Kidnapped Models
Additional Tags: cunnilingus, cock sucking, forced orgasm, whipping, electroshock, strapon dildo, gangbang
Disclaimer: This story is one of my darker ones, with strong non-consent themes. It’s also just a fantasy, and the acts in this story I do not condone or support in real life. That’s why this is just a fantasy! Now that that’s out of the way, I hope you enjoy…*****
Kidnapped Models – A Story Inspired by Gary Roberts Artwork
Stacey and Bianca walked side by side along the beautiful white sand beach. The sunset cast the horizon in a fuchsia, peach-gold ribbon that had the power to mesmerize. The two young models had just finished a long day of try-outs, hoping to gain a top spot in an upcoming commercial. Friends from childhood, they had shared the same dreams, and all of it had led them to this secluded beach in Florida, where they hoped their careers might finally get the jump-start they needed. Both girls were 18 years old, and both were absolutely gorgeous.
Stacey was a tall, slender blonde girl with long, wavy golden hair that hung almost to the small of her back. She had large, voluptuous breasts, a smooth belly, and lean hips. Her blue eyes were warm and vivid, like the blue of calm ocean waters. She had a delicate face which often had a smirk on it, as she loved giving men a hard time and playing hard to get.
Bianca was also on the tall side, for a girl, and lithesome. She was a brunette, and her straight, glossy brown hair hung just past her shoulders. Her breasts were full, if not quite as pronounced as Stacey’s, and she had a perfect, symmetrical face which had ‘cute’ written all over it. Her rich brown eyes and sexy little mouth were very kiss-able, and she too enjoyed playing hard to get with men. In fact, teasing men was a shared pastime for the two girls.
Now, as they walked along the beach, the waves lapping softly at the shore, the two girls just enjoyed each other’s company. The ocean breeze rippled goose bumps up and down the girls’ arms. Stacey wore only a pink-and-black bikini bra and panty while Bianca wore only her favorite purple bikini bra and panty. The two girls looked almost like a matching set, so perfect, beautiful, and young.
As they walked, Bianca smiled.
“So, what do you want to do after our beachside stroll? There’s a dive bar just outside of town. We could go hang out for a while. Have a drink or three. I’m sure some local sap will swoon over us and buy us whatever we want.”
Stacey shrugged. “I’m not sure. I don’t know. I’m not feeling in the mood for it tonight. I want a real man to tease, not just some backwards locals.”
Both girls were from New York, and they viewed rural Florida as almost like one of the circles of hell. It was too hot and the lack of sophistication here grated on each girl’s nerve. Oh well. Soon enough both of them would be flying back to the Big Apple, haven of civilization and decent tastes.
“Did you hear that?” Bianca stopped. The dune on their right had some tall grasses which swayed in the breeze. She thought she heard someone moving in among the grasses, almost as if someone was f0llowing them.
Stacey snorted. “You always were paranoid, girl. Relax. It’s just us out here. Come on, walk with me some more. This is nice, isn’t it? Just us and the waves?”
The two girls kept walking until suddenly two figures erupted from the tall grass, barreling toward them down the slope. Both men wore black fatigues and masks. Both were extremely muscular and well-built, and one was slighter taller than the other. The tall one had a gun in his hand, and he pointed it in Stacey’s face.
“Don’t move, bitch. You either, slut.” He turned the gun toward Bianca, who quailed.
“What are you doing?!” she cried.
“Shut up!” The shorter man growled. He produced two pairs of handcuffs and proceeded to cuff each girl’s wrists behind her back. He began shoving the two girls forward, herding them toward the unknown.
“Wh-where are you taking us?” Stacey squeaked.
Bianca found a shred of courage. “Let us go right now or we’ll scream.” Then she felt the barrel of the taller man’s pistol press against her face.
“You do that, little cunt, and it’ll be the LAST thing you do. Now MOVE. You give us any trouble, you’re both dead.”
Both girls felt a surge of fear, their hearts beating hard inside their chests as the two men guided them to an abandoned parking lot. There were no cars except for a black van that sat behind a tree, well out of sight from the main road. The tall man opened up the back door of the van. He pointed the gun at the two girls as his companion shoved them into the van. There were two seats on either side. The shorter man barked at Stacey to sit. She did, and he strapped her seatbelt in place.
“Don’t move, bitch.”
He looked down at Bianca, who the taller man had forced to kneel on the floor of the van. He turned to his taller companion.
“Start driving. I’m going to break in this hot brunette.”
“Sounds good to me,” the taller one said. He moved to the front of the van, sat down, and started the engine.
Bianca trembled as she looked up at the shorter man, who was already beginning to strip out of his clothing. The shorter of their two captors was all muscle, and ‘short’ was only a term of comparison. He had to be at least 6’3 or 6’4. The man had a six-pack of muscle and pectorals made of iron. He stood now wearing nothing but the mask on his face as the van lurched into motion and left the parking lot.
“Please, don’t,” Bianca begged. She knew what was coming next. She knew and fear spiked in her chest, panic soaring along with her racing heart.
Max drove while Gary played with their newest prey. He took a wickedly sharp combat knife from the hidden slot of his discarded boot and waved it in front of the brunette’s face.
“What’s your name, bitch?”
“B-Bianca,” the girl said, trembling. Her voice quivered.
“Wrong answer.” He slapped her and she went sprawling to the floor. “Your name is ‘slave’ or ‘bitch’ or ‘fuck-toy.’ That’s what you are to us, bitch – holes to fuck and female flesh to torture. You learn to be obedient and do every fucking thing we say, you might even get out of this alive. Who knows?” He pulled her up by her hair back into a kneeling position as the girl groaned.
“Let us go!” Bianca said defiantly.
Instead, with a dark chuckle, Gary grasped the handle of the knife. With a deft series of cuts, he sliced away the girl’s bra and then her panties. Throwing the ruined fabric away, he pressed the flat of the knife against the girl’s pussy. Bianca froze in terror.
“You want me to cut your pussy, bitch?”
“No! Please don’t!”
“Then call me ‘Master.’ And start sucking cock.”
Bianca’s eyes bulged at the sight of the man’s huge cock. It swayed like a giant, looming beast above her, long and erect and pulsing with veins. He prodded it at her lips. All too aware of the flat of that blade pressed against her sex, Bianca opened her lips reluctantly and let him push his cock into her mouth. She groaned, her tongue cradling his nasty dick as it slid toward the back of her throat. He removed the knife from her pussy, putting the blade aside so that he could bunch her hair in his fist, holding her head still while he rammed his cock into her mouth.
Tears slid from the corners of Bianca’s eyes as she took him deep, half-heartedly sucking and licking with her tongue.
“You call this sucking cock?” Gary growled. “Maybe you need a lesson in how to suck dick!”
He reached down with his free hand and pinched the nipple of her left breast hard. She cried out, and even as she did he slapped her in the face again. Then he brought the knife up to her throat, yanking her head up with his one hand still fisted in her glossy brown hair.
“Are you going to suck cock like an enthusiastic slut or do you want to die right here?”
The anger and crazed look in Gary’s eyes nearly undid her. The teenage girl whimpered with fear.
“P-please, I’ll suck you. I’ll suck you good. Please.” Her pretty face upturned, she opened up and let him re-insert his cock. It slid between her lips as she formed a tight seal with those lips, her tongue sliding against his length as he thrust himself mercilessly into her hot, wet passage. She gurgled and moaned as he raped her throat, not caring one bit for her discomfort or the tears streaming down her cheeks. Soon he had a rhythm going. His cock flew into her mouth with such force, deeper and deeper.
“UGH!!! UHH!!!” She groaned as the tip of his cock slid all the way to the back her throat. His balls rested against her chin, her nose pressed into his pubic curls. She made loud desperate slurping noises as the lack of oxygen made her nearly black out. Then he was suddenly pulling his slimy dick free of her mouth. He watched as the gooey strands of his pre-cum drifted down her chin.
“Not bad, cunt. You’re starting to get the hang of it.”
Meanwhile, Stacey had been watching Bianca’s terrifying ordeal. Her eyes were glued to the horrifying sight of what was being done to her best friend. Noticing this, Gary turned to the blonde.
“Don’t worry, blonde pussy. Your turn will come soon enough.” He looked back at the brunette girl. “Now open up and keep sucking until I cum down your worthless throat!”
Bianca obeyed, taking his cock deep inside her mouth once more. She slurped and sucked fervently, her jaw rippling with her efforts. She could taste his pre-cum, the salty tang of it. She could smell his musky scent too. It filled her nostrils as he pressed his cock as deep as it could go, her nose crushed against his pubic hair until he was stretching her throat as far as humanly possible.
“AAAAAHHHH!!! Fuck! Little whore, take it!”
Then it happened. He groaned as cum fountained from the tip of his manhood. Bianca nearly choked on it. It came out in a violent burst before she was ready. She sputtered and coughed as he drew his hard-on out of her mouth. Excess cum streamed down her chin and onto her tits.
“Stupid bitch! Why didn’t you swallow?”
Before Bianca could reply, Gary slammed the butt of the pistol across her forehead. The naked girl went sprawling, stunned, to the floor of the van. With a groan of pain, she lay there, barely conscious.
“Just for that, when we get you back to the house, I’m going to ass-fuck you real hard, brown-haired cunt. You’ll regret not knowing how to swallow a man’s cum properly.”
Stacey had been watching her friend’s torture with growing panic. Now, as she saw poor Bianca’s naked body lying lifeless on the floor, she could not have felt more fear. She looked up at Gary as he approached her now, his glistening cock bobbing with each step.
“You want to see if you can do better than your girlfriend?” His cock was already re-hardening into a rigid column of flesh. How was this maniac so virile? Stacey wondered, her body trembling.
“Please, I’ll d-do whatever you want,” she gasped. “Please just do what you want with us and then let us go!”
Gary called up to Max up in the driver’s seat.
“You hear that, brother? This slut thinks she’s in a position to make demands of us.” Gary turned back to her now. His eyes were dangerous, glaring orbs.
“Looks like I need to teach you a lesson too, don’t I sweetie?” He opened up a chest in the far corner and drew out a short three-tailed whip with three beaded ends. Using the same knife from earlier, he then cut away the blonde’s panty and bra until she sat there as naked as her friend. Then he undid her seatbelt and forced her legs wide. All too aware of the air on her bare pussy, Stacey looked up fearfully at her captor. She saw his iron grip around the handle of the whip. She knew what was coming.
“Please, Sir, don’t!”
The whip slammed down, the three tendrils smacking into her pubic muff and labia. The second slap of the whip landed squarely on her exposed pussy too, wresting a plaintive cry from the helpless female captive.
“AAAYYY!! Please stop!”
“Mmm. I love watching your tits jiggle each time I whip you, bitch. Let’s see that again.” With another forceful flick of his wrist, Master Gary slammed the whip into the girl’s body – this time aiming for her big, supple cones.
“AAAYYY!!!” Stacey screamed, her breasts feeling a sharp sting as the whip smote them. “Please stop! Please!!” Stacey wailed.
To her relief, the cruel man put the whip down. He knelt down near her level. He flipped the bottom of his mask upward, just enough to uncover his mouth. Now he leaned down, tasting one of her nipples. He suckled on it softly as Stacey moaned.
“Uhhh!! Please stop.”
The man suddenly paused. Now his face loomed right in front of hers. His gaze was merciless.
“You want me to stop, bitch? You want me to go back to our earlier fun game instead?”
Quickly shaking her head, the blonde girl bit her lip as the man, seemingly satisfied for now, knelt even lower and put his head between her legs. Stacey looked in horror as the man’s tongue flicked against her pussy. Oh god! The sudden bolt of sensation made the teenage girl feel shame. As he began to lick her pussy, his hands reached around, cupping her ass. She spread her legs wider for him, giving his mouth easier access to her sex. What else could she do? He had all the power. Even as her cheeks blushed, the helpless blonde closed her eyes and tried to pretend this reality was just a horrible nightmare which would soon be over.
“Mmm. You taste good, little cunt. I could feast on this pretty little fuck-hole all day long,” Gary growled, standing up and licking his chops. He presented his cock to her face now. It was thick and tall and hard, and still glistening from Bianca’s cock-slurping efforts earlier.
“Now let’s see if you suck better than your girlfriend,” Gary said.
Stacey looked up at the looming head of that hardened penis. She couldn’t believe this was happening. This nightmare couldn’t be real.
“Hey, we’re almost there,” Max said from the front seat. Stacey’s stomach lurched. Where had they taken them?
Looking down at her with a frown, Gary growled, “We’ll have to make this quick, then. Open wide, slut!” Stacey opened and found his cock sliding roughly into her mouth. She groaned and tried to relax her throat as he kept stabbing it between her lips. He had both hands now fisted in her blonde tresses, holding her head so tightly as he slammed his shaft into her mouth again and again and again.
“Ughhh!! UhhH!! Yeah, take me deep, whore. This cock is your god now. You better suck it like a good little girl! UHH!!” he growled, his swelling testicles slapping against her chin with the force of his hard thrusts. The handcuffed blonde beauty could only sit in her seat and suck devotedly on her cruel captor’s cock, hoping he wouldn’t hurt her if she just pleased him.
Soon he had reached his pinnacle. Master Gary pulled out and erupted in the girl’s face. Cum spewed across the girl’s forehead, eyes, nose, and mouth, until a thick sheen of jism covered the girl’s beautiful face. Stacey couldn’t believe it. She felt so much warm, sticky cum sliding down her skin.
“Uhhh! Not bad, blondie. You look cute covered in cum,” the man said with a dark chuckle.
“We’re here!” Max announced. The van lurched to a stop.
“Good,” Gary said ominously. “I enjoyed licking blondie’s tight young pussy, and I want to introduce her girlfriend to the joys of cunt-munching.” As Stacey’s eyes widened, Gary nodded with a vicious gleam in his eyes.
“Oh yes, bitch. Next up, we’re going to teach your brown-haired friend how to be a little lezzie slut. She’s going to lick your pussy and make you CUM. Won’t that be nice?”
When Stacey didn’t answer and just looked at him, dumbfounded, Master Gary grabbed the whip again and slammed it down on the girl’s cunt.
“Won’t that be nice?’ he repeated. His hand rose, the three strands of the whip ever so menacing, ready to strike.
“Yes, Master,” Stacey said, repulsed and ashamed.
Stacey had always had an attraction for girls as well as guys. She even harbored a secret attraction to her best friend Bianca. But never, ever, in a million years or in her wildest dreams had Stacey expected that she would have her forbidden fantasy reach a kind of twisted fruition – especially in a nightmarish situation like this.
Master Gary teased the blonde girl’s breasts by letting the tendrils of the whip hang down, barely touching Stacey’s chest. He then abruptly pulled back, whipping her tits as she cried out again.
“AAAAHHH!! Please no more!” she sobbed.
He looked down, his cock stiff and hard. “Look at that, slut. Your sweet screaming got my cock hard all over again. You should be proud.” He put the whip down and rubbed his hands together. “Now let’s get you and your hot little girlfriend inside our ‘Dungeon House’ so that the real fun can begin.”
Dungeon House? Stacey didn’t even want to think about what that meant. Oh god.
She watched like a helpless deer in headlights as Gary picked up a semi-conscious Bianca, lifting her effortlessly in his arms. Then Max came to the back of the van and grasped Stacey by her wavy blonde hair, yanking her to her feet.
“Come on, bitch. Move!” Stacey looked over at her semi-conscious friend, wondering if they would ever get out of this alive, as the two brutal men led them to a dilapidated-looking old house, three stories of peeling paint. The place looked abandoned, at least from the outside. Maybe that was by design. On the inside, it was another story. Someone had gone to a lot of trouble to set up a carefully atmospheric interior.
In the main living room two big, sumptuous beds were set up. Lit candles on a side table bathed the room in a kind of eerie light.
Bianca finally came to as Master Gary set her down on the bed with red sheets. She twitched as Master Gary took off her cuffs and stepped back. Max prodded Stacey over on the bed beside her friend. Then Max handed Gary the gun, and he kept it trained on the two girls. Nodding to Gary, Max slipped out of the room and returned a few minutes later. What they saw in Max’s hands when he returned left both girls gaping in disbelief.
A loud buzzing sounded as the long, ribbed pink shaft in Max’s hands came to life. He handed it to a disbelieving Bianca. The gorgeous brunette looked at it in shock, then back up at her captor.
“You’re going to shove it into your girlfriend’s pussy and suck on her clit until she CUMS in your face, bitch. We want a good show,” Max growled.
Master Gary nodded, gesturing impatiently with the gun.
Although Bianca’s wrists were now free, Stacey still had her hands cuffed behind her back. Sitting at the head of the bed, the beautiful blonde opened her legs wide for her friend. Her pink opening looked alluring and sexy.
“What’re you waiting for, bitch?” Gary growled.
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