
Jack and Jill – A Naughty Nursery Rhyme

We’ve all heard the tale, but here’s the rest of the story, wherein we find out WHY Jack and Jill went up that hill to fetch that pail of water. And what happened up there anyway, to cause them to come tumbling down? Was it the water that made Jill’s belly swell … or Jack?

“Jack and Jill went up a hill, to fetch a pail of water. Jack fell down and broke his crown, And Jill came tumbling after.”

Jack and Jill – A Naughty Nursery Rhyme

by Lubrican

Once upon a time there was a boy named Jack, who had a twin sister named Jill. They lived with their widowed mother in a small cottage at the bottom of a big hill. You may even have heard of them. There was a well known poem that was written about them going up that hill to fetch a pail of water. But what you probably DON’T know is the REST of the story of what happened that day.

Jack was a strapping lad, 5’10”, wide at the shoulders, narrow at the hips, with bulging muscles all over his body. That’s because Jack spent most of his day going up and down that hill, fetching pails of water. His mother ran a laundry business, you see, and used a LOT of water. Because of this, Jack had procured bigger and bigger buckets, so he wouldn’t have to make so many trips up and down the hill. These large buckets weighed a lot, and Jack got awfully buff carrying them.

The reason he didn’t want to make so many trips wasn’t because he was lazy. It was because in those days, only women brought clothes to the village laundress, so, if he was in or around the cottage, he got to see all the pretty girls as they brought their family’s laundry. Now those girls weren’t blind, and many of them looked very favorably on Jack’s bulging muscles, so much so that the little shed in back of the cottage had been used many times by Jack, who wanted to show the girls ALL his muscles. He had a nice little mattress stashed out there and spent many happy times planted between the legs of a willing lass, more or less fucking their brains out.

In point of fact, there had been a rash of girls turning up with swollen bellies around the village. Had there been any detectives in the village, they would have found that the common denominator between all those girls was the fact that they all went to Jack’s mother with their laundry.

So, you ask, why didn’t one (or more) of those knocked up beauties claim Jack for the husband they all needed? It was because Jack was … well … stupid. Not one of those girls wanted to be stuck with him for a husband, because they all knew they’d starve if they had to depend on him for support.

So, you ask, why then did those girls have anything at all to do with this stupid boy? It was because Jack was … well … hung like a horse. And not any horse. He was hung like a Clydesdale, with a big fat cock that stayed hard through at least two orgasms and had a queer looking little tip on it that invariably nudged through a girl’s cervix so that during those two orgasms (at least) his spooge shot straight into their nubile young wombs.

So, you ask, why, if he was so huge, and went in so deep, and was undoubtedly extremely painful to have in you for the first two or three minutes, did all these girls allow him to do just that? It was because it took Jack at least fifteen minutes to have those two orgasms of his, which meant the girls often had ten or twelve of them, almost in a row.

Which is how it was that Jack got caught by his twin sister Jill one day. She had been helping her mother, as usual, when she was sent to fetch a piece of rope from the shed. As she approached the half closed door, she heard coos and sighs and giggles coming from inside. When she peeked in, she saw Tammy Johnson with her skirts up around her stomach, legs spread wide and hands planted firmly on Jack’s bare buttocks, pulling him toward her. Jack’s trousers were down around his knees.

Jill heard a squishing sound and bent down to peer between his legs. there she saw Jack’s heavy swinging sack full of juice, and in front of that was his wrist thick cock, burrowing into Tammy’s welcoming pussy. Jack was huffing and puffing as he pounded in and out, and he sighed loudly as he said “I’m gonna do it again, Tammy, I’m gonna squirt again.” Tammy looked like she couldn’t hear him, or didn’t care. Her mouth was open and her eyes shut as she wiggled all over that invading cock.

Then, to Jill’s horror, she saw thick white cream spurting out all around the sides of her brother’s penis and she knew that he had put his seed in poor Tammy’s pussy. She thought he must be having his way with the poor girl, and reached for a shovel to bash him on the head and save her friend. But, as she raised it, she heard Tammy say “Ohhhhh Jack, I can feel it shooting way up inside me, and it feels soooo nice. Can you keep going a little more?”

Well, when Jill reported what she’d seen to her mother, the shit hit what would have been the fan if they’d have had fans back in those days.

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