Jessica’s Capture – Part 10 of 10
Jessica’s Capture – Part 10 of 10
Sex Story Author: | ~~!! KaosAngel !!~~ |
Sex Story Excerpt: | COW #666, SHE WAS SENT DOWN HERE LAST NIGHT!!" He yelled. The nurse turning pale, "That is the girl |
Sex Story Category: | Cannibalism |
Sex Story Tags: | Cannibalism, Fantasm, Snuff, Written By Women |
Jessica’s Capture
Story: #24
Copyright ©2005
Written: February 03 2005
A story By: KaosAngel
Proofed by: Piasa_Troll
Please send any comments about this story to (
Part 10 – Finish off A Traitor
The trailer pulled up to the gate of the plant, Jerry and Gene exit the trailer and open the doors “HMMMPPMHHM” was heard from the two gauged girls, “Get the cows numbers and get them in the holding pens” Jerry said as the other trailers pulled in unloading the recaptured girls, Gene picked up Jessica and Sara who were to tired to resist, “Take Sara to my room” Jerry said, Jessica looking up “WHY HER?, dont you love me anymore?” Jessica asked as gene chained her to a bed in the waiting room.
“Ill deal with you in the morning, good night” Jerry said as he and Sara left the room, walking down the hall to the living quarters “Why did you take me?” Sara asked, Jerry turns to Sara “You will be dying tomorrow along with Jessica; I just want to use you for a little while before you do” Jerry replied, “But you said you would think about letting me live?” Sara said looking into Jerry’s eye’s, “You and your sister are responsible for Steve’s death, I can’t let you live after that” Jerry replied.
Looking to Jerry “I had nothing to do with that, it was all Jessica” Sara said starting to cry, “Yes, but you fucked him that makes your just as guilty” he replied “No I didn’t Jessica only said that to make me seem more guilty, I was chained to a bed in her room when this happened” Sara said as they reached the entrance to Jerry’s room, “I will find out for sure, then I will decide what to do with you” he said as he unlocked and opened the door.
Running down the hall a guard caught up to Jerry, “sir this is a security tape of the slaughter house the night Steve died” bob said as he handed Jerry a video tape “Thanks Bob” Jerry replied as bob walked off, Sara looking scared as Jerry pushes her into the bedroom, closed and locked the door, “Jessica never said anything about security camera’s in the slaughter house” Sara said obvious fear in her voice, “The camera is new it was installed in secret a few days ago” he replied as he walked over to a VCR.
“Sit down” Jerry said pushing Sara hard onto the bed, placing the tape in the machine he pushed play, “Do we have to watch the tape? let just fuck” Sara says laying on her back spreading her legs wide open, “Come fuck me!” she added, looking at the tape as it starting “We will get to that in a minute” he replied, the tape starts showing the slaughter house, Jessica leading 5 girls out of the Spartan 5000 with Sara on top of Steve bouncing up and down, it was obvious what was happening.
Sara looking scared as Jerry turned toward her, grabbing her hair, “All Jess huh?, you lying little cunt” he said as Sara started to cry “AAAAAHHHHH!!, It was her idea I didn’t want to” Sara said, “Looks like you are enjoying yourself” Jerry replied Sara crying uncontrollably, “Please, just because I enjoy sex doesn’t mean I wanted to kill the man, I didn’t know the man was dead until you caught us, please sit I don’t want to die!” Sara replied,”
While Jerry was yelling at Sara, the noises of a large fight and screaming could be heard from the waiting room down the hall, Jerry chained Sara to the bed and ran down the hall to find the source of what he was hearing, when he got to the waiting room he found 5 slaughter house workers beating and raping Jessica, “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN HERE!!” Jerry yelled looking down at the blood and cum covered Jessica.
One of the nude slaughter house workers looks up, “This cunt killed Steve, now were teaching her a lesson” he replied as went back to punching Jessica while the other 4 men used Jessica limp interesting body as a fuck toy, “I DID NOT AUTHORIZE ANY LESSONS, YOU ARE ALL FIRED GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE NOW!!” Jerry yelled, “I WILL HAVE ALL OF YOUR WIVES AND DAUGHTERS FOR THIS!!” he added as the men ran down the main hall and out of the complex naked.
Jessica bleeding, badly bruised, covered in blood and cum and crying, unable to speak, looking at the badly damaged girl, “DAMNIT!!” he yelled as he unchained her, took her to the wash room and tried to wash her up, Bob walked in as Jerry was reentering the waiting room “What the fuck happened to her?” Bob asked “5 of out EX slaughter house workers, were beating and raping our prize meal, I fired them but I want all of their wives and daughters here by morning” he said “Ok boss, Bob replied” as Jerry handed him a slip of paper with the Ex-workers names on it.
“Ill have the papers drawn up in 10 minutes the collection crew will be out to get them by midnight” Bob replied “They will be in the holding pen by morning” Bob added, looking down at the badly hurt girl, “Sir she looks bad, don’t you think she would see the plant doctor?” Bob said, “Your right transfer her to the medical wing” Jerry said, Bob picked up a phone in the room, 5 minutes later 2 men ran in with a gurney picked the passed out girl and wheeled her away. Jerry returned to his room cursing under his breath as he opened the door and entered the room, “They almost killed your sister” was his greeting to the bound Sara who gasped in terror.
“Who? How?” was all she could manage to get out, “Revenge seekers for what you girls did to Steve” he replied “Their wives and daughters will pay for there stupidity” he added, “Why make innocent girls pay for the actions of a few jerks?” Sara asked, “Trusted employees taking actions into their own hands, they know better then that” He replied, “Now back to your offer, when was the last time you were fucked?” Jerry said, “When Steve did me the other night in the slaughter house” she replied.
Jerry began to undress and untie Sara’s feet taking them and retying them to her hands, “What’s this?, you don’t trust me to let me stay untied?” she asked “Quiet now, I am going to see if I can make you bleed.” he said as he rammed his cock into her tight pussy, “AAHH!” she screamed, “Not so hard, that hurts!” she added, as Jerry continued to pound into her harder then harder again, “AAAAHHH!!” was the only thing Sara could say while crying.
Jerry started to slow down pumping slow then fast not as hard, “OHH, yes like that!” Sara said as Jerry untied her feet and let them stay loose as he began pumping himself into her again, “Pant, Pant, Pant.” was heard from both of them as Sara took her now release legs and wrapped them around Jerry’s back pulling him deeper into her. Jerry started to pump faster now getting ready to empty his balls into Sara, as Jerry’s cock exploded inside Sara she started to cum around his cock causing them both to go rigid for several seconds then relax and Jerry slumped over onto Sara’s chest and fell asleep, with her hands still tied to the bed post Sara wouldn’t be going anywhere tonight.
“KNOCK KNOCK!” was the sound on the door in the morning forcing Jerry to wake up and answer it, the door opened to show Bob standing there holding a clipboard, “Morning boss, I made up the orders for the wives and daughters of those EX-workers last night the collection team just got back, 14 girls are in the holding pen now 5 wives ages 29 – 36 and 9 daughters ages 18 – 20, they are all striped, registered, cleaned, hairless, tagged and ready for processing” Bob said and handed the clip board to Jerry who just now realized he is standing in the doorway in front of Bob naked.
“Thanks Bob” Jerry said as he closed and locked the door, “Sara wake up!” he said as he shock the tied, sleeping girl awake and then cut her hands free of the bed posts, pointing to a small washroom “Go clean up.” he said, “I want to see my sister!” she said as she entered the washroom “I want to know if she is ok.” she added, “Get cleaned up and ill take you to see her!” Jerry said, Sara exits the washroom all clean and ready to go.
Entering the medical wing a doctor meet’s Jerry and Sara at the door, “She isn’t doing to well sir” said Dan, Bob entering the room right after Jerry and Sara, “Bob take Sara to see Jessica, make sure nothing happens to either of them!” Jerry said as Bob and Sara headed toward the back medical cell’s, “The girl lost a lot of blood, her left arm and leg are broken, she has had to be placed into a partial body cast” Dan said, “Dan you are the best doctor I know, do your best!” Jerry said as Sara’s screams can be heard from the back rooms, “THAT”S NOT MY SISTER!!”
Jerry and Dan running to see what’s wrong, “THATS NOT MY SISTER I DONT CARE WHAT YOU SAY!!” Sara yelled again, “WHERE THE HELL IS JESSICA!?” Sara yelled again, “WHAT!!” Jerry yelled as he entered the room, “Boss, Jessica is gone, Sara says that’s not her sister in the bed” Bob said as Jerry ran over to inspect the injured girl in the bed, looking to the nurse “WHERE THE HELL IS JESSICA?
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