Joyce on the Pill
Joyce on the Pill
Sex Story Author: | Mystic47 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | The whole reveal was an easy lighthearted grilling that didn’t embarrass me at all. Joyce drank one and |
Sex Story Category: | Blowjob |
Sex Story Tags: | Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Fiction, Incest, Oral Sex, Teen Male/Teen Female |
I stopped by my sister’s room to ask her if she had money to pay back the twenty dollars she borrowed three days before. She was lying on the bed, on her stomach looking at her smart phone. When she heard me she slapped the phone face down “What the hell are you doing here?”
“I need my twenty bucks, you got it?”
“Uh, you said I had till Saturday to pay it back, I don’t get paid at work until Friday, I don’t have it.”
“I know I said you could give it back Saturday but I really need some money today, do you have any? Five bucks maybe?”
“Huh! I only have a ten.”
“Come on Joyce, I really need it.”
She gave in “Shit. Okay give me my bag.”
Her shoulder bag was setting on the top of her dresser so I reached up to grab it. I picked it up but one of the handles was looped over a bottle of lotion so when the handle moved the lotion fell. I saw the bottle tip and snapped my hand out to catch it before it hit the floor. I caught the lotion but the purse fell too, bounced on the floor and spilled its contents across Joyce’s throw rug “Fuck. I’m sorry.”
Joyce sprang off her bed and went to her knees and started gathering the junk on the floor “Damn it Dirk, do you have to be so fucking klutzy all the time?” I bent to help her pick up the pile of junk but she slapped my hand away “Get out, I’ll bring the money over.”
I saw a pill pack lying just under the dresser and picked it up. I was expecting cough drops or maybe breath mints but what I held was a packet of birth control. I recognized the Pill because sometimes mom leaves hers in lying around, the packet I was holding was similar. Four rows of clear plastic bubbles labeled with days of the week, three of the seven pills in the first row were missing. I looked at my sister who was watching me and growing red in the face. “You take the Pill? You take fucking birth control?”
She snatched the packet from my hand “Get out, get out now or I’ll kick the shit out of you!” At the moment I saw death and dismemberment in her eyes so I got out of her room in a hurry.
I retreated to the front room without the cash, I figured I would go without but I wasn’t concerned about that just then, my thoughts were about what I’d found. Joyce takes the pill? That was a pretty sure 100% guarantee she wasn’t virgin. My sixteen-year-old sister was getting laid and I never had a clue? And how in hell does a sixteen-year-old girl get that shit in the first place? Did mom know? For sure dad was as clueless as me. I grabbed a Coke from the fridge and went to my own room.
About an hour after accidently finding out my sister took the Pill, I heard a tap on my bedroom door then it opened a crack. Joyce poked her head in and peered across the room at me “I have that money for you.”
“Okay, come on.”
She stepped to the bed and sat on the end of it, the bill folded in half in her hand, her head hung low, she avoided my eyes “Don’t tell anybody. Dirk, it has to be a secret, if mom and dad ever found out I they would lock me up in my room and push food under the door.”
“Hey, you know I have a bunch of questions and you know what they are going to be. Can I ask? I won’t say anything to anybody but you have to tell me what’s going on.”
Joyce shifted her ass on the bed, dropped the ten to the nightstand then laced her fingers around one knee and pulled it up to her breasts so tight her knuckles turned white “Okay” she sighed, “if you have to know but never say anything to anybody, swear it.”
“Come on Joyce, you know I don’t ever talk bad about you.”
“This is different Dirk, this is totally different.”
“Okay,” I raised my right hand as the boy scout three finger salute “I swear I won’t tell anybody my sister is on the Pill.”
She looked at me, her large hazel eyes guarded “You can ask me anything but I might not answer.”
“I have to guess you’re not a virgin.”
“When, who?”
“Two weeks before I turned fifteen. Micky Callon.”
“Jesus, you were only fourteen?”
Joyce snapped “Don’t be judgmental.”
“Just Micky since then?”
She blushed red, let go of her leg so both her feet were on the floor then looked past my shoulder to the wall behind me and uttered softly “More.”
“Come on Joyce, don’t hold back, how many?”
She took deep breath then mumbled “Four — four more.”
I was dumbfounded, my little sister who just turned sixteen started fucking when she was fourteen and in a little over a year had screwed five guys? What surprised me even more was that I never heard a word in school. Usually girls who fuck have their names scratched all over the walls in the boy’s room. I hadn’t seen ‘Joyce’ up there at all. She took my breath away, I couldn’t say anything, I just stood in front of my pretty young sister and stared at her blushing cheeks for a few seconds then squeaked “Five? You’ve let five guys screw you?” Crap! She was two up on me. I am fifteen months older than her and she’d gotten more dick in her short sex life than I’d gotten pussy.
Her pony tail bobbed when she nodded “Yeah.”
My head was full of questions, how far in her confession would she go, name names? Tell me what she did, does or likes? Was she a one-night thrill or did she date first? As I watched my sister sitting on the end of my bed I felt my prick began to swell. I was getting turned on and wanted to ask all those questions and more but I was embarrassed by my reaction to her. “Hey, Joyce.” she looked up at me, “You need to find some place to hide your pill pack, anybody snooping in your purse would see them and you know mom snoops.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Promise you won’t tell?”
“I already promised but I promise again, nobody will know from me you take the pill and have fucked around with a bunch of guys.” When I said that Joyce rolled her eyes away and blushed, I ended the revealing conversation with “I have to go now but can we talk more later?”
She stood to leave, glanced over her shoulder at the closed door then offered “What are you doing after you get off work?”
“Nothing, Xia is on vacation so I just hang around the house texting her.”
“Look, if you want, when you get home let’s go somewhere, we can talk without mom and dad around.”
“Talk about your sex life?”
She spoke almost shyly “That’s what you want to hear isn’t it?”
I wasn’t sure why she volunteered to tell me more but I wasn’t going to say no, “I get home around 7.” She looked me squarely in the eyes and nodded then left. Having made a date with me to share her secrets my sister left my room and my prick pumped a dose of precum into my shorts.
While on break from my part time grocery shelf stocking job I made notes on my smartphone, questions I wanted to ask Joyce. I didn’t trust myself to remember everything I thought of so the list got fairly long:
How did you get the pill
After Micky who were the others (do I know them)
Our age or older guys
One time or more
Do you get off
Suck cock or just fuck
Where? Cars, school, their house, our house
More than one at the same time
Do you party with girls
Straight, drunk or stoned
What do you like to do
What do you like done to you
Do you watch porn
What turns you on
I was sure there would be more questions but I couldn’t think of any just then. I got home at 7:10 then dashed to my room to shower and clean up. I didn’t see Joyce until I was ready to leave the house. I poked my head into her room, she was texting again “Hey, you ready?”
She put the phone down and got off the bed then pulled a light hoodie from her closet “Yeah, where are we going?”
“Where do you want to go?”
She picked up her phone, glanced at a new text then back to me, “Take me to Maxi’s house, she has some wine coolers for me. After that it’s up to you.”
“You’re going to drink coolers?”
“Hey, I said I would answer your questions but I’ll need a little courage before, you can have one too.”
“Okay, let’s get out of here before mom and dad make plans for us.”
Joyce was riding in the passenger seat leaning back on the door, her legs folded up, she was sitting on her feet. As she typed on her phone, I was checking her out. She wore a short skirt that rode high up her thighs and her cheerleader hoodie with a picture of a Viking ship on it. The name of our school team, Vikings, was emblazoned across her tits. Her short cinnamon colored hair was covered by the hood but when I could see it, it was cut short like Cersei on Game of Thrones. She had put on some make-up and wore a double strand black bead choker with matching earrings. Joyce was pretty. I’d never noticed before. I mean I noticed she is pretty before but I’d never really looked at her like a girl, only a sister. My prick twitched just a little when I pictured what five guys had seen and I never did. Another question formed in my mind: Do you shave or are you natural?
She was in Maxi’s house just long enough to grab the six-pack of Seagrams coolers then dashed back to my car. When she was settled and I pulled away Joyce twisted off the lid off a bottle “What the fuck, don’t open that in the car, I could get busted.”
“Only if you get stopped. Don’t get stopped.” She leaned back on the door again and took a sip. I still didn’t know where I should take her. Since she was drinking any place public was out so I headed out Highline Drive to a side road I knew. We could sit and talk in the car. About a mile from the parking place Joyce grunted “Shit, my legs are cramped.” She lifted her ass off her feet then twisted around to stretch her legs. When she moved, I got a full up-skirt view of her thighs and the junction of her legs. It was hard to tell in the dusk but her panties looked light red and lacy. My cock jerked as she arched back against the seat then pulled her skirt back down to where it belonged.
I shut off the engine and we opened the windows for fresh air. Joyce handed me a Cherry Fizz cooler then we relaxed for a minute or so. She was looking out the window saying nothing. I wanted to start grilling her but I didn’t want to come off as too eager to hear the sordid details of my sister’s sex life so I kept quiet. She reached down to recline the seat then laid back and turned to her side facing me “How many girls have you fucked?”
Whoa? What? She caught me off guard. I hesitated, thinking if I should answer when she said “Hey, if I tell you everything, I want to know what you do too. We are gonna share.”
Yeah? Okay, that was fair, “Three.”
“Only? I would think more. I know girls who would let you.”
I sat up, she had my full attention “Who?”
We started a conversation, a question and answer period about some girls in her class that thought I was hot, that they might screw me if the chance came up. Joyce teased me with hints but didn’t divulge any names. She was laughing and teasing as she finished the first bottle and started the second. “Are you going to give me some names?” I pressed.
“No, not yet, maybe later.” She continued by asking me who my first girlfriend was, how old we were and what we did. That thread of conversation went on through the next two girls.
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