
It Started At The Pool

First major post-divorce relationship, with side benefits

It Started At The Pool

Since my divorce (7 years ago) I’ve been dating, but have managed to not find anyone
that I’ve been interested in sufficiently to marry or have a permanent commitment with.
Within the past year, that had changed as the relationship I’m in with a wonderful woman
I met at the YMCA matured, but didn’t meet Cindy directly at the pool. Rather, thats where I
met her daughter (Jen), and she’s the that got us together.

Meeting Cindy

I visit the local YMCA to stay in shape, and my preferred exercise is swimming laps. I’ve
been doing this for years on and off, but now I’ve been doing so steadily for quite a while
and its become a habit. The times I visit the Y have varied depending on how busy I was
at work, or if I happened to be in between projects I could go during the daytime when there
was a lot more room (if you go during the busy times, you have to minimally share a lane,
do circles with 3 people, or otherwise have to wait).

After you’ve been hanging around any gym or pool for a while, you start to recognize
people and get to know them (i.e. “the regulars”). One of the things that I happen to like
about swimming is because I appreciate women who take the time to stay in shape, and
women who swim tend to have nicely toned figures. As an added bonus, they generally
have to wear swimsuits which reveal exactly how in shape they really are – even when
wearing the standard Speedo. Its typical to wear goggles when swimming so you can
see where you’re going, and one of the benefits is that you also get to see the women
swimming which to me is an added bonus.

While I’d been going I had noticed a young woman who swam at the same time I did and
was a regular. She was maybe 5’2″ and had a slim, tight, a fairly shapely figure, and very
blue eyes. I had just completed swimming a mile was taking the time to cool down before
getting out. She had also apparently just finished her workout and was hanging out in
the lane next to mine. We started to chat, and had a few laughs when I announced that
I was getting out to move over to the hydro-spa for a while before heading out. So I swam
over to the ladder and climbed out, picked up my towel and walked over to the spa and
settled in. I really enjoy the spa because you really got to decompress as all the air bubbles
massaged your body deeply in the hot water, and worked out any aches or pains.

This same woman came wandering over and also got into the spa, smiled at me, said “hello
again”. So we started chatting again, and I learned her name was Jen, and I told her mine
was Greg. After chatting for a while I realized she was too young for me (she was in her early
20’s, and I was in my later 40’s) I came to the conclusion there was no reason to build any
interest in her (for other than sporting purposes!). Anyway, I had an appointment to go to
that afternoon so I excused myself and headed off to the locker room.

I started running into Jen fairly often, and saw her several times a week. And as usual we’d
often end up in the spa after our workouts and just chat. But one day, she started asking
some really personal questions (“do you have a girlfriend?”, “what do you like to do for
fun?”, “where do you live?”, “how old are you?”, etc.). Now I’m still in pretty good shape
due to my keeping up with my exercise, and when I swim (as is common) I wear a swim cap.
Jen mentioned to me that she was surprised at how old I was (I’ve managed to retain a
fairly youthful appearance) after I removed my swim cap, which revealed my grayed temples
and brown hair.

I’d started asking her what she did for fun, where do you live, etc., to see where the
conversation was going, and then she told me she’d wondered if I would be interested in
meeting her mom (a-ha!). So I asked her what her mom looks like, and she said “she looks
just like me, only 22 years older…”. Jen started telling me her mom was divorced, and her
father lived on the other side of the country. Apparently, they just didn’t get along and so
they decided to separate when her father was offered a position in Los Angeles. He left her
with the house and Jen had been given the option of living with either parent. She opted
for her mother because she grew up here, all her friends were here, was in school, etc.

Her mom worked in sales in a local pharmaceutical company, and while a lot of her clients
were local, she did have to travel from time to time. We had discussed (while hanging
around in the hydro-spa) a number of things I liked to do (travel, hiking, camping, etc.)
and she thought we’d hit it off great because thats what her mom enjoyed as well, and her
mom also liked to swim.

Jen suggested we meet at the pool over the weekend and she’d bring her mother along. So
I figured what the heck – if her mom looked like she did that could very well prove interesting.
We arranged a time, and I went to the pool the following Sunday afternoon and jumped in
to do my usual routine. Before long I saw two women in the lane next to mine, and the shape
looked just like Jens. So I stood up at the wall at the end of the pool and said “hi Jen…” and
the woman answered back “I’m not Jen, I’m Cindy… Are you Greg?” to which I answered in
the affirmative (Jen wasn’t kidding – they almost looked like sisters!). Jen finished a lap at
that same end of the pool and stood up, noted that we’d already met, and joined in on the
conversation. So we determined we’d finish our laps and meet in the hydro-spa.

I cranked through the rest of my workout, rested for a few moments, and headed for the spa.
I’d just about settled in when I saw Jen and Cindy get out of the pool (Cindy was maybe an
inch taller than Jen, with a virtually identical figure, and slightly larger breasts). They were
both smiling as they walked over to the spa, dropped their towels, and got into the spa over
by where I was sitting (the spa could fit ten people comfortably). We all got along great, and
had a lot of laughs. Cindy was really nice, very articulate, easy to talk to, and seemed really
down to earth. Jen got up to go and meet someone she knew who came into the pool area
just as a few other people joined us in the spa, and Cindy moved even closer to me (now
we were almost touching) and I noted her nipples sticking out through her bathing suit.

She then told me that Jen had told her about me, and said that she always seemed to have
a good sense of judgement, which was why she came to the pool that day. I told her I hoped
I lived up to whatever Jen had told her about me, and she grinned. So I suggested we get
out of the spa (it had been a while) and lets meet out in the lobby and take it from there. She
said that sounded like a plan and so off the to showers we went. 20 minutes later I walked
into the lobby to find Jen and Cindy waiting for me, and Jen suggested we go to the local
tavern for a late lunch. That was fine with me, and 10 minutes later we were sitting at a table,
me across from two nearly identical women (the family resemblance was astonishing) with
my mind churning over how pretty the two of them were. When they got up to head for the
ladies room I watched two beautiful bodies walk away from me, asses swaying in near
perfect, and very sexy unison (I was under the distinct impression that Jen was exaggerating
her walk a little – her walk was very sensuous).

When they came back a few minutes later I was pretending to read the menu, but was
stealing looks at both of them as they walked to our booth and squeezed into the other
side. So we started off with a few drinks, ordered lunch and chatted when Jen’s phone
beeped, and she pulled it out and started to frantically compose a text. So Cindy and I
continued talking (where had she been hiking, traveling to, etc.) and traded some stories
while waiting for our lunches to arrive. Jen rejoined the conversation and shortly
thereafter a very pretty young lady showed up and came over to our table. Jen jumped
up and gave her a big hug, introduced her as Diane, a friend of hers from college (Jen
went to a local school, but stayed in a dorm during the week, and came to her mothers
house over the weekends). She asked if we minded if she and Diane got another table,
and that didn’t bother either of us, so they chose a table on the other side of the dining area.

Cindy and I had a great conversation, a nice lunch, traded cell numbers, and jointly
determined it would be fun to do something together. We all finished up at about the same
time, so I bid them all good by, hugs all around, and headed home.

When I saw Jen at the pool the following Tuesday she told me her mom really liked me
and would really like to see me again. We chatted as usual and completed our laps
in the pool while I really enjoyed watching Jen’s lovely body move through the water (I
did lose count a number of times!).

The next day I called Cindy to see if she might be interested in going out for dinner and
the theater on Sunday (the following Monday was a holiday), and she immediately
accepted. So on Sunday I dressed for an evening at the theater and went to pick up
her up. She lived in a nice part of town and had a large, expanded ranch house that
was nicely landscaped. I went up to the door which opened before I rang the bell to
be greeted with a hug by Cindy who was wearing very flattering little black dress. She
invited me in for a cocktail before dinner and I happily accepted, and followed her into
the house.

The dress she wore showed her tight figure to advantage, and I marveled at the sway
of her ass as she led me into the kitchen. She motioned for me to sit at the bar in the kitchen
while she poured us each a glass of bourbon (she likes bourbon!), pulled up another
stool and sat close as we talked about places we wanted to travel to. But time began
to run short as I’d made a dinner reservation, so we downed our drinks and got up to
go. She went over to the closet on the way out, pulled out a lovely cloak which I put over
her shoulders and after locking the door on the way out she took my arm and we strolled
to the car.

Dinner was excellent, and we had just enough time to make it to the theater and get settled
in when the show started. There were a few suspenseful moments during the show where
Cindy grasped my arm or hand, and whenever I looked at her she gave me a big smile.
The show ended so we headed back to the car arm in arm, laughing all the way. The
ride to her house seemed really short, but she invited me in for a nightcap which I accepted.

We got in, and she kicked off her shoes, hung up her cloak and told me to sit on the sofa
while she went to the kitchen to get us our drinks. When she came back, she had almost
filled these two rock glasses with bourbon and when she noted my surprise, said “well, I
don’t have to work tomorrow, do you?”. I answered “no”, so that settled that. She went and
turned on some jazz at a low volume, and came and sat next to me on the sofa. We clinked
our glasses and started working on our bourbons. A number of sips and laughs later Cindy
was patting my leg and arm with her hands as she had turned towards me (I was trying to
avoid looking up her legs) with her eyes shining and a nice smile. When she leaned
towards me I leaned in, gave her a little kiss, and she kissed me back with her mouth just
slightly open, and let it linger.

She got up and took me by the hand and asked me if I wanted to see the yard, so I said
sure. She led me through the kitchen and out the back door, where she had a really nice
patio with lighting bright enough so you could clearly see your way around, but soft enough
so you could still see the stars. We continued chatting and sipping our bourbon (I was
starting to catch a buzz) when Cindy mentioned that it was kind of chilly, so I took off my
sport coat and wrapped it around her, when she turned and offered her face up to me so I bent
down to kiss her again. This time, her mouth opened, her arms wrapped around my neck,
and she pushed herself to me as my arms circled around her back and our lips and tongues

We kissed deeply for a few minutes, when she broke it off, and led me back into the house.
We went back to the living room, asked me to sit and said she’d be back in a minute.
When she returned a few minutes later, the lights dimmed further and as she walked around
the sofa to me my breathing almost stopped when I noticed Cindy was now wearing a black
and rather sheer robe. She turned around and sat on my lap and pulled my face to hers and
kissed me fiercely. As I put my arms around her and traced her body I could feel no bra, yet
she had retained a thong. The kissing got hotter as she started to unbutton my shirt, and
slipped her hands inside to feel my chest. I moved my hand up to cup her breast, which was
very warm, and I felt her nipple hard against the palm of my hand. My other hand traced her
legs as the bottom of her robe started falling open.

By now I was quite certain that Cindy could feel my cock poking her as she was sitting on my lap,
when she got up, took me by the hand, and led me down the hall to the master bedroom.

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