
Inevitable Rape

Pam was gang raped in the early part of our senior year. It was a traumatic experience. Five tough boys from school caught her cutting through a wooded lot. I thought she’d recovered from that experience, but when – after we were married – when she met the ring leader of that earlier assault, things changed in our relationship forever. (M+/F, nc, rp, v, slut-wife, cuck, creampie, huml, preg)

Inevitable Rape

(Original story by Phil Phantom)


Pam and I have been going together since the seventh grade. We are now in our mid-twenties with four kids. Pam always said she’d have four kids – two boys, two girls. She always said we’d settle in our home town, buy a house in Elm Heights, that I’d go to law school, and that she’d be free to be a housewife and full-time mother. In fact, Pam planned our wedding in our sophomore year. From the moment we met we both knew we were perfect for each other.

People refer to us as a “cute” couple. We’re both rather short. I’m 5’4″; Pam is 5’1″. I’m rather plain, but Pam is adorable. She has long silky blond hair and deep blue eyes, hard tea cup tits, and the legs and ass of a model. We’re both smart – straight “A” students. We’re also semi-recluse, preferring each other’s company to that of friends. We both have friends, but we don’t cultivate those friendships nor do we spend much time with social activities. We simply love being with each other.

The only fears I had about our marriage was sexual compatibility. Pam seemed to have zero sex drive. She loved kissing and holding, but touching her in an intimate place, or her touching me was absolutely out. She wouldn’t talk about sex, mush less do anything to do with sex. The one time I exposed myself and convinced her to touch my aching penis, I ejaculated right after her hand wrapped around my five-inch manhood. She jerked her hand away and shouted, “Oh, gross!” then wiped her hand on my shirt.

It wouldn’t be so bad, but Pam is so damn sexy. She dresses to show her body, flaunts her charms, and gets a big charge out of getting me hard and giving me blue balls. She rubs herself on me while we make out, usually while sitting on my lap. She won’t let me touch her tits or pussy, but she loves showing them to me. She thinks it’s funny if I cum in my pants. After a heavy make-out session, she’d often call me and ask if I took care of my problem. If I had, she’d press for details. If I hadn’t, she’d want me to tell her how much it hurt.

Pam was gang raped in the early part of our senior year. It was a traumatic experience. Five tough boys from school caught her cutting through a wooded lot. They made her strip and dance. They forced her to masturbate for them, stick objects up her cunt, and finger her own asshole.

Derick Dangerfield, the ring leader and super stud on campus, took her virginity while his buddies held her spread-eagled. She put great stock in virginity and planned our honeymoon to be a meeting of virgins.

Only Derick screwed her pussy, but the others took her orally and anally several times each. When she didn’t arrive at our usual meeting spot, I back-tracked her path and found her in a fetal ball, covered in dirt, debris, and semen. We held each other and cried.

Pam refused to go to the police, though we both knew every guy involved. I didn’t blame her. We live in a small town. The humiliation would have driven us away. When I got Pam cleaned and dressed, she calmed down. She was terribly sore, but her spirit hadn’t been broken. As I brushed her hair, she smiled impishly and said, “I guess you can forget about me wearing white at our wedding.”

I told her she could wear any color she wanted, including snow white. She surprised me by saying she would never be a hypocrite and wear white. She said that everyone would eventually hear about her putting out to Derick. She said she may even be pregnant with his child. She counted back the months from June 14th and cried, “Oh no! If I’m pregnant, I’ll be ready to deliver in the middle of June.”

I said, “We can get an abortion long before that.”

She grasped my shoulders and said dramatically, “No! There will be no abortion. If I’m pregnant, I’ll deliver his child. If you won’t accept his baby as your own, Philip, then you’re not the man I thought you were.”

I assured her that if she wanted to keep the child, I’d consider it ours. I reassured her that I’d do the same if the father were black or Chinese. This brought a big smile to her face. She hugged me fiercely and told me she loved me. Then she said something rather strange. She sat back with an impish pouting look and said, “You know, it’s kind of sexy thinking about being nine months pregnant with another man’s child on my wedding day and everyone knowing who the real father is. It kinda turns me on.”

“Pam, that’s a wicked thought. You surprise me.”

“I know, but I’m being honest. I think it would be so neat that they’d all know that you loved me so much you’d take me even carrying another man’s baby. You must think I’m awful.”

“No, I’m glad you’re being open and honest. It is rather exciting, but I’d rather it happened to someone else.”

“Philip, I want to ask you the biggest favor ever.” I nodded. “If we find out that I’m pregnant, I want you to ask Derick to be the best man.”

I gave her a hurt and stunned look. She was dead serious. She made me promise. I eventually did. Pam was raped again the following week and twice the week after that. I insisted we go to the police; she vehemently refused. I begged her to at least tell her mother so she could get put on the pill. When she refused that sound advise, I began to suspect the worst.

The thought of my Pam bearing Derick’s baby, and me having to ask him to be the best man, drove me mad. The first time I saw Derick after that fourth rape, something clicked inside me. I ran at him like an enraged bull. He parried me off like a skilled matador. I plowed into a trash can. He then proceeded to slap the shit out of me while I swung wildly but never connected. He never really hit hard, his slaps were meant to humiliate.

I eventually wised-up and stopped swinging, taking several slaps with my head bowed in submission. Derick grabbed me by the back of the neck, pushed me into a men’s room, shoved my head in a toilet and flushed several times. Someone dragged my pants down and Derick kicked me in the balls from behind after releasing me. I rolled in a fetal ball clutching my groin. I looked up at this towering blond-haired, blue-eyed jock and heard him say, “You ain’t man enough for a babe like Pam, needle dick. You should be thanking me for servicing her for you.”

After leaving me, they raped Pam again. We cleaned and comforted each other that afternoon. She praised me for trying to stand up for her, but in the same breath warned me never, ever to do anything like that again. I assured her I would not.

By this time news of Pam’s multiple rapes was all over school. For me, the humiliation was unbearable, but Pam took it quite well. I noticed her becoming aroused when kids pointed to her and snickered behind her back. I pleaded with her to reconsider the pill, but to no avail. I also begged her never to go through that wooded lot. That’s when she informed me that the last few times she was ordered there. To top it off, more kids came to watch her perform. She described her act in minute detail, seeming to enjoy the telling.

Over thirty kids, mostly male, but some female, had seen my Pam buck-naked and dancing a slow bump and grind while fucking herself with a hair brush handle or a dildo. Derick was always master of ceremonies and the only one to fuck her cunt. She had her period on time, and was deeply disappointed by it. I was dumbfounded by everything she told me and at her behavior.

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