Jennifer, the Neighbor’s Daughter
Jennifer, the Neighbor’s Daughter
Sex Story Author: | jl317 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Another few moments of silence went passed. “Were you…meeting anyone, or just going out alone?” she inquired quietly. |
Sex Story Category: | Blowjob |
Sex Story Tags: | Blowjob, Cum Swallowing, Fiction, Male/Teen Female, Romance, Young |
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Wednesday afternoon. Hump day was finally coming to a close. What a crappy day. What a crappy week. Only two more days until the weekend, but there was nothing to look forward to. Our separation had officially happened last Friday. Truth be told, it happened long before that, but Friday made it official. She’d taken our three year-old daughter, Abby, and moved in with her parents. I sighed as I checked my office planner one last time before leaving the office. Hmm…I’d forgotten to call the babysitter to cancel for this coming Friday night. Might as well delete her number from my phone list. With Abby gone, I’d never need to line up a babysitter again. I locked up my office and drove home to my empty house.
The week continued to creep by. Finally, Friday came and ended. Sitting in the afternoon traffic, I reflected on the past few years, and what had gone wrong. My wife had never been a wildcat in bed to begin with, but after Abby was born, her sex drive had gone from tolerant, to begrudging, to non-existent. She retreated into a shell of depression. Several times I had tried to find out why, and each time I was met with disdain and rejection. Soon after, I had just resigned myself to a life without sexual contact. Up to now, I’d never had an affair, and the idea of a soliciting a prostitute didn’t excite me all that much. I actually missed the romance more than the sex. Jack, I thought to myself, how did everything get so screwed up?
I continued, lost in thought, until I pulled into the driveway. I found a note on the counter, saying that my soon-to-be ex-wife had been there, taking some more of her things, but that she left some of Abby’s toys for when I would have her on the weekends. I felt sad that I wouldn’t be seeing Abby every day, but she would never benefit from her parents staying together under these circumstances.
I decided that maybe some activity might take my mind off things. It wasn’t helping things to sit around and mope all weekend. I made a decision that she wasn’t going to steal anything else away from me. I was twenty-seven, in decent shape, had been told by my buddy that a few of the girls at the office thought I was hot. I was going out tonight. I was going out, have some fun, damn it! I glanced at the clock: 5:45. I picked up the phone and made a reservation for my favorite restaurant down by the coast. I figured that I’d have a good meal, hit the bars, and see how lucky I might get. Hell, I grinned to myself, I might even get laid! With that decided, I went upstairs to get ready. I laid out some nice clothes, and jumped in the shower.
The hot water was a tonic for me, as I envisioned washing off the remains of a bad relationship. I lathered up my head with shampoo, and the massage from my fingers coupled with the steam did wonders for me. I began to fantasize what might happen later in the evening, and my cock began to harden. I hadn’t had sex for a long time. Standing there fondling my erection, I thought about jacking off, but decided to save my energy just in case I met someone. I turned off the water, pulled open the curtain, and reached for a towel.
“Oh, SHIT! I’m…I’m so sorry, Mr. J!”
My head swung around quickly. Our neighbors’ sixteen year-old daughter Jennifer was standing in the doorway, her hand over her mouth, eyes the size of saucers. I quickly covered myself, but realized too late that she had already seen everything.
“I…I rang the doorbell three times, but no one came,” she stammered. “I went around and knocked on the back door, but no one answered that either.” I noticed her cheeks flushing from embarrassment. “You had asked Jessica to sit for Abby at 6:00, but she wanted to go to the lake with mom and dad. I told her I’d cover for her tonight.”
She kept on, nervously trying to explain away the awkward moment. “The back door was unlocked, so I let myself in. I called out, but I only heard the water running. I thought something might be wrong, so I…but I never meant to…I’m so…so sorry!”
I wrapped the towel around me and cut her off gently. “Don’t worry, it’s all my fault, Jennifer. I totally forgot to call Jessica to tell her we didn’t need a sitter tonight. The dinner party got cancelled, and…well, some other stuff happened this week, and like I said…I just plain forgot”
“Oh,” was all she said, her eyes still fixed on the area jutting out behind my towel. I suddenly took notice of my sixteen-year old neighbor. She had long, brown hair that had been highlighted nicely by the summer sun. Deep green eyes were enhanced by a minimal amount of makeup. She had also filled out quite nicely in the past couple of years. Her breasts had blossomed into softball-size globes that were barely contained by the tight fitting t-shirt she wore. Her cutoff jeans were very short, showing off her long, tanned legs to perfection. She had passed “cute” long ago and went straight to “knockout”.
After a moment, I realized that she was still standing in the doorway, and I was still dripping wet, sporting the remains of an erection, with only a towel wrapped around me. I broke the awkward silence.
“Uh…Jennifer, could you excuse me while I get some clothes on?” That broke her spell, and her eyes jerked back up to meet mine.
“Oh, yeah…sure, Mr. J. I’m really sorry…” She gave me an embarrassed grin, and pulled the door closed. I heard her footsteps quickly retreating down the stairs. I finished toweling off, shaved, put on my clothes and went downstairs. I was surprised to see her still there, sitting at the kitchen counter. She looked up and blushed as I walked in.
“I hope you don’t mind…that is…that I’m still here…I just wanted to say again…I mean, I’m so sorry and all…”
I grinned and held up my hand. “Look, no harm done, and like I said, it was all my fault anyway. Let’s just forget it, ok?”
She looked me over and said, “Looks like you’re going out. Do you still need me to baby-sit?”
I took a deep breath and stared out the back window. I saw Abby’s little swing set, and a few of her toys in the yard. In a shaky voice, I whispered, “No, thanks anyway. Maybe some other time.” She must have sensed something in my voice, because she pressed the matter further.
“Hey, is anything wrong? You look really depressed or something.” I just shrugged, and shook my head, avoiding her gaze.
“You can tell me, if you want. Look, I know I’m just a teenager, but I really am a good listener.” My shoulders sagged a little, but I really DID need to talk to SOMEONE. Another deep sigh, then I relented and told her the whole story.
“Oh, I had no idea…I’m so sorry!” She put her hand on my shoulder. “Is there anything I can do for you? You look like you could really use a friend.”
“Thanks, Jennifer. That’s really sweet of you. Actually, it’s the nicest thing anyone has said to me in quite a while.” Suddenly, I found myself venting, confessing, and bearing my soul to this teenaged girl. I poured out my heart, and Jennifer just listened. I finished, and we sat there in silence.
A few moments later, she spoke. “If you don’t mind my asking, where were you going tonight?”
“Oh, just out. I need a change of scenery, you know, to get out of this place.” I left out the part about trying to get laid.
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