

Megan must find the way out


Megan woke up without knowing where she was. It was dark and humid and the floor felt cold and wet against her back. There was a soft light coming from the ceiling but it was different from the normal radiance of a light bulb. She looked more carefully, realizing that the light was coming from some sort of worm attached to a stone wall. Megan was in a cave!

What happened? She thought, bringing one hand to her forehead.

She wondered how she got here. The last thing she remembered was standing in the forest near her home. Then she heard a noise behind her and before she could turn around, somebody stung the back of her neck. After that, everything was a blur.

Megan lifted her torso and felt heavy. She looked down to discover with horror that she was pregnant, or at least she appeared to be. But it was impossible. How can this have happened in such a short time? How long had she been unconscious inside of this chamber?

“What the fuck?!” she exclamed.

Megan was in shock, desperately trying to make sense of what was happening to her. Then, she felt it…

Something was moving within her belly, very subtle at first, then more insistently. The motions intensified particularly in the lower section. Megan felt a soft caress against her vaginal walls that sent a spark of unwanted pleasure across her body.

“Oh my God! Something is touching me down there!”

She swiftly placed a hand on her crotch, blocking access to her pussy, but there was nothing there. Nothing was trying to penetrate her. Then she felt another soft caress and this time, she moaned. She was so confused.

After a moment, Megan was certain that something was crawling down her vaginal cavity! She was giving birth! There were no contractions nor she felt any pain whatsoever but something was definitely coming out of her pussy. The astounded woman was very scared yet the pleasant sensation arising from her crotch was undeniable.

“This can’t be happening! Something is coming out of me!”

A few minutes later, Megan moaned even louder as a slimy, slithering creature squeezed out of her lubricated pussy. It looked like a giant maggot with pinkish skin and a segmented, round body.
For a moment, Megan’s thought that all this was a nightmare; it had to be! But the feeling was too real; it was too staggering. Her heart was racing in her chest and her pussy began to twitch while it was viciously stimulated.

“Oh my God! What is this thing?!”

Megan wanted that creature out of her but she was afraid to touch it, as it might try to get back inside of her pussy. She just looked at the maggot with dismay while it slowly slid between her pussy lips, squirming and stretching her widely. Megan tried unsuccessfully to deny whatever sensation was rising between her legs.

How did it get inside of me??! Megan wondered, desperately trying to remember what happened to her.

When the maggot was almost out of her body, Megan’s nipples were already hard and erect. The tail of the newborn creature touched the girl’s clitoris as it slithered off, sending a wave of bliss across her body. She closed her eyes letting another loud moan escape her lips.

When the creature finally vacated her body, Megan gasped with relief. The maggot was about half the size of a human baby and because of this, the delivery process was easy and shamefully pleasurable. Anyway, the astounded woman was very surprised to see that her belly was almost as big as before. Then she started to feel movement inside of her again…

Why is my belly still bloated? Oh God! Something is still moving inside of me! There is another one coming out!

A couple of minutes later, a second maggot was sliding through her pussy lips. The soft, silky skin of the little creature felt wonderful as it rubbed against Megan’s stretched vagina. The new-sprung expanded and contracted its body while it moved, like a worm, further stimulating the woman’s senses.
Megan already knew what to do; nothing. She laid back, resting on her elbows while the maggot struggled to free itself.

The dim light emanating from the bio-luminescent worm reflected on the skin of the maggots, dripping from lubricating slime and vaginal fluids. Megan was moaning louder now, unable to negate the pleasant sensations that this unexpected situation was bringing upon her.

It is stretching me so much. It feels so… strange.

The second maggot got out. If Megan thought that the first one took too long to leave her body; the second one didn’t take long enough. She was totally aroused now but she was afraid of touching her pussy. It was evident that there were more maggots still inside and she didn’t want to scare them. Megan wanted all of them out. She wanted them to slide slowly down her vaginal tunnel.

Megan felt the third one squirming within her womb and her pussy twitched.

More of these things are still in me. I’ll just lie here and let them get out. Megan thought, lying flat on the cold floor and spreading her legs wider. She was clearly more relaxed now and she focused her attention on the sensations between her legs.

As the third maggot struggled to liberate itself, the astounded woman was going insane. Megan was not trying to pretend anymore that this didn’t feel wonderful and she was certain that these little creatures were going to make her cum.

And they did! Megan arched her back as her orgasm arrived, letting the squirming maggot hang from her uplifted pussy. Even as she shuddered in ecstasy, Megan felt ashamed of herself; she was climaxing from expelling critters from her pussy. But there was nothing she could do to stop it. All of this was not her fault anyway.

Unable to reach the ground, the newborn instinctively triggered a defense mechanism and started to retrieve back into Megan’s body, which prolonged the girl’s climax for almost two minutes.

Megan’s orgasm subsided but the pleasure didn’t stop. More maggots were still pending to travel down her birth canal. She rested on the ground, conflicted about how this whole situation made her feel. She should have been disgusted but truthfully, she was loving it. She was giving birth to slimy maggots and she was loving every second. She couldn’t understand it.

Megan came two more times before the last maggot squirmed out of her pussy. Her belly was flat again but she didn’t realize it because her mind was stunned by pure bliss. Her moans echoed against the walls of the cave and traveled far down the tunnels.

She was not the only one listening to her sounds.

Megan needed a few minutes to recover. Without the distraction of her unexplained pregnancy and the pleasurable birthing of maggots, Megan searched her memory for an explanation. Who attacked her in the forest and why he brought her here? How did she get pregnant with maggots?

I need to get out of here before the one who attacked me comes back!

She tried to grab the bio-luminescent worm and used it as an improvised lamp but when she touched it, it prickled her hand which burned for a few seconds.

“Ouch! This damned creature stung me!”

She had no choice but to walk in the dark while searching for a way out.


As Megan moved away from the shining worm, the tunnel turned pitched black. The path curved to the left and there were openings on the stone walls big enough for her to pass through but she decided to walk as straight as possible. Megan could hear creepy noises in the distance but she couldn’t tell exactly where they were coming from or what was making them. She kept walking until she reached an opening on the right side that had a faint light. Maybe it was the sun.

“There is light in this tunnel! This must be the way out!!”

The woman eagerly followed the path but no more than fifty meters ahead, her excitement vanished completely. The tunnel ended in some sort of pit harboring a formation with a hole in the center and this hole had teeth! To make things worse, there was another horrible creature trapped within this “mouth”. The smaller creature was dead apparently. The whole scene was horrifying.

“Holy crap! It is a monster eating another monster! What kind of place is this?”

Megan was baffled to say the least. She had never seen creatures like these two.

She was forced to go back and search for another way. Megan retraced her steps and walked through a series of completely dark tunnels until she saw another source of light. This time she didn’t get too excited. But as she got closer, she found a completely different scene. She found another woman! This was great news! She was not going to face this terrible situation alone.

A woman! Megan exclaimed within her head, then she said, “Hi there!”

The woman was kneeling on top of a mushy surface that looked like moss and she didn’t respond to Megan’s greetings. In fact, she didn’t react at all.

Megan got closer and knelt in front of her. She was definitely awake but her faraway stare indicated that she was under some kind of trance.

“Hey, can you hear me?” Megan asked, waving a hand in front of her face, then she thought, I think she is catatonic.

Megan also noticed that there was a thick tube between the woman’s legs and it was penetrating her pussy! She examined the tentacle with amazement. In fact, they were two. They protruded from the mushy ground all the way to her pussy and ass.

No wonder she is not talking. These tentacles are massive and she has two of them penetrating her body!

Megan hesitantly touched the appendages. They felt had a semi-hard consistency, much like a male’s phallus. Then, out of morbid curiosity, Megan grazed the woman’s belly, trying to find out how deep they were within her body.

Such a slim figure… I wonder how far inside they are. And how the hell did she get penetrated in the first place? This thing seems to be anchored to the ground. It’s not like they can chase her.

Suddenly, the woman started whispering something…

“Fungus is safe. Safe from monster. Fungus loves Susan.”

As soon as she said that, Susan threw her head back, opening her eyes wide and making guttural noises. Obviously, something was happening but Megan couldn’t see anything different. She just wanted the woman to explain herself.

“What did you say?! What monster?… Is your name Susan?”

Megan saw an inhuman motion within the woman’s throat and suddenly the tip of a tentacle emerged from her mouth!

Megan screamed and jumped backwards, “Oh my God!!”

The tentacle projected from the woman’s face about fifteen centimeters and then it opened like a flower. Immediately after that, a white fluid started to leak from the tip and splashed on Susan’s chest. The sticky liquid had a strong coconut smell.

How is this possible? That thing is passing through her entire body! Megan thought, staring wide-eyed at the tentacle projecting from the woman’s mouth.

Megan’s bafflement was interrupted by a crackling sound coming from the darkness of the tunnel in front of her. She heard quick footsteps splashing on the wet floor. Megan recalled one word that Susan had whispered…’monster’.

“God! Someone is coming! Or something!!”

As fast as she could, Megan hid behind a nearby rock and a few seconds later, something show up. It was indeed a monster! A horrible creature that Megan had seen before, in the pit, trapped withing the other creature’s jaws.

God! I thought that monster was dead!!

The smell emanating from the fluid that covered Susan’s chest was strong enough to disguise Megan’s scent. Otherwise the creature would have found her easily. She was hiding way too close.

This time, Megan was able to have a good look at the monster. It walked on two strong legs and instead of arms, it had two long proboscis, extending from each side of its head, ending with a long, sharp, blade-like nail.

Susan was completely unaware that she could die the next second. Her mind was focused on the bliss between her legs and how it reached through her entire body into her stunned brain.

The monster approached Susan, analyzing if she was a suitable meal. The smell coming from the woman and the fluid on her chest was almost unbearable to the creature. A moment later, the monster turned its head to the side and made a sound of disgust, like it was about to throw up.

Megan observed with incredulity and terror, her heart beating almost out of her chest. Oh God! Please don’t kill her!

Judging by the smell and the fact that she was not moving, the monster decided that the potential meal was rotten. The prey was not worthy of being carried back to the nest. It turned around and ran into the tunnel on the right side.

It is going away, Megan thought, taking a deep breath.

Susan remained for a moment in the same position, the tentacle still protruding from her mouth like an open flower and her ass twitching around the same appendage.

When Megan considered it was safe, she returned to Susan. By then, the tentacle had already retrieved from Susan’s mouth back into her body. Megan was trying to understand what just happened…

Thank God the monster didn’t touch her. But why? Maybe it was this substance, Megan rationalized, smearing some of the fluid with her fingers. Megan was a smart girl and quickly began to put things together. The words that Susan whispered earlier started to make sense, “Fungus is safe. Safe from monster.”

Her entire body smells, not only her chest. It is like she bathed in coconut cream or something. This is what she meant when she said that the fungus keeps her safe. This fluid is a monster repellent.

Megan wanted to go away in case the monster decided to come back but she couldn’t leave Susan behind. In a way, Susan had just saved her life. She grabbed her arm tightly and pulled Susan away from the fungus. The tentacles started slipping off her body.

“Come on honey, dreaming time is over. It is time to get real and get out of here.”

With a loud, slurping sound, one of the fat tentacles vacated her pussy letting gobs of lubricating fluid flush from the tight opening. The other tentacle was still embedded in her ass. It was buried so deep that Megan had to pull a lot farther to let it out.


Considering that the monster went into the tunnel on the right, Megan helped Susan to stand up and they followed the tunnel on the left. Anything would be better than encounter that horrible creature again.

“Come on. Let’s go this way.”

“Fungus is safe,” Susan whispered, clearly still unable to think coherently.

After walking for a short time, Megan heard faint noises and it didn’t sound too promising. When they got closer to the origin, her worst fears came true. Ahead of them, was a chamber full of two-legged monsters, identical to the one that threatened Susan’s life.

“Oh crap! Hide! There are more monsters ahead,” Megan said with a hushed voice.

Luckily, the darkness of the tunnel helped the women to remain unnoticed. But instead of hiding, Susan started running back the way they came. Megan ran behind her. They didn’t know if the monsters were following them because it was too dark, which made everything even more terrifying. If they were being followed, a painful death was certain!

Oh God! Oh God! I hope they didn’t see us! Megan thought in panic, a couple of steps behind Susan.

Susan went straight to the fungus. She stepped onto the mushy platform, straddled its lingering tentacle and began to lower her body. Megan saw this and told her to stop but Susan was too busy whispering her mantra. “Fungus is safe… Fungus is safe…”

“No! Wait! What are you doing?!” Megan asked, looking at Susan, then looking back at the dark tunnel.

Then, within the panic, Megan considered doing the same thing. The monsters could arrive at any second and the fungus would save her life. Then she remembered Susan’s state of mind; the woman’s brain was broken.

Given these circumstances, Susan’s behavior was understandable. Who knows how long she had been trapped in this cave, living in constant terror. She must have become overwhelmed by fear and this weird fungus was the only place where she felt safe. But the price to pay was too high; the tentacles spared her body but took over her mind.

Seeing that Susan was letting the tentacle penetrate her too deep, Megan told her to be careful, “Don’t push it that much inside of you. You are going to hurt yourself!”

Susan was not listening.

Megan hid behind the same rock as before and waited a couple of minutes. The monsters didn’t come. At least, it was safe for now.

When Susan moaned loudly and her eyes rolled up, Megan leaned down to confirm that another tentacle was entering the woman’s ass. She began to suspect that this fungus had some sort of intelligence, which was not a good sign.

“It is penetrating Susan’s ass again and without her help! How did it know that she had another opening to penetrate? This is very creepy.”

The fungus, like most of the other creatures in this cave, resembled a plant but it was an animal. It already knew Susan’s body and extruded a second tentacle, aiming at her anal entry. Penetrating her pussy was useful for reproduction but penetrating her ass provided easier access to the woman’s nervous system and from there, to Susan’s brain.

This species had evolved for centuries using human females for reproduction, learning how to increase women libido and reduce their urge to run away. After a while, their human prey could only think about pleasure; feeling the blissful tentacles within their bodies was all that mattered.

Megan heard a squishy sound right beside her and turned her head to see another tentacle emerging from a different section of the fungus. Megan screamed and stepped back before the slimy appendage could touch her.

“Crap! Another one!”

From a safe distance, Megan analyzed the situation. The tentacle danced in front of her, inviting to enjoy its “safety”. But Megan had seen the effect it caused on Susan. The woman’s mind had been completely overpowered by those massive penetrations and Megan didn’t want to end like that.

That thing wants me to sit on it like Susan did but the hell I will! I’d rather take my chances with the two-legged monsters until I find a way out of here.


Megan decided to move on. She walked into the pathway on the right, leaving Susan behind. She was alone again and this was the same tunnel taken by the solitary monster that almost killed Susan. Megan’s situation was getting worse by the minute. Trying to ignore her increasing fear, Megan thoughts wandered into other things…

The expression in Susan’s face was indescribable. She was really enjoying that brutal penetration from both tentacles. Maybe that is not such a bad way to spend your last days.

Megan followed the main passage and investigated all the smaller tunnels but all of them led to nowhere, until she saw a wider chamber ahead. When she arrived, Megan led out a gasp from the bizarre scene displayed in front of her.

“Oh God! What is happening in here?!”

There were several women lying on the chamber’s wet floor and even more creatures around them. These creatures were different. They consisted mostly of a huge sac and a large head, from which a long, fat tentacle projected forward. The head also had four small arms that ended with spikes.

The woman closest to the room’s entrance had one of these tentacles penetrating her body.

This poor woman is getting fucked too, like Susan, Megan thought. Then she tried to communicate with her, “Hi. Can you hear me?”

The woman didn’t answer and Megan realized that she was, like Susan, in a daze. She also noticed that the creature was injecting something into the woman’s legs and her skin was turning slightly green around the puncture.

Maybe that’s why she is unresponsive. She is being drugged.

Megan couldn’t prevent screaming out loud when she turned her eyes to the center of the chamber. There was another woman that she didn’t notice before because she was completely green, almost like a decaying corpse. The woman was distended and wasn’t moving at all.

“Oh my God! Is that woman dead?!”

Looking more carefully, Megan realized that the woman was alive and breathing. The reason for her bloatedness was an apparent pregnancy. These monsters have injected so much venom in her that she is all green now! And she looks so pregnant!

The thought of being pregnant reminded Megan of herself before giving birth to the maggots. Her pussy stirred involuntarily. Then she cast-off the thought, feeling ashamed.

A guttural sound coming from one of the creatures, returned Megan’s attention back to the first woman. There was something moving within the hollow tentacle and it was getting closer to the woman’s pussy. Megan considered helping her but she was too afraid.

That tentacle is bulging. Something is sliding inside of it.

As the large bulge reached the woman’s crotch and pushed into her body, the woman woke up from her blissful reverie and lifted her upper body with a loud moan.

Megan got scared by this and jumped back but she quickly returned to the same spot, observing the astonishing event without blinking. From that angle, she couldn’t see the girl’s crotch but she could imagine that large object expanding her pussy lips and forcing its way in, stretching her vaginal cavity to the limit.

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