Kelly’s Awakening – Part Four (final)
Kelly’s Awakening – Part Four (final)
Sex Story Author: | Paige Turner |
Sex Story Excerpt: | As she stood there in front of Kelly she couldn’t help feeling embarrassed and lowered her head. Kelly could |
Sex Story Category: | Erotica |
Sex Story Tags: | Erotica, Female/Female, Fiction, Lesbian, Written By Women |
Kelly’s Awakening – Part Four
Once again, as with the previous parts, I’d recommend reading the first few stories so that this one makes more sense to you! For those of you that just want to read one story, or if you’re returning to this series, here’s a quick recap from the last story. Enjoy!
[After seven months Jennifer, Kelly’s girlfriend, had ended their relationship because she suspected that Kelly desired her sisters, Amy and Bianca, after seeing her with them at a diner.
This wasn’t the case however; they had simply met by chance while Kelly, and her best friend, Ariel had been walking through the town. It was here that they were invited out to celebrate Bianca’s 19th birthday.
When Jennifer ended their relationship (over the phone) she revealed that, after seeing Kelly at the diner with Amy and Bianca, she had gone to Kelly’s brother’s house and seduced him! According to her, and backed up by her brother, she had been swallowing his cum within minutes of her arrival!
Kelly pulled herself together and decided to do the very thing Jennifer had suspected, she would try to seduce Bianca, her sister, at the birthday celebration she and Ariel had been invited to (Ariel decided not to go due to her long running problems with getting out ever since her own long term relationship with her boyfriend had ended.)
Amazingly, Kelly’s whole plan wasn’t needed after she herself was the one seduced by both of the sisters who revealed their own relationship was much more than simple ‘sisterly love.’ After a wild night of sex and drinking, Kelly fell asleep with the two beautiful women.]
Kelly got a taxi home the following day, dressed in the same black top and mini skirt that Amy had worn the previous night. On the way home she thought about the events of last night, she didn’t have any underwear so occasionally she slipped her hand up the skirt and stroked herself, she was pretty certain the driver couldn’t see and, as he would be dropping her off at her doorstep, she didn’t have to worry about being seen in the minimal outfit she wore. Her coat was on the seat beside her and as they turned onto her street she went through the pockets to retrieve her purse, she paid the driver and stepped out of the car. Kelly was pretty sure the driver was staring at her as she walked towards the front door and it wasn’t until she pulled it open that he put the car in gear and drove away.
Ariel was sat on the sofa watching the TV; she was wearing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, hugging her bare knees to her chest, when Kelly came through the door. Ariel’s eyes widened at the sight of her best friend as she breezed through the door, the little skirt had ridden so far up that Ariel could almost see Kelly’s pussy!
“Hiya honey, I’m home,” Kelly announced as she closed the door behind her.
“Heya,” said Ariel, forcing a fake smile across her lips. What happened to your dress?”
“It got a little torn,” Kelly giggled, briefly remembering how the two sisters had torn it from her. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah,” Ariel lied. “How was your night? Have fun?”
“Yeah, lots,” said Kelly, smiling wickedly. There was something nagging at her though and the smile was almost as false as Ariel’s.
“Oh, right, who was the lucky girl?” Ariel didn’t really want to know but she asked anyway.
“I’ll tell you about it in a bit, I need a shower,” said Kelly, turning away and heading up the stairs before Ariel could say anything, she needed to think about what had happened and try to get to the bottom of the strange feeling she had.
Once upstairs, Kelly took off her coat and threw it onto her bed before going in to the bathroom. When she’d closed the door she took off the black top, as she pulled it over her head the could smell the faint scent of Amy’s perfume and again that nagging feeling returned, it seemed to be telling her that she should be upset, but didn’t tell her why.
Kelly took off her shoes, the relief from that was immeasurable, and then pulled the little skirt down and kicked it across the floor. She switched on the water and waited for the temperature to level out; as she did she noticed the mirror. When she looked at the image displayed on the glass, her blonde hair, slim waist and toned legs from all the running she’d done at school a few years ago, it was like looking at another person. Surely this wasn’t Kelly Richmond; the girl that only about seven months ago was scared to show any skin! Kelly looked down at the clothes she’d just discarded, the cropped black t-shirt and tiny skirt, what kind of person wears this stuff? Of course she only needed to look at the woman in the mirror for her answer.
After tearing herself away from the mirror, as well as that train of thought, Kelly stepped into the shower cubicle and gave out a contented sigh as the warm water sprayed her naked body, instantly feeling better. For what seemed hours she stood beneath the shower head with her eyes closed, it was like the water was massaging every part of her body and, at long last, she could relax and try to examine what this feeling was.
Since waking up she had felt on top of the world! The three of them hadn’t been intimate again aside from a few kisses and hugs, in fact, if anyone had visited the house they would never have known about the passion and lust that had surrounded them the previous night. Despite all that passion, Kelly had a strange feeling that something just didn’t feel right. Amy had donated her outfit to Kelly; after all it was she and Bianca who had destroyed the pretty silver dress! Kelly had asked for underwear but, amidst girlish giggles, the sisters declined and suggested that it would be fun for her to go ‘commando’ beneath the tiny skirt. Maybe it was paranoia, but she couldn’t help thinking that they were teasing her! In the taxi she had briefly enjoyed the attention she got while wearing the outfit and had casually touched herself, but the lust that had dominated the night before had fizzled away.
Now, in the shower, that strange feeling was back again. She hesitated to admit it to herself for a while but, eventually, she realized what it was and how obvious it should have been. The way Kelly felt now was exactly the same way she had felt after she came home from the restaurant, when she and Jennifer had ‘made love’ in public. It was also the same way she had felt after Jennifer had burst through her hymen with a strap-on dildo, not too different from the one Amy had used on her the previous night.
In fact, this was the same way she had felt after pretty much all her sexual encounters with Jennifer.
It was such an awful feeling. Kelly had thought that she was in control last night but now it was glaringly obvious that she wasn’t. She wondered if she deserved it, after all she’d gone out with the intention of using Bianca to get to Jennifer. Although she doubted she would have done it in such a demeaning way, and certainly not with an accomplice! Kelly did her best to just choke it down; afraid to let the emotions flow, so she rubbed some of the soothing shower cream into her body. After giving herself a good massaging with the various creams and lotions she started to feel more in control and a little better about herself.
After Kelly finished with the shower she dried herself off on a soft towel and slid into her favourite comfortable white robe, she always loved to wear this robe after a shower; the soft fabric against her equally soft skin was heavenly. She was just about to head downstairs when she heard the front door open.
“Kelly! I’m going to see my mum for a bit,” Ariel shouted.
“Oh, ok…see you la…” the door swung shut before Kelly finished her sentence. Bemused, Kelly came downstairs and went to the kitchen to find something to eat; wondering what could be the matter with Ariel. Not that she ever really understood her best friend anymore these days.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
After a few hours, Ariel returned to the house. She had been crying but the tear marks were hard to make out after scrubbing her face with warm water and soap while she had been at her mother’s house. Before leaving the house earlier on, Ariel had quickly pulled a pair of jeans over her shorts; her lack of self-confidence didn’t allow her to leave the house with bare legs, but now that she was at home she pulled the jeans off again and tossed them into a clothes basket, her small shorts were wrinkled but she smoothed the material out as best she could and headed into the living room.
Kelly had heard the door open and close from the bathroom, she’d realized that she forgot to wash her hair this morning and used that as an excuse to jump in the shower again. When she heard Ariel return she turned the water off and, again, dried herself before wearing her favourite dressing gown and exiting the bathroom.
Kelly found Ariel in the living room, sat on the sofa in a similar position to where she’d been that morning.
“Hi,” said Kelly, cautiously.
“Hey,” Ariel replied, offering a forced smile.
“Is everything ok? You seemed in a hurry to get going after I came back,” Kelly asked as she sat on the chair opposite to the sofa and crossed her legs. Her robe rode up and showed off her thigh when she sat down but she didn’t worry about being too revealing, it was only the two of them after all.
“Yeah I’m fine,” Ariel lied again. “I just needed to see my mum that’s all.”
“Ok, if you’re sure,” said Kelly, unconvinced.
“So, what happened to your dress?” Ariel asked.
“It got torn off.” Kelly admitted. She wanted to get back to the honesty that she’d promised the night before. “Amy and Bianca did it.”
“You mean…you had sex with them?” Ariel asked, amazed. “Both of them? At the same time?”
“Yeah, it was pretty wild,” Kelly confirmed. There was no pride in her voice and she went on to tell Ariel what had happened. How she had wanted to get revenge on Jennifer at first but later decided she didn’t want to come between the two loving sisters, then how she had been surprised at their amazing confession followed by the sex. She didn’t go into detail with the actual sex; partly because she was embarrassed by it and partly because Ariel really didn’t seem interested in the gory details.
“Wow,” was all Ariel managed. She appeared to be thinking about it a while and then, to Kelly’s surprise, a single tear ran down her cheek. Quickly, Ariel rubbed at her face with the palm of her hand but she knew it was already too late, Kelly had seen it.
“What is it? What’s wrong? Please tell me Ariel, maybe I can help,” Kelly pleaded, genuinely wanting to be there for her.
“No, no, it’s nothing,” she stammered while wiping another tear from her eye and quickly turning away. “I…I guess I’m just in a…a funny mood that’s all, you know what I’m like, sometimes anything can set me off.” Thinking quickly, she stood up and headed towards the stairs, intending to go to her bedroom.
“No…no Ariel, that won’t work this time. You’ve been funny with me since yesterday, when I was getting ready to go to the club for Bianca’s birthday drink,” said Kelly. Her words had come out a little more harshly then she intended. Ariel stood still for a moment with her head slightly bowed, but then she gathered up every ounce of determination she could and turned around to face Kelly.
“You…you just make me so…so upset sometimes!” Ariel’s reply was every bit as harsh as Kelly’s earlier outburst. “Why? Why do you do it? Why are you determined to be with people that treat you badly?! You stayed with Jennifer for so long, even though you knew you were being used for sex, like some sort of blow up doll! Then, as soon as you’re freed from her you immediately rush out to find someone else for sex rather than looking for someone who might actually love you! Why? I don’t understand you anymore.”
Ariel was shaking as she forced her words out, words that she’d kept to herself for a long, long time. The part about going out to find sex was new, but up to that point she had recited those words in her head so many times!
“I…I don’t know, Ariel why are you saying this? You’re hurting me,” Kelly was forcing her words out as well. She was stunned by her friend’s emotional and heartfelt outburst, she had no idea that Ariel was even capable of this kind of tone!
“Because…I…I,” Ariel struggled to force out the last words, the words she’d kept to herself for what seemed like an eternity.
“Why?” Kelly insisted. “Why would you say it’s me who is upsetting you? I’ve never done anything to upset you like this!”
“Because I,” Ariel took a breath, “because I love you!”
“I love you too Ariel,” said Kelly, taken aback by loud proclamation of love. “That’s why I would never hurt you.”
“No, no you’re not listening to me,” Ariel persisted, staring at the floor, suddenly scared to look at her friend. “I really love you, not just as a friend. I mean I want you, like a lover would want you.”
As soon as those words were finally said, Ariel felt as if she’d spent several hours holding an 80 kilogram weight over her head and, at last, had been able to drop it. The relief was amazing and it boosted her to continue.
Kelly’s heart fluttered and felt like it sank down into her stomach, this couldn’t be happening…could it?
“But, but you’re not a…a,” now it was Kelly’s turn to struggle. “You’re not like me! You’re not into girls.” She was clearly shocked by this revelation of her friend’s sexuality, but hearing that Ariel actually had ‘special’ feelings for her was mind blowing.
“I know, I mean I didn’t used to but after you moved in I started feeling…different, and I wasn’t sure but soon I started to see women differently, especially you.” Now that she had revealed her ‘big secret’ Ariel found herself talking much steadier.
“But,” Kelly still struggled to comprehend that she was the object of her best friend’s desires, “but why didn’t you tell me when you first realized? Why wait until now?”
“I wanted to, I mean, I was going to but…but Jennifer spoiled it, she spoiled everything and she did it on purpose!” Ariel blurted out, feeling a little bit like a silly teenager telling tales on another girl.
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