
Keeping a Family Tradition – Ryan’s Initiation

There are policies concerning when and how a sixteen-year-old is initiated into the tradition. The first of the guidelines is that children aren’t allowed to date before their sixteenth birthday. The second is that their first sex will be with the parent of the opposite sex on the weekend following their sixteenth birthday at a family reunion. The last is that once initiated, they may ask anyone already initiated to have sex with them.

Keeping a Family Tradition – Ryan’s Initiation

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. If you are not of legal age for your locale or object to the idea of reading about incest, please close this page now. All characters are older than sixteen. 



If you looked at me and my wife Ginger, you would make many assumptions about us like we’re the average American couple. In many ways, we are. We have three children, all teenagers, a house in the suburbs, and a dog. I work as a welder. However, looks can be deceiving. We are not the average American family. The average American family does not have parents who are brother and sister.

Whenever people ask us how we met, Ginger and I always say we met in high school. In a way, it’s true because the first time I saw her as other than my sister was when I was an eighteen-year-old senior, and she was a sixteen-year-old sophomore.

Allow me to explain a bit about our background. Our parents are also brother and sister. Our grandparents were cousins, as were their parents. This coupling of relatives goes back five generations. As you can see, incest is a tradition in our family, not just something that happens incidentally. 

There are policies concerning when and how a sixteen-year-old is initiated into the tradition. The first of the guidelines is that children aren’t allowed to date before their sixteenth birthday. The second is that their first sex will be with the parent of the opposite sex on the weekend following their sixteenth birthday at a family reunion. The last is that once initiated, they may ask anyone already initiated to have sex with them.

The story of initiating our three children, Ryan, Sue, and Tammy, into the tradition will be told as separate stories.

Ryan’s Initiation

Ryan wanted to have a few of his friends over to celebrate his sixteenth birthday the following Tuesday, so Ginger and I had it catered to avoid having to prepare food for a bunch of hungry teenage boys. The big day arrived. Ryan and his friends played basketball, swam in the pool, played video games, etc.; all the things teenage boys do.

After his friends left, I asked Ryan to have a seat in the living room with Ginger and me.

“What’s up, Dad?” he asked.

“Don’t make any plans for the coming weekend,” I stated.

“Why? What’s going on?” he asked, confused.

“You, Mom, and I are going to my parents place for a very special event.” 

“What kind of special event,” he queried.

“Ryan, first of all, I need your promise that anything said here or done this coming weekend won’t be discussed with anyone, not your sisters, not your best friends, nobody. If you break this promise, Mom or I, or both of us, could go to prison.”

“Mom, Dad, you have my word that nobody will ever know anything,” he stated.

“First, I need to tell you that Mom and I are brother and sister. It’s not uncommon where we come from.”

“What! Are you telling me that incest is okay where our family comes from?” he exclaimed. “What else is there?”

I go on to explain, “There’s a family tradition that when a child turns sixteen; they are initiated into the tradition. The initiation involves being taught how to please your sexual partner. This is done by the parent of the opposite sex. That’s why you kids aren’t allowed to date. This is your sixteenth birthday, so next weekend, Mom is going to teach you about how to please a woman. Once your initiation is complete, you’ll be allowed to ask any member of our immediate or extended family who has been initiated to have sex with you. That’s why it’s always done at a family reunion. Your sisters will be staying with friends; they can’t know about it until they’re sixteen.”

“Wow! That’s a lot of info to process,” he exclaimed.

“This coming Monday is a holiday and I’m taking Friday off from work. We’ll leave around nine, after the girls leave for school, and get there after lunch. The girls are going directly to their friends houses after school. With a three full days there, you’ll have plenty of time to get to know your grandmother, aunts, and female cousins, intimately,” I announce.

For the next few days, Ryan has a perpetual hard-on thinking about all the sex he’s going to have over the weekend.

It’s finally Friday. The girls are on their way to school, and the car is packed for the weekend when Ginger exclaims, “Oh, wait, I forgot, we need to drop off clothes for the girls at their friend’s houses. I had them pack but we need to drop the clothes off.”

She runs into the house, grabs the bags that the girls had packed, and throws them in the back seat with Ryan. Both bags bounce off the back seat and spill on the floor.

“Mom,” says Ryan, “All their clothes are mixed together.

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