

More fun with my new wife


We were up early for our flight, flying first to Los Angeles and from there to Honolulu and our oceanfront hotel at Waikiki Beach. Oahu isn’t my favorite island, but once Rosie had told me that her grandfather’s brother had perished on the USS Arizona I knew we’d spend several days there.

The Arizona Memorial is extremely well attended so we left the hotel at 7:30 a.m. for the naval base at Pearl Harbor. The line for tickets wasn’t long, but we still had a two-hour wait before we could board the tender to the Memorial. We spent much of the time in the small museum and the rest outside enjoying the views and the balmy weather. Finally, our time arrived and we boarded for the five minute ride. I noticed that many others, like us, wore the flower leis we had received either at the airport or at the hotel. The mood was suitably somber as we walked straight to the list of those who had made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom where she found her relative’s name. Hand in hand, we said a silent prayer and lowered our leis into the water. Seeing the outline of the ship still holding the remains of more than 1,100 brave sailors was as moving as it was eerie. Twenty minutes later we were back on land.

We spent most of our time at the beach where Rosie teased me about my pale skin. Any tan I may have picked up over the summer was long gone by January. Rosie’s Mediterranean skin handled the sun relatively easily, but my ultra-fair Irish skin was prone to burning severely and even blistering. Rosie made sure I had plenty of SPF 50 sunscreen on every exposed part of my body. Of course, I was more than happy to reciprocate on her even though she jokingly called me a lecherous pervert every time.

We stayed on Oahu for three days and nights before catching an inter-island flight to Kauai. Kauai is the oldest of the Hawaiian chain and, in many regards, it’s the most beautiful. But, if you want to swim in the ocean there’s only one place to go—the south shore near Poipu. The eastern and northern shores are loaded with sharp and dangerous coral. We stayed at the Sheraton in Poipu Beach.

Our second day there I drove Rosie up to Hanalei Bay where the movie “South Pacific” had been filmed decades ago. We boarded a small boat for a tour of the Na Pali Coast where deep green fluted mountains appear to rise straight out of the dark blue sea. Rosie was clearly impressed with the sheer beauty of the area. After lunch we drove to Princeville where we sat along the shore path to watch the big wave surfers.

The trade winds blow non-stop all the way from Alaska to the Hawaiian Islands. Here on Kauai there is an offshore reef about a half mile out that catches the waves, causing them to compress and increase in height, some as much as sixty or seventy feet. Surfers are towed out to the reef by jet-skis, although personally I thought they were all crazy. Rosie made me promise on the drive back to our hotel never to even think of doing anything so reckless.

The next day I drove us back to the airport for a helicopter tour of the island. It was great to see the Na Pali Coast from a different perspective. Of all the islands Kauai, the oldest, and Hawaii, the youngest, are the best places to tour by helicopter. Hawaii was our next destination after four days on Kauai.


Rosie’s face told me she was having a blast on our honeymoon. We were making love two to three times every day and were still finding time for sightseeing, swimming, and everything that vacationers can do in our fiftieth state. “I suggest you keep a sharp eye out the window when we land. Kauai is the oldest island, but Hawaii is the youngest and it shows. You’ll see exactly what I mean.”

Rosie leaned across the seat to kiss me quickly then returned her gaze to the small window. A few minutes later she looked back in shock. “What is that, Steven? It looks like some barren desert, only black.”

“You’ll see plenty of that here. It’s lava. In some areas it’s hard rock and in others it’s more like soil, but black and barren it is in most places.” We picked up our rental car and were driving north to our hotel, the Marriott in Waikoloa, and passing mile after mile of mostly barren lava fields. It’s not the best hotel on the big island, but it’s up there and the shopping mall just across the street has plenty of decent restaurants and shops. It has a beach on a bay that’s extremely safe with conditions similar to those we had at home in Long Island Sound.

We spent one day driving south past the city of Kona to Volcanoes National Park. It’s a really interesting place where you can see the effects of the active volcano closely, but safely. Rosie picked up the odor of sulphur coming from the many vents almost immediately. The gas is poisonous and can form a strong acid when it comes into contact with water so some areas of the park are banned for visitors. We visited the museum and the overlook of the awesome caldera. A slight detour on the way back took us to Volcano winery. It was interesting and tasty even though Rosie restricted herself to grape juice. I asked them to ship a case to my office, knowing that Joyce would hold them for my return.

The following morning we were en route to Hilo’s airport on the eastern side of the island for a helicopter ride over the volcano area. Watching the lava run into the sea where it solidified as the heat formed huge pillars of steam was fascinating then we flew to what the pilot called a “skylight.” It was a hole in the top of a lava tube where we could see the red hot lava flowing and we could feel the terrific heat even though we were more than fifty feet above it. Too soon the flight was over and we returned to our hotel for a leisurely afternoon at the beach.

Two days later we flew to Kahului, the capital of Maui. Of all the islands I love Maui best. Our hotel in Kaanapali was an hour’s drive away. “Don’t forget what I told you about the hotel here, Rosie.”

“I remember; it’s not five-star, but we have it because we’ll be close to the snorkeling site and the ocean where we should be able to see the whales. I hope we can.”

“I’m sure of it. I’ve been here twice in January and I’ve always been able to see plenty. Why don’t we stop for snorkel gear on the way to the hotel?” Rosie agreed so we stopped at the Cannery Mall just north of the old whaling town of Lahaina to get our gear from Boss Frog. I just had to complete the rental agreement when Rosie told me she wanted to go to the pharmacy next door. “I’ll meet you there, okay Steven?”

I did just ten minutes later. “Are you okay,” I asked.

“Never better, darling…never better. Let’s go. I want to get to our room.”

I pulled a kukui-nut lei from my carry-on as we strode into the lobby of the Kaanapali Beach Hotel. That told the staff that I’d been there before. With all the four and five-star hotels in the area why would I want to stay here at a hotel that was no more than three? First of all is the location. It’s only about two hundred yards from Black Rock, a lava outcropping that’s well known as one of the world’s best snorkeling spots that can be reached from the beach. Second is that the oceanfront rooms are only fifty feet from the beach and maybe twice that from the water. Sitting on one of the balconies it’s really easy to see humpback whales as they breach or even just surface and blow. Sometimes they’re really close to shore. Finally, KBH advertises itself as the most Hawaiian hotel and they are. The staff is really friendly and helpful. They run all kinds of lessons on Hawaiian stuff every day. The lobby and exterior are a bit old-fashioned, but the rooms have all been refurbished. Besides, don’t I have the original old-fashioned girl for my wife?

Of course, our room wasn’t ready. We went to the restrooms to change into our bathing suits and then we strolled across the huge lawn, finding lounge chairs under one of the numerous old trees. “This is great, Steven. I won’t have to worry about you burning. Let’s just remember to put some on when we go to the beach.”

“Yes, Mom,” I said with a grin.

Rosie joined me in laughing. “Next thing you’ll be telling me you want incest.” Suddenly, she stopped her kidding and lowered her voice. Clearly, her words were for my ears only. She looked around, but there was only one couple near us and they were at least forty feet away. “When do I get my period, Steven?” Her voice was just above a whisper.

“On a Thursday.” It was true. I’d never heard of a woman whose period was as predictable as Rosie’s. Every fourth Thursday like clockwork it began. I had been concerned initially, thinking that our weekend would be ruined. Rosie, however, never had cramps and was hornier than ever during it. “On a Thursday, between 9:00 and 10:00 in the morning, but we’re five hours behind so it would probably come sometime in the early morning between four and five a.m.” I repeated.

She nodded as she continued. “Do you remember when I had it in December?”

“You know I don’t keep track of stuff like that. I don’t know any guy who does. Sometime in the middle of the month, I think.”

“I’m surprised you remember that much. It was on December 12th so that would mean I should have it when?”

I did the math quickly in my head—nineteen days in December and nine in January would mean Thursday, January 9th. “Thursday, January 9th.”

Now Rosie was grinning wildly as she said, “And, what is today’s date?”

Now I did have to think. We were heading home on the evening of the twenty-fifth and we were in Maui for nine days so…”January 17th.” I sat there dumbfounded while Rosie continued to grin like the Cheshire cat. Then it hit me like a foul ball to the head. “Oh my God…you’re late! You’re never late! You’re like a clock!”
That’s when she dug into her purse, pulling out four white cylinders. They were in my hand before I realized that they were home pregnancy tests and they all said, “YES.” I was out of my lounger in an instant. My hands found Rosie’s head and I pulled her to me for what I thought at the time was the kiss of the century. Hell; it was the kiss of all time! Rosie whispered in my ear when she broke it. “I’m taking the top as soon as we get into the room.” There was no way in hell I was going to argue.

We applied sunscreen to each other then walked hand in hand down the beach toward Black Rock, our masks and fins under our arms. I thought I had loved Rosie before, but it was nothing in comparison to how I felt now. We walked into the water and I helped Rosie into her fins and mask. I’d learned back in July that she was an excellent swimmer, almost as good as I was. We swam together through the crystal clear water toward the rock, marveling at the abundant variety of colorful fish.

We were about fifty feet from shore when we saw the big dark shape in the water. There, not more than ten feet away was a…. I know you’re thinking shark, but it wasn’t. It was a giant sea turtle almost within arm’s length as we approached. I’d seen them here before, and that’s not all. I’d come alone a few years ago and had seen a big moray eel out around the end of the rock. It appeared to have just eaten; there were tiny bits of what seemed to be a fish floating in the water and they were being eaten by a school of smaller fish.

We snorkeled for about twenty minutes before Rosie told me she was getting cold. We turned around and a few minutes later we were on the beach, our bodies warming quickly in the bright sunshine. I led her back to the hotel lobby where we picked up our key. A few minutes later we were in our room; naked and in bed less than a minute later.

Rosie pushed me back until I fell onto the comforter. She moved me around until she was sure I was comfortable then she pounced. I had to chuckle at Rosie’s aggressiveness. There was nothing “old-fashioned” about her behavior now. She began by rubbing her breasts and nipples over my chest, eventually pushing one into my mouth. I suckled eagerly as I gripped her ass tightly with one hand and her head with the other. Rosie pulled her nipple from my mouth replacing it with her lips. We kissed for several minutes, swapping spit, while she actively humped my thigh. Breaking the kiss, she rose with an engaging smile. “I’m so happy, Steven. I don’t think I’ve ever been happier, but I don’t think we should say anything until my doctor confirms it. Is that okay with you?”

Instead of answering I pulled her down for another long deep kiss. Rosie lifted her hips during it and trapped my cock between her legs. A few seconds later I felt her velvet vise stretch tightly around my pulsing dick. I knew too well how much Rosie loved to ride me. She loved the freedom of motion and the sense of control; I was sure she had missed it terribly while we were trying to conceive. Rubbing her clit wasn’t necessary, but her orgasms were even more intense when she did.

That’s what she did now and as she did she bent my poor cock into positions I never dreamed even existed.

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