Jessica’s Thanksgiving Feast
Jessica’s Thanksgiving Feast
Sex Story Author: | ~~!! KaosAngel !!~~ |
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Sex Story Category: | Cannibalism |
Sex Story Tags: | Cannibalism, Fantasm, Snuff, Written By Women |
Jessica’s Thanksgiving Feast
Story: #35
Copyright ©2005
Written: December 14 2005
A story By: KaosAngel
Proofed by: Piasa_Troll
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Jessica came down from her room on Thanksgiving morning not bothering to dress since nudity was common in her house, she was expecting to find her mother busy in the kitchen cooking up the traditional Thanksgiving turkey-girl they got from hill’s every year but when she entered the kitchen her mother was not there, the kitchen was silent, no turkey-girl in the oven, in the meat locker, on the counter or anywhere else.
“this is strange!” thought Jessica as she sat on one of the chairs in the kitchen that by now would have been humming with the sounds of a turkey-girl begging for her life while her mother tied, stuffed and prepared her for the oven, Jessica had always enjoyed that part of the preparation since her mother would always allow her to have the first taste of the turkey-girl’s pussy to help calm the roast down and subdue her for the oven.
While the turkey-girl roasted Jessica would help her mother chop vegetables and prepare the rest of the feast that would soon come, five feet away from where she now sat, the memories of Thanksgiving past faded from her eyes as she looked up to see her mother had just entered the room as naked as she was and ready to begin preparing the turkey-girl.
“MOM! There you are” yelled Jessica excited to see her mother for the first time this morning, “There YOU are, I’ve been looking for you young lady” she replied, “Looking for me?, Why have you been looking for me? and where is the turkey-girl?” Jessica asked, “That’s why I’ve been looking for you, your father couldn’t get one this year so since you had your 18th birthday cunt-tag’ing party last week dad and me decided to roast YOU this year”.
For a few moments her mothers words had no meaning Jessica just stared at her as if in a trance, “Did you hear me?” she asked waving her hand in front of Jessica’s eyes to get her attention, “Yes I heard you, but mom how could you?” she asked with some fear in her voice, “When I was tagged last week they asked you if you wanted me processed you told them you would never have me processed, how can you do this to me?” Jessica said as a tear started to roll down her cheek.
Jessica’s mother looked her straight in the eye, “Exactly I said we would never have you processed, damn filthy place that processing center, a home roasting is best for a young girl like you, only family can appreciate your meat, now hop onto the counter we have a lot of prep work to do” she said patting the counter top with her hand.
Jessica started to back away from her mother slowly making her way to the kitchen door to make a run for it, just as she turned to run she ran right into her father who just like them was naked from head to toe, with a very hard cock ready to help tenderize the turkey-girl who was once called Jessica.
After her father was finished with the tenderizing during which Jessica’s pussy became puffy, red and sore due to his massive size he then grabbed her, picked her up kicking and screaming and then placed her on the counter top where his wife’s hand had been sitting when she told Jessica to jump on, “MOM, DAD, please don’t do this to me, can’t you roast someone else instead?” Jessica begged as her mother started tying her arms and legs into turkey-girl position.
For a few moments her mother looked like she was considering someone else, “No sweetie I’m sorry but there’s just not enough time to find another girl, so your it” she said as she picked up the gutting knife and was about to start the cut that would spill the contents of Jessica’s belly all over the counter marking her down from human girl to turkey-girl.
“Wait mom please, I know some of my friends would love to be a turkey-girl please let me go I’m sure I can get one of them to volunteer” she said just as her mother’s the knife had started to make the cut between her breasts, her mother then removed the knife from between her breasts stopping her cut before it had gone to far, with just a little blood on her chest Jessica was untied and released from the table.
“You have 20 minutes to get back here with one of your little friends, she has to be of cooking age with a valid cunt tag or you go back in that roasting pan” she said waving her knife around for dramatic effect, “Also if your not back in 20 minutes with or without your little friend I will report you as run away meat, and you know what they do to them” she added with a sadistic laugh.
Jessica had been told about the terrible way in witch the processing plants and the meat agencies treated run away meat-girls but that was only half of the story had her mother also told her about the meat agencies calling up all surviving female members of the run away girls family as meat as well, then Jessica might have actually considered not returning home with or without her little friend, Jessica’s mother being the only surviving female member left in her family that would have been her ultimate revenge, this being the very reason her mother had never told her.
In a flash Jessica had arrived at the home of one of her friends from school a young girl named Stacey who always talked about wanting to be roasted for a special dinner, with a fast knock on the door Stacey had answered it, she was nude just as Jessica was Stacey’s cunt tag gleaming in the light of the open door, “I don’t have much time Stacey, I have to be quick, my mom wants to roast me for Thanksgiving dinner, unless I can get you to volunteer top roast for me I am a gonner in 15 minutes” with that said Jessica stopped to catch her breath and wait for her naked friends response.
Stacey looked in to her best friend’s eyes with a look of deep sadness, “What’s wrong Stacey?” Jessica asked, “Don’t you want to help me out and save my life?” Jessica added still waiting for her friends response, “Sure I do Jess, but the thing is mom had my cunt-tag’ing party this morning, she is planning to roast me for Thanksgiving dinner too” Stacey answered to the shocked look of Jessica’s face.
“Little piggy time to get you on the spit” Stacey’s mother called from the back yard where her and her husband had been preparing a large barbeque pit and spit making it ready to impale the meat that was once their daughter, “Sorry Jess I got to go, I have a spit waiting for me in the backyard” Stacey said quickly and closed the door in her best friends face never to see her again.
Jessica was horrified, “HOW CAN THEY DO THIS!!!” she yelled drawing unwanted attention to herself from people passing by who normally wouldn’t have noticed her, even though she was naked with a tag clipped to her clit dangling between her legs for these sights in dolcett were common, no it wasn’t how she looked that got there attention but what she had said for it was uncommon for any meat-girl to question the natural order of things.
After hearing Jessica’s outburst several men had come over to investigate the young meat-girl who had made her self quite known, as they reached her there were hands all over her pinching this and grabbing that, with all the excitement Jessica had forgotten to keep track of the time a full 15 minutes had passed since she had left the house if she was to find a friend to take her place in the roasting pan she had to move now there was no time to waste with grumpy old men prodding her meat.
Running as fast as she could to the next house on her list praying that Lina was home and not already on the menu for her own family’s Thanksgiving she leapt to the door like a cat on a mouse and rang the bell, with only 5 minutes left to return home as the door opened Jessica was happy to see Lina fully dressed meaning she had no immediate plans to roast today, Jessica quickly flipped the hem of Lina’s skirt up to see she was not wearing any panties witch is typical for girls their age, but that was not what drew her attention it was the shiny metal ring though Lina’s clit holding the meat-tag dangling between her legs that certified her as available meat.
“Hi Lina, I need you to come home with me right now and take my place in the roasting pan” Jessica had shouted loudly with much fear in her voice, Lina’s mother being only 2 rooms away had heard Jessica’s very load request and came to the door to see Jessica standing there nude cunt tag prominently dangling between her legs, “What’s wrong Jessica” Lina’s mother had asked when she came to the door, “My mom wants to roast me for Thanksgiving dinner unless I can get a friend to take my place I’ll be dead soon” she had said in one long frightened breath.
Looking into Jessica scared face, “Ok sweetie you can go over to Jessica’s house and let her mother roast you for Thanksgiving dinner, if you want to” Lina’s mother had replied when Jessica heard this she took a moment to register that she had found a replacement for her in the pan and then realized Lina’s mother was just as nude as she was standing there in the doorway, Jessica then fell to her knees and pushed her face between Lina’s mother’s legs and quickly liked her to organism, once she was done she grabbed Lina’s arm and they started running toward her house with only a minute or so to spare.
On the way to Jessica’s house Lina decided if she was about to be roasted she would no longer need the clothes she was wearing and could now proudly display her cunt-tag like Jessica was doing, only Jessica had plans on being fully dressed so no one could see her tag by the time Lina was in the oven.
Finally Jessica and Lina made it to her house and ran straight to the kitchen, “Mom this is Lina her mother agreed to let you roast her for Thanksgiving, now can I please get dressed?” she begged, “Sure go ahead while your getting dressed I’m going to call Lina’s mother to make sure” she said as Jessica took off up stairs.
While Jessica was upstairs getting dressed her mother had a lengthy conversation with Lina’s mother when she was finished she asked Lina to go into the bathroom, “Go clean yourself inside and out in that bathroom over there and don’t forget to shave that lovely pussy of yours” she asked and Lina who always liked the idea of roasting and preparing meat was happy to do it, when she was done she was told to jump up onto the counter where Jessica’s father would start her painful tenderizing process in witch Jessica could hear her faint cries of ecstasy and pain, when he was finally though with her he grabbed a beer from the refrigerator, “She’s all yours now, I’m going to watch football” he said as he left the kitchen and plopped down in a recliner in the living room.
Lina’s pussy lips were now just a puffy and red as Jessica’s had been after her tenderizing, Lina laid still on the counter quietly sobbing as Jessica’s mother placed her arms and legs into restraints that would secure the young meat-girl to the counter during the gutting process, picking her favorite gutting knife with the hooked end she went to work placing the hooked end onto Lina’s shaved mound and quickly drawing the knife upward she made a cut straight up to her breast bone.
Lina screamed the pain was intense but after the initial shock her body started to turn the pain into pleasure like all other meat-girls before her, with the pain now made to pleasure Lina watched as her intestines were pulled from her belly and each of her organs cut free and placed in a try for later use, once everything was removed except heart and lungs witch are needed to keep her alive while she roasts in the oven.
Its was about half an hour before Jessica decided it was tome to go back downstairs the screams of pain from Lina had stopped so she figured her friend was in the oven by now slowly roasting to perfection, but when she entered the kitchen she saw her mother was still working on the turkey-girl who was once called Lina, placing bowls of remade stuffing into her open belly and then sewing her closed, “Jessica she was your friend, do you want to give her one last kiss before we put her in the oven?” her mother asked.
“Sure mom” she said and came closer to the table to see her friend tied in turkey-girl position but instead of going to her head to give her a kiss on the lips she moved in close to her legs and planted her own lips onto her open pussy, licking her to one last organism and tasting the delicious stuffing her mother had made, with that done Lina was placed into the oven to begin her roasting, “So mom what did her mom say when you talked to her” Jessica asked as they slammed the oven door shut, “We have to give them something in return for allowing us to roast their daughter for Thanksgiving” she replied, “Ohh what do they want?” Jessica asked as she sat down in front of the oven to watch Lina roast, while her mother replied “To roast you for Christmas”.
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