
Katie is not a Virgin Anymore

Katie was spending summer vacation at her favorite uncle’s house, because her mother and her fiancee were taking an extended holiday overseas and were coming back as husband and wife.

They were watching a movie in the living room, and it was boring. “Can we watch something else, Uncle Dave?” she asked. “This is boring! It’s for kids, ya know?”

“What do you want to watch, Katie?” he asked. “I’m not really into cartoons, either.”

“I don’t know.” she answered. “Something for adults!”

“What?” he asked. “What are you asking?”

“You know…” she said, smiling slightly, knowing she was being naughty. “Something from one of the adult channels?”

“Do you even know what you’re asking?” he said. “Do you know what’s on those channels? What kind of movies they show?”

“Not really.” she replied. “I’ve never seen them. That’s why I’m curious! I want to know.”

“They’re called adult channels for a reason, Katie. Kids aren’t supposed to watch them. At all.”

“Uncle Dave, I turned 18 last week! I’m not a kid anymore.” she protested. “Can we watch one, please? I’ll even let you pick!”

“Katie…” he said, uncomfortably. “Those kind of movies get me excited. I get hard, and then I need release.” he told her, blushing. “I bet they’d affect you the same way.”

“I don’t mind.” she said. “I’m kinda curious about that, too. I want to see what a guy does to get relief. I might even want to help, if I can. I need to learn about this stuff anyway.”

He tried to talk her out of it one last time; his last shred of decency making one last stand. “Katie, are you sure about this? I might do something to offend you, something wrong… You might see a side of me that I’ve never even let you know about.”

“Uncle Dave, I’m sure!” she said firmly, and moved closer to him on the couch. “’Trust me, I’ve always wanted to see this side of you! I’m not afraid of you, because I know you love me. You won’t hurt me, I know it in my heart.”

“Channel 300 through 540 are the adult channels, Katie.” he said. “At the top of the hour is when they start at the beginning of each channel’s show. Channel 299 is the listing for what each one shows for the day; if you want to pick one, go ahead.” he told her, giving up the fight. “I also have some DVDs that I bought in the bottom drawer of my bureau in my bedroom, if you want to watch one of those. Never mind the other stuff in there; you were never even supposed to know about that, and it’s not for you.”

“I want to watch one of the DVDs!” she said, excitedly. “You must like that stuff if you own it, so I won’t pick the wrong thing by mistake!” she said excitedly. “Besides, I want to see what that ‘other’ stuff is. If it’s next to your naughty movies, it must be naughty, too!”

She didn’t return with a movie; she came back with a pair of double handcuffs, lined with velvet, a ball gag, and a small flogger. “What are these for?” she asked.

“Those are for later.” he said, smiling at the girl. “Go get the movie called ‘The Babysitter.” She ran off with the stuff and returned with the movie a moment later.

“Put it in, and then come sit next to me.” he told her, his voice harder somehow. She knew better than to do anything other than obey him, even though she had never heard him speak that way before. For the very first time, a niggle of doubt entered her mind, and she wondered what she had gotten herself in to.

The movie began as she settled onto the couch next to him, and his arm settled comfortably around her shoulders as she lay her head on his broad chest and snuggled into his protective embrace.

“Anytime you want to stop this,” he said, looking her in the eyes. “Just say the word ‘red.’ And if you need to slow down to take a break, just say the word ‘yellow.” he told her. “Those are ‘safewords’ and they let me know that I’m not forcing you to do something you’re not ready for, okay?”

“What if I want you to force me, Uncle Dave?” she asked, her eyes flicking back to the T.V. “Is there a word for that?”

“Make one up.” he told her. “If I hear you say that word, I promise not to hold back, okay? I love you, Katie, and I’ll do anything you want.”

“Yellow means slow down, red means stop, so how about green to go faster?” she asked. “I don’t think I’m ready to go all the way yet, but I’ll do other stuff, if you want me to.”

“Did you read the back of the movie box, Katie?” he asked, handing it to her. The beginning credits were still on, and all it showed was two kids playing and running through a tall field with grass and flowers while bright tunes played in the background. It seemed innocent enough, but when she looked at the back cover of the movie, she saw a girl who looked to be younger than she was, tied up, nude, and an enormous penis was less than an inch from her mouth.

The girl had a look of fear in her eyes. The next photo showed her on her hands and knees, with the photographer being somewhere behind her and the girls anus was gaped wide open.

“Do you still want to watch this movie, Katie?” he asked her. “All you have to do is say red, and we can take it out.”

Katie was determined not to say either of her ‘safewords’ all night, so she hardened her heart and watched as the man let the girl into the house to put the kids in bed and tuck them in as the man left with his wife.

“Those pictures are from this movie?” she asked, her voice a lot meeker than it had been when she first started asking about adult movies.

“Yes, they are.” he told her. “In a few minutes, he’s going to make her do oral, take her virginity, then make her do anal, as well. After that, she has to lick his wife while he does anal again.”

“She looks younger than me.” Katie said thoughtfully. “Do you like doing it with little girls?”

“She’s older than you, Katie. There’s a law, and they would get in BIG trouble if the girls are less than 18.”

“Hey, I’m 18!” she said excitedly. “Could I be in a movie?”

“You’re certainly pretty enough.” he said, complimenting her so that she smiled under the praise. “You’ve never seen what these girls have to do, though. Are you sure you would even want to be in one? I mean, you’re still a virgin, for crying out loud!”

“I can do everything that girl in the movie does.” she said defiantly. “Even the anal! It even kinda sounds fun, really. I mean, I’ve never had anything inside my butt before, but what’s the big deal, really?”

“We can try it, after the movie, if you’re up to it.” he offered. “I’d really like to do that with you, and I know this movie is going to get me going, It will probably get you going, too.”

“Okay!” she said brightly and smiling. “I want to try oral, too. Can we do that together?”

“That’s one of the things I was going to order you to do, so please don’t safeword out of it at the last minute, okay? Having a stiff cock right in front of your face can probably be scary, but I promise not to hurt you, unless you say ‘green,’ then I’m going to give you everything you ask for, because, truth be told, you excite me very much, Katie. I’ve watched you grow up into a very beautiful young woman, and keeping my hands off you has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever endured.”

“You can put your hands on me now, Uncle Dave.” she said, seductively, stretching her upper body to accentuate her breasts against her blouse, He could tell from the quick glance down her blouse her stretch afforded that she wasn’t wearing a bra today, not that her little a cups needed one anyway.

“Really.” he said dryly. “”You have no idea how I’ve been waiting to touch you… here!” He tickled her bellybutton, making her squeal with laughter as she curled up defensively.

“Uncle Dave!” she cried out, wiping away some tears of laughter with the palm of one hand. “Is that the only place you wanted to touch me?”

“Of course not.” he said. “I just don’t want to make you safeword yet.”

“Green.” she said softly, looking up at him hopefully and opening her arms expectantly. He smiled down at her, then began unbuttoning her blouse, doing all of them, starting at the bottom after pulling it free from her jeans.

“Oh.” she said, trying to hold her blouse closed after he had all the buttons undone and not letting him expose her. “I thought you were just going to touch, not look.” She sounded monumentally embarrassed.

“You said ‘green.” he told her. “That means I’m going to go three steps outside your comfort zone.” He pulled her blouse open and gazed upon her flawless little boobs. “There they are. Just as pretty as I knew they would be!”

“How did you know they would be pretty?” she asked. “I’ve always thought they were too small, except for my freakishly long nipples!”

“I saw one of them, just for a moment, last summer.” he smiled at her, fondly. “Remember that red bikini?”

She remembered the incident he was talking about. The top had slipped aside for a short moment as she climbed out of the pool at her mother’s house, but looking around, she didn’t see anyone freaking out, so she figured she had gotten away with it and didn’t say anything, Neither did anyone else, so she figured she was okay.

He touched one of her nipples, gently twiddling it until it stiffened, then did the same to the other one with the same hand. His other hand was gently stroking the exposed skin just above her jeans, toying with the strip of light blonde hair between her bellybutton and pubic area.

He bent his head down and kissed her mouth, her very first kiss by a member of the opposite sex. It was certainly the first kiss she had ever experienced that lasted more than one second. It lasted more than thirty seconds, and she was faintly sure he had tasted her tongue at least once during it.

When she moved her face back, her eyes were shining, and both his hands were on her nipples now, exciting her to no end.

“Katie.” he whispered, sliding his hands up so they both cupped the sides of her head. His thumbs stroked the hair out of her eyes.

“Uncle Dave.” she whispered back.

“Are you ready to try doing oral?” he asked, still whispering. Her breath caught in her throat, and she didn’t trust herself to speak, so she just nodded with a little smile.

“You know what to do.” he said. “No teeth, go as deep as you can once in a while, and swallow everything that isn’t spit.” He gave her the instructions because he was sure she had never done anything like this before, and she could use all the confidence boosting she could get. “Just let the spit drool out the sides of your mouth. You know what to do. I like sloppy blowjobs.”

She was grateful for the instructions as she wiggled her way down the couch between his legs. She opened his pants and freed his erection, getting her first look at a male penis.

“Oh, watch the movie!” he said excitedly. “She’s about to start the same thing you’re doing, and I like this part; she’s pretending it’s her first time, too.”

Katie watched the T.V. Hoping to pick up some pointers about what Uncle Dave liked. She sure didn’t want to disappoint him! This was her first time, too, but if she could pull it off…

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