
Jessica’s Capture – Part 7 of 10

The new arivals are here Jessica and Jerry must sort though them and tag them to be slaughtered or spitted.

Jessica’s Capture

Story: #21
Copyright ©2005
Written: January 28 2005
A story By: KaosAngel
Proofed by: Piasa_Troll
Please send any comments about this story to (purekaosangel@yahoo.com)

Part 7 – New Arrival’s

Two large tractor trailer’s back into the processing plant’s loading dock as guards take their positions ready to receive the new arrivals, “Looks like we have a lot of inspecting and grading to-do this is only the first of 4 loads” Jerry said looking to Jessica standing next to him. “Ok let’s do this, boss” came Jessica’s reply as they moved closer to the trailer’s, “Damn these girl’s are filthy” Jerry said looking at Jessica.

“Ok people lets get these bitches cleaned off and herded into the holding pens” Jerry instructed the guards, walking over to get a closer look at the girls in the trailer, “Listen up cow’s, any shit from you and you will be fed to the dog’s” he said watching the scared girl’s tremble.

“Follow the ramp NOW!!!” was his next order, the girls still not moving, walking over to the trailer Jessica grabbed the first girl by the hair and dragged her naked meaty body from the trailer yelling “GET UP THAT FUCKING RAMP NOW!!!” the girls slowly get out of the trailer following Jessica as she continues to drag the first girl.

Entering the room “You will see a large tank in front of you, the oil init will remove all the hair on your body except what’s on your head, now walk up the first set of stairs into the tank” Jessica said as she dragged the girl into the room with the others following her. Seeing the tank and hearing Jessica, one of the girls brakes from the line and began running, dragging her chain behind her.

Two guards waiting thick rubber gloves quickly closed the gates just as the girl hit the fence, being nude and dragging a long metal chain served to allow the electricity in the fence hit her even harder “ZZZZZZZZZZZ” “AAAHHHH” was heard as the girl fell to the ground, shaking his head, looking toward the girl on the ground “I told you no shit, see what happens when the animals don’t listen to their master’s” Jerry said as Jessica starts yelling “WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?” Looking toward the electric fence and the girl in the ground “That wasn’t their when I was brought in last month” she added.

The stunned girl is picked up and carried back inside to the tank by two guards, “New equipment had it installed a few days ago, that electric fence surrounds the whole compound, wait until you see the new wash down system” Jerry said as the guards dropped the stunned girl on the floor at his feet. “Looks painfully effective” Jessica laughed then smiled, “you made a change to the wash down system as well?” Jessica asked “Yes, after exiting this tank a turret of warm water and mild soap pours down on the meat-girl’s, same as the old system but now after being hit with this water and soap combination, the system will shove two large tubes one into the girl’s pussy the other into her anus quickly filling both holes with warm water flushing out all waste” he said as the first girl stepped out of the tank and was made to stand under the warm water and soap turrets.

Looking toward Jessica as she watched the girl gasp in pain as the tubes were forced into her holes, “This way their wont be any waste inside the meat-girl’s who will be sent to slaughter direct from here, making slaughter and cleanup easier” he added. After all the girls were hairless, cleaned outside and inside and dried, they were numbered 1 – 10 and then they were herded into the inspection and examination room, “Ok now to sort and inspect them according to number, numbers 1, 3,5,7,9 to the left side” Jerry said, looking to Jessica “You and I will inspect them, ill show you how to inspect and grade the meat” he added.

Looking to the other girls, “the rest of you numbers 2,4,6,8,10 to the right side” Jerry said looking to Steve the head butcher and inspector “you will inspect the ones on the right side” he said to Steve as they all started to work. “What do I have to do boss” Jessica asked, “Ok Jess see that table their take the first meat-girl bend her over the table, spread her legs and use your hands to open up her pussy, your checking for anything she could be hiding inside herself and looking for any open sore’s” Jerry said as Jessica began to follow his instructions.

Jessica took hold of the first girl marked number 1 bent her over the table, she was struggling trying to get away from Jessica, two guards moved to help Jessica but she waved them off “I’m fine!” she said as she grabbed the meat-girls hair slammed her head into the wooden table and took both of her hand’s, locking them into the wrist shackle’s locking her to the table, when this was done Jessica took her gloved hand and shoved it painfully into the meat-girls tight pussy hearing the girls squealed in pain put a smile on Jessica’s face.

Handing Jessica a fat percentage meter “Stand the girl up and pinch her skin between the two tongs on the meter and tell me what her fat percentage is” jerry said waiting for an answer as Jessica followed his instruction, “$ – 12% is prime, 13 – 15% and above is choice, 16 and above is grade” he added “The meter says she is 11% boss” Jessica answered “OK have her fill out this form and then stamp her right hip with the Prime meat stamp” He said as he began inspecting the next girl.

Jessica hands the form to the young meat-girl as Jessica kneels down to stamp the meat-girl’s hip Jessica fells paper falling onto her head she looks up to see that the girl has ripped the form up into tiny bits.

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