
Large Family, Large Secrets. Part 1.

This story follows mostly its main writer the only male of the story and thus shows alot of it from his perspective, this is based loosely on a true untold story.

This story was written elsewhere and copied over to this website, there maybe parts that should have spaces when they don’t, though we’ve checked, there could still be 1 or 2 mistakes.

This story is based loosely on a real family’s story, there are parts that have been removed or simply not written, parts that are exagerated or entirely fictional, it was written with the help of the 7 main characters mentioned in this story, these are not their real names of course, this account was made by myself, but can be accessed by any of the family, they do not share this information with anyone except anonymously over the web now, starting and staying with this website.

Thank you for reading.


Another hot Californian day at a high school, where an 18 year old boy attends, Andrew, Andrew was fortunate to be blessed with popularity, well earned with his athletic ability and physical prowess, his book smarts and good looks but also a good dimenour to keep his ego in check unlike many others he might call his “friends”, he also has a beautiful girlfriend, Nicole, a fair maybe slightly pale redhead with a georgous figure, she was often with her friends out of class but sat next to Andrew most of the time in class, she was also pleasant, but not as reserved as Andrew was, and could boast about her boyfriend sometimes too much, which unsurprisingly got on her friends nerves at times, none more so than her best friend Jazmyn, a near opposite of Nicole’s appearance, equally stunning, but instead of a fair skin-tone, she was tanned and a brunette not redhead, but otherwise they were the same height, weight, and figure, often seen together, and often competing with one another over little things, as many close friends do, but she always had an eye for Andrew, which Nicole was oblivious to, but Andrew had noticed.

Andrew sat down with his lunch in the cafeteria, with his friends on the left strategically placed so he didn’t have to listen to them, the whole row of seats to the right of him and front right were empty, alot of people were eating outside, as it was now summer and the weather for it, Andrew could hear a group on his right approaching, his cousin Adele who was a year younger than him, and two step-sisters, Rebecca, 17 and Jessica also 17 along with his sister Danni who was 18 the same as Andrew, all wanting their money back to go buy lunch, he held their money throughout the day, because they had a habbit of losing things like money through the small fashionable holes in their pockets or handbags or non-existent purses, so after his sisters first got him to carry their money, the rest all got in the habbit of letting him carry it in his far more secure wallet which was attached via chain to his trousers, safer still that noone would steal from him.

“Andrew do you have our money?” Rebecca said hinting at what they wanted, rather than asking.

“Yeah I’ve still got your money, how much do you want?”

“I’ve got money” Andrew’s ‘friend’ James who was sat opposite hoped he might make some friends that
are girls instead.

“Not for them you havn’t” Andrew asserted his dominance on the far smaller James.

“We don’t want your money” Said Kelly, Andrew’s year older sister, alongside his other cousin Chloe also 19, had just arrived with together.

“Do you want some money to?”

“We gave you our money this morning, so we’ll all have it back now” Jessica said, she was sometimes blunt.

“I have money” James said again.

Andrew’s two elders just stared at him, he stopped smiling at them and looked back into the group conversation going on to his right.

After handing over their money, the six girls split off in different directions each one leaving behind people staring at each of the finely shaped girls, though Andrew thought about it very rarely, his sisters, cousins and step-sisters were all babes, they each joined their respective groups of friends, Kelly however, waited, leant over and whispered in Andrew’s ear.

“It’s Friday, so could you keep it down tonight” She said softly, the breath of her voice tickling his ear and neck, Andrew hated it when she did that.

Kelly walked away, while others looked straight at her, Andrew faced forward, ignoring the invitation of a good view of Kelly’s legs, only too lucky that had he done so as Danni returned and whispered in the same ear.

“Is Nicole coming over tonight?” Danni seemed to have a point to make.

“I think so, why?”

“Tell her not to scream so loud, some of us don’t have boyfriends” Danni whispered softer in his ear this time, he hated it as much from Danni as he did from Kelly or any of the others.

“None of you have boyfriends” Andrew remarked not thinking of what to say in response.

Danni shoved Andrew, and strutted off to her friends, she may be angry but at least he wasn’t as uncomfortable as she had just made him, stating she and probably the rest of the girls could here him having sex with Nicole on Friday nights, as they often did, was a scary thought.

At the end of the day Nicole and Andrew were walking back from School, hand in hand with Jazmyn and their group of friends in tow behind.

“I don’t feel like staying around tonight Andrew” She didn’t mean it, Nicole liked hearing people beg her to do things.

“Okay if you don’t want to thats fine” His response surprised and annoyed Nicole.

“Don’t you want to see me?” Nicole said in a playful voice, batting her eyelids, as she did when she wanted something.

“You can come round now for an hour, the girls wont be back for that long at least”
Andrew was not interested in her company today, especially after what his sisters had told him earlier, and the chances of Nicole not screaming were remote, so have sex earlier if he can rather than not have sex at all.


Nicole luckily seemed to have a similar idea in mind, and they turned down the long driveway that lead to Andrew’s house, Jazmyn annoyed by this also turned into the driveway without realising, luckily before going too far she was stopped by her friends, who were wondering what she was doing.

“Where were you going?” Kylie asked.

“Haha I was just in deep thought and turned the corner with them” Jazmyn blurted out an excuse that did not fit her personality.

“Deep thought?” Jennifer sneered.

“You know what I mean Jen”

Jazmyn became aggressive to draw away from her stupidity a second ago, it worked and without another word the group continued down the street.

Andrew lived in a very large house, almost a mansion, payed for and owned by his father, a very wealthy if not obscenely rich businessman who worked with oil companies all over the world, and was only home a few times a year, often flying his wife, Jade, over to wherever he was, Jade was the mother of his step-sisters, and the closest thing to a mother he and the others in the family had, with his cousins parents leaving at a young age, and his own mother ran away before he and Danni were one year old, probably due to the stress of handling three babies alone, with little help from their father.

The gargantuan house had three stories, it had an array of bathroom’s including en-suites, a large open kitchen leading out to a huge secluded yard and swimming pool, three living rooms, armed with minimum 42″ TV’s, three garages, private road/driveway and enough bedrooms to put all nine of the family into eight seperate bedrooms and a guest bedroom if needed.

Andrew and Nicole entered through the large front door, dropped their bags infront of the coat rack and then clambered upstairs, passionately kissing on the way up, with his back Andrew pushed through his bedroom door then kicking it almost shut, the whole time with Nicole’s tongue in his mouth, they finally collided with the wall and stayed pressed up against it, eyes closed still exchanging an ever deepening kiss, Andrew’s hand stroking the inside of Nicole’s panties under her skirt, Nicole’s hand rubbing his dick through his trousers, It was too much for either to keep up with their clothes on, after tearing eachothers attire off, Andrew threw Nicole on his bed, pulling her to the edge by her ankles, he then slid his face down inbetween her legs, his tongue danced around her clit, Nicole began to scream.

Danni returned home from school early today, rather than waste time standing with her friends, she thought she’d have a shower, when she entered the house, she saw Andrew’s and Nicole’s bags on the floor, and then heard the all too familiar sound of Nicoles sex screams, produced by Andrew apparent talents in the sack, Nicole considered plugging her ears, but knew it would not hide the noise or make it stop, instead she headed upstairs to sneak past Andrew’s bedroom and hide in hers.

“Oh god Andrew! don’t stop!” Nicole shrieked, she sounded sincere.

Danni had to admit, she could not imagine a guy ever making her feel that good or scream that loud, as she walked passed the door she saw it was slightly open, and could see the two lovers having sex, but instead of hiding in her room, she stayed and watched Andrew’s impressive skills, he was fucking her with his impressive dick and at the same time rubbing her clit softly with one hand, while the other hand kept her head infront of his as they kissed, or at least kissed between Nicole’s screams and Andrew’s more reserved grunts, Danni was astounded she could be turned on by watching her brother have sex, and wished she could get that kind of treatment, maybe not from him, but when she imagined being treated like that, Andrew’s face was all she could picture, she knew he was a handsome well built young man, but only just realised how great he would be.

The thought was short lived however, and the front door Danni had left open, slammed shut, she looked down, noone was there, the wind had caused it to shut, but Danni and Andrew stopped their loudening sex and scrambled to get their clothes on, Danni went into her room but couldn’t close the door as it always made a noise when she did so.

“Who is it Andrew?” Nicole was worried Kelly or Chloe might be there, she was always intimidated by his older sister and cousin.

“I don’t know, Who just came in?!” Andrew shouted down the staircase.

“Not a clue, did you close the door?” Andrew looked for an explanation other than one of his sisters hearing Nicole scream again.

“Yes of course I did!” Nicole defended herself as if Andrew were accusing her of something far worse, she had a way of over exagerating things.

“I’m going to go home and study anyways Andrew” Nicole seemed in a sudden hurry as she was not happy with Andrew’s accusation, she was yet to put any of her clothes back on, but Andrew was less and less bothered by Nicole’s absence these days and helped her change.

“Okay, I’ll walk you out”

Nicole ignored Andrew’s gesture to kiss before she left and walked off down the drive, suddenly Andrew noticed Danni’s bag was next to his, he closed the door rather than alert Nicole, and searched for Danni.

Danni had been hidden now for five minutes and decided to carry on as she originally intended and have a shower, she grabbed a towel from the hanger and wriggled out of her clothes, then headed into her bathroom, and now unable to close the bathroom door, as it to made a noise when doing so, she decided she must get the doors fixed.

Andrew headed upstairs when he thought he heard footsteps, seeing Danni’s door was open, he checked inside, finding her clothes in a pile infront of her mirror, then he heard the faint hum of the shower in her en-suite, rather than leave it at that, and go back, he crept torwards the bathroom door, and looked through to see Danni showering, Danni was a lightly tanned, brunette with large C cup breasts, Andrew had never seen her naked before, and the water running down her chest, legs and ass made her glisten beautifully, Andrew’s dick was pushing against his shorts, and he looked like he was pitching a tent with them, when Danni looked over at the door, he hid and made his escape through her bedroom, but made the mistake of closing the door, and seconds later the shower turned off and Danni came looking.

She knew it was Andrew, but to state it might make him realize she had seen him with Nicole earlier, and if Andrew said he was there, he knew that Danni would know he was probably watching her shower, their silence in the matter remained for the rest of the day, to noones attention.

Weeks later back at school, Andrew continued to finish his assigned work while Nicole talked and occasionally jotted down something for him to check later, as was the norm in History, Jazmyn waited for Nicole to leave her chair, returning from the front of the class, she leaned on the back of Nicoles empty seat and moved her face close to Andrew’s for a second so he would feel her breath on his neck.

“What are you doing tonight?” Jazmyn poked him for information that was pretty useless to her, but still she thought it was worth trying.

“I don’t know yet, why?”

“Just wondering, I was planning on going for a run, If you’re interested?”

Jazmyn was always hoping for a positive response, she knew Andrew was really active, so looking like they have common interests was a good start, though she’s never ran outside of school before.

“You run? how far? since when?”

These were questions Jazmyn had not considered answers for, nor any other question, and the tone in which Andrew asked them made him sound unconvinced.

“Yeah I run, err pretty far? only for a couple of weeks though” Jazmyn shot out answers hoping they would make sense.

Nicole returned to her seat, always at the wrong time, asking further would arouse suspicion and Nicole knows Jazmyn doesn’t run, so she retreated to her own seat, and conjured an excuse to her friends about why she was talking with Nicole’s boyfriend for so long.

“What have we got after this?” Andrew quereed.

“Maths I think” Nicole’s reply made it seem like the words were painful to say.

“Why don’t we do something else?” She said hoping Andrew would agree.

“Like what?”

“I don’t know, we could go to the toilets?”

“Why the toilets?” He said understandably confused.

“We could go into one of the cubicles, and I could show you how much it would mean to me if we didn’t go to Maths?” Nicole gazed into Andrew’s eyes and grinned.

“Yeah we could!” He almost shouted while jumping out of his seat, seconds after the bell sounded.

As Andrew and Nicole gathered their things, and headed out the room, Jazmyn watched in disgust, she had a crush on Andrew, and everytime Nicole kissed him it would annoy her, so knowing he was about to get a blowjob off her enfuriated Jazmyn, enough for her to chase after them and try to stop them somehow, she too clambered through the crowds of escaping students, ignoring her friends’ hand gestures to join them, as she tried to catch up with Nicole.

Andrew rammed through the Men’s toilet door pulling Nicole through by her wrist, they raced passed the rows of sinks and mirrors towards the far end of the empty room, Nicole shoved Andrew into the end cubicle and pushed him down onto the closed toilet, they rushed to get his belt unbuckled, once his belt was off she yanked down his trousers, and Nicole smiled as she reached down his shorts and his hard dick sprang out.

“I’ve missed this taste for too long” Nicole whimpered quietly, after hearing someone else had walked in.

With one hand at the bottom of his shaft slowly stroking it, she spat on the end and began twirling her tongue around it, using the spit to make it easier to to take in, she knew it was never easy to take his whole dick in her mouth, but she always somehow managed, Andrew’s hands were pushing against either wall of the grimey, graffiti covered cubicle as Nicole opened her mouth wider bringing her tongue back, and she started sliding his dick back and forth in her mouth.

“Mmmm” She sounded as if she was tasting an exquisite dish.

Nicole was going slightly deeper everytime she put her head forward, while at the same time she would pump the rest his saliva covered shaft with her hand, and with the other she raised her cardigan above her B cup tits, where it rested ontop, they were large for a B cup size, larger than any other B cup, this also showed she hadn’t worn anything else underneath.

Jazmyn could hear Andrew quietly sighing with pleasure, and the same from Nicole but she sounded like her mouth was full, Jazmyn knew she was too late to stop them, but curiousity got the best of her and she peered over the top of their cubicle, seeing Nicole had swallowed his dick so deep that her lips touched Andrew’s balls, she had taken the whole dick in her mouth, something Jazmyn had never thought of doing before, but she was impressed further when Nicole emptied her mouth of his dick and could see it was quite large, bigger than any of her ex’s, about 8″ long, very impressive, straight as an arrow just perfect for Jazmyn and apparently Nicole to.

“I’m about to cum baby” He said as he let out another sigh.

“Then i’m about to swallow” Nicole smiled, and without any hesitation she took his dick all the way in her mouth and down her throat slightly, but this time she began pressing it deeper and deeper, almost getting his balls in her mouth also and somehow not gagging which Jazmyn knew she couldn’t do, yet, Andrew threw his head back, as he did, he almost saw Jazmyn, she squatted back down on her side, but Andrew didn’t seen her, now forcing his hands against the walls so hard the walls cracked and splintered.

“Im cumming baby”

Jazmyn peeked over again as Nicole used her hands to brace herself against the walls, her head was actually forced back an inch or two by the pressure of Andrew cumming, she fought down what must have been a huge gush of cum in her mouth, and to Jazmyn’s ever increasing amazement, she kept swallowing his cum, three then four times, finally taking the last mouthful down, Nicole slided his dick out, sucking off every drop of cum and saliva left on it and then gathered for breath and they laughed quietly, but as they stood up, Nicole saw Jazmyn.

“Jazmyn?!” Nicole didn’t sound so angry as she did surprised.

“I’m sorry, I followed you in, to err talk with you, but I…”

“Watched me suck my boyfriends dick?” Nicole interrupted.

“Well you did such a good job of it Nicole” Jazmyn smiled, hoping compliments could fix the situation.

“You think so?

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