IT WAS FRAUD–Part 6 of 6
IT WAS FRAUD–Part 6 of 6
Sex Story Author: | senorlongo |
Sex Story Excerpt: | We moved together, our timing sheer perfection, our rapture unparalleled. Scarlett paused for several seconds before she totally lost it. |
Sex Story Category: | Blackmail |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction |
I was up at seven, reaching over to turn the alarm off as I watched Sandy stretch. A minute later I had put her out and retreated to the bathroom to shave and brush my teeth. She was back in once I was dressed in a tee, shorts, and sandals. I ate a quick breakfast of Cheerios and banana with a cup of strong coffee. I had to be up early to accommodate the caterer who arrived at 9:30 to set the tables with white linen, put out large coolers filled with ice—one with soda and mixers, a second with canned beer. We didn’t have enough beer drinkers to justify a keg and I didn’t want glass bottles out near the pool. They could easily break where Sandy would walk and we’d be in bare feet.
It was after eleven when I put out the table cards showing everyone where to sit. Forty-two guests meant only six tables sitting a maximum of eight around the portable dance floor, keeping friends together, although we already knew how well all of our guests got along with each other.
One of the questions we’d had to deal with was Sandy. We didn’t think we could leave her in the house. She would bolt out every time someone went in to use the bathroom. Although she was not a big barker we were sure she would howl at being stuck inside while we were just outside. In the end we agreed that we would let her out with us. She knew almost all of the guests and we were sure she would lie at Scarlett’s feet while we were seated; while we were dancing? Well, we’d cross that bridge when we reached it.
We had told everyone to come around one for pre-wedding drinks and snacks so I went in around noon for a shower and another shave. Once I was dressed in my new navy suit, a crisp white shirt, cranberry paisley tie, and my favorite cordovan loafers, I checked my hair and walked down to greet our guests.
Fred and Judy were first. Next were Mom and Dad with Nick and Victoria. I was surprised at how well Paul Martin looked when he walked in with Ginny. I laughed when he asked if the room was available for his wedding. “You’ll have to talk to the new boss about that,” was my reply.
I wasn’t at all surprised when Ginny told us, “I may just do that.”
During all this, Sandy was sitting calmly at my feet. She did jump up to greet Fred and Judy, but that was to be expected. She had stayed with them while we were in Houston and knew them very well. The waiters began to take drink orders. Even I had one—ginger ale—and I even had a couple of the extra-large boiled shrimp, taking extra care not to get cocktail sauce on my clothes.
I knew that Scarlett had arrived when Sandy suddenly jumped up, running to the French doors and wagging her tail wildly. Sal waved as he let Sandy in. A few minutes later Sandra walked out to join us and I cued the deejay to begin the wedding march. Sal led Scarlett out, closely followed by her furry bodyguard. The caterer had placed a red carpet from the end of the pool deck to the wooden dance floor where our union would take place with Audrey Boardman standing in her judicial robes on a low riser.
Scarlett had chosen an extremely light gray sleeveless dress that came almost to her knees with a darker gray bolero jacket that came to her waist and matching three-inch heels. I knew that she’d been to the beauty parlor this morning even though I thought that was literally a case of gilding a lily. She wore her diamond and sapphire pendant and matching bracelet in addition to her diamond studs. Her hair was done in a French braid and I could see that her lipstick and fingernails matched exactly, not that any of that mattered. All I could see was her brilliant smile.
Sal handed her to me with a quick kiss and a brief whispered comment. I took her hand and we turned to face the magistrate as Sandy calmly sat between us. Audrey greeted us and our guests with a smile as she said, “This has always been one of my favorite and most positive aspects of my job.” Then she got down to business, reading a few passages from the bible before turning the ceremony over to us for our vows.
We had written our own, taking time from making love a few nights and practicing many times since then. By agreement, I went first. “Scarlett, I’ve told you this several times, but now I’m saying it in front of our families and friends so they know exactly how I feel about you, although I’m pretty sure they already know how much I love you. Okay, here goes—Scarlett I was broken physically when you first entered my life. Not only did you help my back to heal, but you also healed me emotionally, as well. Your smile and your gentle touch were the only things I had to look forward to then. I had no idea that my appreciation would turn into the kind of love that knows no boundaries. Even though I’m not very religious I thank God every day for bringing you into my life. I promise to love you, care for you, and protect you from harm every day of my life. I further promise to cherish every moment with you and to be the very best partner you could ever want.”
Then it was Scarlett’s turn. “Sean, I was really insulted when you offered me money for my services.” As expected, that drew laughter from our guests. I could see my mother bring her hand to the mouth to cover her titter. Scarlett continued once everyone was quiet. “Just in case you’re wondering, it was for nursing services. Nursing services! At first I thought of helping you as a good deed for my aunt—a way to help pay her back for everything she’s done for me over the past thirteen years, but it wasn’t long before I could see what kind of person you really were. You’re a strong man, Sean and you have the right kind of strength. You’re not flashy or a braggart. You use your strength to help and protect others. That’s a rare combination these days. You were always so polite and accommodating. It wasn’t long before I began to have feelings for you and it wasn’t long—less than a week–before I realized that I was falling hopelessly in love with you.
You, Mom, Gail, Sandra, and Sal know that I was a virgin when we met. My parents were serial cheaters and were suffering from an advanced STD when they died. I swore then that I would save myself for the man I would love and marry and I’m glad I did. I once told you that this ring meant that we owned each other. The ring you will give me today will only make that bond stronger. I swear before God and all those present today that I will give you all of my love and all of my support for all of my days. I pray there is a heaven so I can then give you all of myself for eternity.”
Magistrate Boardman asked for the rings. I removed Scarlett’s engagement ring, slipping it into the wedding band—between the two semicircles of diamonds–and returned the two to Scarlett’s finger saying, “With this ring I thee wed.” Then Fred handed my band to Scarlett. She was grinning from ear to ear when she placed it onto my finger, repeating the vow as she did.
Then came the part I was waiting for. “By the power vested me by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Montgomery County, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” I turned to Scarlett and gave her a little peck, knowing what her reaction would be. She gripped my head by my hair and pulled me down for a long hot kiss, telling me, “I love you so much, Sean,” when she broke it. There was a hearty round of applause before I could respond.
We thanked Audrey Boardman then turned to face the onrushing guests. There were hugs and kisses galore, some of them, like Mom and Dad, several times. Eventually we reached our table just off to the right side of the dance floor where we sat as Fred gave us his toast. I wasn’t paying much attention, but I did hear something about the patter of lots of little feet—something both Scarlett and I both prayed and worked for. We ordered drinks then sat back to enjoy our party. The waiters brought trays of cold shrimp and assorted other goodies for our enjoyment.
We were seated with Fred and Judy, my parents, and Sandra and Sal. Looking at my mom’s face I could tell how pleased she was with Scarlett as my wife. I was sitting between them and I could barely get a word in. “When was the moment that you knew you were in love with Sean, Scarlett? Do you know?” I had a feeling, but I still wondered if I was right.
“I had told Sean that I was waiting for Mr. Right.” She hesitated then to give me a quick kiss. “I don’t believe in teasing men so after dinner I took care of Sean and then he took care of me. I won’t go into the details, but I will tell you that it was incredible—so incredible that I passed out.”
“Let me know when you want some tips Fred,” I joked. He laughed and so did everyone else at the table.
“Sean put me to bed and climbed in behind me. We were both naked and somehow I managed to climb part way onto his body. That’s how we sleep every night now. He was awake when I finally woke up the next morning. I remember asking what had happened and he told me that I’d had the grandmother of all orgasms and passed out. He told me that keeping me here was safer than trying to wake me and having me drive home. I asked if he had…you know. Sean told me that he could never take advantage of me like that. I realized then how much respect he had for me and how much he cared for me. I get hit on almost every day at work. Most men act like I’m a piece of meat on their table. I liked Sean a lot before that moment, but I think that was when I realized that I was in love with him.
Oh, before I forget, I want to show you what he’s giving me as a wedding present. I’m sorry, Sean, I didn’t get you anything.”
“That’s quite alright. I got you. That’s the best present, by far. Why don’t I go in and get the drawing? I think you’ll do better with Sandy if you stay here.” Sandy was exactly where we had predicted—right behind Scarlett’s chair. I kissed Scarlett quickly and walked into the house. I was not at all surprised when Sandy ignored me. There was no question—she was Scarlett’s dog.
I returned a few minutes later with the architectural drawing. Scarlett had asked Dave Specht to explain what we were looking at. “This will almost be a two-story greenhouse enclosing the pool and abutting the upstairs deck. It will run just under the deck to the family room doors. We’ll have to restructure the stairway to the deck, but that’s an easy job. It’ll be attached to the house over there where the master bath is located. Because the roof is rounded another gutter will be formed where the structure meets the wall.” Pointing to the open yard, he continued. “This end will be a foot lower than the other by the deck to drain the water away from the house. There is a door at this end for access to the yard and I can already see that we’re going to need a doggie door.” He went on, describing how the glazed panels would be opened in the summer and how the solar panels would heat the water and also the air in the enclosure in the winter.
“And all this because my wonderful husband heard me say it would be a shame to have to close up the pool in a few weeks.” Then she leaned over to kiss me. Once again, she surprised me by holding the kiss for more than a minute, breaking it only when she pulled me up to dance.
We danced a lot, but we skipped all of the hokey dances you’d find at many wedding receptions. I did dance with my mom and Sandra; Scarlett danced with Sal and my dad, but the dances weren’t anything special. We hired a photographer who took some posed photos, mostly of Scarlett and me, but also group shots with our parents and friends. The rest of the party she took candid’s or pictures of us dancing or kissing which we did often. Later, when the proofs were delivered we laughed like crazy at photos of us doing the Electric Slide and the Macarena, not to mention YMCA. I never did get all those darned letters done in time with the music, but who cared? We had a great time.
Dinner was even better than we had hoped. Prime filets cooked to order, Idaho potatoes baked in salt, and an ear of fresh corn. In lieu of wedding cake we served our guests hot fudge sundaes with their choice of vanilla, chocolate, or strawberry ice cream. Me—I’m contrary so I had chocolate AND strawberry. You can get away with that when you’re paying the bill.
The party broke up around six with everyone coming forward to hug and kiss, shake hands, and give us an envelope. We thanked everyone for coming and sharing our special day. The rental company came at 6:30 to take down their canopy. I tipped each of the workers as I did the waiters and cooks then I gathered the scraps I’d kept for Sandy and led my wife and her beast into the house. Sandy wolfed down her dinner as I led Scarlett to our bedroom. It was too early for bed—yes, even for that–so I changed into a tee and shorts so I could take Sandy out. I wouldn’t let her out on her own while all of the workers were there. I wasn’t worried about her biting them, but she might follow them out the gate and get lost or worse if she tried to cross Route 73, only a hundred yards away. We returned to the house once I had cleaned up her mess. By then Scarlett had hung her dress in the closet put her shoes away and removed her jewelry and underwear.
She was in the bathroom, preparing to warm the water in the shower when I walked in, almost tripping over Sandy who had run ahead. “No question—she’s your dog,” I told her as I took in her incredible beauty. I took her hands in mine as I told her, “I can’t believe you’re mine.”
“I can, but I can’t believe that I have you. I’m so lucky.” Then she reached up to kiss me. “You know, Sean—you look really great in a suit. You should wear one to work. You’d look so professional.”
I couldn’t help myself. I laughed like crazy before pulling Scarlett into a big hug. “You know what the best thing about owning a business is? It’s getting to wear whatever you want. All of my workers wear jumpsuits, primarily for safety, so they won’t have anything that could get caught in a machine. I’ve already told you about the hard hats and the protective shoes. In my case, I usually wear an inexpensive golf shirt and khaki’s because I sometimes have to go onto the floor to fix a machine and it’s much cheaper to replace a $25 shirt and a $20 pair of slacks that are covered with grease than it would be with a $600 suit and an expensive tie. I do wear a suit if I have to visit a client’s office like I did in Houston, but if they come to me they see me in my normal duds.”
“I think we should get a quick shower and go to bed. I have an itch that needs scratching and a marriage that needs consummating.”
“It is awfully early,” I said teasingly.
“Don’t worry; I have a few ideas how we can fill the time—more than a few, actually.” She reached around me to start the shower with one hand while her other opened my belt. Two minutes later we stood together under the steamy water—holding, caressing, and loving each other. I must confess as I have several times in this story, my love of Scarlett’s breasts, areolas and nipples. I must have lathered them five or six times while she laughed and humped my thigh. Then she got even—washing my blood-engorged cock and my sensitive balls—until I could barely stand. She turned the water off and pulled me out of the shower.
Once dry, she pulled me to the bed. Sandy was already lying on hers when Scarlett pushed me onto my back. “Tonight’s my last time up here until I know that you’ve done your husbandly duty.”
“Isn’t it a little early to worry about that? I thought it would be at least a month and probably even longer.”
‘I spoke with Dr. Spaulding at the hospital on Thursday. She’s a very highly regarded OB/GYN. She told me that thirty days was just a guideline and that the actual delay varied greatly from person to person. She told me of one case in which the woman became pregnant only a week after going off the pill. You know I had my period just last week so there’s a chance I could be fertile within the next three to five days. I’m not taking any chances.” Then she slowly slid down my pole until she was fully seated on my cock. She exhaled after an unusually long breath. “Oh God, that feels so damned good, Sean. I love having you inside me.”
“I kind of like it, too,” I teased.
“Oh…you!” Scarlett was trying to sound serious, but she couldn’t keep the smile from her face. I leaned forward to kiss her, our tongues exploring as my wife began to slowly rock around my cock. I laughed just a little internally as I was reminded of the old rock and roll song, wondering what the lyrics for “Rock Around the Cock” might be.
It wasn’t long before I was totally lost in Scarlett and, looking up at her, I thought she was sharing the same experience with me.
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