
Kathy Becomes a Human Breeding Slave P.1

(This is my first story and criticism is highly welcome. There may be a part 2 if this gets positive reviews. it’s a Fantasy of mine that I really enjoy and I hope you do too. I must admit it begins slow but then it quickly heats up.)

Kathy Becomes A Human Breeding Slave (part 1)

Kathy woke up after an amazingly restful sleep, she bunched up the blankets to her face for warmth. She knew that it was going to be one of those mornings where you just writhe in bed, with your mind wondering aimlessly for hours. The room was very dark, she realized this after about an hour of laying in bed.

“This bed is so damn soft” she thought as she spread herself out on it, enjoy the feeling of the sheets on every crevice of her body. It was as if she was sleeping on clouds

“Why is it so dark? What happened to her bed room window?”, Kathy thought recollecting the position of her bed to her window in her own bed room. She sat up weakly as if she had been sleeping for days.

Another realization had just crossed her mind and caused her much distress- this was not her bed, the blankets were too soft and fluffy and there were too many pillows, which she had little difficulty in differing from the ones you would find on her actual bed since she was completely naked and could feel the sheets with her entire body! Something is very very wrong, Kathy never slept in the nude.

She began to panic and jumped out of the bed and immediately began to feel her way around the pitch black room. The first thing she discovered about her new environment was that the floor was very smooth, like plastic. She had felt along the walls all around the bed, they must have been made of the same substance that made up the floor. There was no obvious exits, no doors, no windows, not even furniture beyond that of the bed she found herself in when she awoke, It was as if she woke up in a plastic box. She couldn’t handle it anymore, she was scared, she curled up in a ball in the corner hoping it was all a nightmare. She couldn’t remember how she had arrived here or even falling asleep in the first place or her last cognitive thoughts before going to sleep to wake up here.

She felt her wrist and felt a plastic like device wrapped tightly around it, possibly made of the same substance as the floor and walls. It wouldn’t come off. It was so light it was no wonder she hadn’t realized it was there until just now yet it was solid as a rock and would not leave its position from her wrist as if it were bolted to her skeleton.

She stayed there in that corner for several minutes until finally lit up the room, slowly, so her eyes could adjust with out the shock. She looked around and she saw exactly what she imagined the room to look like, smooth flat white walls, white ceiling, white floor, even the bed she could now see was completely white, mattress and all. She stood up and quickly looked under the bed as if there might be some sort of trapped door or way in or out under there with no success. Hell, there wasn’t even a source of light in the room, it just looked like the walls themselves were evenly illuminating the room.

She then began to study the device on her wrist. It was white and glossy like the rest of the room but had a screen and a few square buttons next of it, the screen was blank and She was still extremely frightened.

She heard a loud beeping noise and a flashing light coming from the device followed by a feeling of relaxation, her worries began to melt away but not as if she was drugged, she was still very much sober. The device began to speak with a female sounding voiced, it sounded almost robotic with little emotion but emphasis on certain words. Her initial thought of it was how soothing it was to hear another persons voice even if it is just that of a machine.

“Welcome Kathy Smith, You are no doubt wondering where you are and why you are here. The device on your wrist has given you a small sedative because you were having a panic attack. However I cannot tell you about your current location I can tell you that you will be given orders at specific times of the day and if you do not follow our orders the device on your wrist will give you a series of painful shocks until you do. This is part of an experiment on mechanics of the body of the human species.”

After the device tells her this a space on the wall lights up accompanied by a ding sound with black numbers saying “6:30 AM” and below that “Day 1”.

The device began to speak again, “If you need to use the bath room simply touch the highlighted area on the wall to your left” with that a door shaped area of the wall to her left began to glow blue with the letters “BR” on it. “you may maintain your hygiene with this, this is not optional, you will be required to: shower, brush your teeth three times a day with mouth wash + flossing at least once a day.”

The effects of the sedative were still being administered to Kathy who couldn’t seem to manage to become worried about being trapped in a inescapable room naked, she simply sat on the bed listening to her orders attentively.

Right now you must bathe and brush your teeth

At 8 O’ clock AM you will be given your breakfast. Followed by brushing your teeth

AT 11 O’ clock AM you will be given your first order which you will be required to fulfill,

At 3 O’’ clock PM you will be given lunch. Followed by brushing your teeth

At 5 O’ clock PM you will be given your second set of orders.

At 9 O’ clock PM you will be given dinner after which you will be required to brush your teeth along with flossing, clean yourself and go to sleep and then await your orders for tomorrow which may differ from those you have been given today.”

Kathy began to come out of her relaxed state a little and into a state of “WTF” as the device ended its list of instructions.

“Please do not panic, we mean you no harm at all. When we are finished with our tests you may return home.”

With the device stopped glowing, it remained silent for the several minutes Kathy spent contemplating how the fuck she got her self stuck in this sick, fucked up situation. She thought hard, her last memory was playing World of Warcraft all night, perhaps she fell asleep while playing but she doesn’t recall ever feeling drowsy. What the fuck was she going to do? For a while she thought that this must be some sick perverts rape basement and this is some fucked up fantasy of his but further speculation of the room would prove that was an unlikely theory but the only other reason is that she actually is in an Alien cell and she is some sort of experiment which itself was somewhat difficult to accept for some odd reason.

Kicking the walls did nothing but hurt her bare foot and make her fall on her naked ass resulting in her wrist device flashing and making her too calm to want to do it again. It was only by touching the highlighted door the device had made out to be a bathroom did she find any sort of escape from the room she had woken up in. The highlighted area on the wall flashed and was gone, in its place was the entrance to another room. She entered cautiously.

It was definitely a bath room, spacious though and completely white. It had a toilet, a sink, and a luxuriously large bath tub with 4 shower heads. Opposite the entrance of the bathroom between the bath tub and the toilet/sink wall was a wall that was entirely made up of a glass mirror. She checked her back to make sure there was nothing attached to it like the device on her wrist, nothing. All she had on her was her thick nerdy glasses and the device secured to her wrist. She began to observe herself in the mirror as all 16 year old teenage girls do and she found humor in the fact that at the moment that her body was all she could think of, possibly a result of the sedative currently coursing through her veins. She looked herself up and down, she hated her body, she was short (5’2) with a bit of a belly and the butt of a girl who never gets any exercise (too much Warcraft) and a completely flat chest that made her look like a little girl, she hated it. All of this made her shape sort of goofy looking but this was mostly just in her head most guys would describe her as kinda cute but not quite sexy. She did however acknowledge that she had a cute face that you could only find on nerdy girls, with nice long straight light brown hair. which always brought up her spirits after looking into a mirror but this time she couldn’t bring herself to smile in the mirror like she usually does because of her current situation. She checked the time which appeared on the area of the wall in front of the sink again, it read “7:22”.

The device began to speak again, “You must bathe and brush your teeth now, failure to do so will result in intense pain”. The idea of which horrified Kathy.

She began the shower which had only one knob which she found strange, the four shower heads began to produce warm water, not too hot, not too cold just perfect. She stepped in and began to clean her self rubbing a bar of soap between her legs and up to her crotch and between the cheeks of her ass. And dried off with a towel that simply appeared in a flash on the wall, once dry she dropped it on the floor, there was another flash and it was gone. She brushed her teeth and thought the tooth paste taste very strange but tried to not think about it too much. She looked around looking for her clothes to put on only to realize she didn’t have any fricken clothes to put on and began feeling stupid, no clothes would appear.

She touched the wall and walked back into the main room, she began to feel worried again, and again the device would beep and with that she no longer worried.

The room had changed, next to the bed was a computer like device, in the middle of the room there was a table with a char. After becoming acquainted with her new environment the clock struck 8 O clock and the device on her wrist said, “Now is time for breakfast you will drink all of it.”

In a flash a clear cup formed on the table in the middle of the room and was filled with a blue liquid.

“This is breakfast, she said aloud?” Looking at the cup with a dumb founded face “You have got to be kidding me.”

These were actually the first words she has said since she got here that weren’t loud curses or interjections.

With that an intense pain began to grow in her wrist, up her arm and eventually her whole body and she screamed, “FINE I’LL DRINK IT FOR FUCK SAKE”.

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