Laundry with Rebecca
Laundry with Rebecca
Sex Story Author: | Doug Rullman |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I asked her if she wanted to sit on it but she declined saying she was a |
Sex Story Category: | Blowjob |
Sex Story Tags: | Blowjob, Gothic, Job/Place-of-work, Male/Female, Toys, True Story |
Laundry with Rebecca
The story is slow starting but told as accurate as I can remember. This occurred in the fall of 2008 in my Midwest hometown.
My wife and were having problems and divorce was looking certain. If her parents and friends would just stay out of our lives, I really thought we could save the marriage. We married young and I enlisted in the Marine Corps instead of the college option. Her parents didn’t think it was a good idea and didn’t offer any help after we were married and struggling on a new Marine’s wages. We got by on our own scrimping and budgeting the whole way. I believe that time in our lives made me stronger and it helped me develop into the man I am today.
My wife, Dawn, and I were both 35 at the time and I had just finished a very busy couple years in my career. After leaving the Marine Corps, I had gotten into the petroleum industry as a temporary entry level job, until I figured out what I wanted to do. Within 5 years I was in management at my first company and within 7 years a wealthy family hired me to design, build and manage a similar business in my hometown. I jumped at the offer and hit the ground running getting the place built, hiring the best people I knew and building a customer base.
After 2 years my hard work showed with the success of the business. The family owned 6 other branches of the business and we were breaking every sales and growth record they had. I was already the third largest of the 7 and on schedule to be the largest in just another year. You could say “business was good”. They rewarded me with a generous salary, vehicle to drive, expense account and the leverage to run the business as I chose.
Even after all my success my in-laws still had it in for me and our marriage. I kept things civil and agreed to rent an apartment at her request. It was a duplex on the other side of town about a mile from my office. A buddy helped me move just the necessities to get started on my own, keeping it pretty simple. I spent even more time at work since the separation and just used the place for sleeping, showering and an occasional meal. I didn’t have a garage, so I kept my motorcycle at the shop in my office. If I felt like riding, I would just make the mile drive there and leave on my bike. The 24 hour gym that I worked out at was just a mile drive from my new apartment too. The only thing I didn’t have was a washer and a dryer. I would go to the laundry mat each Friday evening and made it a regular part of my weekly routine.
The business was continuing to grow and judging by the overtime, and workload of the ladies in my office, I decided we needed another employee. The only bad part was we just needed her from November to April. I thought about just going through a temp service since I only needed someone for 5 months out of the year, but decided I would run an add and see what happened first. Just as expected anyone that applied for the administration job, for just 5 months out of the year, was hugely under qualified. I decided to give it another week and then contact temporary services for someone if I didn’t have any better luck.
It was Tuesday and I had a meeting at the local chamber of commerce for networking that night. It was very laid back with plenty of owners, managers and sales people from the area businesses. After an informal meeting it was mostly a bunch of Alpha male and females drinking beer and relaxing with one another. I was sitting and drinking with my buddy from high school, Chad, who managed a large car dealership, when I shared my problem. He agreed that it would be hard to find someone who just wanted to work in the winter months. We brainstormed and thought about maybe landscapers or someone that had a job that only kept them busy in just the warm months.
After we got to that point a couple ladies. Linda and Sue, walked up to say hello and joined the conversation. Chad shared my predicament and within a couple minutes I had two names that they recommended. One was an older lady that had retired as an accountant. She traveled with her husband during the warm months and stayed local during the winter. The other was Rebecca at the Ice Cream Store here in town. This was a local version of a Dairy Queen that served ice cream and sandwich type things just during the warm months. Her family had owned the store for many years and she was close to inheriting it and taking it over completely.
I was a couple years ahead of Rebecca in school and remembered her well. We had a class together and I remembered we had hit it off nicely back then. She was very cool and easy to talk to and I remember being attracted to her, but we just ran in different groups. She went by “Beck” and was quite eccentric the way she dressed and wore her hair. Being a health nut, I wasn’t a fan of ice cream, but the last time I was at her store she was wearing punk clothing and had the sides of her head shaved.
I chuckled and asked “could she clean-up for an office environment?” “And is she even qualified to do this kind of work?” Linda shared that Rebecca had received a bachelor’s degree in business administration. Her parents made that a requirement before they would give her the business. I liked hearing about her experience, but I hoped her eccentric looks had changed. Linda said she would ask her if she was interested and let me know.
After the ladies walked away Chad said “dude, Beck is hot. I sold her a car last year and had a hard-on the whole time”. I laughed and asked “Beck the punk rocker girl, really?” He went on to say “She kind of a cross between Kat-Von-Do and Pink. She is absolutely gorgeous and has some tattoos”. I explained that she would need to be cleaned up for the office environment and was worth at least talking to before I called temporary services. Chad responded “I wouldn’t have her cleaned up. I’d tell her to wear sexy clothes and park her in front of my desk all day” as he laughed. I laughed with him and told him I’d let him know how it goes.
The next morning I was sitting in my office when the receptionist buzzed my phone to say “you have a call from a Beck on line 2”. I had forgotten about my conversation the night before and picked up the phone.
Me: Hello, this is Chuck
Beck: Hey, Chuck, it’s Beck from the Ice Cream store. I hear you are looking for a girl.
Me: (trying to sound professional) Yes and we are setting up interviews this week to fill it. Are you interested in coming in?
Beck: Sure, tell me when and where?
I explained where we were located and what she would need to bring for the interview. We agreed that this evening would work best for both of us and I told her I’d see her at 5PM. The office closed at 4:30, but I was normally there at least another hour along with my drivers and field technicians coming back in after their day.
The day went by pretty fast and before I knew it the ladies were leaving and locking up. I had a lot of reports to finish and brewed a pot of coffee to give me a little pick me up for the next couple hours as I got things ready for Beck’s visit. I visited with the guys for a couple minutes and heard the bell ring at the front of the building and figured that must be her. I walked into the lobby where we had two large double doors and got look at her before I opened the door and invited her in.
She was dressed in a feminine professional business suit, high heels and normally styled short blonde hair. Wow, she had really cleaned up since I had seen her last. She quickly reached out to shake my hand and said “hi Chuck, I’m beck. I remember you from school, but you probably don’t remember me”. I let her know that I remembered her very well and invited her into my office for a quick chat.
Beck gave me her resume that showed all of her qualifications and schooling. She ran the business side of the Ice Cream Store as well as working the counter doing sales during busy times of the day. She shared that she would be closing her store in mid-October until April each season because it cost more money to stay open than she made during that time. She made enough money in the warm months for the entire year, but was looking for something part time to keep her from “being bored out of her mind” as she put it.
She was not at all what I expected and was pleasantly surprised. Beck looked professional, had great hair and appeared to be in phenomenal shape for a lady that owned an ice cream shop. I asked “so do you eat a lot ice cream?” trying not to be too obvious about the shape she was in. She responded “nope, I don’t touch that stuff. I’m on a clean diet and I’m kind of going through a fitness addiction phase in my life right now”. Getting close to crossing the line, I said “yeah, you look like you keep yourself and in good shape. That’s great”. Beck answered “I can see you are keeping yourself in Marine shape too”.
I was surprised she knew I was in the Marines and asked how she knew. Beck said “duh, we live in a small town and I remembered you were going there when you graduated. I remember when you and Dawn moved back to town and how much muscle you had put on while away”. I was flattered now and definitely interested in learning more about her. We talked a little more and I offered to show her around.
I showed her where her desk would be and where the other ladies worked. I explained the job and a typical day she would experience. When we went out to the shop, she got the guys attention real quick as we walked in. I introduced her, finding she and the guys already knew each other. They had all stopped at the Ice Cream Store for treats and lunch over the past couple years and saw her regularly. She knew them all by name and was cracking jokes with them like old friends. Again I was impressed and took notice that she had an incredible ass. The slacks of her business suit showed her curves perfectly. She was very thin, but kind of had a bubble butt going on like J-Lo in my opinion. As I watched her cut up with the guys I decided she was actually a very pretty girl and was glad she was passed her punk phase.
She said goodbye to the guys as I showed her around outside. She pointed to another garage where we kept more equipment and asked what was in there. I said it was just some tools and trenching equipment, but added I kept my bike in there too. She asked “pedal bike or vroom vroom bike?” I laughed and said it was a Harley. She stopped and gasped asking “really, can I see it?” I thought it was cool that she was into bikes and figured why not.
I opened the door and the heat from the building being in the sun all day hit us both in the face. I turned the light on and started pointing out different pieces of equipment, but Beck make a b-line to my bike and stood next to it careful not to touch. I checked her ass out again and walked past her pulling the cover off. I had just cleaned it up a couple day earlier so she was really shining. I had never seen a woman this excited about a bike. She knew what model it was and guessed the year right.
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