Jock Strap_(0)
Janet didn’t drag her butt out of bed until just before eleven o’clock in the morning. When she got up she stood in front of her full length mirror and studied her image while brushing her hair and trying to decide what to wear on the sweltering summer day. She smiled at the image that she saw in the mirror, she was correct in her appraisal; wearing only a sports bra and boy-toy pants, her usual bedtime attire, she reconfirmed in her mind that she did indeed look pretty damn hot.
Much earlier in the day her Mom and Dad had left for work, but her Mom would be coming back home soon, she’s only working a half day, and that’s the reason why Janet had to get out of bed. She didn’t want her mother coming home and finding her still in bed at noon.
Just as Janet turned sideways to look at her butt in the mirror, out the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a reflection of her brother going past her half open bedroom door. She knew that her brother was the only other person in the house.
There was something odd about what she had glimpsed though. Something wasn’t right. Her first impression, for a split second there, was that John wasn’t wearing any clothes. She had a fleeting glimpse of a lot of flesh. Did she just see his butt? Was her brother walking around the house naked? Oh, I can’t pass up this chance, I just gotta see that, she thought.
She had a vague and distant memory of the last time she saw her brother naked, they were a lot younger. Her brother is a year and a half older then her. Her memory was of her brother standing in front of her in a bathtub. Both were naked and she remembered that his little pee-pee was stiff and pointing straight at her.
She remembered the incident because of the traumatic effect of all the yelling and the crying. Their Dad had walked in the bathroom and caught Janet touching the tip of her older brother’s thingy with her finger.
She remembered her Dad got very angry and threatened to whip her and her brother’s butts if he ever caught them touching each other again. They were never allowed to bathe together again after that incident. Her Dad warned her very sternly to never touch any boy’s thingy again, ever!
She smiled a little smile, if her Dad only knew what she’d learned from her ex-boyfriend about touching boys’ thingies. He’d keel over from a heart attack.
Janet hurried across the room to her bedroom door and yanked the door the rest of the way open and quickly stuck her head out into the hallway. She looked in the same direction that John was heading and her mouth dropped open in surprise.
As John walked down the stairs to the first floor, Janet left her bedroom and quickly tiptoed down the carpeted hallway stealthily following him.
She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She could clearly see that John wasn’t naked, but besides the socks and running shoes, she couldn’t tell what he was actually wearing.
Janet was fascinated and not just a little turned on, as she watched her brother’s bare ass cheeks undulating as he walked. Damn she thought John has got a good-looking and muscular ass, powerful thighs, and strong back. She felt a twinge in her pussy as she quietly trailed her big brother as he descended the stairs.
When John turned the corner at the bottom of the stairwell is when Janet got to see a profile view of whatever that thing was that John was wearing. She had briefly looked at that particular piece of apparel before when she’d seen it in the dirty clothes hamper but she hadn’t actually figured out what it was.
Now that she saw John wearing it, it dawned on her what it was. It was one of those things that guys wear when they’re playing sports to keep their junk from flopping around or falling out of their shorts. She’d never actually seen a guy wearing a jock strap before.
The jock strap had a triangular shaped cloth pouch in the front that covered John’s dick and testicles. John’s cloth pouch looked pretty full and the material looked stretched to its limits. It didn’t look like John could stuff anything more into that pouch without splitting it open and having everything spilling out.
She was impressed with her brother’s body. She could see everything, well almost everything. What the jock strap hid from view is what she really wanted to see. But at least now she could take seeing her brother’s well shaped and good-looking butt off her bucket list.
Janet leapt down the carpeted steps two and three at a time until she reached the bottom step and then quickly peeked around the corner at her brother’s retreating form. Damn his ass was sexy.
John opened the laundry room door and went inside. His back was facing towards the doorway as he bent over the dirty laundry basket. His bare ass was in plain view as he rifled through the clothes in the dirty clothes basket.
A moment later Janet tried to act casual as she walked slowly and silently on bare feet past the open laundry room door and peeked in at her brother as she passed.
An audible thud filled the hallway as Janet, staring at her brother’s exposed ass, walked right into the kitchen doorway’s frame, hitting it with the side of her head.
“Ouch, damn,” Janet involuntarily let slip out loud as she briskly rubbed the side of her face.
“Hey Sis, have you seen my running shorts?” John yelled from inside the laundry room.
“Ah, no I haven’t. Did you look in the dirty clothes basket?” Janet asked as she stepped into the laundry room doorway. She shamelessly eyed her brother’s physique as she leaned against the laundry room door frame.
“Yeah I looked there, but they’re not in that basket,” John responded as he glanced up quickly at his sister and then when he saw her skimpy attire he shyly and quickly diverted his eyes.
“Did you check inside the washing machine?” Janet asked as she openly ogled her brother’s almost naked body.
John turned sideways to his sister in an unsuccessful attempt to shield his state of undress to some extent. Unsuccessful because by turning sideways, he just gave his sister another profile view, which actually gave her a better idea about how big of a bulge he had in the front of his jock strap. He bent down and opened the washing machine’s door and started rummaging through the wet clothes in the front-loading washing machine.
“Oh wait a minute.., I just remembered that they’re in the dryer,” Janet said as she’d known all along that’s where they were. She also knew there was no way that John could search the front-loading dryer in the small laundry room without turning his back to her and bending over again.
John hesitated; he knew he would expose his bare ass again if he searched the dryer. He waited a moment, he waited in the hope that his sister would walk back into the kitchen. But the waiting time dragged on and on as she just leaned against the door jam and kept running her eyes slowly up and down his body.
Feeling conspicuously embarrassed by his sister’s scrutiny he finally just shrugged his shoulders a little then he turned his back to his sister and bent over and started searching the front-loading dryer.
Janet’s eyes widened and her pussy started getting moist as she stared at her brother’s exposed ass. She couldn’t help but zero in on two areas, the first area was his tightly wrinkled anus, which was on display between his muscular ass cheeks when he bent over and the bulge that his genitals made as they lay hidden from sight behind that tight fitting cloth pouch.
After a moment or two of searching John found the shorts and pulled them out of the dryer, he stood up straight and turned and faced his sister.
“By the way bro, I love the outfit that you’re wearing this morning, you don’t need to cover all that up by putting on a pair of shorts,” Janet said as she shamelessly stared at John’s cloth covered crotch.
“If you really do want a new girlfriend all you’d have to do is go jogging in that thing… you’d have every girl in the neighborhood jogging right behind you and screaming for your phone number.”
John just grunted, but he did get a quick mental picture of girls jogging behind him, yelling and cheering, if he went out running while wearing nothing but his jock strap.
“You should be careful about who sees you wearing that thing. As sexually frustrated as mom is, you should probably not wear that thing in front of her…, but you could wear that in front of me more often. It’s eye candy for a girl and very intriguing.”
“What’s intriguing about it?”
“I seriously doubt that there are too many women that have ever seen a guy wearing one those things before. I never have, I would’ve remembered that. What is that thing anyway, is that male lingerie?”
“It’s just a jock strap.”
“It’s pretty sexy; I mean the way those straps wrap around your butt. It definitely shows off your assets,” Janet chuckled at her own joke as she openly stared at the bulge in the front of John’s jock strap.
“The intriguing part is that large bulge in the front there, which makes a girl want to find out what’s hidden behind that cloth pouch. All in all, it’s a very sexy looking outfit bro.”
“It’s not as sexy as the outfits that you wear,” John said as he shyly let his eyes roamed over his sister’s sports bra and boy-toy pants. He tried, unsuccessfully, to not stare directly at her well-defined camel toe.
“Oh you like this? I like the bra but I think these pants are a touch too small. Not counting the camel toe that you apparently enjoy staring at, every time I bend over these pants crawl up the crack of my ass… when I wear these I always get a wedgie… watch…,” Janet said as she turned her back towards her brother and looking over her shoulder at him as she bent over slightly, “See what I mean?”
John stared at his sister’s newly formed wedgie. His dick twitched uncomfortably in confines of his jock strap.
Janet’s pants had indeed crawled up between the cheeks of her magnificently shaped ass; wedged in so deep that it almost looked like she was wearing a thong. The pants highlighted the crack of her butt and exposed the lower halves of the twin globes of her fantastically rounded cheeks.
“I can see why you get those wedgies. You got a gorgeous ass sis; I don’t know anything in the world that wouldn’t want to crawl up between those fantastic looking cheeks.”
“Awww, you’re so sweet… since you obviously like looking at my butt so much I’ll let you touch it, I’ll let you fix this wedgie for me.., pull the pants out of my crack will you bro,” Janet asked while still looking at John over her shoulder as she bent over even further and wiggled her butt enticingly at her brother.
Janet hoped that John would just grab her pants and pull them completely down. John swallowed hard and then hesitantly reached out with both hands and touched his sister’s ass. He slid the index finger of each hand in between her smooth ass cheeks and the elastic of her silken pants at the top of her wedgie. He slid the backs of his fingers slowly downward over the soft curves of his sister’s ass cheeks as his finger’s downward motion slowly pulled her pants out from between the cheeks of her ass.
“Thanks bro, I owe you one,” Janet said as she stood up straight and smiled at her brother.
She’d felt a thrill in her pussy the instant her brother touched her butt. That didn’t surprise her too much; she knew that she was pretty horny. She reluctantly tore her eyes away from her brother’s jock strap pouch as she turned and intentionally left the laundry room door wide open when she left so that her brother could watch her ass as she walked back into the kitchen.
“Oh and those panties are not too small, they’re just small enough to really do your butt justice,” John offered as he stared at her ass as she walked away.
“Well that settles it then.., if you like these pants then I’ll keep them,” Janet teased.
“Don’t ever tell me to kiss your ass sis, unless you’re willing to pull your panties down so I can,” John teased back.
“Promises, promises… I’ll remind you that you said that when the time is right,” Janet replied as she opened the dishwasher’s door and bent over and started taking dishes out of the rack.
As soon as Janet bent over her pants immediate crawled up between her ass cheeks. She knew it happened and she also knew that her brother was staring at her ass again. She did nothing about it as she stood up straight and stood on her toes as she started stretching to put the dishes in the overhead cabinets.
Damn she was getting hornier by the minute. She could feel the wetness already starting in her pussy from just showing off her ass and legs to her brother. She started seriously considering jumping her brother’s bones. She wondered what his reaction would be if she tried.
John suspected that Janet picked this exact time to do the bending over and stretching while emptying the dishwasher just because she knew that he was watching. He didn’t object at all because he did enjoy the view of her gorgeous ass and legs.
The brother and sister had always bantered back and forth about sex but never to this extent. He stared at his sister’s exposed ass cheeks as he stepped into his running shorts and pulled them up. He reluctantly turned away from the erotic sight and headed for the front door.
The sibling’s sexual bantering had gotten a lot more serious over the past few months. For Janet it got serious after she noticed that John would abruptly leave the room sometimes, even in the middle of a conversation. At first Janet just chalked it up to normal brother and sister stuff, her big brother was just being rude and ignoring his little sister.
It took Janet longer than she thought it should have before she figured out that she was actually the reason why John would leave a room so abruptly.
When Janet started connecting the dots she noticed that John’s sudden departures usually coincided with her parading around the house dressed only in her bra and pants. Before that observation she had never given any thought to how her attire, or lack of, would affect her older brother’s raging hormones. She’d always run around the house in her underwear as far back as she could remember.
Janet mistakenly figured that John seeing her parading around in her bra and pants was no different than John seeing her wearing a bikini. However, she realized later, that was not the way her brother viewed her underwear.
She loved her big brother and hadn’t meant to do anything that would make him feel uncomfortable around her. She didn’t want to hurt her brother in any way. Janet vowed to herself to remember to dress more modestly, she didn’t want to torment her brother.
Janet’s modesty vow didn’t pass the test of time. A week later Janet forgot her modesty vow one morning and failed to wear her bathrobe. She paraded around the kitchen wearing a push up bra and shear white pants.
John had walked in to the kitchen when Janet had her back turned to the doorway and was bending over emptying the dishwasher. Janet heard John gasp in surprise, he stood in the kitchen doorway for a moment not saying anything, and just as Janet turned her head to look at him is when he suddenly spun on his heel and quickly left the room and went straight to the bathroom.
Janet quickly realized her mistake and immediately went to her bedroom to get her bathrobe. She looked at herself in a full length mirror and could see why John left the room so abruptly. She turned around and bent over and looked at her ass in the full length mirror. The crack of her ass and even the lips of her pussy were plainly visible through the translucent white pants, almost like she wasn’t wearing any.
Damn it, Janet thought, John could see everything, no wonder he left so quickly. Janet still kind of giggled to herself over John’s discomfort. It’s a good thing he didn’t see the front of her shear pants, she thought, he might have fainted if he saw her blond bush.
By the time John returned from the bathroom Janet was back in the kitchen and wearing her bathrobe.
She tried to apologize to him for not wearing her bathrobe. She hadn’t meant to wear such a revealing pair of pants in front of him. She felt bad because John wouldn’t look her in the eyes when she tried to talk to him about it and the rest of the day he went out of his way to avoid her.
Janet felt pretty bad about it all. She felt bad, right up to the point that she started noticing that John took every opportunity he had to peek and sometimes even outright stare at certain parts of her anatomy. She constantly caught him staring at her tits, he stared at her ass. She also noticed that he seemed to enjoy looking at her legs and she’d caught him peeking up her skirt, he peeked up her skirts a lot.
Janet finally connected the dots. She figured out what was going on with John. He’d look up her skirt or at her tits or her legs and after only a few minutes, he would start getting an erection. Then John would run off to the bathroom, where Janet surmised he probably jacked off to get rid of his hardon.
Once Janet figured out what John was doing in the bathroom because of the powerful effect that her body had on him then the poor son of a bitch didn’t stand a chance. Just knowing that her big brother had to be fantasizing about her while he jacked off made Janet feel incredibly sexy. Whenever she’d make John run to the bathroom to alleviate his erection her pussy would get moist just thinking about what John was doing in there.
After discovering the affect that her body had on John’s libido she started doing some outrageous deeds just to tease him. A couple of times she didn’t wear any pants under her short skirts and she made sure to bend over when John was behind her or she’d cross or uncross her legs carelessly, or she’d cross them by putting her ankle of one foot on her other knee and allowing him to get a good view between her legs. She’d flash her vertical smile at him and whoosh, John would run to the bathroom.
Janet loved the way that her big brother looked at her when she wore yoga pants or her exercise tights or skimpy underwear. It turned her on to know that the lustful look in her brother’s eyes was for her. Janet challenged herself to do whatever she could to get John’s dick hard and make him have to run to the bathroom and relieve the pressure. To her it was a sexy game. Janet was just having some harmless fun at her brother’s expense.
She’d put her ear against the bathroom door a couple of times after John had rushed in there but she couldn’t hear anything going on the other side. She was very tempted to just open the door and walk in the bathroom in an attempt to catch John jacking off. Her idea, if she ever got up enough nerve, was to have John finish masturbating while she watched, but she couldn’t quite get up the nerve to turn that door knob.
Seeing John wearing nothing but his jock strap changed the game forever. That jock strap turned the tables on Janet. Now she was the one overwhelmed with lust.
The memorable sight of her brother’s naked ass in a jock strap caused her pussy to get moist, very moist. That’s when she decided that she was finished playing games with John. Janet wanted to do more than just tease him now. Her curiosity about her brother’s anatomy demanded immediate action. Now she wanted to see HIS package and she didn’t plan on just looking at it either. She wanted to get her hands on John’s naked butt cheeks too.
John finished his usual five mile run and then returned to the house. The entire time he was running all he could think about was how sexy his little sister looked in her sports bra and those skimpy panties with the thong effect of that wedgie that displayed her awesome ass so perfectly.
When John got back to the house he went straight to the laundry room. He grabbed a soiled bath towel from the dirty laundry basket and started wiping the perspiration off his face and under his arms.
Janet had heard the front door open and close when her brother returned. She had thought about it while John was jogging and had decided to throw caution to the wind. She was going to find out if John was as horny as she was.
She waited for about a minute after John returned home and then she removed her sports bra. Carrying the bra in her hand as she walked topless into the laundry room and stood behind her older brother.
John was not aware that his sister was standing behind him as he towel dried his face and hair.
The longer Janet stood there watching the perspiration rolling down her brother’s muscular back and strong legs the hornier she got. A well built and sweaty male did something strange to her insides. It actually caused an ache in her groin.
Janet, trying to get her brother’s attention tossed her sports bra past him, aiming it at the dirty laundry hamper as she took a step closer to John.
John had just finished ruffling his hair with the towel when he saw his sister’s sports bra fly past his arm and land in the laundry basket. He started to turn his head to see if sister was standing behind him bare breasted when suddenly Janet stepped in closer behind him and pushed her naked tits into the middle of his sweaty back and wrapped her arms around his upper body and hugged him tightly. He’d gotten hugs from his sister before but none when they were both topless.
“Ah sis, don’t do that, I’m all sweaty,” John protested.
“My dear brother, don’t you know how manly and irresistible you are when you’ve got sweat dripping off your unbelievable body?”
Janet’s hands slowly slid back and forth several times across John’s sweat covered chest, his biceps, and his stomach. It was like she was finger painting his body with his own perspiration, his sister’s hands felt fantastic. She swiped her stiff nipples back and forth across his sweaty back. Her pussy was almost dripping.
Slowly her hands worked across John’s chest, her thumbs rubbed back and forth across his nipples, making his nipples hard. Her hands slid down over his six pack stomach and gradually slid down further to his hips.
Janet nervously hooked her thumbs inside the elastic at the top of John’s sweaty running shorts; she stretched the elastic outward and pulled the shorts down his hips and thighs. She pulled them down below his knees and then she released them and his running shorts dropped to the floor around his ankles.
“What are you doing sis?”
“I’m helping you cool down after your run,” Janet giggled.
John froze. He stood there not moving and not knowing what to do as his sister again pressed her bare tits against his sweaty back. He felt the bulge of her camel toe as she cozily pushed it into the crack of his ass. John felt a stirring deep within his testicles. His dick tried to get hard. Damn, John thought if she wasn’t my sister.
“I warned you that your jock strap makes a girl curious as to what’s hidden behind that pouch,” Janet offered as her hands sensually slid down John’s stomach to the sides of John’s sweaty thighs and then she slowly moved her hands around to the front of his thighs, at pouch level.
“I’ve heard that guys stuff sweat socks down their pants to try and fool girls into thinking that they got a big dick.”
John swallowed hard. He looked downward and watched his sister’s hands; he wasn’t going to stop her, her hands felt wonderful. He wandered how far his sister was going to go. He watched as one of Janet’s hands cupped his jock strap pouch and momentarily gave it a slight squeeze. John gasped as he sucked air into his lungs. No girl had ever put their hand on his crotch before.
“I’m just squeezing to see if you have any Charmin stuffed in there bro.”
Janet slid the palms of her hands back to the front of John’s thighs, as her hands pressed on the front of his thighs she ground her pussy mound against John’s ass. Then she wedged both thumbs between his upper thighs and the outside edges of the jock strap pouch. Janet leaned around John’s side and looked down at his pouch as she pushed her thumbs forward, lifting both the sides of the tight fitting cloth pouch away from his groin as she looked down to see what the pouch had previously hidden from her view.
“Holy shit John! No toilet paper or sweat socks hidden in there! How the hell did you hide THAT thing inside that little pouch?”
“I wasn’t getting a hardon when I put it inside there,” John mumbled.
“Oh, so you’re getting a hardon right now? I don’t think your dick could get stiff inside this thing, it is way too tight.”
Janet moved her hands to the broad elastic top of John’s jock strap. She pushed her fingers down between John’s stomach and the strong and over-sized elastic waistband and pulled the elastic forward, stretching it outward to make sure to clear the bulge created by John’s dick and testicles as she worked his tight jock strap down his hips and thighs, freeing up his quickly growing erection.
“Janet, I don’t think we should be doing this,” John said as his jock strap suddenly joined his shorts down around his ankles.
“You’re probably right…, we shouldn’t do this…, mom will be home soon…, but doesn’t it make your dick feel better now that it’s free to grow?” Janet replied as she looked down at John’s freed and quickly growing erection.
Janet slid one hand down the crack of her brother’s sweaty ass causing John to flinch in surprise. She knifed her left hand between John’s thighs from behind and cupped her brother’s testicles. She gripped his balls in the palm of her hand as if she were holding an orange. She lifted his balls a couple of times like she was trying to guess their weight.
John sighed deeply as his dick twitched and rapidly finished growing to full length.
Janet held John’s testicles in one hand as she took the towel out of John’s hands with her other hand. She held it down below John’s testicles and lifted the towel upward until she cradled John’s sweaty erection in her towel covered hand. She wrapped her towel covered fingers around his stiff dick.
“I haven’t played with one of these in months… you don’t mind if I play with yours do you? I’ve kind of miss playing with one.” Janet offered as she squeezed John’s dick tightly in her towel covered hand.
She waited for John to react to the squeeze. John signed deeply. Then she suddenly relaxed her grip, as she relaxed her grip John inhaled deeply and then she squeezed his shaft tightly again.
“What’s the matter sis,” John panted, “won’t your boyfriend let you play with his dick?”
“Not anymore. The one and only boyfriend that I had demanded that I do something for HIM that I wasn’t going to do. So he is my boyfriend no more.”
“So he wanted… you to put out?” John whispered breathlessly.
“No… He didn’t want to fuck me…, he wanted me to let him cum in my mouth,” Janet admitted. She felt John’s dick twitch in her hand. She smiled as she tightly squeezed his dick again as his dick reacted to what she’s said.
“I see, so I guess you don’t like oral sex?” John was breathing heavily.
“I don’t know because I’ve never tried anything oral yet. I just wasn’t going to let HIM cum in my mouth… it’s not that I don’t want to try oral sex… because I do. I’m just kind of picky about who I choose to do that for. The guy that I let cum in my mouth will be somebody I like a lot more than that little prick that I was dating,” Janet offered as she squeezed John’s erection tightly for emphasis.
She realized as she held her brother’s erection in her towel covered hand that calling her ex-boyfriend a little prick was pretty accurate, especially compared to her brother’s prick.
Janet relaxed her grip a little bit and then slowly slid her fist up her brother’s dick shaft all the way to the head. Janet used her fingers to rub the rough towel back and forth over the head of John’s dick. Then she wrapped her fingers around his shaft and squeezed his dick tightly in her fist again. John’s knees were getting weak.
“Damn sis, you hands feel wonderful,” John admitted as precum started leaking from the slit in the head of his dick.
“This towel’s too thick… I got something that will feel better.”
Janet let the towel drop to the floor as she took a step back away from her brother and hooked her thumbs in the elastic of her boy-toy pants and pushed them down her hips and thighs. She lifted one foot and then the other as she took off her pants. She took a step forward and again smashed her tits against her brother’s back as she draped her boy-toy pants over John’s erection and then wrapped the pants tightly around the shaft of his dick.
Janet’s hand started sliding her silky pants up and down the shaft of her brother’s dick, using the slickness of her pants to stimulate John’s hardon.
John signed and reached out and placed a hand on the dryer to steady himself. His senses were reeling; he’d never had a girl jacking him off before. He couldn’t think straight, he was panting for air; his knees were getting weak. What his sister was doing to his dick felt amazing.
Janet altered her technique, changing from gripping tightly to just barely gripping his shaft as she rapidly slid her hand and her pants up and down John’s dick shaft from the base at his balls to the top of the head. Then she massaged the head with her fingertips.
“Did your girlfriends let you cum in their mouths? I hope you did the gentlemanly thing and returned the favor by eating their hot and wet little pussies?”
“I’ve had only two girlfriends’ sis… and neither girl that I dated would do that for me or let me do that for them.”
John panted through his open mouth as Janet stopped playing with the head of John’s dick and squeezed his shaft tightly, forcing more precum out of his dick.
“Seriously bro, you’ve never had oral sex either?”
“No never! And, I’ve never had a girl grab my dick either,” John panted as Janet slowly started pumped his dick again, “Oh god sis… your hand feels so good… oh god…”
Janet released her grip on John’s balls and used her fingernails to lightly scratch his testicles from the base of his stiff dick under his balls to his perineum then one fingernail scratched all the way to his asshole. John flinched and groaned.
Then Janet pulled her brother’s body back tightly against her tits as she took her left hand out from between his legs and reached around the front of John’s hips and cupped his testicles in her hand.
“Ohhhh damn sis… I loved what you just did with your fingernails.”
While still using one hand on the dryer for balance John reached behind his back with his free hand and slid the palm of his hand between his sweaty back and Janet’s flat stomach and slid his hand downward to the front of Janet’s pussy.
Janet’s breath caught in her throat when John’s fingers touched her pussy. John slid his finger up and down between the wet lips of his sister’s pussy. Janet pushed her hips harder forward against John’s ass, trapping John’s hand against her snatch.
“So you’ve never had a girl jack you off? Hell that’s the only thing that my boyfriend taught me… how to get HIM off..,” Janet’s hand started sliding faster up and down the shaft of John’s dick.
“He… taught you… well… oh god sis… ohhhhh fuucckkk!”
Janet’s hand stopped, she waited for John’s breathing to slow down. She was enjoying herself too much to allow John to come too quickly. Besides, she hadn’t yet talked John into cooperating with her on what she really wanted him to do. If the rigidity of his dick was any indication, she wouldn’t have any problem getting his willing participation.
For the next few minutes the only sounds in the laundry room was the sound of John’s gasping and Janet’s heavy breathing. Janet slowly jacked the panty covered shaft of her brother’s dick as John slid his finger up and down the slippery crevice of his sister’s pussy.
“Janet we really shouldn’t..,” John panted unconvincingly as he tried to express the proverbial societal prohibitions of incestuous related forbidden acts between brothers and sisters, even as his sister’s hands pushed him closer and closer to blowing his load.
“No I guess you’re right,” Janet said as she gripped John’s dick tightly at the base and slowly slid her hand upward on his shaft, forcing more precum slowly up John’s urethra tube and out of the slit at the top of his dick and weakening his knees even more.
“I should be learning about sex like every other girl does, right? The only sex I’ve had is in the back seat of a car. I’ve been finger fucked, and I’ve learned how to jack a guy off. There has to be more to sex then just that.”
“I didn’t even get that far with a girl. Neither one of my girlfriends would even let me put my hand in their panties,” John panted back.
Janet’s hand squeezed tightly about an inch down below the head of John’s dick. The tight squeeze made the head of his dick swell larger with trapped blood. John moaned and had trouble standing.
Janet had waited until she knew that she had John close to having an orgasm. He would be less likely to refuse her request if she timed her request with his orgasm. She figured she had him on the verge of cumming and now would be the perfect time to ask her question.
“Since neither one of us has had too much experience with the opposite sex yet, do you think that maybe we could… do things together…, you know.., like we could learn how to do oral sex… on each other?” Janet whispered in John’s ear as her hand again started sliding her silky pants at a much quicker pace up and down the shaft of John’s stiff dick.
Janet knew that John would go along with her suggestion by the way his balls twitched in the palm of her other hand when she asked that question. Her ex-boyfriend had taught her how he liked to be jacked off, she was experienced enough to know what that little spasm in John’s balls signified. She tightened her grip on John’s dick and started sliding the panties even faster up and down John’s dick shaft.
“Ohhh. Ohhhhh. Ohhhhh. Oh fuck I’m cummmmmming,” John warned.
“Oooooo… go ahead and squirt for me bro…” Janet offered as she watched the head of her brother’s cock as it started swelling as it started spitting.
“Ah fuck… Ah… Ah… Ah… Ah…” John grunted with every powerful squirt of sperm out of his dick. Janet released her grip on his testicles and used that hand to hold a portion of her pants in front of John’s dick as his cum squirted on then and started soaking through.
“Damn, look at all that cum! I think your dick kind of likes the idea of having oral sex with your little sister, doesn’t it?” Janet asked as she used one of the tricks she had learned and squeezed the shaft of her brother’s dick tightly on a quick upstroke, forcing the next squirt of come to eject even more powerfully.
“Ah… Ah… Ah… Ah…” All John could do was stand there and try to keep from doubling over as he panted for breath as his sister kept squeezing and jacking cum out of his dick.
When John’s dick finally stopped squirting and his cum was just dribbling out of his dick Janet hurriedly moved from behind John to his right side and then she quickly leaned over and put her mouth over the head of John’s dick and gently sucked the head of his shrinking dick into her mouth.
“Ahhhhhhhhhh… that feels amazing.”
She could taste John’s cum as she sucked out the small amount of cum that remained and would have just dribbled out of his dick.
It was the first time she’d ever touched a guy’s dick with her lips. But it wasn’t her first taste of a guy’s cum. She had sneaked a taste of her boyfriend’s cum, when he wasn’t looking; she’d licked it off her fingers. The taste wasn’t unpleasant, she had only tasted just enough to make her more curious.
Ironically, if her ex-boyfriend had been more subtle, if he hadn’t been so damn pushy by forcibly pushing her face down towards his dick, and demanding that she suck him off, he might have gotten the blowjob that he wanted so badly.
“Oh damn sis,” John moaned as his chin rested on his chest as he watched his sister sucking gently on the head of his deflating dick as it slowly went limp. If he could have cum again he would have as he watched his sister using her beautiful lips on his cockhead.
John could barely stand up, his knees were so weak. He slid one hand across his sister’s bare back as she leaned over. His hand slid around her side and cupped her naked right breast in the palm of his hand as his other hand slid past his stomach to cradle her left breast in his left hand.
Janet let John’s flaccid dick slip from between her lips and then stood up straight and faced John. John immediately reached out and gently started fondling both of her bare breasts.
John had gotten his hand inside his girlfriend’s bra before but he’d never had a pair of tits in both hands at the same time before. He stared at the pair of smallish but magnificent breasts in his hands. The beauty of his sister’s breasts amazed him.
“You can suck on my nipples if you want,” Janet invited “run your thumbs over my nipples until they’re stiff, that’s how you can tell when a girl is getting turned on… their nipples gets as stiff as your dick does and when they do… you should make love to them with your hands and your mouth, you should kiss them and suck on my nipples and lick them.”
John did exactly as Janet requested. His tongue slowly stuck out of his mouth as he lowered his head towards his younger sister’s offered breasts. He circled her right nipple a few times with his tongue and then gently sucked on it for a few seconds and then switched to her left nipple and did the same.
Janet moaned softly as John’s tongue teased her nipples. Her hand went behind John’s head, her fingers intertwined in the sweaty hair on the back of his head as she pulled his face harder against her breasts. John sucked one nipple completely into his mouth and started sucking harder.
“Ohhhh your mouth feels so nice..,” Janet sighed as she grabbed one of John’s hands and pulled it towards her crotch, “put your hand on my pussy bro.”
John put the palm of one hand against Janet’s flat stomach and nervously slid his hand downward until his middle finger slid between the wet lips of his sister’s pussy; he used his fingers to search for a girl’s vaginal opening for the first time ever.
John was excited about putting his hand down between a girl’s legs but he had no clue as to what to do when he got it there. He could feel the moisture on his sister’s lips. Janet reached down and covered John’s hand with hers to guide him. Janet pushed on the back of John’s middle finger.
“Do you feel how wet I am? Put your finger in me John. Slide your fingers between my lips. A little lower John… now curl the tip of your finger a little bit..,” Janet instructed, as John’s finger tip started to enter his sister’s wet vagina, “yeah, right there… now push your finger in deeper… that’s my vagina, that’s where a guy would put his cock.”
John pushed his finger deeper into his sister’s tight, warm, and extremely wet pussy. The first pussy that he’d ever put a finger in. The slickness, and tightness, and warmth of his sister’s pussy amazed him.
“Oh yeah, that’s it… now slide you finger in and out… push your finger in deeper… ohhhhh yeah… oh yeah, now you’re fingering me… do it faster John… I’m already getting close.”
John suddenly noticed the aroma in the laundry room had changed. He knew that the new exotic smell in the room came from his sister’s pussy. His girlfriends had left a similar smell behind in his car after their dates.
Janet’s head fell backward and her face pointed at the ceiling as she closed her eyes and held her brother’s mouth firmly against her breast. Janet’s hips started rocking as her hips started fucking back at John’s pistoning finger.
John had to slide his hand off of Janet’s breast and behind her back to hold her up as she completely surrendered to her brother’s sucking mouth and jabbing finger.
“Rub my clit with your thumb John, make me cum!”
John continued fingering his sister’s pussy. It took Janet only a few seconds to realize that John had never had his hand on a girl’s pussy before so he probably didn’t know where a girl’s clit was located or how to stimulate it.
Janet reached down and guided John’s hand to the right spot and pushed his thumb up against her clit.
“You feel that little bump right there? That’s my clitoris… it’s sort of like a small penis… rub it… rub your thumb all around it… oh yeah, just like that.”
The more John rubbed his sister’s clit the more rapidly she panted for breath. His sister started making sexy little grunting noises. He removed his mouth from her breast and watched his sister’s face. John was amazed that he was just now noticing how desirable his little sister was. She was extremely attractive and had a fantastic body and he just realized how badly he wanted to stick his dick into this alluring girl. Sister or not.
John continued rubbing Janet’s clit with his thumb as he alternated between quickly sliding his fingers up and down between her wet pussy lips and shoving his middle finger back into her sweltering vagina.
Janet gasped and reached down with both hands and grabbed John’s wrist with one hand and the back of his hand with her other hand and held his hand firmly in place as she jammed her pussy on his finger and smashed the heel of his hand repeatedly against her clit as she rode his hand wildly.
“Oooooo… Ah… Ooh… Ouuu…”
Janet suddenly grabbed John’s face with both hands and kissed him squarely on the mouth or tried to as her orgasm hit. She tried to slip her tongue between his lips as she moaned and grunted at the same time. Janet’s thighs slammed shut, trapping John’s hand between her legs. After a few seconds she slumped against the washing machine and panted weakly through her open mouth.
“Oh fuck John… that was fucking incredible… that was the first time a guy ever got ME off… damn bro you got some amazing fingers.”
“You’re the first girl that let me do that… and you’re the first girl to ever do that to me sis… I couldn’t believe that you jacked me off!”
“Geez John… you’re hard again,” Janet said as she glanced down in surprise when John’s newest erection bumped against her thigh.
“Getting my hands on a girl’s pussy seems to have that effect on me sis.”
Janet put her hand on John’s sweaty chest and pushed him backward a couple of feet to give herself room. John had to shuffle his feet to make sure he didn’t trip over the shorts and jock strap that was down around his ankles.
Janet suddenly knelt down on the floor and looked at John’s erection at eye level. She gripped the shaft of his dick with her thumb and finger and lifted it upward and leaned in and took a closer look at John’s wrinkled testicles.
John could actually feel Janet’s warm breath on his balls. His testicles reacted to his sister’s breath and moved in his ball sac.
“Oh, I think it likes me,” Janet said with a smile as she put one hand on the front of John’s thigh as she leaned in closer and steadied John’s dick with her free hand. She pointed her brother’s dick straight at her mouth; she licked her lips and opened her mouth, and then she leaned forward slightly as her eyes looked upward into John’s eyes as she slid her wet lips slowly over the head of her brother’s second erection.
John’s knees almost gave out as he sighed deeply as he watched his sister take about half of his stiff dick into her warm mouth. Janet bobbed her head several times, sliding her wet lips over her brother’s dick. She pulled her head back and looked up at her brother.
“I don’t know what I’m doing… I don’t know if I’m doing it right… should I lick it first or just keep doing what I’m doing. One of my girlfriends told me that I should suck on the head and flick my tongue on the underneath side of the head. Is that right?”
“I don’t know… I’ve never got a blowjob before, do whatever you want.”
“I can’t do what I want to right now because mom is going to be home any minute; she’s only working a half day today. So maybe we should save the oral sex for tonight after mom and dad goes to bed.”
“You’re probably right we should wait then,” John panted, he was disappointed and elated at the same time. Obviously disappointed because she’d stopped short of giving him a real blow job but elated at the prospects of what she promised that could happen later.
Janet stood up and again looked down at her brother’s impressive erection. She knew that he was disappointed, she was disappointed also. She turned her back to her brother and bent over the washing machine.
“You can squirt your cum on my butt if you want to.”
John looked down at his sister’s sweet ass. He took a shuffling step forward and wedged his upright erection lengthwise in the crevice of his sister’s butt. John grabbed Janet’s hips and pulled her tighter against him and humped his dick between the cheeks of his sister’s ass several times.
Janet reached behind her and grabbed her brother’s ass and pulled him tighter against her and pushed her ass back at John and clinched her butt cheeks tightly, trying to trap his dick between her cheeks.
“You know what I would like John? I know that you can cum again, rub the head of your dick between the cheeks of my ass; I want to feel you squirt your hot cum on my asshole. You’ll have to do it fast, mom will be home soon.”
“Bend over a little more sis,” John asked as he stepped back half a step and waited.
Janet released her grip on her brother’s butt and moved her hands to her ass and slid her fingers between her cheeks, separating them, and exposing her asshole to her brother’s view.
John’s dick twitched and he felt a stirring deep in his testicles the second he saw his sister’s wrinkled anus.
He grabbed the shaft of his cock and stepped back far enough so he could insert the head of his dick between Janet’s cheeks. He rapidly slid the head of his dick up and down between her taunt and shapely cheeks as she clinched and unclenched her ass cheeks. He wiped the head of his dick across the cheeks of her ass smearing his precum.
“I love how luxurious the skin between the cheeks of your ass feels; it feels incredible on the head of my dick.”
“Rub the head of your dick between my cheeks faster John; I want to feel you squirting your hot cum against my asshole.”
“Wow, you don’t have to ask an assman twice to do something like that!”
John groaned as he slid the head of his dick rapidly up and down his sister’s precum coated ass crack making sure to rub against her wrinkled rosebud. Janet pushed her ass back at her brother. John squeezed, jacked, smeared his precum, and slid his dick up and down in Janet’s tight ass crack for a couple of minutes. John briefly toyed with the idea of trying to fulfill one of his sexual fantasies about his sister’s ass by pushing the head of his dick into Janet’s asshole. He placed the head of his dick against his sister’s anus and started applying a little pressure.
The brother and sister heard tires crunching on their gravel driveway.
“You need to cum right now John or mom will catch us.”
John was too close to stop even if he’d wanted to, he needed to cum again.
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