Kelly’s Heroes Chapter 1
Kelly’s Heroes Chapter 1
Sex Story Author: | cabman |
Sex Story Excerpt: | “I want to take some nudes... of you.” Petr's face changed and she was thinking about what her |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Erotica, Fiction, Incest, Oral Sex, Teen Male/Teen Females |
Kelly’s Heroes
Katherine and Robyn Kelly were finishing up the laborious task of cleaning up the basement in preparation for the workmen coming in tomorrow to work on turning it into a nice little den for them and their siblings. Their father had finally relented to the pressure of all the kids whining and found a few extra dollars to do the job. He would have preferred to do it himself but just didn’t have the time even on the weekends with all the work his small company was doing. Dave Kelly worked hard for his kids and at least he knew that even if they did whine and wheedle at him, he was doing a good job raising them on his own. Kat and Robyn were the middle two kids, identical twins and they did seem to have that bond that everyone seems to think is apparent in all twins. They were just getting all of the boxes packed into the small laundry room off the basement and both were grunting and sweating from the effort. These last boxes were the accumulated junk and memorabilia from their father’s time at Collage and they didn’t know why he insisted on keeping some of the shit they saw in there but knew it must all be sentimental rather than useful. Both girls were bone tired and as they dropped the last box into place they both sat on the cold concrete floor and took a well earned rest. Kat turned to one of the last boxes they had placed and started to rip it open.
“What the hell dad needs all this for is beyond me, it’s all crap. He really should have thrown the lot, or at least had a yard sale with some of it.” Her hand fished inside the old dusty box and pulled out some magazines. “What did I tell you? Crap!” As she said it, she dropped them to the floor and they spread as they hit the cold concrete surface. Both of them stared at them, they were all porn magazines!
“Wow! I didn’t know about any of these. Who would have thought dad would keep all these old skin mags?” Kat was slightly dumbfounded by the find. Robyn was chuckling away to herself and picked one up and began flicking through. It was very old, older than her and even her older sister, Petr who was only two years older than the twins but she was in the womb when some of these came into print. She enjoyed looking at the older style of photography and the general standard of porn compared to the ones she’d seen from today’s mags and on the net. They were almost innocent looking compared to the porn available today. She decided to see what the centrefold looked like and flipped to the middle of the fairly thick mag. She got to it and stared in surprise at what was looking back at her in full colour. Kat saw her expression.
“What’s up with you Rob? You look like you’ve seen a ghost or something.”
Robyn looked up slowly, “I think I have seen a ghost Kat!” With that, she turned the magazine around so her twin could see what had her so shocked.
Around an hour later, the girls had gone back up to their rooms to shower and change. They had taken all of the magazines that they had initially found and, thinking that there might be more, they searched and found quite a few more. They hadn’t looked through them all, they could do that later upstairs. Kat had showered first and was sitting on her bed paging through another of the magazines, she was only looking for one particular model and it didn’t take long to find her. It was Kat’s mother that stared up at her from the pages of an eighteen year old magazine and she was beautiful in all of her naked glory.
Robyn came striding into their room with nothing but a towel on her head and a smile on her face. “You’ve found another one, haven’t you?” Kat looked up at her and almost immediately saw the similarities between them and their mother. Robyn’s figure was hourglass shaped and her breasts were perhaps the size of a large grapefruit cut in half and placed on her chest to perfection with almost no sag yet, they had only just got to this lovely size and both girls were extremely proud to have the bodies and especially the breasts that they did, it looked like they owed that to their mother’s side of the family.
“Shit, Robyn! You could pass for mom in these pictures!” Robyn came to stand next to Katherine and looked at the picture she was looking at, “Which means you could too, dear sis. Could you not?” she said, arching her eyebrows. Both young girls looked back at the pictures and knew it to be true. If they took the same pictures today, you would hardly be able to tell the difference…
“Alex Kelly!” It was sure to be trouble, Alex knew that tone of voice and knew what it normally meant to him. His sisters were going to give him a hard time over something he might have done but probably hadn’t. He’d come to learn that with three older sisters lording it over him, his life would not be his own for quite a few moire years. Petr came storming into his room, the shout was as close to a knock as he could expect and she was looking daggers at him.
“What?” Alex knew to never incriminate himself and say sorry for anything until it was too conclusive that he had done whatever he was being accused of. Petr had Alex’s camera in her hands and she raised it next to herself with her other hand on her hip in that kind of accusatory stance and stare that Alex still couldn’t quite escape from, the raised eyebrows told him he was up shit-creek. He knew what she was on about finally.
“Why are you looking at the pictures on MY camera Petr? They’re private if they’re on my camera.” She kept up her stare.
“You’re a dirty little shit Alex! Why the fuck are you taking so many pictures of your cock?” Alex just looked her in the eye and realised that Petr was actually getting a little bit embarrassed about this conversation. He broke into a small smile and waited for her reaction. She locked eyes with him and finally said, “I’ve deleted them anyway you little perv!”
Alex’s smile changed to a frown but soon changed back to a smile again, “That’s OK Petr, I’ve already saved the ones I need anyway, they were just extra’s that I didn’t need. Good thing too, or I’d have to explain to my Photography Lecturer why I couldn’t finish the assignment.”
Petr looked at him with a shocked expression, “You mean this is for school? What kind of fucking shit is this. You going to plaster pictures of your little knob all over the school walls?” Alex turned from her and went back to what he’d been doing on his computer, his Photography project. Of his penis. Petr came over, curious now as well as slightly shocked.
“You don’t care that people are going to see your penis and balls?” Alex smiled at how she’d slightly changed her tack since knowing it was a legitimate project.
“Well, actually no-one will know it’s my ‘Penis’ unless you tell them.” He pointed at the screen and she looked on, curiously. He was using his newest Photo software to change the penis shot completely. He ran through with her what he’d done to change the original picture of his penis into what was now something of a Warhol composition like the Marilyn one but looking just like a funny shaped mushroom of various colours. Just the tip of his penis, the shot he’d decided to use was a Macro of the head. Petr asked if this was the original and Alex said no but also didn’t want to show her that one.
“Why can’t you show me Alex? It’s ‘cos you’re hard in that shot, isn’t it?” She’d worked out that he must’ve been hard for that shot to come out the way it did and was now really enjoying his discomfort.
“C’mon Alex, show me the original, you didn’t seem to mind me seeing the others of it when it’s soft, nice cock by the way little bro, so come on. Show me.” She was nearly bursting with laughter when she mentioned to him that his cock was nice, he’d nearly choked on his own tongue. After lots of fighting down his embarrassment, he decided that actually, she was right. She’d seen it already and what was the difference if she saw it hard? It was art wasn’t it? He brought the picture up and heard her lightly whistle. The shot was from above, a bit further back so the whole of his cock was visible, his cock was hard as it had ever been, he’d been really turned on by the experience of shooting his own pornographic type shots. He knew that he was a bit bigger than all of the other guys in school from the showers, but didn’t really think anything of it, so far he’d only ever pissed with it or wanked it, up to five times a day when he got really horny. Normally when he’d seen one of his sisters prancing around naked after a shower and they thought it was funny.
“Alex! You really do have a nice cock little brother. You’ve been sinking that in all of your nice little classmates I bet?” Alex shifted uncomfortably at the turn the conversation was taking and the hardness in his jeans.
“Not that it’s any of your business Petr, but no, I’m not ‘Sinking’ it in any of them. They’re all ‘nice’ girls, not like you obviously!” It was meant to be scathing, but Alex then got another shock.
“Well, when I was younger than you are now, some of us were fucking in the back of class. The teachers didn’t have a clue while we all crowded round one couple, on the premiss of all doing work, we would then watch each other fuck. It was a laugh and a huge fucking turn on! I just thought that maybe you guys got up to the same kind of shit we did!” Alex looked over to his sister in utter shock.
“You’re fucking kidding, right?” Petr looked back at him,smiling and almost innocent looking, “Not at all, don’t your lot get up to those kinds of games at school?” Alex almost groaned at the thought of getting to fuck some of the girls in his class, they were gorgeous. He’d thought, and got, long and hard about quite a few of them.
“I’m not telling you the secrets of the sexual universe here, am I Alex?” She looked at her little brother and it dawned on her, “Shit! I am telling you things you know nothing about, aren’t I? You’re a virgin, aren’t you?” Alex must’ve groaned audibly as his oldest sister slapped him on the back while again laughing at his discomfort, she leaned forward and placed her hand just below his crotch on his thigh and squeezed gently, he jumped at the contact there, and she said in low husky-like voice, “You want me to…”
Alex quickly looked into Petr’s eyes, his own the size of saucers at the direction his thoughts took him at those words. “… get one of my friends to take your virginity?” She laughed out loud now at his embarrassed looking, red flushed face. Petr shifted the hand on his thigh and quickly gave Alex’s straining erection an affectionate squeeze, a devilish grin crossed her face as she stood up and kept looking into Alex’s eyes,
“Pity I’m your sister Alex, I would jump on your nice juicy looking cock in a heartbeat. Looks like it’d make me cum buckets and make me very happy. I’ll have to tell your little girl schoolmates what they’re missing.” With that, she started prancing out of his room chuckling away to herself, knowing that she’d probably made his week by grabbing his cock and talking dirty to him like that. She turned as she got to the door, “Can I have a copy of your ‘Marilyn Mushroom’ when you’re done? If you want, I’ll take some of the originals too?” She looked him straight in the eye as she’d said it, letting him know she was serious again now. He just stared at her, dumbfounded at the whole encounter and stammered an almost incoherent reply.
“S… sure th-thing… whatever.”
In the two weeks after the twins had cleared the basement and found the old porn mags, the workmen had finished their task and the basement was looking excellent. It was just now down to the kids to put in all the things they wanted down there. All agreed on the big screen TV and surround sound, the decent Stereo system from Petr’s room was voted in, much to Petr’s chagrin. She knew it wasn’t hers to start with but still felt like she owned it. Alex allowed his Xbox to be hooked up to the big screen, it just meant he wouldn’t playing it his own room when he wanted to but put the stipulation in that if someone else was using the room and TV for something else, he would be allowed to take it to his room to play. The twins decided to contribute something else too, apart from all the work they’d already done because it was small, was some of their pocket money towards a nice little party to ‘celebrate’ the den being built. A ‘Grand Opening’ party they called it. Everyone thought that was a great idea and soon everyone was finding more and more things to contribute. Dave decided that he didn’t want things to get too far out of hand with the amount of people partying downstairs and put a cap on the amount of people each could invite. He was prepared to be lenient, as long as he didn’t think they were taking any kind of advantage. The party was to be the first weekend of the school holidays and they all knew that some of their friends would be away anyway, but that just made it easier to invite less people. Petr and Alex could each invite ten people and the twins got fifteen between them on the premiss that they did have mostly the same friends but one or two different ones too.
“You got your little girlfriends coming to the party then little bro?” Petr asked Alex as she invited herself into his room without knocking. Alex was working on his photography project again and Petr came over to have another look at how it was going. It was looking good she thought, it actually looked a bit more like his cock now too, he’d pulled out slightly to enlarge the background but it could still be mistaken for a mushroom especially with the name of Marilyn’s Mushroom. No-one would see it for what it was at first glance. Petr liked that Alex had taken the name on, that she’d given it, she was flattered that he would do that after all the ribbing she’d given him. She’d teased him almost mercilessly over the last two weeks, prancing around semi-naked or topless whenever she knew he could see her and it seemed to him that she must have told the twins something too as they appeared to get in on the act. He’d seen so many beautiful breasts and nipples the last two weeks to last most boys his age an eternity of masturbation material. Long and lean legs, tanned to perfection in all cases. Perfect asses in G-strings and French knickers that almost made him want to cum right then and there every time. They were such gorgeous sisters, even if they were torturing him to perfection.
“No Petr, I thought I’d just rely on your friends to get myself laid.” Alex had fought back over the last weeks but it seemed feeble compared to the onslaught he’d been receiving. He thought it was time to try a different tack now, they were all getting too much fun out of him and he got none. He just needed an angle.
“I will if you want me to Alex, once I tell them about that mushroom of yours… they’ll be beating down your door, instead of you beating your meat.” She laughed at her little joke but looked seriously at him afterwards, “You want me to?”
Alex thought about it for a short while, “No thanks sis, I guess I should find my own pussy.” Petr smiled at him.
“Good for you bro, get out there and sew your wild oats. It beats having just us to look at… and wank off to in the shower every day, doesn’t it?” Alex shouldn’t have been surprised at Petr’s candid reply and turned to her in comic shock. He just stared at her, not knowing what to say, then after a long pause.
“Well actually, I like looking at you guys naked… and ‘then’ wanking in the shower every day. You’re all gorgeous flirts!”
Petr laughed at his reply, “Good for you bro, fight fire with fire eh?” But it had shocked her a bit and got her her a bit tingly when she thought about his cock spewing his cum down the drain instead of in a hot mouth or pussy, she couldn’t help thinking it was her own mouth and pussy though. She’d flushed slightly and Alex had seen it, he knew he had his angle now if he could get to Petr. The twins would be a pushover comparatively.
“I was just coming in to see if you’d actually invited all ten of your allowance for the party yet, I’ve got a favour to ask if you haven’t.” Petr smiled her most disarming smile at him and knew she’d get her own way and Alex knew it too.
“Actually I’ve only invited six of the people I want there, the rest are off on holiday so that’s all that will be coming from my side of things… for now.” He thought he’d better add that in as he realised he was throwing away any leverage he might have had.
“Well… I’d like to still invite two more of my girlfriends. We’re all going to use this party as our start point before going out to that new ‘White Horse Inn’ club. A bit of dancing and prancing the night away, you might want to come too.” Alex almost scoffed at the idea. He knew she was just trying to flatter him to get her own way.
“I’m still a few years away from being allowed in there Petr, you know that!” Petr looked him in the eye, then deliberately down to his crotch, which she thought was looking like it was hiding something hard,
“Well that is certainly big enough to get in there little brother.” She meant every word of it and he knew that.
“Unfortunately, flashing my cock at the door instead of an ID is not going to get me in there, is it?” She roared with laughter as she agreed with his statement and he soon joined in with her.
“That would be funny to see though, guys having to flash their dicks to get into the clubs were all the girls are, then at least we’d know they were fuckable instead of having to feel them up first on the dance floor.” Once again, Alex knew he shouldn’t be shocked at his sister’s words but found himself wondering who she was sometimes. He was still laughing at her and shaking his head at her comment.
“You are a cock-hound Petr, I’m pretty sure of it.” Petr looked almost sheepish and nodded her agreement as she looked at her little brothers crotch once again, knowing full well he knew what she was doing.
“If you weren’t my little brother, Alex…” she shook her head in a regretful gesture, “… I’d be bouncing on your cock right now.” She’d done it again, Alex was laughing in shocked amazement at her words and trying to fathom if it was just a ploy to get her own way or if she meant it. Lets see what she was prepared to offer for two more of her friends coming, he thought to himself.
“OK! What are you going to do for me, or give me in return Petr?” Lets see how much she’s up for, he thought.
“That depends on what you want little brother, or should that now be ‘Big Brother’?” Flattery was her weapon of choice but it was time she got the shock he’d decided on for her.
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