ITCS – The Girl Of My Dreams
ITCS – The Girl Of My Dreams
Sex Story Author: | danuk92 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | She knew full well she was on display but didn’t seem to mind in the slightest. I couldn’t help but |
Sex Story Category: | Blowjob |
Sex Story Tags: | Blowjob, Cheating, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, Hardcore, Job/Place-of-work, Male/Female, Male/Teen Female, Oral Sex, Romance, Teen, Teen Male/Teen Female, True Story |
Hi All.
This is the first story i have written about my personal sexual encounters. This and all other stories i submit under the its ITCS are 100% true however do not take place in order. I am from UK and as such some of my words i use may be a bit different from you guys so i apologies for that in advance. If you guys like it i have a fair few more to write about of all different kinds.
This story is about my current girlfriend and our first time together. She was going through a breakup with her then boyfriend and in the process fell in love with me, one of her best friends.
I initially wrote the story for her and she suggested i posted it here as she is into these kind of stories. This story will also introduce characters that will appear again should i post more stories.
Any feedback in greatly appreciated, positive or negative.
Thanks, and enjoy.
I woke abruptly to the piercing sound of my alarm radiating from above my head. Still in a state somewhere between sleep and consciousness I vigorously frisked the shelf above in a feeble attempt to silence the offending object. After what seemed an eternity my hand came to rest on my phone and I dragged it towards me until I was able to push the button ceasing the noise.
After the ringing in my head faded I threw the covers from my naked body and clambered out of bed. I stumbled slowly towards the bathroom where I attempted to pee, unfortunately what
I hadn’t yet noticed my throbbing erection. As I recovered from dousing the tiles behind my toilet with a spray of urine I thought about the girl who was the subject of my dreams causing the inconvenient wood.
She was 19 and the most beautiful girl id ever laid eyes on. Silky smooth shoulder length mahogany hair framed her extraordinarily pretty face. Her complexion was flawless, her skin tanned to a perfect light brown. Her eyes were hazel brown and the most infectious eyes known to man, they made me melt every time I gazed into them.
Her body was equally as beautiful as the rest of her goddess like being. Legs that seemed to go on for ever were only trumped by the pert little bottom they met when they finally ended. Although not massive her arse was so well rounded and defined I just wanted to squeeze to every minute of every day. Likewise her breasts were amazing, a pair of perfectly rounded and perky C cups, and each one as jaw dropping as the other. This divine body was all held together by a petite, yet in all the right places, curvy size 8 frame. There was no other word for it, she was stunning, and unfortunately in a long term relationship with her boyfriend Sam and I was resided unfortunately as her best “male” friend, although my feelings for her far surpassed this status.
As I brought myself to focus, my cock now as hard as an iron rod, I mopped up the spillage and glanced up at the clock, it read 8.00 AM. I must have been day dreaming about her for a good while as now I was running late for work. I immediately jumped into the shower and began frantically scrubbing my body, wishing I just had enough time to relieve my still throbbing boner. Luckily my office, located within one of my client’s buildings, was only a 5 minute drive away. Not chosen for its location however but because it’s where Jade, the beautiful girl, worked as a marketing administrator.
I pulled into the car park just a little later than usual, although the car park was abnormally busy my usual space was still vacant. I quickly and ruggedly parked not paying too much attention to being straight. I grabbed my laptop bag from the boot and swiftly made my way to the side entrance, I always used the side entrance despite parking directly outside the front of the building. This was due to the positioning of Jades desk which was directly opposite it, giving me an immediate excuse to say hello.
This morning was no different I walked through the door and said a general “Morning” to the entirety of the office, although I didn’t take much notice if anyone had responded to my greeting. I immediately walked towards her desk where she sat in a very innocent ensample of a grey dress and red cardigan. As I edged closer to her I caught her eye and in a friendly morning tone asked “You alright?”
All the response I got was a sheepish smile, to which I asked “Still having problems?”
Jade and her boyfriend had recently moved in together and things weren’t plain sailing. They seemed to be constantly arguing and the general pressure of moving in together was straining their relationship.
She nodded slowly and nervously in response as if she didn’t want the rest of the office seeing her answer.
I moved even closer so this time only she could hear me and softly spoke “Do you want to talk about it?”
Again she nodded nervously this time followed by “But not here. Let me finish this presentation slide and I’ll come to your office.”
I gave her a comforting smile as I walked away towards my office. It was originally a completely separate room, however, my business partner Lee and I decided to replace the wall with sliding glass as we didn’t like missing out on the banter that generally came flowing out of the office. I slid the weightless glass panel open, leaving it in its open position, and sat down behind my grand dark oak desk. No sooner had I pulled my laptop from my bag my phone started ring, it was Lee.
“Banksy!” I answered the phone in my normal upbeat tone. “How’s things?”
“Good thanks mate, just wanted to catch up…” Came his cheery response.
I had been in Marbella entertaining a couple of our clients and I’m pretty sure he was more interested in hearing about the quality of the talent out there, than how the trip went. We had been in business together for 3 years now, and we were flush to say the least. With 3 thriving businesses and our consultancy work we were not short of cash and boy did we enjoy it. Lee was 26 and 6 years my senior however we made a brilliant team both in the board room and on some many occasions in the bedroom pleasing women.
“The talent was exceptional as always mate” I answered “and the clients had a good time, should be seeing a fair bit of work come our way in the New Year.”
“Excellent, so how many of them did you fuck? If you did less than 5 in the weekend you’re losing your touch.”
Just as he finished his question two arms covered by red cotton sleeves wrapped round me from behind, it was Jade. As always her arms were extended in front of me and crossed at the hands, almost as if she was stretching them, using me for leverage. Her smell was intoxicating and I immediately rested the phone free side of head against her.
Quickly I said to Lee “Can I call you back mate?”
“Sure…” he responded in a questioning tone. And I immediately hung up on him and dropped my phone to the desk.
I grabbed her hands with mine and separated them, stood up and turned to face her. I quickly however let go and made my way over to the glass front of the office and slid the panel closed and fully shut the blinds so we could have some privacy. No sooner had I returned to her, my phone was vibrating enthusiastically on my desk. She quickly grabbed hold it and read the 2 text messages that had emerged simultaneously.
The first message was from Lee “She’s in there with you isn’t she lol.”
The second was from Brad, an office manager who worked with Jade, and read “No funny business you!”
Jade unlocked my phone with ease, she was the only person I trusted with the code despite the fact she abused it whenever the opportunity arose. She quickly skipped over Brad’s message as if it didn’t please her in the slightest and instead opened the one from Banksy.
She paused for a moment before responding to his message “Yes SHE is!!! And my words its really hard to txt whilst Dans fucking my tight little pussy with his warm hard cock. Love Jade 😉 x”
As soon as I realised what she was typing I got a warm fuzzy feeling in my groin area as if an erection was imminent. I managed to refrain from getting one but my word it wasn’t easy, I have a lot of will power and this took all of it.
As she rested my phone back on the desk, paying attention to ensure it was face down making it easier for us both to ignore any response, I hoisted myself onto the desk adjacent to her. As she moved towards me I parted me legs slightly as I instinctively knew from her face and body language that she needed a cuddle. She pushed her hips between my legs and wrapped her arms around me as I did her. Her pelvis pushed into my groin area as her arms squeezed me much firmer than ever before. I was so relived at this point that my pending erection had not fulfilled its potential as this would have completely ruined her trust in me.
I pulled her closer and tightened my grip on her tiny waist and she rested her head on my shoulder and began to sob. As soon as I realised I pulled her up so her face was just inches from mine, tucking a few stray strands of her silky hair behind her ear with my right hand I reached for a tissue with my left and mopped up the mixture of tear and mascara that was trickling down her face.
Never had I seen her look so beautiful as this moment. Something about her vulnerability made her even more desirable than normal, which is no mean feat by any standard.
Leaning forward I spoke softly in her ear in a comforting manor “Its ok sweetheart, just please don’t cry. You know I hate seeing you cry”. As I pulled my head back to its previous position I kissed her softly on the forehead.
She nodded and sniffled “O-Ok, j ust give me a se-second”. And with that she took the tissue from my hand, wiped her eyes and rested her head back on my shoulder.
Realising she didn’t look very comfortable I moved myself forward forcing her backwards just enough so I could hop down off of the desk, then proceeded to pick her up and sit her on the desk as I had been. Then quickly hopped up and sat to her immediate left. She instantly responded by again resting her head on my shoulder as I put my arm around arm rubbing her arm with my thumb as I held her. We sat like this for a couple of minutes as the last of her tears faded away.
As soon as she had blotted her eyes for the last time I asked “What’s he done this time?”
I felt her tighten up as the words left my mouth so I squeezed her arm reassuringly and she relaxed a little again. “He’s just being a complete cunt!”
Before I had chance to probe any deeper she continued on “He’s just a complete and utter waste of space. He does nothing…” She paused for breath. “I know I can be hard work at times but I do everything for him and he won’t even give me a hug when I’m a little down. He just sits on his arse playing Xbox”
Pausing for breath once more before she continued “But that’s not why it’s over, I could handle that.”
She started to sob once more “But when I tried to make up with him yesterday I said “I’m sorry and I love you, can we stop fighting” and he just said “I’m sorry, I don’t love you anymore, I’m only still with you because we have 9 months left before we can get out of this fucking rental agreement.”
She started crying hysterically now, and for once I wasn’t going to try and stop her. I knew how hard this must have been for her so I stood up in front of her and took her in my arms. She clung to me like a wet t-shirt, crying into my chest. I held her there for what must have been at least 5 minutes until she pulled her head back and looked up into my eyes with her puffy red, yet still beautiful ones. She didn’t say anything however, instead it was as if she was waiting for me to talk; and I obliged.
I wiped her eyes with my thumb before uttering “Jade, you know I’ll always love you, no matter what. You’re the most beautiful girl in the world and you deserve so much better than him. You deserve someone who worships the ground you walk on.”
She pulled a smile from somewhere before resting her head back on my chest. I knew she needed me right now and I wasn’t going to let her down.
“Me and Banksy are going to a bar in London tonight if you want to join us, get you away from him for a night, give you chance to think and drown your sorrows with some top shelf vodka.”
She giggled a little before replying “I’d love that, what time?”
“I’ll pick you about half 7.”
“OK, thank you. You’re such a good friend Dan Dan.”
These words gave me mixed emotions, of course I was glad she thought of me as a good friend, but I was hoping she had started to realise that she meant more to me than just that.
I gave her one last firm squeeze before grabbing her hand and helping her down from the desk whilst saying “You best get back to work, we wouldn’t want people getting the wrong idea.”
She leant forward and gave a kiss on the cheek “Thank you hun” she whispered in my ear before opening the blinds, sliding the door open and retreating back to her desk.
The rest of the day went pretty quickly, I talked to a few clients, wrote a few reports, sent a few emails and caught up with Lee. I filled him on the plan and that Jade would be joining us to which he didn’t seem to disappointed, he’s only human after all, and every man on the planet would be mad if they didn’t find her attractive.
I left the office at about 5 o’clock in order to get my car valeted before I picked Jade up. It was a week old BMW 1M in white and I absolutely loved it. It was only my second car and going from a 89bhp Vauxhall Corsa to a 600bhp BMW was a big improvement. It was virtually spotless but I thought I’d get it cleaned anyway.
I drove back to my penthouse suite apartment careful not to get the car to dirty and parked on my drive. I put my bag down on kitchen table and opened the fridge to scope up the options. I made something pretty plain with steak and rice to ensure my breath was not tainted by any un-pleasantries. It was alright but nothing special.
I washed the dishes shortly after I’d finished and grabbed a shower ensuring to wash every part of my body at least twice. I knew that if things were ever going to happen between Jade & I that tonight was probably the night. Whilst in the shower I shaved my facial hair to a light stubble, her favourite look for me, and completely shaved my privates. I then proceeded to thoroughly brush my teeth and use unnecessary quantities of mouth wash.
After I was happy with my cleanliness I picked out my outfit and got dressed. By now it was 7 o’clock so I grabbed my phone, wallet and keys, locked up and headed for my car. Realising I had forgotten a jacket, not so much for me but I knew Jade would get cold, so I headed back inside, grabbed my best coat and thoroughly spritzed it with aftershave.
I sat in the car and text Jade “Alright sweetheart, I’m gunna be a tad early are you ready? Xx”
Almost instantly she text back “No lol! I’ve just got out the shower! The front doors open though and Sam’s gone out so if you’re early make yourself at home x”
I chucked my phone and the suede passenger seat and set off. She only lived 2 minutes away but I felt there was no point in sitting in the car waiting, might as well just wait at hers. I drove the 4 turns to her colder sack, parked on her front drive and proceeded to the front door.
I knocked twice and shouted “Safe to come in?”
She shouted back “Yh sure. Have a seat, Gok is on the TV, I know you love him. And if you want a drink you know where to look.”
I sat down on her old blue coach; it was her Mum & Step-Dads old one she was using whilst saving for one of her own, not that that seemed to matter much anymore. After about 5 minutes she came down the stairs. She looked absolutely beautiful, I was lost for words. She was wearing a strapless skin tight royal blue dress that revealed her perfect cleavage and finished just above the knee. She accompanied this with silky black tights and black heals.
She walked over to where I was perched, turned her back to me, lifted her hair up and demanded “Do me up Dan Dan.”
I rose from the couch and clasped the zip in my hand slowly raising it to her neck. I felt her breath in as I did so to enable to tight dress in come together. As the zip reached the top of the dress she turned around to face me, her face was inches from mine. I wanted to kiss her so badly but new it wasn’t the right time. Instead she put her arms around me and pushed herself into my embrace.
As we stood their holding one another she whispered softly into my ear “Thank you for doing this. I really need to get away from everything. Even if it is just for a night”
As she pulled away from me I said “Come on then you, let’s make a move.” Taking her hand in mine I lead her to the front door which she closed and locked behind her.
As she climbed into the into the sports seat of my car her skirt hitched itself up leaving her sexy panties on display under her tights.
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