walking. And as I did, I could feel my juices rushing down around the dildo in my pussy. A pink tint covered my cheeks as I walked, hoping no one would hear the soft buzzing coming from within my pants. What was I doing? This was crazy. I considered going to the bathroom and simply pulling the thing out.

But then I remembered Dallas. I remembered what he’d done to me that first night and how much he’d filled me up in his office. I wanted that- I’d asked for it even. There was no turning back now. I was his, and he had demanded I do this.

I reached my first class a few minutes late since I’d been walking so slow. And as I came through the door, the professor made sure to stop me and ask my excuse for coming late. I kept my head down, feeling ashamed. Not ashamed that I was late, but ashamed that I was secretly being pleasured immensely within my panties while speaking to the middle-aged man who taught Calculus. I mumbled something about menstrual cramping to him and he immediately dropped the subject, allowing me to take my seat.

Luckily, in this class, I had no friends to bother me. I sat in the back corner, the only seat that was still available at that time. At first, I’d really tried to pay attention and take notes on what was being taught, but after the first few minutes of class, I felt another orgasm coming on. I leaned back in my chair, sighing softly and clenching my legs together.

My hips squirmed back and forth in my chair, trying to fight it off little by little. But my attempts were futile and I succumbed to my second orgasm of the day. I bit down hard on my lip, tightening my grip on my pencil and holding back all but a little groan. The professor shot an uncomfortable look at me. He must have thought it was more menstrual cramping.

Once the orgasm had passed, I felt exhausted. My entire body seemed to melt into the seat. I no longer paid attention to the class, the professors lecture sounded like a distant murmur. I leaned forward, doodling mindlessly on the edges of my paper. One of said doodles was interrupted by an explosive climax, resulting in a scribble off from the bunny rabbits I’d been drawing at the corner of the page. That time, I couldn’t hold back the noise.

A moan escaped me loudly.

The whole classroom went quiet. The students looked to me, the professor stared. My face was beet red, my heart thumping away in my chest. I felt as if I may just be expelled then and there. The professor cleared his throat, then spoke as calmly as he could given the situation, “Is there a problem?”

My eyebrows furrowed together, the vibrating between my legs continued on and on. For a moment, I fought back an urge to roll my eyes to the back of my head in pleasure. “I…” I was having a hard time coming up with an excuse for the sound I just made, “I just don’t feel very well…”

Two boys about my age sat a few seats down in the same row as me. They stared with smirked on their lips and whispered back and forth. It seemed they knew what was going on, but perhaps I was too paranoid in that moment. The professor spoke again, “I see. Well next time you’re not feeling well do us all a favor and don’t come into class. I don’t appreciate interruptions in my classroom. You may go.”

I took the opportunity as soon as it was set before me. I stood from my seat, gathered my books and shuffled past the chuckling boys to exit the classroom. They probably heard the hissing of the vibrator as I passed them. As soon as I was back outside, I took in a deep breath as if I’d forgotten to breathe throughout the whole ordeal. I probably had.

I couldn’t help but to think how humiliating it would be to be in the same class as those people for the rest of the semester. Once again, I wanted so badly to take the damn thing out of me and go back to my dorm. But I didn’t. I left it in. Some small invisible string was tying me to this man, some intrigue I had in him. I couldn’t give up now.

I decided since the class was meant to be two hours long, I would use up the rest of the hour and a half in my room.

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