
Lacy and the Poker Game

sometimes things go a little too far

Lacy Morley carefully applied her make-up. Her stomach was churning as she lightly traced across her eyebrows with the dark pencil. Her brown eyes stared back at her as she lightly brushed the blush on her cheeks. It was an unsure stare that Lacy couldn’t answer; she wasn’t sure what she was doing even thinking about what might happen tonight. Sure they had cooked this little scheme up together, but it wouldn’t be Lee’s butt on the line it would be hers. She wondered if anyone at the table had even the slightest idea what was going on.
She could hear the five men in the next room anteing up, raising and folding as the regular Thursday night poker game heated up. They had been meeting like this for over a year, most of the time at the Morley house because the other wives didn’t seem to understand the importance of this male bonding thing. Lacy didn’t mind, the guys were always nice, they never made too big a mess and they always were genuinely appreciative of the way she would bring them beer so they wouldn’t have to leave the game.
For her part, Lacy enjoyed the attention each gave her. She would often over hear them talking about her to Lee, when she wasn’t in the room. Most of the things they would say were very flattering. There were times their comments would get a little off color, but they were never outright demeaning. A few times the comments got a little bold but Lee seemed to always handle them tongue and cheek.
“Lee, where in the world did you ever find such a good looking creature, and how in the world did you ever talk her into marrying you?” Harry Shoulders would ask, nearly every time he came to the house. Lee would just smile and say his one lucky day on earth was the day he met her and let it go at that.
Bob Hastens would always add something about the luck never seemed to leave him since he routinely was the big winner of the weekly game. His question would always be why they kept coming back to give him their money. “If it wasn’t for the cold beer, and the beautiful waitress,” he would say, “I’d just mail you my money once a week.”
Carl Badroe would usually laugh and agree with Bob, because that’s what life long best friends did for one another. He was the sidekick everyone should be blessed with always there for you no matter what the circumstances.
Generally the off color comments would come from Andy Woolfom. His mind always seemed to be near or in the gutter at all times. He would generally be the one that made a comment about what a nice ass she had or something on that order. His comments would always be followed by a big grin and an apology.
When she finished her makeup, Lacy stepped back from the mirror and checked herself out. Over the last several weeks she had begun to dress more for the occasion each Thursday. She enjoyed the attention. Tonight was the most daring yet. Each week she tried to dress a little more outlandish, without being too obvious. It had all started one week when she had been late getting home from her aerobics workout. She hadn’t bothered changing from her tight fitting stretch outfit. The effect she had on the men that night had been very exciting.
Lee had thought so too. After the game that night, he was so worked up he made love to her on the table where the game had just finished. Lacy couldn’t believe the effect it had on him. But if it meant more of the same she was perfectly willing to dress that way every week. After their mad, passionate lovemaking session that night, they had talked a little about it. Lacy could recall the conversation almost word for word.
As Lee pulled from her, his deep blue eyes shone with desire. “Honey you were so sexy tonight.” He had said. “They guys were about to bust their zippers.”
“And you liked that?” She asked him, smiling wantonly. She hadn’t moved from the table. “Silly question.” She answered herself, reaching up to her husband so he could help her from the table.
“Maybe you could dress like that again when they come over next week.” He tentatively said, still not sure what her reaction would be.
“Your sure we’re not going to send the wrong message to them. I mean if it’s for you, sure I will. You don’t think any of them will take it to mean anything else do you?”
“So what if they do, we know it’s for me.” He pulled her into his arms, his hands roaming down her soft backside.
Lacy turned slowly checking herself in the mirror. The halter she wore, with no bra barely covered her full breasts completely. It buttoned just to the center of her cleavage. It tied just above her navel. Her cut off jean shorts were nearly too short. She knew that if she had to bend to pick something up, the seam of the shorts would ride into her naked womanhood. Things had sure progressed rapidly over the last several weeks. Taking a deep breath she turned to the door of the bedroom and readied herself to make her first appearance of the night.
“Hi guys.” She said as she walked through the door into the small living room. Across the room in the dining area, the five men stopped what they were doing and stared at the beautiful young woman as she walked across the room to the kitchen. Her stomach was in a knot as she walked nervously. She hardly looked in their direction. She did notice Lee beaming from ear to ear as the four other men ogled his wife. “Anyone need a beer?” She asked walking through the door to the kitchen.
“Yea bring us all one honey.” Lee said. She had made her appearance, it had its desired effect. She knew Lee would be hot and ready to go when the game ended. Glancing through the door, she saw Lee watching her as she opened the refrigerator. Had Harry turned in his chair, he would have also been able to see her. When she bent to get the beers from the lower shelf she knew Lee would be able to see just how restricted her movements would have to be to not show off all of her assets. When she straightened up with the six-pack, she pulled one from the plastic ring and sat it on the counter for herself, then turned to her still smiling husband.
When she walked back into the dining room, Bob was dealing the next hand. Carl and Harry tried not being too obvious in their glances at her. Andy stared, watching her unencumbered breasts swaying slightly as she walked.
“Damn.” Was all he said. Lacy grinned at him.
“Here you go.” She said as she walked around the table and sat a beer down in front of each of the men, ending with her husband. “How’s the game going?” She asked resting her hand Lee’s shoulder.
“Same as always, your husband is kicking our collective butts.” Harry said, picking up the cards in front of him.
“Thats my baby.” She said, bending over and kissing him on the forehead. She knew Bob and probably Carl got a good look at the swell of her breasts as she did. “I’ll be watching TV if you guys need anything, just holler.” With that statement she turned and walked back into the living room, she could feel the men watching her every move. The knot in her stomach was gone, she enjoyed teasing the men it was fun.
There wasn’t anything very good on, so she picked up a magazine and read until she was summoned once again for some beer. As she got up she watched the four men and her husband stop what they were doing and followed her with their eyes as she walked into the kitchen.
“Want me to fix some snacks?” She asked as she opened the refrigerator.
“That would be great honey.” Lee kept glancing into the kitchen as Lacy puttered from cupboard to cupboard, pulling things from them. A few minutes later she had three bowls full of chips, nuts, dip and a vegetable tray. She took the beers out first. The men were in the middle of a hand as she worked her way around the table delivering the drinks.
As she sat Andy’s down, she had to bend over slightly to get it on the coaster. Her breasts lightly grazed his upper shoulder. She hadn’t meant for it to happen, but the jolt she got from it sent shivers down her body. Andy noticed, but didn’t acknowledge anything except a slight grin as she straightened up. She looked across at Lee as she did. He was smiling broadly. He had noticed. Once she got back to the kitchen to get the snacks, she had to stop for a moment and catch her breath. She felt herself getting excited over the minor contact. Her mind rushed through what might happen if circumstances presented themselves. The thoughts scared her just a bit. What she was doing, she was doing for Lee, not the others, or was she?
Taking two of the bowls out, she steered herself away from Andy, no use getting any really crazy thoughts going in his head. Once the snacks were on the table she went back into the kitchen and got herself another beer. Her stomach was churning from the moment with Andy, she couldn’t get it out of her mind.
“Hey Honey, is there an extra ashtray somewhere?” Lee hollered.
“Sure baby, I’ll get it.” She took a long swig of her beer, then went to the sink and picked up one of the four ashtrays she had washed earlier in the day. Looking around the table, the only place where there needed to be one was by Andy.
She walked up next to him and sat the ashtray down. “Will there be anything else, gentlemen?” She asked in her best waitress voice, she felt Andy’s hand lightly touch her thigh, just above the knee, as he stared across the table at Lee, pretending to read his face. She backed away as his hand slid down across her knee and lost contact. Turning she walked back into the kitchen, before taking a deep breathe and leaning against the counter. “Lacy get a grip on this situation girl.” She told herself, reaching for her beer. It was the first time she could remember that any of the men had ever tried to touch her.
The whole thing was getting kind of exciting, actually. She thought to it was the first time she had ever rubbed her boobs on a man other than her husband. Since they had been married anyway. Ok, so the game was going a little further and perhaps a little faster than she had expected. As long as Lee was in the room, nothing was really going to happen anyway, what would a couple of quick little feels hurt. Of course the way she felt, the night might end up a long one before she could release all of this sexual energy that was building up.
Finishing her second beer, she walked back into the dining room and checked on the men. Each was taking it slow with the beer, they were however hitting the snacks pretty heavy. She picked up the almost empty bowl of chips that was sitting between Harry and Lee. She felt her husband’s hand on the back of her leg as she started to remove the bowl. She glanced down at him and smiled, he returned the smile, then brought his hand up and patted her on the ass.
As she headed back for the kitchen, Lee smiled and winked at her, she winked back. She could feel her face begin to flush.
“Damn, this is not a good night.” She turned to look at her husband as he tossed his cards down on the table. “Looks like my luck is beginning to wane just a bit fellas, maybe we better call it quit for the night.” He joked as he looked at his four buddies.
“I don’t think so, I think we keep you at the table until we catch up all you’ve won.”
“Hell, I didn’t bring that much money to the table with me, guys, I mean shit I’d have to take out a loan to have that much at one time.”
All four laughed and continued the game. Lacy filled the bowl once again with chips and carried it back out to the table. Lee was just getting up. “Gotta lose some of this beer.” He announced as Lacy walked over to where she had picked up chip bowl originally. Lee disappeared down the hall as she sat the bowl down. “Guess I gotta fill in for Lee.” Harry said, reaching up and patting Lacy on the ass. Lacy turned red as the four men laughed. “Come on now fella’s no touching.” She scolded, but didn’t really show them anything that made them think she was upset. As she walked back toward the kitchen, she felt Andy’s hand pat her on the inner thigh about mid-way up. She let the action go without comment.
Once in the kitchen she let out a full sigh. The guys were as up for her and Lee’s little game as they were the card game.

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