
Innocence Enslaved Chapter 2: What Comes After

Parts 5 & 6 combined. Future chapters will be a lot shorter. Apologies for taking so long. As usual if you don’t like it, tell me why in the comments so I can improve, and don’t neg it just because you don’t like the themes. They’re all tagged so if you don’t like them, don’t read it.

Innocence Enslaved part 2: What comes after


The two boys couldn’t believe their luck. If Jakes brother hadn’t given them the bottle of whiskey they would have stayed home playing playstation and skipped the party completely. They figured it would be boring simply because of the loser who was hosting it, and if they had known of even one other party nearby they wouldn’t be at this one at all.

Now they were in the master bedroom, standing awkwardly on either side of the king sized bed as the cutest girl in school lifted her top up over her head and threw it to the side. Even in a bra, her firm young C-cup tits were one of the best things the boys had ever seen. She had always been shy, turning down any boy who made advances and spending all her time at gymnastics or studying.

They had no idea why she had suggested they go to the bedroom, but they weren’t about to question it.


Emily looked at the two boys and smiled what she hoped was a seductive smile. In truth she had no idea what she was doing; two weeks ago she had never even kissed a boy. Then she’d been abducted, tied down with her face obscured, gang raped by her own unknowing father and so many others, and had barely left the house since.

Now she sat on the bed, running her hands up her pale, firm young body and through her thick red hair, part of her hoping these boys would make a move while another part screamed silently for her to stop. She reached out to the nearest boy, grabbing his belt buckle and pulling him forward onto the bed.

The boys finally got the idea and started to unbuckle their pants, and the young girl felt a pang of fear. What would they do to her? Part of her didn’t want to find out. She had spent days in bed crying, thankful that her blissfully ignorant father had been so busy at work. She’d had nightmares and wet dreams, she’d woken up sweaty with terror and moist with lust. She knew she couldn’t blame her father. He would never hurt her, and it wouldn’t have happened had he known. But as the days had passed she had become increasingly aroused. She’d told herself it was an aftereffect of the drugs she had been given, but it had only gotten stronger. She had found herself looking online for the most depraved incest and rape porn she could find, and battled in her own mind. Was she broken? Was she sick? She was still herself. Her conscious mind didn’t want to relive that horrible night, and she knew these desires were wrong. But her subconscious betrayed her at every opportunity, and she had finally decided she would get it out of her system at a party. She would do it consensually, with some cute boys her own age, like she had heard the slutty girls talking about at school.

“Fuck Emily, you’re so hot” said Jake, the tall one, as she self consciously squeezed her tits together, forcing them to strain at the cups of her bra. He reached out to squeeze her, and she leaned back as Chris began to fumble with her jeans.

The two boys were nice, popular and good looking, but there was something wrong about this, and the voice of reason inside her head was getting louder, while the usually lustful voice in the background had receded entirely. This went completely against her nature; no matter what she had experienced, she was a shy, quiet introvert at heart. This simply wasn’t her. Tears began to well in her eyes, and she fought to keep them back.

Chris managed to get a hand down her pants, his fingers scrabbling pointlessly against her thighs in the tight jeans, and she willed herself to keep going. She lifted her hips to let him get a better angle as Jake kissed her softly on the lips. She reached a hand down, slipping it into his boxers to wrap her delicate fingers around his cock.

Her first thought was disgust as she gripped his fleshy stump. She hadn’t been ready to touch one two weeks ago, and forcing herself to do so now filled her with fear and revulsion. To top it all off, she felt a pang of something else in the back of her mind. She was struck with disappointment that his cock felt so different to that of her father, and the thought made her feel sick.

She pulled her hand back.

“I’m sorry” she sobbed, turning her head to the side “I can’t do this”

The boys stopped, sitting up and exchanging puzzled looks as she began to cry. In this instant she imagined them shouting, tearing her clothes away and ignoring her pleas as they had their way with her. The lustful part of her mind came back in force, screaming ‘YES!’ as the rest of her recoiled in horror, and she visibly cowered.

“Whats wrong?” Jake asked, his brow creased in concern.

“It’s okay” Chris added as Jake backed away and stood next to the bed.

“Are you feeling alright? Too much to drink?”

Emily forced a weak smile for the boys as they continued to offer useless remarks “Yeah… I’m really sorry, I’m not ready for this. I – I think I should go home.”

The boys watched awkwardly as she put her clothes back on, Jake trying hard to look at her face as Chris stared drunkenly at her perfect tits, drinking in the sight of her creamy soft skin and still hoping to see more.

“Maybe another time?” Jake stammered “I mean, just if you want to fool around time?”

Emily sniffed back tears, looking away in shame as she slipped back into her top. Both voices in her head were silent, and she was alone with her thoughts. She felt empty inside.

“I have to go”


Alone in his bedroom, the man leaned forward, his face inches from the computer screen. Sweat poured down his forehead in rivulets as his hand pumped furiously up and down his large cock. His eyes were glued to the screen, the image of a pale young girl writhing as he pounded into her. Her head and hands were hidden, locked on the other side of the wooden stocks, but her tiny, petite young body was all he had needed. He may never know who she was, but he would never forget how she felt.

He watched, remembering her scent, remembering the silky smooth sensation of her skin under his, remembering the flatness of her tight little stomach, the feel of her narrow waist and her hips in his hands. His hand became a blur as he stroked himself, watching and remembering how her ample young tits had felt in his hands, and the tight, delicious wetness of her tiny, pink virgin slit gripping his fat cock so tightly as he had taken her virginity.

He heard a sound from outside the door, and sat up instantly.


He stood, hurriedly pulling his pants back up as he heard the all too familiar sound of a key turning in the front door. It was ten O’Clock, and Emily was already home. He needed to stop wanking so much and spend some time with his daughter.

Nick smiled to himself as he walked out of his room. He had done a fine job of raising his daughter alone. She had always been so good, dedicating herself to school work while her friends were out partying. He never had to worry about her lying to him, getting pregnant, doing drugs, or any of the other problems his friends faced with their daughters.

He was surprised when he saw her, standing in the kitchen with her back to him. She wore a tight fitting singlet top and jeans that hugged her round ass – nothing exotic, but a far cry from her usual shapeless, loose fitting clothes. Despite her beauty and her gymnastics toned body, she had always been shy. It was rare for her to wear anything tight. She was so shy she never even wore a two-piece in their own pool, in the privacy of their own backyard. Maybe his little girl was finally getting some confidence?

“You’re back early”

She jumped, turning around suddenly, and Nick instantly noticed the moisture around her eyes.

“Oh Em” he said, instinctively stepping close as his parental instincts kicked in “What happened?”

“Nothing” lied, turning her gaze from him and sniffling “I just had too much to drink and got in an argument with some friends.”

A flicker of fear passed through her mind as he stepped forward, arms out, then it was gone. Everything was as it should be. They stepped into one another’s embrace, a father comforting his beloved daughter and a daughter seeking the loving embrace of her father.

But then it began.

The full force of her conflicting emotions hit her all at once; part of her still felt his comfort, wanted him to simply hold her and tell her everything was alright. But another part was horrified, terrified and above all, ashamed. Worst of all was that other part, the part that breathed in his scent and moistened her little pussy, making her think of his huge cock filling her so completely.

His arms still wrapped around her, but now the comfort was gone. She was taken back to that fateful night, when his arms had been around her then. She couldn’t breathe, and her knees went weak with terror.

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