Keeping things even (Complete)
Keeping things even (Complete)
Sex Story Author: | Kenneth Hammond |
Sex Story Excerpt: | She glanced down at the basket and froze. She slowly looked around and then knelt and ran her hands through |
Sex Story Category: | Non-Erotic |
Sex Story Tags: | Fantasy, Non-Erotic |
Chapter one
The Merchant’s Home
I watched the merchant’s home from two houses away. The large gargoyle I was hiding behind was more than big enough to hide me. I watched as the door opened and both the merchant and his annoying wife walked away. I waited until they were down the street further and carefully moved back. I quietly moved to the side of the building and lifted the narrow board. Each end of the board had rags wrapped around it. I pushed the board across the gap between the houses and let the other end down onto the edge of the other house.
Staying on my stomach I crawled across and then moved quietly to the other end of the house. Another board and I was on top of the merchant’s house. I moved to the back and spent a few minutes watching the windows of the house behind the merchant. I unrolled the rope from around my waist and secured it to a crenel. I took a breath and slipped over the side and down the rope.
The first window I came to was a small one into the attic. It was not even locked and I slipped in. I pulled the rope in behind me. Quietly I moved to the narrow stairs down and stopped at the door. It was locked and I pulled out a narrow black case with my tools. I used a small bar with one end that was slim and slid it between the door and the jam. A little pressure up and the door opened. I put my tool away and stepped out into the third floor hallway.
The servants were all out for the evening and I made my way to the stairs. On the second floor I turned left and moved down to the engraved door at the end. I pulled two small tools out of my case and knelt to pick the lock. Twenty seconds later I was stepping into the merchant’s bedroom. There was a second door on the left wall. It was thick and had three deadbolt locks.
I grinned and moved to the door, “people are really dumb.”
I pulled out a long, thin punch and turned to the opposite side of the door. I used the punch to push the center pin out of the three hinges. I pulled on the door and it came out on the hinge side. I moved it sideways and looked into the tiny room. The small chest had a single lock that I was able to pick quickly.
I opened the chest and smiled at the stacks of gold and silver. I left the silver and took the gold. Two hundred gold pieces and a small bar. I closed and locked the chest before putting the door back. I put the pins back in the hinges and cleaned the floor. I locked the merchant’s bedroom door and made my way back to the attic door. I used the slim bar to hold the small locking bar up as I closed the door.
I tossed the short rope out and squeezed out after it. I closed the window behind me and climbed back to the roof. I coiled the rope and stuffed it in my pack before moving back the way I had come. After crossing to the next house I pulled the board after me. I did the same thing after crossing the last board. I moved to the back of the house and almost all the way down.
A light rope lay coiled with the center loop held together by a large metal ring. I put the loop of rope over the nearby crenel and dropped the rope. I held the metal ring and pulled down on the two ends of the rope as I slipped over the side of the roof. I made my way down hand over hand until I was on the ground. I relaxed my hold on the rope and the metal ring drop down the rope. I pulled on one end until the other end finally left the roof and the rope fell.
I coiled the rope and put both the rope and the metal ring in my pack. I slipped through the overgrow garden to the back wall. A jump and I was hanging from the wall. I pulled up and twisted so that my body rolled onto the top of the wall. I glanced up and down the narrow alley before dropping to the ground. I began walking and after a couple of blocks I felt them behind me.
It took another block to see who they were. I almost cursed, it was Sandoval and Sweets. They were thieves guild thugs that enjoyed hurting people. They were also known to have beaten would be thieves to death. I slipped through a narrow opening behind several buildings and came to a small paved courtyard. I pulled the pack off and set it on a narrow ledge and turned to wait.
I did not have long to wait, Sweet slipped in first and then a second later Sandoval. I smiled thinly, “If you leave now I will not hurt you.”
They both grinned as they spread out. I knew Sandoval would be the one to move first, just as I knew Sweet was the dangerous one. I shifted my weight and turned slightly. Sandoval lunged and grabbed at my head. I back stepped and brought my hand down, striking him behind the ear. I spun and kicked in time to catch Sweet in the groan as he came in. As he folded, I stepped further away, Sandoval cursed and swiped at me with a dagger.
I shook my head and pulled a knife from each thigh. Sandoval straightened and lunged forward swiping with his dagger. I stood still and blocked his dagger as my other knife came up under his chin. I drove it into his brain and twisted him into Sweet’s path as he came for me. Sweet stumbled and I struck with my other knife. The sharp blade slid in under his ear and he jerked as he fell to the ground.
I moved away and watched as the two men twitched and convulsed before laying still. I knelt to clean the two knives on Sandoval’s shirt before cutting both purses from their belts. I retrieved my pack and quickly left. I used alleys and small slip throughs and finally walked into the courtyard of the Bright Lady. In the stables I climbed to the loft and went into the back.
I moved the bails of hay to uncover a large chest. I opened my pack and put each item back into the chest. The gold coins and bar I kept and closed the chest and moved the hay back to hide it. I slipped back to the ground and walked into the tack room. From the small cedar chest next to my cot I pulled out the squirrel skin pouches. I had made these special from skins brought to me by farm lads.
I put twenty gold pieces into a couple of small pouches and set the bar aside with most of the gold. I carefully moved a board in the wall and added the small pouches of gold to the stacks already there. I replaced the board and undressed, changing into the clothes of a young stable boy. I checked the two purses of Sandoval and Sweet, there was a lot of silver. I dumped some into my own purse and the rest went into a thick old sock under my bed.
I slipped the bar of gold and the gold coins into my shirt and left. I only had a couple of hours before I had to be back. I walked the dark streets until I came to the Animas Brotherhood. They took care of stray animals and doctored other animals when people brought them to the small abbey. There was a covered kettle with a pull rope beside it.
It was for donations and food people brought. I quietly put the gold in the kettle and pulled the rope and turned to walk away as the bells rang inside the gate. Back at the inn I sighed and got an arm full of wood before knocking on the kitchen door.
Chapter two
Arrogant Nobles
I woke up early and rolled out of my narrow cot. I dressed quickly, it was a little chilly this morning. I stopped at one of the water barrels and splashed water on my face to wake up. In the small courtyard, I began my stretches and exercises. When I finished, I gathered an arm full of wood and carefully opened the kitchen door. A glance to the right showed that Teresa, Ginger and Ms Peace were still asleep.
At the kitchen fireplace I quietly set the wood down and turned to start the fire. I left and brought in the small pieces for the stove and got it started before going out again. This time for another arm load of wood for the common room. After all the fires were going, I went back to the stables. I moved one horse into a vacant stall and fed it before cleaning its old stall. I moved the next horse into the now clean stall and fed it before moving to clean its old stall.
When I was finished, I went out to the street to get the new barrels of water. I rolled them into place and moved the empties back to the street. I put all the old straw and horse manure into one of the newer piles beside the stables. I went to the bench by the back door where Ginger had set out a pan of warm water. I washed and knocked on the kitchen door.
Little Teresa opened the door and smiled as she stepped back. Ms Peace already had my breakfast on the big kitchen table. I ate quietly and was almost done when Mrs. Hoard came in, “Edward, I want you to go to the market this morning with Ginger. You watch over her, you hear?”
I nodded and wiped my face, “Yes ma’am.”
She looked at Ginger, “You have my list, do not forget anything.”
Ginger bobbed, “No ma’am.”
Mrs. Hoard nodded to Ms Peace and left. I finished breakfast and went out to wash. Ginger came out a few minutes later and smiled, “Ready?”
I nodded and followed her out onto the street and moved up to walk beside her. Ginger was looking around as we walked and I led her towards the large city marketplace. It took awhile but we finally got there and she seemed to wake up. She headed toward the spices first and absently handed her basket to me. After spices, it was greens and then a half wheel of cheese. We were almost to the butcher stalls when I heard the ruckus.
I knew it was young nobles acting up but was not prepared for what they wanted. The group was a small one, only six. They surrounded us and backed us against a stall. I set the basket on the stall bench as one of the older boys reached out to fondle Ginger. Another grabbed her shoulder to hold her while two boys closest to me reached out to hold me.
I grabbed one of the boys hands, twisted and wrenched it back, before kicking out into the groin of the other boy. The first boy screamed as his fingers broke and the second yelled as he folded and dropped to his knees. I was moving even before they fell away. Three boys were around Ginger and the fourth had been pulling his pants down.
The one with his pants open was the first to turn and scream as I reached down to grab, squeeze and yank. I kicked the boy groping Ginger in the side of the knee and heard it snap. The other two boys were coming for me and I let them. I shifted and stepped sideways so that one was blocking the other. I brushed a reaching hand aside, grabbing the wrist and twisted as I brought my other hand down in a strike that broke the elbow.
I kicked him behind the knee and spun to back kick the last boy as he rushed in. As he folded over I turned and brought my fist down on the back of the neck. He dropped to the ground and I was left standing with six noble boys on the ground around my feet. I moved to a sobbing Ginger as several shop owners emerged.
Normally they let the young nobles do what they wished but seeing me stand up to them had an effect. As I retrieved our basket and led Ginger away, they were bending the boys over a bench and beating them. I managed to get her to tell me what meat we were supposed to get. News in the marketplace travels fast, the butcher bowed to Ginger and folded her fingers back around the coins she held.
As we were leaving several guards were talking to merchants and the bruised and injured noble boys were hanging from their arms from a large beam. The guards looked in no hurry to get the boys down either. All the way home the streets were alive with gossip and I knew I would have to face the Master. When we got back to the inn, I opened the kitchen door and let Ginger go in first. I looked at Ms Peace, “Something happened. I need to speak with the Master.”
She wiped her hands as she looked at Ginger and me. She nodded and went to the common room door and opened it. She gestured and a minute later the large form of Master Hoard came through the door. He was frowning as he looked from Ms Peace to me. I gestured to the back door and his eyebrows rose but he nodded. I opened the door for him and then followed him out. I kept my eyes down as I told him what had happened and what I had done. When I finished, he was silent for a minute, “You say the other merchants beat them?”
I nodded, “And hung them from the thieves beam.”
He grunted, “It could have been worse, you could have killed one of them.”
I nodded and he reached out to ruffle my hair, “Your momma would be proud.”
He slapped my shoulder, “go back to work. We need wood stacked and water brought in. Mr. Johanson will be here later with his boys for the muck.”
I sighed and nodded, “Yes sir.”
He laughed and headed back inside while I headed towards the wood pile. It was much later, I was filling the wood bin beside the common room fireplace when the three arrogant nobles entered. They looked around and saw me. One said something to the others and they started towards me. I finished as they drew near and turned to greet them, “Good evening my lords.”
I bowed slightly and one moved as if to strike me, I shifted and slid back. I stood and looked at them closely as Master Hoard started across the room. The one in the center put his hand on his dagger, “You are going to learn your place boy.”
I smiled and held out a hand to Master Hoard, “I take it you are the fathers of the boys that tried to rape my charge.”
The man on the right snorted, “Pleasing a noble is a privilege.”
I nodded, “So they learned their stupidity from you.”
I gestured to the door, “I give you one chance to leave peacefully.”
The one in the center growled and pulled his dagger as he stepped forward. I grabbed his wrist with my thumb on the back of his hand. I twisted and stepped sideways, causing him to stumble into one of the others. The other nobles had pulled daggers but as the one I held yelled, I pushed with my thumb and jerked his arm across in front of the other noble while kicking out into the other rushing noble.
My foot slammed into his groin and he folded with a scream. I spun and brought the arm of the noble I held, up over my head. I brought it down on my shoulder, hearing the snap of the elbow before his scream joined the others. I brought my other elbow back in a sharp blow to his face that knocked him to the floor. I spun and shifted sideways as the last noble was finally able to get to me.
He lunged forward with his dagger extended. My hand came down to clamp onto his wrist bending it down. My fist slammed into the side of his head and the dagger dropped to the floor. I was quick to take advantage and waved the Master off, along with several other men that had started towards us.
I used their own laces from their shirts to bind them. I pulled them out to the street one at a time while they struggled and threatened. I used pieces of rope to string the three up. As I found a narrow board, two of the city guard came by. I began to beat the three men and explained that they had entered our tavern and attacked me. I told the two grinning guards that I was chastising them and when I was finished I would release them.
When they stopped yelling and threatening me, I stopped beating them. I turned them to face me, “It does not matter who you are. You are no better than the lowest merchant. Now, you think that you will send someone to take my life. When you do, know that I will come for you and it will not be a beating you get.”
I cut the ropes that held the nobles and let them drop to the ground before heading back into the Inn. The two guards only shook their heads and started walking away.
Chapter three
A lesson in bragging
The next two days were busy as a lot of merchants made their way to our inn. Over large glasses of ale they talked about what I had done. We even had a few nobles wonder in. The city guard had decided they liked the food and could always be found in the inn after their shift. The whole city was still talking about someone stealing a thousand gold pieces from merchant Sims. They called me the Shadow Thief. The bodies of Sandoval and Sweet had been found a day later.
The word on the street was that the thieves guild was furious and had set the whole guild out to find me. Then a noble started becoming the center of gossip. It was Earl Garlan and he bragged that this Shadow Thief was afraid of nobles. He told everyone that I would not dare steal from a noble and they were safe. If he had only said it once I would have ignored him, but he kept bragging and it finally got to me.
The center of the city with the homes of the nobles was separated from the merchant section by high walls called the Curtain. There were four gates through the wall and undoubtedly the thieves guild had a way through as well. The wall was manned by guards that walked back and forth all night. It was after midnight when I slipped over the stable wall and into the narrow alley.
Although I had been doing this for over four years, I never tired of doing it. I moved through the shadows as if I was one of them. At the Curtain wall, I slipped across to stop beside the wall. Where I was it was almost completely black. Two of the street lights had gone out early and there was no one to relight them. I slipped the two steel claws onto my palms and reached up the wall.
The wall was thirty feet tall and it took me a minute to reach the top. I hung there for a few minutes until the guard went past. A minute later I pulled myself over and crossed to the other side. I slowly made my way down and quietly slipped into the shadows of the Nobles retreat.
There were more guards walking the streets that passed me and did not even realize I was there as I blended with the deeper shadows. Earl Garlan’s manor was completely dark as I easily climbed the ten foot wall and slipped over. I looked around and smiled to myself when I saw an open window. The climb to the second floor was simple and I did not even have to use my claws.
I quietly stepped into the room to the sound of very loud snoring. A simple glance showed the room empty of anything valuable. I drifted across the room and checked the door before opening it slightly and looking out. I opened the door wider and stepped into the hall. I walked quietly down the semi dark hall to the narrow servants stairs.
I carefully moved down, testing each step as I went. On the first floor I peeked out and then stepped into the dark hallway. I moved down the hall to the far end where a set of double door were. It only took a moment to pick the lock and then I was slipping inside. I looked around at Earl Garlan’s study and moved behind his desk. There was a large cabinet to one side and I smiled, “it couldn’t be this easy.”
Half a minute later I was opening the cabinet and unshuttering the tiny dark lantern I carried. The shelves of the cabinet were full of stacked coins. I quietly gathered all the coins into my pack and looked at a small pouch gathering dust on the back of one shelf. I opened it to see several large gem stones. I closed the pouch and slipped it into my pack.
I closed and locked the cabinet before shuttering my lantern and moving to the door. Everything was quiet and I slipped out and knelt to lock the door. I heard voices from the direction of the hall and finished locking the door before moving down to listen. It was two men arguing about money and a delivery. It took me a couple of minutes to realize they were talking about robbing an Imperial goods train.
When I had heard enough, I slipped away and made my way back up the servant’s stairs. I returned to the room where I had entered the manor from. The man was still snoring loudly as I crossed his room and climbed out his window. It was as easy going down as it had been climbing up. I had to lay along the top of the wall as two guards walked the street below.
When they were far enough away, I dropped to the street and slipped back into the shadows of the streets. Almost immediately I knew someone was following me. After almost twenty minutes I slipped into a narrow opening behind a nobles stable and in only a minute I was gone as far as my stalker was concerned. I lay quietly and watched as my stalker followed me through the stable yard and out the gate on the other side.
I dropped down from the wall and went back through the narrow opening and across the street. I went down a dark narrow alley behind other noble estates and then through a gap between two walls. The Curtain wall was in front of me and only dimly lit on this side. I put my claws on and crossed quickly and a minute later I was slipping over onto the narrow walk on top.
I risked a look around before going over the outside and climbing down. On this side of the wall I moved slower and stayed in the shadows. There were men everywhere and I knew they were looking for me. I moved carefully through the shadows and paused across from a large compound. This was the king’s hostel for orphans. I moved quietly across the street.
The donation basket beside the gate held a few coins and a couple of loaves of bread. I slipped my pack off and poured most of the gold and the pouch of gems into the basket before standing and banging on the gate. I slipped away and watched from and alley as a old woman pulled the gate open. She glared as she looked around and then looked down at the basket half full with gold coins.
I moved back and began heading home. I finally reached the back of the inn and slipped onto the wall. I did not go over though, someone was lurking in the archway of the stable yard.
I moved along the wall on my stomach until I reached the corner of the stable. I hung from the roof edge and made my way to the peak. Hanging from one hand, I reached down and pulled on the edge of the large vent. The vent swung open and I slipped in. I closed the vent behind me and quietly made my way to the other end of the loft.
In the dark I moved the bails of hay around and opened the chest. I set everything inside and closed the chest. I put the hay back and dropped off of the loft quietly. In my room, I undressed in the dark and pulled on the old clothes of a stable hand. I lay in bed with my hands behind my head thinking about what I had heard in the Earl’s manor.
By the time I had gone in for breakfast, the inn was alive with talk of The Shadow Thief.
Chapter four
Guard Captain joins my practice
It was a day later that it rained. I had brought the wood in and started the fires before I headed back out to the stables for my exercises. People were still laughing at the Earl and coming to the inn to drink so that was good. Since it was raining things would slow down today. I moved to the open area just inside the door of the stable and started stretching.
I was just finishing when the Guard Captain stepped into the doorway. I had only seen him a couple of times. He was a big man that moved well. He carried a slim sword and dagger and did not take crap from anyone. I bowed, “Can I help you sir?”
He grinned, “I heard you knew how to fight and wanted a word.”
I bowed and waved but he only looked around the open area by the door, “What were you doing when I came in?”
I shrugged, “When I was little I was taught a few things. Like how to stretch before I did any exercises. It helps prevent me from tearing muscles.”
The Captain grinned, “They were right. Would you like a partner?”
I hesitated, I did not want to embarrass the captain. He must have been reading my mind, “Do not worry if you knock me on my ass.”
I finally bowed and waved to the area in front of me. He undid his sword belt and hung it from a peg. He pulled his boots off and started a few stretches. When he was ready he stepped forward. We slowly circled and I knew this was not going to be easy. I would have to make it look like it was harder than it would be. I also knew in only a few moments that I was much better than him.
His eyes flicked and he lunged towards me, grabbing at my left wrist. I shifted and turned sideways while bringing my right hand down onto the back of his wrist. My thumb was in the back of his hand as I twisted and turned bringing his arm up and over me. He landed hard on his back when I released him as he lost balance. I hesitated and held my hand down to help him up. He was blinking and trying to catch his breath.
The laugh from the doorway made us both look. The captain grinned and took my hand to be helped up. In the doorway was one of the guard Lieutenants. I released the captain and moved back as he changed the way he stood, “Teaches me to not respect my sparing partner.”
I smiled but kept moving. When he shifted and one leg started to lift in a kick I was already moving. I slid sideways and spun lifting my hand. It connected with the heel of the captain’s foot and continued to lift as he kicked. The captain crashed to the ground with a loud thump and shook his head. I again moved forward to hold down my hand. When he was on his feet he shook his head and nodded.
The lieutenant had squatted inside the door and watched as we circled. I could tell the captain was going to let me move first and slid closer. I fainted and when he went to block, I spun and kicked back. I pulled the blow but the captain still went flying back. He rolled and came to his feet with a wide grin. Our practice lasted almost an hour before he stopped and stepped back to catch his breath. He was grinning, “You are very good lad, do you know any weapon work?”
I relaxed and stood up straight, “knife or dagger work, some staff and a little bit of sword play.”
He grinned at the lieutenant, “Somehow I do not think I want to try practicing with a sword.”
The lieutenant laughed, “I do not blame you. All you have been is his practice dummy.”
The captain grinned as he turned to put his boots on, “And I think he was being gentle on me.”
The lieutenant laughed again and I did some stretching before the captain finally put his sword belt on and turned to me, “Do you practice every day?”
I nodded, “The master gave me leave.”
He smiled, “Perhaps we could practice a little dagger work tomorrow.”
I bowed, “I would be honored.”
I watched him leave with the lieutenant before shaking myself. I started doing chores, first the horses and then the water barrels. I became busy in no time and put our practice out of my mind. The few guards that came in for lunch or dinner looked at me strangely but did not say anything. I finished my chores and the master excused me for the night.
I woke to a thick misty rain and shivered as I slid out of bed. I felt good after a night of uninterrupted sleep. I headed for the wood pile thinking I needed to remind the master that we needed another cord of wood. I finished starting the fires and opened the kitchen door to see almost a dozen guards standing in the stable doorway. I stepped out slowly and started across, “Can I help you sirs?”
They laughed and a sergeant I recognized stepped forward, “We came to watch you practice with the Captain.”
I looked at them, “Did I do something wrong?”
They all laughed as boot steps sounded from the courtyard archway, “No lad, they came to watch you give me lessons.”
The captain walked into the courtyard carrying two wooden daggers. The guards parted and I hesitated before following the captain into the stable. He was wearing a light leather jerkin and two wrist bracers. I nodded as I moved to one side and began to stretch. It was a minute before he joined me and started to almost mirror my stretches.
We finished and he picked up and wooden dagger and tossed it to me. I felt the weighted wooden practice blade and spun it around my hand a couple of times to get the feel. I looked up to see the captain shaking his head while the guards laughed. I shrugged, “The balance is to heavy in the hilt.”
He grinned and his stance shifted to a crouch. I reversed the blade along my arm and moved forward. We circled and I shifted forward more and his dagger struck straight for my chest. I spun sideways as my hand grabbed his wrist and twisted. My dagger went over my hand to swipe across his forearm below his elbow and above the bracer before I released him. I stayed close as he twisted and made a cut towards my stomach.
I blocked and stepped even closer striking his upper arm with the point of my wooden dagger. My hand blocked his knife wrist as my own dagger struck the inside of his thigh and ripped across. I stepped back and shifted as I changed hands and the captain looked between my two hands and grinned as he stepped after me. This time my strikes were faster. He grunted when I pushed past his defense to land a blow on his body. The captain continued through ten defeats and finally stepped back in disgust, “Damn.”
I flipped the dagger and handed it back by the blade, “I am sorry sir.”
The crowd of guards laughed and the captain glared at them before grinning and looking at me. “How did you get so damn fast?”
I shrugged, “Practice grabbing cheese from a big rat trap.”
The guards laughed again and the captain grinned again, “How about swords tomorrow?”
I hesitated, “I am not really that good with a sword.”
He grinned, “In that case I might actually get to touch you.”
I shrugged, “I try not to let that happen sir.”
The guards roared as they laughed and the captain waved them away. He waited until the last ones had left and looked at me, “I wanted to thank you boy. You have given not only me, but my men a challenge. If a stable boy can do what you have, what about one of the less… upright citizens.”
He gripped my shoulder and then left. I cleaned and straightened up before starting my chores. Today was busy as a small group of mercenaries came to the inn. All the stalls were full and in the evening I helped the wood cutter as he stacked another cord of wood. I spent a lot of time in the common room that night. The mercenaries were a loud drunken lot.
When the Master finally called it a night and had Ms Peace lock the kitchen door I left for my bed. The morning was clear and promised to be a good day. There was even more guards in the courtyard when I came out of the kitchen. Three of the mercenaries were still up and leaning against the inside archway. The Captain only glanced at them as he passed. He held two wooden practice swords and a padded jacket that looked like it might fit me. I gestured to the courtyard, “It is dry.”
The captain smiled and joined me in stretching. We had just started when one of the mercenaries laughed and started heckling. The captain’s face reddened as they said a stable boy was the only one he was fit to fight. The guards were silent as they glared at the three mercenaries. Rather than have the guards start something that might spill into the inn… I straightened and looked at the captain, “May I borrow your sword sir?”
He looked from me to the practice swords and then his sword belt. I gestured to the belt and he hesitated before his eyes narrowed. He nodded and pulled the long, slim blade of his sword out of its sheath and reversed it. He handed it to me hilt first and I turned to the mercenaries. I looked at the one in the center, “If I am such a pour challenge perhaps you could put me in my place.”
They laughed and he wave me away, “This is not shoveling manure boy.”
I bowed slightly and half turned to the captain, “I am sorry sir, he seems to be afraid of me.”
The mercenaries shoved away from the wall with a hiss. The one in the center pulled his sword as he started walking towards me, “If that is the way you want it, rat!”
I turned and shifted as he got closer. He did not even pause as he suddenly lunged. I swept across and out slapping his sword away before bringing the flat of my blade back to slap his inner arm. He jerked back and then swung his sword down in a cut. I slapped it across his body before bringing my blade back to slap the flat of the blade against the side of his head.
He went crazy, hacking and cutting at me. I used an eastern technique. Instead of letting his sword hit my blocking sword. I used my sword to turn the force of his blows away. I kept slapping him, on the side of his head, his arms and his body. I finally had enough and when he lunged again I slapped his sword away and put the point of my blade against his throat, “One move and it will be your last.”
He stopped moving as I shifted a half step closer. The other two mercenaries had gone from bragging and laughing to serious. My blade dropped to prick the back of his sword hand and his blade dropped to the ground, “You earn your living fighting. You should know better than anyone to never underestimate your opponent. Never lose your calm, if you get angry, it can kill you.”
I stepped back and gestured to his sword on the ground, “Take your sword and go.”
He knelt while watching me and retrieved his sword. He stood and started for the arch with his friends and then stopped. He turned to face me and bowed before turning and walking away. I sighed and turned to the captain. The guards were all quiet as I held the sword out hilt first, “I am sorry sir, do you still wish to practice?”
The captain laughed and a moment later it was joined by the rest of the guards. The captain bowed after taking his sword, “I think I was just saved from a terrible beating.”
The guards laughed again and the captain shifted to look around, “The boy was right. Never underestimate your opponent. If you get angry, it can kill you. We are city guards, we are the ones to keep the peace, no matter against who.”
He smiled at me and bowed, “Would you consider teaching the guards a couple of days every week?”
I looked at the kitchen door where the master stood, “I would have to get Master Hoard’s permission sir.”
He followed my look as Master Hoard nodded, “Three days if you can my lord.”
The captain grinned and looked around, “Good. I will not be the only one with bruises.”
The guards laughed and began leaving.
Chapter five
Imperial Ambassador’s threat
I behaved myself over the next week. I did a little scouting though, mostly merchants. I had certain… standards about who I would steel from. Even though I had almost two thousand gold pieces it was not about the gold. It was about punishing someone, taking their wealth as a lesson. The people of the city seemed to understand this even if the thieves guild did not.
The news of the robbery of the Imperial goods train went through the city like a fire out of control. It was worse, one of the men claimed to be the Shadow Thief during the fight. Several of the robbers had attacked the ambassador trying to kill him. The rumors going around were that he swore to find and kill me.
I would have ignored it except they had stolen the Imperial Seal. Over the next few nights I went into secret places and listened to gossip. The robbery had angered the thieves guild and that meant it was not one of them. They were not looking for whoever it was and that told me they knew who the robbers were. I had an idea that Earl Garlan was involved because of the way they ignored him like he was untouchable but with who else I did not know.
Day and nights the streets were filled with guards searching for me. Three days after the robbery I decided to act. In the middle of the night I slipped over the back wall. It took me longer to reach the Curtain wall than normal because I had to avoid searchers. Three minutes later I was standing on the other side watching a patrol walk by.
The Earl’s manor was as dark as the last time I was here but this time the window was closed. After a little checking I climbed to the study window. It took thirty seconds to slip a slim through and open the lock. I locked the window behind me and moved to the desk. I unshuttered my dark lantern and started searching the room. It took almost ten minutes to find the small hidden panel.
The white velvet pouch rested beside several other leather pouches. The Seal was in the pouch and I tucked it away. The other pouches were filled with large Imperial gold coins. I took the other pouches, putting them away in my pack. I closed the panel and moved to the door. I slipped into the hall and heard a few people in the hall.
I made my way to the servant stairs and quietly went up. The second floor was quiet but better lit than before. I made my way to the Earl’s room and quickly picked the lock. I opened the door and slipped in looking around. I moved to the bed and removed a soft rope from inside my pack. From the bed I was able to reach the overhead bean and tie off one end of the rope. The other end of the rope ended in a noose.
I moved a chair away from the wall and under the noose. I moved to the side of the door and squatted down to wait. It was almost an hour before I heard him coming. I could tell he was alone and stood, drawing a knife. I waited for him to close the door before moving. I yanked his head back and put the knife against his throat, “There is a price for telling people you are robbing that you are me.”
He jerked and held still as I pushed him against the wall and slammed the pummel of my knife into the back of his head. I pulled his sash off and bound his hands behind his back while he was stunned. I shoved and forced him onto the chair I had prepared. I put the noose over his head and tightened it around his neck. I moved around in front of him, “Who else was involved?”
When he did not say anything I reached for the chair. His eyes widened, “the Assassins guild!”
I waited and he licked his lips, “It was the assassins guild but they failed…”
I nodded, “Who paid?”
He swallowed, “Duke Sargonet.”
I watched his face, “Why?”
He looked away, “He wanted the Seal for some trade documents.”
I nodded and reached out to jerk the chair out from under him. There was a thump and his body kicked as the rope strangled him. I moved the chair back to where I had found it and went to the window. I used a piece of string on the latch before moving out the window. I closed it after me and pulled on one end of the string. When the end came out from under the window it was locked.
I climbed down and went to the wall. I lay on top of the wall for a few minutes until I was sure no one was watching. I moved through the shadows, going deeper into the Nobles retreat. I stared across at the twin Keeps in the middle of a small wooded park. Getting close to the Imperial Keep was easier than I thought. I slipped forward into the shadow of a nearby tree I started across the park.
When I finally reached the wall I almost touched it before bringing my hand back. I looked at the wall and held my hand a short distance from it. I could see the hairs on the back of my hand as they stood up. Magic! The Keep was warded! I thought for a moment. I hesitantly reached into my belt pouch for a pinch of salt.
I rubbed it into my hands and on my climbing claws. I rubbed more on my knees and the toes of my shoes. I took a breath and reached out to touch the wall. When nothing happened, I started climbing. A minute later I was standing on top of the wall looking around. I could see only a couple of guards that looked like they were already asleep.
Getting into the main part of the Keep was simple. The stairway down from the wall was next to a balcony. I unlocked the window and slipped inside. I moved through the empty suite and quietly opened the hall door, it had not even been locked. The hall had several lanterns and at the far end I could see the massive double doors of the Emperor’s suit.
I started down the hall moving carefully and stopped at the double door next to the massive doors. I checked and then silently entered the quiet room. I could hear the breathing of the man and woman sleeping in the bed. I moved to the side of the bed beside the man and pulled a chair closer. I leaned over the man and covered his mouth. He woke with a start but I leaned down before he began struggling. “Quiet.”
I released my hand and he glared as I sat in the chair. I waited and he glanced at his wife before sitting up, “what do you want?”
He was quiet but angry. I smiled and pulled the white pouch out. His eyes widened and then snapped to my face, “I do not like people using my name. The man who robbed you was Earl Garlan. They were supposed to kill you. The Duke of Sargonet wanted you dead and the Seal for some trade documents. I may be a thief at times but I do not steal from his Majesty.”
I held the white pouch out and he hesitated before taking it. “Why should I believe you?”
I smiled, “I do not really care if you believe me. I only came to return the Seal. Those that stole it will answer to me.”
I stood up, “Good night ambassador.”
I turned and walked out. I did not hesitate, I walked quickly down the hall and into the room I had entered through. I went straight out the window and over the balcony. On the wall I hesitated to rub salt on myself before climbing down. I slipped into the shadows of the trees and made my way across the park. The streets of the Nobles retreat were still patrolled heavily but I moved through them without being seen.
The wall of Duke Sargonet’s manor was almost twenty feet tall. It was a little harder going up the wall. The stones were smooth and put together closely. I used my claws and reached the top and lay along it watching the inner grounds. I saw two dark shapes drift through the shadows coming nearer. I recognized them when one moved into a patch on moonlight.
They were Dark Wolfhounds and I slowly put my hand back to the bottom of my pack. It took a moment to work the lacing loose and then I was pulling two of the six long thin leather pouches out. I opened the top on each and carefully worked the blood stick inside until it stuck out slightly. I waited and watched the two shadowy Wolfhounds and when they whined and moved closer to stand under me I tossed the sticks out.
As they went after the sticks I slipped off the wall and landed lightly. I moved quickly to the end of the manor and started climbing. I went all the way up to the vent into the attic. It took a few moments to open the vent and then I was inside.
I pulled the vent closed and pulled my dark lantern out. I opened the side a crack and slowly made my way to the narrow stairs down. I used a slim on the door and opened it slowly. The narrow hallway was both dark and quiet, the way all servant floors are. I went down the servant stairs quietly and carefully. Like most nobles I knew he would be keeping his money and other valuables on a lower floor.
The first floor was almost quiet but I heard soft murmurs of guards in the hall. The hallway was semi dark as I moved down it carefully. The large double doors into his study were across from a wide hallway into the entrance hall. At the other end of the entrance hall was a single guard. A second guard was out of sight and every once in a while they would talk.
I watched from the shadows and waited until the guard finally moved closer to the other guard to talk. I slipped out of the shadows and picked the lock on the doors quickly before slipping in and quietly closing the door. I used the dark lantern and started checking the study. It took almost fifteen minutes to find the secret panel.
The lock was strange, it required the Duke’s signet ring. I went to the desk and looked through the drawers. I found the sealed letter and only glanced across the room as I pulled the stick of wax closer. It took five minutes to copy the seal and then I was back at the lock blowing on the wax to cool it. It was another fifteen minutes before I was willing to try.
I carefully fitted the seal to the lock and used my palm to apply pressure while turning. There was a click and the whole panel moved back slightly. I slipped the seal into my pack and slowly pushed the panel open. There was a steep stairway and I used the dark lantern as I headed down. At the bottom of the stairs a large room opened up.
There was a chest and another desk. I opened a chest beside the desk and stared at the stacks of gold coins. I took my pack off and filled it with the coins before moving to the desk. It was not until I found the note that told Earl Garlan to destroy the Seal that I stopped looking. I grunted when I put my pack on, it weighted almost eighty pounds.
I took the note and made my way back up the stairs. I closed and locked the panel before moving to the window. I sat my pack down and crossed to the door. It only took a moment to lock it and return to the window. I opened the window and looked the few feet down to see the two Wolfhounds. I bent and pulled two more blood sticks from the bottom of my pack and pulled them out of their pouches. I held them out to the hounds and they moved closer and took them gingerly.
I sat my pack on the window ledge and slipped my climbing claws on. The Dukes sleeping quarters were on the next floor above me. He had a recessed balcony that I easily slipped onto. A slim bar lifted the latch and I opened the doors. I stepped into the room to the slow heavy breathing of the man in the bed.
I carefully and quietly removed the soft rope on the bed canopy. I moved around the bed and lifted the slim dagger that was sticking out from under a pillow. I reached out and put the blade against the Duke’s throat. His breathing caught and his eyes snapped open. I kept my voice down, “Speak above a whisper and I kill you. Get out of bed and lay on your stomach.”
He glared, “No!”
I nodded and pulled the dagger back before pushing it in suddenly. It went in under the ear and up into the brain. The Duke stiffened and started convulsing as I removed the note and dropped it on his body. I moved back to the window and used string to drop the latch after I was out. I climbed back down to the study window and rested on the sill while the two hounds watched me.
I pulled the last two blood sticks out of my pack and gave them to the hounds before picking up the pack and putting it on. It was only a few feet to the ground but I had to hold onto the wall to close and lock the window. I dropped to the ground and the hounds barely looked at me as I walked to the outer wall. It was a long climb up and I lay along the top catching my breath and watching the street outside.
Moving down the wall was harder than going up and I had the feeling I was being watched. Back on the street, I moved into the shadows and slipped into a narrow alley. The pack went over my head and onto a low wall. I jumped and grabbed a beam and lifted myself up. In the blackness of the alley I waited. It was a minute before they stepped into the alley behind me.
These were not untrained killers for the thieves guild, these were assassins. They moved silently down the alley and as they passed under me they stopped. One of them looked around, “Make it easy, show yourself and we will make it quick.”
It was a whisper but I heard it loud and clear. The thin wire slipped out of the inner lining of my vest and dropped around the first man’s throat. Even as they reacted I dropped off the beam and yanked on the wire as I pulled a knife. The second man thrust at me and I shifted sideways, slicing down and then back. There was a grunt as his dagger dropped to the ground.
I shoved and pulled a second knife as he shifted away. I moved with him, staying close, swiping across his chest. There was a tearing sound and I shifted the other way blocking a little seen movement. My second knife stabbed down into his arm as my first knife cut across. There was a gurgling sound as he fell to the ground. I backed away and sheathed my knives.
I used my hands to find my pack and then I walked out of the alley. I stayed in the shadows and made my way back to the Curtain. I stayed in the deep shadows and finally moved to one side. There was a darker area by the door into one of the towers. I moved forward and opened the door as if I belonged there. It was silent and semi dark as I moved through the cots of guards.
I climbed the stairs like a ghost and moved quickly and silently behind the doorway as a guard walked through. He did not even pause as he walked heavily down the stairs. I quietly went around the door and out onto the wall. I only took a moment to pull my pack off and unwind the slim cord from around my waist. I tied it to the pack and started lowering it down the outer wall. A minute later I was on the wall with my climbing claws.
It took me almost an hour to reach the temple of healing. In a basket on their doorstep I poured most of the gold. I shouldered a much lighter pack and slammed a fist on the door. I was in the shadows watching when the old woman opened the door and looked around.
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