
Is There Life After Seventy, I’ll Never Tell

I take care of myself and stay in shape. Now I’m finding out that someone else is noticing me.


Until recently, I really never considered that I was getting older. It was something that I just never noticed. I’m Kenneth Jamison, I’m 70 years old. I’m 6 ft. 2 in. tall, I weigh 176 pounds, I have 6 pack abs and the rest of my muscles are all toned and look good. I run an average of 2 miles a day and lift weights for almost an hour a day….. I have always tried to take care of myself.

My wife passed away a few years ago, and for a time, I let myself go. I ate too much, drank too much and all the while, falling deeper into depression. We had been married for 40 years and our worlds both revolved around each other. My family had all became quite worried about me.

One morning, after I got out of bed, I looked at myself in the mirror. I didn’t recognize the man that stood there. I knew, right then, that I had to get my head out of my ass. I had to begin my life again and stop feeling sorry for myself. That was the first day of the rest of my life.

I got back into my training routine, I started eating right and taking care of myself. I began to spend a lot of time with my grandchildren…..and they, in turn, began spending a lot of time around me. After a year or so, I was back. I was in shape. I was happy, having put the past behind me, but not forgetting it.

My home is rather large, having about 6500 square feet and is located on 20 acres of land. I have a huge playroom, complete with pinball machines, a ping pong table, pool table, a fantastic sound system, 3 tv’s for sports and a full blown, professional, karaoke system. Outside, I have a custom swimming pool with a waterfall and an adjoining hot tub. The whole place is surrounded with large trees, over three acres of lawn and numerous flower beds. It took my wife and I many years to create this retreat.

As I walk around the property, I see different places where my wife and I had made love…. many times just a spur of the moment thing. We were very happy here. My kids keep telling me that this place is just too big for me alone and that I should sell it and find something smaller. I am happy here and have no intention of selling.

My grand kids and their friends all enjoy coming out here and entertaining themselves. I like them coming here instead of going to keggers and other clandestine parties and get-togethers that young people do. All of these young people have become my friends and know that they are all welcome here.

My favorite granddaughter, Aubrey, spends more time here than anyone. She is a freshman in a nearby university. Many times she stays here for several days at a time, commuting to school then coming back here. I don’t mind, I have 6 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms…..plenty of room.

I guess this is where this story actually begins. One thing I do every day, is swim laps in my pool. I like to go out early in the morning when the day is new and the air is fresh. I had just finished doing my 50 laps and was sitting on one of the lounge chairs, drinking a large cup of coffee. The sun had been up for an hour or so and a very thin fog was about to melt away.

I saw Aubrey coming out of the house, headed for the pool. With her was a very attractive young lady. One thing I have always appreciated is a woman’s body. No matter what age she is, if she has taken care of herself, I love to enjoy the vision of a beautiful woman.

“Good morning Grandpa, you’re sure up early this morning…..finished your laps already?”

“Yes, my dear, I have,” I said as I got up off of the lounge.

“Grandpa, I want you to meet my best friend, Jamie……Jamie this is my grandpa, Ken,” she said as Jamie extended her hand to me.

“I am so pleased to meet you Jamie,” I said as I took her hand and lightly shook hands with her.

“You certainly have a beautiful home Ken…….Aubrey has told me so much about you and this place. I was really happy when she invited me to come out here for the weekend…I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all Jamie, I’m always glad to have Aubrey’s friends come out here.”

The girls took off their robes and headed for the pool. I couldn’t help but notice Jamie’s body. It was immaculate….perfect in every aspect. She was about 5 ft. 8 in. tall, measurements about 36-26-36, long dark brown hair and not an ounce of extra fat anywhere. Just looking, I would say she works out. I can see her muscles are all toned. She is one beautiful woman. Her bikini accentuates her body. I can feel my cock begin to stir watching this vision of beauty.

Alongside of the pool, I have an outdoor kitchen. I love to cook and cooking out here just makes everything taste better. The girls were still swimming, so I walked over to the edge of the pool. “Would you gals like some breakfast? I can make anything you might want,” I told them.

They swam up to the edge of the pool and rested on their elbows. “That would be nice,” Aubrey said, “what are you having?”

“I think maybe eggs, some bacon…I have some fresh pineapple and orange juice.”

They both said, “That sounds great, we’ll have the same.”

While they continued to swim, I made breakfast. When it was ready, I called to them to let them know.

While we ate breakfast, I continued to enjoy looking at Jamie. Every time I would look over at her, I could catch her checking me out. I thought to myself, ‘it’s all my imagination’. After the breakfast dishes were done, I took another cup of coffee and went back out to the lounge to catch a little sun. It was Saturday and I had no plans for the day.

Aubrey said to me, “Grandpa, I need to run to town and make a deposit, do you need anything while I’m there?”

“Yes I do, matter of fact. I need several items from the grocery store and I need my cleaning picked up from the cleaners. I was going in later, but if you want to do it for me, I’d be happy to let you do it. My credit card is on the kitchen counter in my money clip.”

Aubrey replied, “I think I’m going to go ahead and go so I can get back by 1 or 2…….do you want to go with me Jamie?”

“Actually, if you don’t mind, I’d like to stay here and just hang out…..do you mind?”

“It’s no problem with me, you can keep Grandpa company.”

Aubrey went inside the house and Jamie and I continued to sit out in the sun and enjoy the morning. “You sure have a nice place here, Ken….I think I could just stay here forever….it is so relaxing.”

“Yes it is, I enjoy this place so much.”

Jamie sat up and stared at me. “You know, Ken, Aubrey has told me so much about you. What she didn’t tell me was how attractive you are. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an older man that is built as well as you…I mean, you look like you work out a lot….I find that really attractive, a man that takes such good care of himself.”

“Well, thank you Jamie. You know, you’re not any slouch yourself…if I were 30 years younger, I’d make some moves on you…….but, hell, I’m 70 years old…..a lot older than you.”

“Ken, I’m 21, and like they say, age is just a number. You know like wine, it just gets better with age.”

“You flatter me Jamie.” I told her.

My phone rang, which interrupted our conversation. It was one of my friends that I had grown up with. We call each other quite often just to shoot the shit and keep up with what is going on in our lives. I got off the lounge and walked to the house, leaving Jamie out by the pool.

My friend, Norman, was passing through the area and was checking to see if I was home. “I’ve got a little time so I thought I’d stop and say hi,” he told me.

“I would love to see you, come on by….you know the way,” I told him.

“I’ll be there in half an hour or so, talk to you then,” he said.

I hung up the phone and went to my bedroom to change out of my swim trunks into a pair of cargo shorts and one of my Hawaiian print shirts. I slipped on a pair of sneakers and went back out by the pool.

“I thought you had abandoned me,” Jamie quipped.

“No, that call was from a dear friend of mine. We started the first grade together and graduated from College together. You might say, he is the brother I never had. He is in the area and is going to stop by and say hi….I think you’ll like him.” I could hear a vehicle driving up and went out to greet Norman as he arrived.

Norman was getting out of his SUV as I came out on the driveway. “How the hell are you, you worthless bastard,” he said to me as he put a big hug on me.

“I’m doing great you old son of a bitch……better now that I see you. What the hell are you doing here, on vacation or something?”

“No, it’s a business trip. I am going over to Grand Junction to see a guy that wants to put our equipment in his produce shed. It will be a good payday for me if I can sell him, so I decided to come up personally and see him.”

“Let’s go out by the pool and visit, it’s more comfortable out there,” I said to him as I led the way, “plus, there’s someone there I’d like for you to meet.”

“Damn Ken, you’ve really got a nice place here, have you decided to continue living here or are you going to down size?”

“I’m going to stay here, I don’t think I’d be happy anywhere else.” As we got to the pool, Jamie was still laying out in one of the lounges, relaxing and catching some sun. She opened her eyes when she heard us coming.

“Norm, this is Jamie. She came out with Aubrey for the weekend.”

“Nice to meet you Jamie,” he said, “is Aubrey around somewhere?”

“Not right now, she had to go to town to run some errands. Hopefully, she will be back before you have to go…..I know she will be happy to see you.”

I went to the fridge and got a couple of glasses of iced tea and went back and sat down. We talked for a couple of hours before Aubrey returned. When she saw Norman, she came running up to him and gave him a big hug.

“Uncle Norman, this is a wonderful surprise. When did you get here?”

“I’ve been here for a while. I was passing through the area and decided to stop by to see Ken. It’s a real bonus to get to see you too while I’m here….it’s been way too long.”

I interrupted their conversation, “You know, it’s past lunch time, why don’t we all go into town and have lunch, we can talk some more there….Jamie do you want to go with us?”

“I’d love to, let me go inside and change……it will only take me a minute,” she said as she headed for the house with Aubrey behind her.

Norman was watching them walk away. “Damn Ken, those are two very beautiful women. Aubrey just keeps getting more beautiful and her friend is really something else. Too bad you’re not 50 years younger,” he said laughing.

We had lunch and caught up on everything that was going on in our lives. Norm said he had to get on down the road, but would be back by before he went back home, then left. Aubrey, Jamie and I just hung out around the house the rest of the day. That evening, I grilled steaks and made some of my “world famous” margaritas for us.

After dinner, we all continued to sip on my margaritas and watched a movie. When the movie ended, I excused myself and went to my bedroom and went to bed. It had been a long day and I dozed off to sleep rather quickly.

Sometime in the early hours of the morning, I woke up. I could feel the presence of someone in my bed. Then I felt someone move up very close to me. I could feel the body of a woman pressing up against me.

“What’s going on,” I said.

“Ken, it’s just me, I wanted to be with you….I hope you don’t mind. I waited till I knew that Aubrey was asleep before I came to you. I want to make love with you…..I want to make you feel good…really good……”

Immediately I recognized the voice as that of Jamie. I could feel her naked body pressing against me. My cock was as hard as a rock and pressing into her stomach. I ran my hands over her body and felt her soft skin, her full breasts and her squeezable ass. I pulled her closer to me as I kissed her. I felt her tongue enter my mouth and begin to dance with mine. Her hands were stroking my hard cock. I was feeling something I had not felt for a long time…..desire.

My cock is a delight to most women. My wife used to tell me that it was a really comfortable size. It is just over 8 inches long and about 2 ½ inches in diameter….enough to fill most pussies comfortably. “That’s really a nice piece of meat you have there,” Jamie told me. “I am going to make you feel really good.”

Jamie pushed me over onto my back and crawled on top of me, continuing to kiss me. She rose up onto her knees then moved down and removed my boxer briefs. I felt her lips encircle my throbbing cock. I grasped her head and pulled it down until my cock was in her throat. She began to bob her head up and down on my cock, sucking on it as hard as she possibly could. Then she began to lick my cock, going further down on it till she took my balls into her mouth, one at a time. I felt her finger probing my ass hole as she continued to pleasure me with her mouth. I had not felt such pleasure for years. Before I knew it, I was spewing a load of hot cum into her mouth. She continued to suck as she swallowed everything I gave her.

“I’m sorry,” I said, embarrassed that I had not been able to control myself.

“That’s alright, it’s what I wanted….I wanted to taste you…I wanted your warm cum in my stomach. The night is young lover….we are not finished.” She moved up over me again, kissing me. I could taste my cum on her tongue.

I grasped her ass and told her, “Bring your pussy up here to my mouth…..sit in my face….it’s your turn to be pleasured.”

She straddled my head. I began to lick her wet pussy. Her juices were flowing and tasted wonderful. Her clit was standing out like little hard cock. I began to suck on it probe her hole with my tongue. After a few minutes, I felt her tense and begin to shake. I knew she was cumming….I knew she tasted great and I wanted to give her all the pleasure I could.

I could feel my cock beginning to harden again. I knew I wanted to be inside her. I wanted to feel the warmth of her wet pussy wrapped around my 8 inches of throbbing meat. I wanted to fuck her like she had never been fucked before.

“Do you want me to wear a condom?” I asked.

“I’m on the pill, I want to feel you shooting hot cum inside me. I want you to fill my belly with your seed.”

Jamie lifted her body above my hard phallus and impaled herself. In one move, I was balls deep inside her. I could feel the head of my cock against her cervix. My hands were full of her tits as she moved up and down on me. The pleasure I felt was immense. Jamie was moaning, softly saying, “Ah, you are fucking me so good, you feel so good inside me….you are all man, Ken……all man……fuck me good Ken!”

It’s been years since I felt the warmth of a woman. I am so turned on by Jamie, there is no way I’m going to stop…I don’t care about the age difference….I’m going to fuck this woman and fill her with cum…..then I’m going to fuck her again.

I wrapped my arms around Jamie and rolled over so I was on top of her. I continued to pound her hot cunt. She had her legs wrapped around my ass pulling me into her body while grinding her ass into me, working my cock in ways I had never felt before. I felt like a mad man as I fucked her hard while she screamed for me to keep fucking her.

Then I felt it, a sudden surge of pleasure from my balls. Cum was surging through my cock. I felt it explode inside Jamie, painting the walls of her vaginal canal. It had been so long since I had ejaculated inside a woman…..it felt so good, like I wasn’t ever going to stop.

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