Kate Gets a Puppy
Kate Gets a Puppy
Sex Story Author: | J Locke |
Sex Story Excerpt: | So big and strong and smart!” The dog wagged its tail, as if in agreement a name of such power |
Sex Story Category: | Bestiality |
Sex Story Tags: | Bestiality, Fantasy, Wife |
Kate Gets a Puppy
Every morning, Kate started her day with a jog along the beach. The fresh sea air, the sand under her feet, and the sense of freedom was the perfect way for her to clear her head as well as keep fit. Her typical running outfit consisted of tight Lycra shorts and a sports bra which struggled to contain her ample 34D chest. She usually wore her long, raven hair in a ponytail but at times let it flow freely, and the sun beating down on it made it shine like silk. She was an exquisite vision, and never failed to gain the attention of any male passersby (and on occasion, the random female). Kate paid them no mind though, instead focusing on keeping her mind and body in top form.
During the past week, Kate had begun noticing the same dog every day as she took her morning run. It was an English Mastiff, and one of the largest she’d ever seen. Based on her observances as she jogged by, it stood nearly a meter in height and had to weigh more than 100 kg. He was a tan color, and would have been quite beautiful if he’d had a home rather than been a stray with no one to care for him. But it was hard for her to be certain, as the dog kept a wary distance from her and was largely hidden by the brush at the back edge of the beach. Kate was relieved that it didn’t come closer, as she stood only 5’3” and was slim from her daily routines…she’d have not stood a chance in case of the dog attacking her. Soon however, as the animal became more accustom to the daily visits from the woman, he began trotting alongside her for a brief distance, though still didn’t get close to her. Kate was amused and somewhat comforted by this, her initial fear of the animal gone, as if she had her own personal guard dog escorting her. Maybe I’ll pick up some treats for him, and tomorrow if I see him I’ll give him a reward, she thought. Indeed, on her trip home from work that evening, Kate stopped and picked up a box of doggy nummies and placed some in a small baggy for her beach trip the next morning.
The next day, as Kate ran along the seaside, the dog appeared in his usual place and began trotting alongside her. After a few moments, Kate stopped and removed the baggy from her side pack and knelt down. The mastiff stopped along with her, though still several meters away from the woman. She began coaxing the animal to come closer, using her softest and least threatening tone of voice.
“Here, puppy…it’s OK, I won’t hurt you…I just wanna give you a little treat for being such a good guard for me while I run.”
The dog was hesitant, not coming closer but not retreating either, instead nervously pacing to and fro. Kate decided to take a few treats from the bag and toss them his way in an attempt to gain his trust. The beast looked at the kibbles lying in the sand and tentatively moved forward, but keeping a wary eye on the woman. He reached the snacks and devoured them quickly, and Kate spread a few more but this time closer to herself. The dog approached and eagerly accepted those as well. She took the remaining food from the bag and dropped them within a foot of her body, and encouraged the dog to move closer.
“OK big guy, if you want these you’re gonna have to get close to me…it’s OK, I won’t hurt you at all. Come here, good doggy.”
The dog inched closer, keeping an eye on the stranger in front of him. When he reached the food, Kate slowly extended a hand and began stroking the animal’s head, issuing soothing words to it in the process.
“Yes, that’s a good boy…you like those treats, don’t you? You’re a good boy for keeping me safe every morning and I wanted to say thank you for that.”
Kate marveled at the softness of the animal’s fur, and being close enough now to grasp its size she was in awe. She felt tiny next to the massive beast, and knew that if he turned on her now she’d be in deep trouble. Somehow though, Kate knew he wouldn’t do that and she felt safe being as close to the dog as she was, regardless that he was a stray. As she contemplated the magnitude of the dog’s size, a random but wicked thought entered her head. He must have some massive equipment between his haunches, and upon thinking that she was both ashamed but warmer. She mustered her courage and took a glance at his rear quarters, and could see a pair of balls hanging between his legs. They looked to be roughly the size of ping-pong balls, and Kate’s mind began racing at the curiosity as to exactly how big a cock might be housed within the sheath. She shook her head to clear her mind of such perversions, and said to the dog “Well, I’d better get moving again or I’ll end up late for work. I’ll bring more treats for you tomorrow though, big guy…and I guess I have to think of a name for you.” With that, the dog retreated back to the brush and Kate completed her morning exercise.
Kate’s sleep that night was restless, as she had fleeting dreams remembering seeing the ample balls that hanged between her newfound pet’s legs. Her sub-conscious raced at the thoughts of reaching down and touching them, feeling their heat, texture, and weight. Caressing them gently, regardless of the species they belonged to or how perverse and unnatural an act that would be. She awoke several times throughout the night, bathed in sweat and her body heat soaring, resisting the urge to masturbate and relieve her pent up fantasies, since her husband was lying only a foot away. But each time the woman gained sleep again, the images of the dog’s underside returned more vividly than the last. Kate awoke the next morning feeling as though she’d not slept at all. She rose, put on her jogging outfit, got her bag of treats, and began her day feeling worn out already. Her emotions were swirling in her head as to what would happen when she encountered her friend on the beach. Somewhere in the night, perhaps in one of the dreams, she had decided on Zeus as the name she would give him.
The dog was waiting in its usual place, and upon seeing Kate he moved closer to her and began trotting alongside, within a meter of the woman. They ran at a steady moderate pace for ten minutes, and then Kate stopped to give the dog his treats and his new name. The animal, in anticipation, sat down immediately and waited for his reward…but had no idea how big a reward the woman he was heeling before was about to give him.
“Good boy, how are you this morning, my big strong protector?” Kate asked the dog. “I think the name Zeus fits you perfectly, don’t you?
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