King Dong
King Dong
Sex Story Author: | Lubrican |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Now she was stretched out like an arrow. His hands came down the arms and onto her shoulders and upper |
Sex Story Category: | Blowjob |
Sex Story Tags: | Blowjob, Fiction, First Time, Incest, Male / Females, Pregnant |
King Dong
By Lubrican
Chapter 1
Kathy was at the age where she knew she had to go to these big family
gatherings, but could only think of perhaps fifteen or twenty things she’d
rather be doing. She knew it wouldn’t do any good to protest, and she’d
gotten in the car with her sister and mother, but she hadn’t been happy
about it. That changed when they got to her Grandmother’s house.
Kathy saw her Uncle and grinned. He was so cool. He was big and
strong, but when he wrestled with her it was like fighting with a big soft
teddy bear. He tickled her so expertly it was almost scary. He could
position his hands in such a way that when she jerked her body to get away
from that tickle spot, he would be ready to strike at another tickle spot.
She loved to jump on him and try to tickle him back, even though he didn’t
tickle very well. She always felt special whenever he paid attention to
her in their special way.
When her breasts grew out she hated them. They got in the way of almost
everything, and they were tender and sore. And then hair grew between her
legs and it held odors so that she had to take showers almost every single
day. She felt awkward and ugly. But through it all, her Uncle Bob smiled
at her and hugged her and wrestled with her. Now his tickling wasn’t so
rough, though he still made her squirm and giggle. When she was trying to
escape-but-not-really from him, she forgot she was a gangly misshapen girl.
Eventually she grew into a lithe strong limbed woman with thrusting
breasts that didn’t hurt any more, but sometimes tingled strangely,
especially the nipples. And all that hair covered pouting lips that also
tingled, especially when she washed there in the shower. Her long blond
hair glistened with health and her skin was flawless. There were lots of
people who thought she and Uncle Bob shouldn’t wrestle any more.
But neither she nor Uncle Bob agreed.
And when she saw him today, she planned her attack.
She pretended not to notice him, or not to care, as if he were just
another relative at the family gathering. There was going to be lots of
food and card games and all the usual things that happened when some part
of their large family got together. So she talked to the odd cousin, or
one of her Aunts, only looking at Uncle Bob out of the corner of her eye.
He was, as usual, wearing a pair of loose shorts with an elastic waist.
He also had on a tank top that showed off his bulging arms and broad chest.
Sandals completed his outfit.
But it was the shorts she was interested in.
Sixteen year olds aren’t known for using the best judgment. Kathy was a
normal teenager, who thought something would be cute or funny without
thinking things through completely. Her plan was to get behind Uncle Bob
and jerk those shorts down around his calves, exposing his underwear. Then
she would laugh and yell “GOTCHA!” and run away before he could jerk his
shorts back up and chase her.
It just never occurred to her that he might not be wearing underwear.
She had two Uncles and four Aunts and about forty cousins. Uncle Bob
was talking to his two younger sisters, Cora and Liz. Liz was her mother
and, as she maneuvered, she was struck by the look on her mom’s face as she
talked to Uncle Bob. Her mother was smiling, which wasn’t unusual, but
there was something else there, some look of utter happiness that was
striking and caught Kathy’s attention. Aunt Cora was just as animated and
it occurred to Kathy that she wasn’t the only female in the clan who
enjoyed being around Uncle Bob.
Kathy put her plan into action and wandered into the area behind Uncle
Bob. About then her sister, Jill and her cousin Mindy, came up to their
mothers to ask if they could go hiking together. Kathy wanted to snort at
the idea that her mother, or Aunt Cora would allow the two fourteen year
old girls to go off alone. But they played into her plan perfectly.
All four of them had a perfect view when Kathy grabbed Bob’s shorts and
jerked them down. Her plan worked perfectly. His shorts went all the way
to his ankles. She yelled “GOTCHA!” gleefully and jumped up, at which time
she saw bare buttocks right in front of her face.
Something in her mind said “Uh oh” and, instead of running away, she
just stepped back a pace.
Liz and Cora had grown up with Bob, and in that family there had been
little privacy. With four girls and two boys plus a set of parents, and
only two bathrooms, modesty wasn’t a first priority. But by the time Cora
and Liz had reached the full blush of puberty, Bob was the only brother
left in the house and the two older sisters had gone off to college as
well. So when Cora and Liz got interested in men, their brother had his own
bathroom and they never got to see much of him. They were therefore
unprepared for the penis that was suddenly exposed to them.
Their 14 year old daughters were, at that point in their lives,
EXTREMELY interested in boys and boys’ bodies. Neither had ever gotten a
good look at a penis, and both wanted to badly. They would remember this
day for the rest of their lives.
The organ these four women were confronted with was unusual, to say the
We all hear stories about huge dicks, but nobody sees them routinely.
However, as anyone reading this story probably knows, there is proof out
there on the internet that these things do, in fact, exist. Bob’s penis
could pose for those pictures.
It was nine and one quarter inches long while flaccid. It was
uncircumcised, and so smooth looking it almost seemed like it was made of
some kind of light wood. It hung from a tangle of light brown curly hair.
The top third or so was flanked by what they could see of his balls, which
were big hairy sacks that pushed the base of his cock out from his body an
inch or two. The result was, oddly enough, quite similar to what an Indian
Elephant looks like, in a nearsighted sort of way, with the balls being the
ears, the penis the trunk and the hair the head.
All four females knew, in theory, that this penis could get hard, and
that when it DID get hard, it would lengthen by a third. The two women
suddenly felt weak in their knees at the thought of what that would look
like… and what it would be good for.
The two girls promptly disregarded all the rumors that boys could stick
those things in a girl and it would feel good. It was plain to see that
any girl who got THAT thing stuck in her would need a wheel chair
There was a general hush in the crowd after Kathy screamed “GOTCHA!” and
every head turned toward them. The only person in the room who did not see
his monster dick, was the person who was responsible for exposing it.
Cora, whose husband had a four inch penis that, until this day had been
perfectly satisfactory to her, said “Oh my goodness.”
Liz, who was divorced and had not had a man in over six years, said “Son
of a BITCH!”
The two girls chorused “EEEEWWWWWWWWW”
Everybody else just stared at first, then there was a hubbub of noise as
women started yelling and men started realizing that their women were
comparing them to this freak of nature.
Basically, the only person who thought it was funny was Kathy.
Her mother yelled “KATHLEEN SUE MARTIN!” at which point Kathy’s
suspicion that she was in trouble for her prank was confirmed. Now she
KNEW she was in trouble. She leaned sideways, expecting her mother to be
frowning at her, but her mother’s wide eyed gaze was riveted on Uncle Bob’s
Her mother shouted again “KATHLEEN SUE MARTIN!!” like she was one of
those stuffed toys where you press part of them and they speak a
pre-recorded message. Uncle Bob whipped around to see who had de-pantsed
him and Kathy suddenly got a glimpse of what all the hubbub was about.
When he turned, the trunk of his elephant rose up and lashed wildly.
Kathy’s first impression was that he had a rope tied around his waist or
something. When she realized that was his PENIS, she freaked. She held
her hands out in front of her, warding off an unseen attacker and said “Oh
shit… I’m sorry… oh shit… I didn’t… Oh SHIT!”
Bob, having never married, and not having a spouse to be embarrassed by
all this, decided that getting upset wouldn’t do anybody any good. Instead
he bent over, pulled his shorts up and said “Very funny… Ha… ha…
ha. You’re gonna pay for that Kat!” He sounded for all the world like he
actually didn’t care that his secret had been revealed.
Kathy, however, was mortified. She had embarrassed her favorite Uncle
and everybody in the whole family knew it! She ran out of the room crying.
Bob, knowing that what had happened wasn’t his fault, but that most of
his family would blame him anyway, was more worried about Kathy than he was
any of them. Some of them would try to make her life miserable and, all
things considered, nothing REALLY terrible had happened. Yes, some kids
had seen a real live penis, but then, what did that actually hurt?
But if his relationship with Kathy had been damaged, he actually cared
about that. He was about to go after her when his sister Liz caught his
arm. “Oh Bobby, I’m so sorry. Sometimes kids can be such… I don’t
He was saying it was OK and trying to pull away to go after Kathy.
Liz went on “Wait! I need to talk to you… privately.”
He looked at her and saw in her eyes the same look he’d seen in several
other women’s eyes once they’d seen what he had in his pants.
“Surely not” he thought. “Not my little sister!”
But once she got him alone it was obvious to him what she wanted. She
started talking about how long it had been since she’d seen him, and how
they hadn’t spent enough time together, and how she missed her husband…
well not her husband, but having a man around. She touched him on his arms
and once on his hip, and when she didn’t touch him her hands hovered near
his body.
He’d seen it all before.
It would have been funny if it hadn’t been his sister.
On the other hand, she was no slouch. She was a vibrant woman, with a
good figure and a better personality. He finally stopped her babbling.
“Liz… I know what you want.”
There was a little panic in her eyes. “Don’t be silly. I don’t WANT
But her eyes darted to his crotch.
He almost laughed. “Come take a walk with me” he said, holding his hand
Now she fidgeted. “OK… let me tell the others where I’ll be.”
He took her hand. “Nobody needs to know where we’ll be. Come on, I
want to show you something.” He pulled her and they left the house.
It was the house they were all raised in, so in reality, there shouldn’t
have been much he COULD show her that she didn’t already know about.
But she didn’t say anything, she just went along with him as he took her
into the woods. He kept going and finally she said “Bobby… where in the
world are you taking me?”
He turned and said “Far enough they won’t be able to hear you.”
“What?” she said, pulling at his hand. “What did you say?”
He stopped and turned around to face her. He walked up close and she
shrank back a little.
“You are going to be making a hell of a lot of noise in about five or
ten minutes, and I don’t think you want a bunch of your cousins coming to
find out WHY you’re making so much noise.”
She started to ask him what he was talking about but he kissed her. It
took her by surprise, but part of her had been hoping for just such a kiss
and that part responded with a hunger that surprised them both. She
writhed against him and his hands came up and slid up her sides, then to
her breasts and he squeezed them through her shirt.
She broke the kiss but did not move away from him one centimeter. “What
are you doing Bobby?” she said, her voice husky.
“You know what I’m doing Lizzy.” he said, and he kissed her throat as
she threw her head back.
“You can’t” she moaned. He pulled her and she yelped, following him as
he took her deeper into the woods. “Bobby, this is crazy. We can’t do
this. Bobby! I won’t LET you do this.” But she kept running after him,
her hand lightly held in his. She could have jerked her hand out of his
But she didn’t.
Kathy had run blindly for ten minutes after leaving her grandparents’
house. She couldn’t ever show her face in public again. “How STUPID that
was!” she thought to herself. Finally, out of breath she sat down. She
was sitting there feeling sorry for herself when she heard crashing sounds
in the woods. She jumped up, afraid it was an animal, but then she heard
Not just any voices. She heard her mother’s voice! Were they looking
for her? They probably wanted to punish her. But her mother’s voice
sounded funny… almost scared! Then, very plainly, she heard her mother
yell “Bobby, we CAN’T do this… it’s WRONG Bobby!”
They had stopped.
Kathy crept towards where she heard her mother’s anguished voice.
Liz had kept telling her brother that she couldn’t go with him, and kept
that up all the time he pulled her along. She followed him until he
stopped. They were in a little clearing that had grass thick on the
ground. He turned around and looked at her. Her eyes were big and her
mouth was open.
He took off his shirt.
“Bobby!” she moaned.
He bent over and pulled his shorts down. “Ohhhh fuck” she groaned.
“You don’t play fair.” Her eyes were riveted to his cock … the same one
that Kathy had unveiled a short time before.
Kathy pushed a branch aside and saw her Uncle and her Mother standing in
the middle of a little clearing. Her Uncle pulled off his shirt. Then he
took off his SHORTS! She couldn’t believe what she was seeing.
Bob stepped up to his sister and began unbuttoning her blouse. She kept
up a stream of statements that they couldn’t do this, that they shouldn’t
do this, that he had to stop immediately, but did nothing whatsoever to
stop him from taking her blouse off. When he put his fingers to the front
of her bra, where the fastener was, her hands came up and cupped her
breasts, holding the bra to them after he unhooked it. Then he fell to his
knees and began taking her shorts down. She couldn’t hold on to her bra
and pull her shorts up at the same time, so she let go of her breasts,
which were not in imminent danger, with his hands and head down there by
her crotch.
She grabbed her shorts, trying to hold them up as he unbuttoned and then
unzipped them. Bob ran his hands around to her ass and began kissing his
way up her body, starting at her belly button. He nosed aside her left bra
cup and sucked in her pink nipple.
Kathy’s jaw slowly dropped until her mouth was hanging open. Her Uncle
was doing things to her mother that boys tried to do with her on dates!
And her mother was just STANDING THERE!
Kathy could hear her telling Bob to stop, and that they couldn’t and
shouldn’t, but it was just OBVIOUS to her that her mother didn’t mean a
word of it. She WAS holding her pants on, but Kathy didn’t think that
would last long. Then she saw Uncle Bob kissing her mother’s stomach and
then he sucked her mother’s nipple and she suddenly felt all hot and itchy
between her own legs.
Liz stopped talking when Bob sucked in her nipple. Her hands went limp
and her shorts fell with a plop to the ground. “You bastard” she moaned.
He switched nipples and she shrugged her bra off before bringing both
hands to the back of his head. “How did you know?” she moaned.
He let the nipple pop out of his mouth and pulled her panties down. She
stepped out of them, all resistance gone now. “I saw it in your eyes.”
“Are you really going to do it? Are you really going to fuck me with
that… thing?” she sighed.
“Why do you think I brought you clear out here?” he said. He stood back
His dick was hard.
“I want to touch it” she said, sinking to her knees. She held it,
stroked it and talked to it. She kissed it and sucked the tip into her
Kathy undid her own pants and slid her hand into them. She had to do
something about the itch in her pussy. She slid a finger in and then
pinched and pulled her nipples through her shirt. Her mother was such a
Liz played with his prick for a little while longer and then lay back on
the grass. “Bobby? I need you Bobby. Please, baby, please.”
He sank down between her legs, his hand around his cock with five inches
still sticking out. Kathy watched and groaned in her own throat as her
Uncle fed that long hard sausage into her mother’s pussy.
Kathy had seen X rated videos at her friend’s house, but this was
nothing like that. This was raw and powerful sex. Uncle Bob shoved as
much of his monster cock into his sister as he could get in her and her
mother just went CRAZY. Her legs flailed and her arms flailed. She cried
and screamed and moaned and groaned. She cursed at him in one breath and
professed undying love for him in the next breath, all the while shoving
her pussy up to meet each of his downward strokes.
Kathy had two nice orgasms with her fingers stuck up in her when she saw
her Uncle manage to get all but a couple of inches of his prick in her
mother’s belly. Her mother gave a screech and she went limp. Then she
heard her Uncle Bob say “Liz, baby, I’m gonna cum. I’m right up by your
womb Lizzy and I’m gonna fill it up. Are you on the pill little sister?”
Liz lifted her head and screamed “NOOOO YOU BASTARD… YOU KNOW I’M
Bob said “Good. I just wanted to make sure” Then he grunted and his
buttocks clenched.
Kathy heard her mother say “OH FUCK… I FEEL IT… BOBBY I FEEL IT…
He was shooting that awful prick off inside her mother. His sperm was
splashing into her mother’s womb! Kathy sat down hard as her knees gave
way. She realized she was panting and tried to quiet her breathing.
It got very quiet then, and Kathy stayed as still as she could,
breathing lightly, afraid to move. She heard noises… their voices again
and, ever so slowly she moved until she could see them again. Her uncle
was still lying on top of her mother, who’s body was lying limp, except for
her arms, which were tightly around her brother.
After a while her Uncle and Mother got up and got dressed. They were
talking quietly now and Kathy saw her mother touch and then kiss Uncle Bob.
Obviously she wasn’t mad at him for doing what he’d just done. When they
left she decided to follow them. It was late in the day and she didn’t
want to be in the woods when it got dark. She didn’t know what she’d do
when she got back. Feeling bad about making a fool of herself and her
Uncle had given way to other feelings. Obviously he and her mother hadn’t
done this before. She was thinking about it so hard she almost didn’t hear
her mother’s tell-tale groan in time. Kathy stopped suddenly and then
moved forward carefully.
This time her mother was on top of her Uncle, riding his hard pole.
Again, she couldn’t get it all the way inside her, but she was sliding
forward and backward on it, having a great time trying. “I can’t…
believe… you’re doing this… to me.” she panted.
He seemed to be much more calm than she was. “I’m just lying here
Lizzy, and it’s you who’s doing all the moving around. In fact if you keep
doing that you’re going to make it go off again. When was your last
period, little sis?”
“Ohhhh fuck Bobby” said her mother as she hunkered down on his rod and
began to cum. Her head was hanging and groans of joy poured from her
mouth. She gasped her answer. “Two weeks… it was two weeks ago, Bobby.”
“You going to pull off of me this time?” he asked, breathing harder.
“I don’t… think so” she gasped.
“Well then you’re gonna get another belly full unless you stop squeezing
me like that” he moaned.
She whined “I’m there again Bobby… oh honey you have no idea how I’ve
missed this” She lay down on him as he rammed up into her, dumping another
load of his incestuous sperm in her womb.
Kathy just stared and, for the first time in her life, she wished just
maybe she’d have given her cherry to Danny Trumble. For her mother to act
like this… it must be something awfully nice.
Her mother pushed herself back up and then just sat there, impaled on
his giant log. Neither of them were moving now. Her mother said “How
could I DO this? I’m SUCH a hussy!”
Uncle Bob said “Maybe, but at least you’re a well-fucked hussy.” He
reached up and tweaked one of her nipples through her shirt.
Liz batted his hand away and yelled “And what am I going to do if I turn
up PREGNANT? Everybody knows I don’t date! Most of the family thinks I
hate men since Roger left us. HOW COULD THIS HAVE HAPPENED?!”
All the while she had been rocking back and forth on Bob’s prick, which
had half softened, but because it was so big, didn’t FEEL soft, stuffed in
such a small place.
Bob reached up and touched her cheek. “It happened because you needed
it to happen. It could have been anybody. I was just handy.”
“NO IT DIDN’T” she snapped at him. “It happened because you’re hung
like a fucking HORSE! One look at that thing and all I could think about
was how empty I felt! What are we going to do Bobby?”
“That depends on you.” he said simply.
“You mean you’d do it again?” she said, with both hope and scorn in her
“Any time you want to baby sister. You say the word and I’ll be there.
I love you.”
She collapsed on his chest, crying and telling him how much she loved
him too. They lay there for a while longer and then she reluctantly pulled
herself up and off of him. As she got up a big thick glob of his sperm
dropped down on a long string between her legs. She stared at it until it
finally dropped to the ground and then pulled on her panties and shorts
“I’m fucked” she said “I bet you put twins in me.”
“That would be nice” he said, and he kissed her gently. They walked
Kathy crept out to where the sperm had dropped on the grass. She knelt
down. She could see it plainly. She reached out one slim finger and
dipped it in the viscous stuff. Then she rubbed it against her thumb. It
was slippery and still a little warm. She shuddered and wiped her finger
on the grass. Then she followed her mother and uncle back to the house.
For the rest of the day Kathy laid low, keeping in the background. She
watched her mother, who was radiant and happy. There was one moment when
she and Cora got into some kind of argument – Cora was yelling at Liz in a
whisper – but her mother just put her nose in the air and said something
that made Cora lean back and close her mouth. There was another bad moment
when her little sister Jill sauntered up and said “You are in SO much
trouble.” But Jill knew better than to say that and stay around. Kathy
wasn’t about to draw more attention to herself by chasing the brat.
But the worst part was when it was time to go. She couldn’t face Uncle
Bob. Her mother, acting completely normal – that blew Kathy’s mind more
than anything else – told her it was time to go and asked her “Have you
apologized to your Uncle?”
“No” Kathy said sullenly.
Her mother frowned with that ‘You’re going to have to do what I tell you
sooner or later so do it now’ look. Kathy saw him over across the room,
saying goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa.
She went that direction, but veered off, unable to look him in the eye
after what she’d seen. She felt jumpy and anxious, even though she knew he
probably wasn’t mad at her. He looked up and his eyes bored into hers. He
came toward her. She turned away from him, staring at the wall.
When one of his fingers dug gently into her side she twisted away and
said “DON’T!” She didn’t understand why she was mad at him… but she was.
Her whole day had been ruined. She’d spent half the day wandering around
in the woods and then hiding from everybody right there in the house. She
took in a breath to scream at him and closed her hands into fists.
Right then he touched both her elbows and said “Hey… I just wanted to
say thanks.”
It blew everything she was going to say right out of her mind. She
turned her head and said “What?” She tried to frown. She was mad, right?
She wanted him to know that for some reason.
He turned her and when she wouldn’t look in his eyes he put a finger
under her chin and lifted it until she had to. “I wanted to say thank
you… you know… for the prank… and everything else.”
She didn’t understand. What was he talking about? He was so
“I saw you” he said. “Out in the woods.” When her eyebrows rose he said
“Watching your mother and me.”
She blushed furiously and, with no place else to do it, buried her face
in his chest. His arms went around her and she sobbed. He whispered
soothingly in her ear while he held her tight. “Look, I know it’s weird
and that you don’t understand, and you probably think we’re perverts, but
it was something special. Your mother has been so lonely. She really
needed that. And it was your prank that led to it. And you didn’t blow
the whistle on us. that means a lot to me. I think it means a lot to your
mother too.”
At that her head snapped up. “She KNOWS?!”
“I had to tell her… in case you said something. She had to be
prepared to face the family. She didn’t say anything to you though did
Kathy buried her head in his chest again and sobbed some more. “How
will I ever face her now?”
Bob looked up. No one seemed to be paying an inordinate amount of
attention to them. But for what he was going to do he wanted no witnesses.
He moved her around a corner. She looked up to see what he was doing. He
wiped her eyes with his thumbs. Then, very tenderly, he kissed her lips.
Her eyes opened wide, and she saw his were closed. She closed hers just in
time for him to break the kiss.
“Your mother loves you” he said. He kissed the tip of her nose. “And I
love you.” Her mouth was open, like a fish gasping for air. “Everything
will be OK, I promise.” he said. Then he shoved her out into the room
toward her mother with a slap on her butt. “Now, get moving. I’ll see you
Friday night.”
She turned around to ask him what that meant and then heard her mother’s
strident voice “KATHLEEN! We have to GO. Come ON!” The last she saw of
Uncle Bob was his big smile just before he blew her a kiss.
Chapter 2
The ride home was… interesting. Her mother didn’t say a word about
anything that had happened that day… not about anything. Except “Did
you apologize to your Uncle?” When Kathy said “Yes” that was it. Once,
when Kathy said “Mom… about today…” her mother glanced over and said
“Not now Kathleen.” Then she glanced meaningfully at Jill, who was playing
with a video game. The rest of the trip was silent.
When they got home, though, everything changed. As soon as Jill was
safely in the shower, Liz called Kathy and said “We have to talk.”
Kathy followed her, head down, to her mother’s bedroom. Liz pointed at
the bed and Kathy sat. Liz paced for a while before she finally spoke.
“Look, there’s nothing I can say about what happened today that will
make this easy. I know you probably don’t want to be here, and there’s
nothing I can do about that. But we have to live together for another two
years, and then you can get out of this place and never see me again.”
Kathy couldn’t breathe. “But Mommy WHY? I’m sorry. I thought it would
be funny. I didn’t know he wasn’t wearing underwear. I didn’t think it
would hurt anything. Please don’t make me go. Uncle Bob said you LOVE
me!” She began crying huge tears and barely saw the look of horror on her
mother’s face.
“Oh honey” cried Liz, going to her daughter and hugging her. “I DO love
you. I didn’t mean you have to leave. I just thought you must hate me for
what you saw. I DO love you sweetheart. I’m not mad about the prank. I
think it did some of those biddies a lot of good seeing a real man.” She
giggled somewhat hysterically. “And if you hadn’t done that then we
wouldn’t have… “
She stopped, blushing a little. Kathy was sniffling, but she looked
Liz went on “Sweetheart, what I meant was there’s no way I can explain
why your Uncle and I did… what we did. I don’t think you could
understand what I was feeling.”
Kathy burst out “I masturbated while I watched you!”
Liz was thunderstruck. Until she remembered that she lost her cherry
when she was Kathy’s age. Thinking back, she realized it was possible that
Kathy COULD understand the lust that raged through her mother that
afternoon. She looked at her daughter. “And how did that make you feel?”
Kathy didn’t know how to say what she felt. “I got mad.”
“Mad?” prompted her mother.
“Yes. I was mad at you for acting slutty, and I was mad at Uncle Bob
and then I wanted to shout and scream, but my… pussy…” even now she
was mad enough to say a word she knew would get her in trouble, “yes… my
pussy itched and I had to rub it and then he ejaculated in you and I wanted
to scream. I didn’t like that feeling, and I know you’ve stayed away from
men because of Jill and me and I’m all confused about everything.”
Liz’ eyes got bigger and bigger as her daughter babbled on, and she
realized that Kathy was JEALOUS! She had all the classic symptoms.
“Kathy, honey” she said. Kathy quit talking and looked at her mother.
“Has Uncle Bob ever touched you?”
Kathy didn’t understand. “Of course. We wrestle and tickle and stuff
all the time.”
“No, I meant has he ever touched you… like he touched me today?”
Now it was Kathy’s eyes that got big. “Oh NO Mamma, NEVER. Why would
you ask me that Mamma? I don’t let any boys touch me like that.”
Liz held up her hands. “I know, honey. But you were acting like maybe
he had and then he touched me too and you got jealous about it.”
Kathy barked a laugh “Just because he’s handsome and strong and smart
and has a cock to die for…” she clapped her hand over her mouth with an
audible smack. She expected her mother to slap her or worse.
Instead Liz just laughed. “He does indeed have a… cock – I believe
you used that word – to die for. Tell me something. When you wrestle with
him how does it make you feel?”
Kathy thought. “Well, I feel all warm and good and happy. It’s fun and
I like him and it feels good when he touches me.” Her head jerked up “But
that doesn’t mean I want to…” she trailed off, her eyes going out of
focus. “Um… mamma… he kissed me goodbye today… on the lips.”
Liz smiled “Oh?”
“Yes. And I felt all gooshy inside, like when I was watching you two.
Mamma you did it TWICE!!”
Liz ducked her head to cover her smile. But then she frowned. Her
daughter was ripe for the plucking, full of hormones that some pimply faced
boy could soon use to manipulate her into something that could be good…
or bad. Liz didn’t want that to turn out bad for her daughter.
“Yes we did. And that’s because I wanted it. I NEEDED it.”
“But I don’t understand. You kept telling him ‘no’ and to stop and that
you shouldn’t be doing it but you just kept going until… I don’t
Liz thought for a minute. “If your Uncle tried to kiss you again, would
you let him?”
Kathy’s eyes went out of focus again. “Yes. Is that bad?”
“No” said her mother. “It’s normal. What if he wanted to kiss your
neck, or shoulders, or your stomach? Would you let him do that?”
Kathy’s eyes got bright. “Like when he kissed your stomach and then…”
“Yes, that too. How would you feel if he wanted to do that with you?”
“I don’t know” said Kathy. But she was rubbing her thighs together, and
one hand was over her breast. She didn’t even know she was doing it. Liz
knew though, and it was plain to see that Kathy had a crush on her Uncle.
“You know he’s coming over here for the weekend,” said Liz.
Kathy’s eyes got wild. “Here? He’s going to stay HERE? But… why?”
Liz laughed. “You saw us out there. Why do you THINK he’s coming over
Kathy’s pussy spritzed at the thought of her Uncle on top of her mother.
“Ohhh Mommy I don’t feel good. I think I’m going to go lie down.”
Liz smiled. “Look sweetie, let me explain what’s happening to you.
You’re horny.”
Kathy gasped, and Liz went on. “That’s right, you’re just horny, and I
think you’re horny for your Uncle Bob. No, don’t deny it. I know EXACTLY
how you feel, because he does that to me too. The reason you were mad at
us today was because part of you wanted him to be doing those things to
YOU, instead of ME.”
Kathy slumped and then flopped back on the bed. “Ohhh what am I going
to do? Why is life so hard mamma?”
“Well” said Liz, “One thing you could do is let him do some of those
things to you. Then you’d get it out of your system.”
There was hope in Kathy’s eyes, but it dimmed. “He’d never want to do
those things with me. He’s my Uncle.”
Liz said “And he’s MY brother.”
The hope came back to Kathy’s eyes. “But I don’t know how to do that
stuff, and his penis is so huge it would never fit in me.”
Liz held up her hands. “Now wait a minute. I said try a FEW of those
things. I don’t think you’re ready for full intercourse yet. Don’t get
ahead of yourself.”
There was silence for a moment. Liz went on.
“Look, honey, what if I talked to Uncle Bob for you, to see how he’d
feel about helping you sort of discover the woman inside you? I trust him.
I think he’ll do what you want, and nothing more. What do you think?”
“I think I’m having the strangest conversation any girl my age could
have with her mother,” said Kathy. “But OK. It makes me feel all funny
inside just thinking about it.”
“He’s coming over here this weekend to… help me too. I know exactly
how you feel.”
The next day Bob got the strangest call of his life. When Liz asked him
if he thought he might be able to force himself to neck with and pet her
daughter, his prick sprang to attention immediately.
“What’s going on over there Liz?” he said warily. “First you go wild
and now Kathy? And you’re SUPPORTING her in this?!”
“Bob, she saw us making love, and it awakened feelings in her that she’s
had lying there dormant… feelings for you. She’s jealous! Of all the
people to be jealous of, she’s jealous of her MOTHER!” She sighed. “But
Bob, I don’t want you sticking that monster of yours in my baby. She’s not
ready for that yet. I just want you to show her a good time. Maybe work
on multiple orgasms or something. If you don’t do it she’s going to go
looking for it somewhere else and I don’t want that. What do you say? Can
you do this and keep that beautiful prick where it belongs?”
“I say there is a full body massage in Kathy’s future. Can you get you
and Jill out of the house for a while?” Liz thought that would be no
problem. Bob said “Tell her this is the kind of massage that requires she
be unclothed. That will get her ready to be naked around me. Things will
take care of themselves then I think. And no, I won’t fuck her, OK?”
Liz thanked him and hung up. That night she told Kathy about the
massage date and told Jill that they were going shopping together. Both
girls were happy.
Kathy met her Uncle at the door. He was carrying what looked like a
folded up table of some kind. She hugged him fiercely, pressing her
breasts against his chest. “Mommy says you’re going to give me a massage”
she said, kissing his cheek.
“That I am.” he said. “Do you know what that means?”
“Mom said that I’ll have to take my clothes off, and you’ll touch me
places she doesn’t want any other boys to touch me, but that it’s OK if you
do it.”
He looked at her. “Well, that’s a start. Where do you want to do
She looked down, unaccountably embarrassed. “Can we do it in my
bedroom?” He nodded and followed her to that room where he set up the
table. It was narrow, just wide enough for her body to fit on it with two
wings for her arms that were adjustable. They could be folded in, along
the table, so her arms were by her sides, or folded out and up so her arms
cold be in any position including over her head. The legs were adjustable
too, so the table could be low or high. It was padded with soft cloth.
Kathy stood there watching as he set up.
“When should I take off my clothes?” she asked.
“Now would be fine” he said, making an adjustment to the table. By the
time he was done, Kathy had stripped down to her bra and panties, which she
thought was far enough. He turned and smiled. “Take those off too Kat” he
pointed at her bra.
Suddenly she got shy. “Do I have to?” she whined.
“No” he said. “And that’s something I want you to understand perfectly
today Kat. You don’t have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. If
I touch you someplace you don’t like, just tell me and I’ll stop.”
“You didn’t stop when my mother told you to stop out in the woods.”
Kathy said in a low voice.
“That’s because she didn’t actually want me to stop Kathy. Its hard to
explain, but I knew she didn’t mean what she was saying.”
“I know” said Kathy, reaching behind her for her bra catch. “I knew she
didn’t mean all those things too.” The catch came loose and the bra fell
off her pale bulging breasts. She saw a hunger come in Uncle Bob’s eyes
that made her pussy start feeling like it needed a nice rub. Before she
could chicken out she pulled down her panties and literally threw them far
enough away from her that she couldn’t grab them and put them back on.
Bob looked her up and down. “Mmm, Mmm, Mmm” he said. “You are one
beautiful young woman, Kathy.”
She felt her pussy spritz again at his compliment and crawled up on the
table before juice could start running down her thighs. She lay on her
stomach. The arm wings were at her sides right now. She felt very exposed
and slightly chilled, even though it was summer.
Then, as if he could read her mind, he covered her back and buttocks
with a flannel sheet and she felt nice and warm. He also had a very warm
oil that smelled nice and he began rubbing it on her legs and feet. He
worked one leg up to her thighs and then went back to get the other one.
Then he did her thighs and buttocks, rubbing and squeezing them until she
bit her lip to keep from moaning. He moved the sheet and did her lower
back, and then her upper back and it felt so good she wanted to go to
sleep. He worked her neck then each arm, pulling the wings out so she
looked like she was an airplane, flying along. He put the wings back by
her sides and told her to turn over.
Her nervousness and shyness were gone now, something she didn’t think
about, and when she bared her breasts and pussy to him now she felt proud
somehow. He’d already told her she was beautiful, so she knew he liked
looking at her. Now she would get to feel his hands on her, like she’d
seen his hands move on her mother’s body. Her pussy creamed a little bit
thinking about that. He did her arms first, talking softly about how, in a
few minutes, he was going to have to touch her intimately. When he
finished with each arm he moved the wings until they were extended above
her head.
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