I Sometimes Say the Dumbest Things
I Sometimes Say the Dumbest Things
Sex Story Author: | alcaira |
Sex Story Excerpt: | She grinned and said, "I only wear it when I go to the beach with my boyfriend." I |
Sex Story Category: | Anal |
Sex Story Tags: | Anal, Bestiality, Blowjob, Coercion, Drug, Exhibitionism, Fantasm, Group Sex, Hardcore, Humiliation, Lesbian, Non-consensual sex, Rape, Reluctance |
I Sometimes Say the Dumbest Things
by Vulgus (vulgus@hotmail.com)
A young woman who knows better offers to babysit for
her boss when he and his wife go on a cruise for their
second honeymoon. She becomes a victim of his two
teenage sons and teenage daughter and is raped and
tormented while the boss is out of town. This is not a
story for the faint of heart. (mf+/teens/F, nc, exh,
blkmail, drugs, beast, ws)
I knew better before I even opened my mouth. I am not
good with kids. They make me uncomfortable and they
seem to know it. But I have a curse. I am one of those
people that likes to help out when I can. So when my
boss was fuming and so terribly upset at the office
yesterday I asked what had upset him so.
I knew that he was all set to leave on a ten day cruise
with his wife. It was going to be their second
honeymoon. We had been working furiously to get ahead
at work so that he could take off for twelve days and
not have to worry about things at the office.
To be honest, I was looking forward to it as much as he
was. It was going to be like a holiday for me too. For
the next two weeks my only job was going to be
answering the phone and taking messages. Since everyone
knew that he was going away there shouldn’t be much of
that either. It isn’t that I don’t like my boss. He is
very nice to me and I like working for him very much. I
have always been intimidated by him though. So I may
not be getting spoiled on a luxury cruise ship, but I
was going to enjoy the quiet ten days around the
He and his wife were leaving in the company plane after
work tonight. They were going to fly down to Ft.
Lauderdale and spend the night in a hotel. Then they
were to board the cruise ship on Saturday morning.
It had been a hard week for both of us and we both
needed the rest that we were going to get in the next
two weeks. I had been in his office going over some
last minute details when the phone rang. I answered it.
That’s my job after all. It was his wife calling. She
was frantic. She sounded almost hysterical. I handed
him the phone and watched as his face turned dark, dark
red and I knew from his expression that he was furious.
The thing about Mr. Clark, my boss, is that when he
gets mad like that he doesn’t yell or stomp around. He
gets quiet and he looks like he is just about to
explode. He listened to his wife for a few minutes and
he never said a word. He just set the receiver down
gently in the cradle and stared straight ahead. I was
terrified. I’m not sure why. I don’t think that I was
afraid that he would harm me. I guess I had just never
seen anyone that angry before.
I finally asked timidly, “What’s wrong Mr. Clark?”
I wasn’t sure he had heard me at first. But after a
long, uncomfortable moment he said in a very quiet and
controlled tone of voice, “My mother-in-law crapped out
on us.”
His mother-in-law was to come and stay in their house
and watch their four kids while Mr. Clark and his wife
were on the cruise.
I knew better, I swear I did. I just couldn’t help
myself. I was kicking myself before I even spoke, but I
meekly suggested, “Would you like me to watch the kids
while you’re on vacation sir?” I sometimes say the
dumbest things!
He stared at me for a moment. I didn’t have to be a
mind reader to know what he was thinking. “You couldn’t
handle my kids.” It was written all over his face, and
I was reasonably certain that he was right. But I had
that damned birth defect I couldn’t overcome. I had to
offer to help.
He had three teenage boys and a teenage girl. They
ranged in age from a thirteen year old boy, Kirk; the
twins, Kyra and Kevin who were fifteen; and Keary, the
sixteen year old. Mr. Clark once said that Keary was
Celtic name which meant ‘father’s dark child’ and it
had turned out to be far too accurate.
The only one of his kids that I had ever met was the
girl, Kyra. She had been every bit as rude and
obnoxious as you would expect of a teenager these days.
I had met her only briefly when her mother had stopped
by the office to see Mr. Clark one day and while she
was in his office Kyra had stayed outside in my office
with me.
For the ten minutes or so that she was there it was
like I couldn’t breathe. When Mrs. Clark came out of
the office and they left I actually sat back and gasped
for air.
After a long pause, during which I prayed fervently
that Mr. Clark would thank me for my kind offer and
refuse it, he finally said, “Gail, I have no choice.
For the sake of my marriage and my sanity I am going to
have to accept your offer. I think that we both know
that I am throwing you into the lion’s den. I can only
apologize in advance and promise to make this up to
I smiled at the way that he put it. We both knew that I
was getting in over my head here. But he was trapped by
circumstances and I was trapped by my big mouth. He
said, “I’ll call my wife and tell her. You go home and
pack up what you’ll need and come to my house as soon
as you can. As I recall you once met Kyra. We’ll show
you around and introduce you to the rest of the demon
horde. I know this isn’t going to be the restful two
weeks that you were anticipating in my absence. I’m
It was still mid-afternoon on Friday, but I would need
time to pack so as Mr. Clark picked up the phone to
call his wife I straightened out my desk and turned off
my computer and drove home.
I had been living alone in a small apartment since my
divorce three years ago. My husband had fallen for his
secretary and left me after just one year of marriage.
I had been devastated. I was so mad at him and men in
general that I had not been on a date since he left me.
It isn’t that I don’t get asked. I am twenty-four years
old. I have been told that I have a pretty face and a
‘killer smile’. I have long, dark red hair and a figure
that I am quite proud of, though to be honest I don’t
do much to keep it. My slender figure is due more to my
diet of soups and salads and the occasional sea food
dinner than an exercise regimen. I get some exercise
from time to time. I join a gym or take up jogging and
I work out for a while. But to be honest, exercise
bores me to tears, so it is never very long before I
slip back into my old slothful ways.
In other words, I am sexy by an accident of nature, but
I do turn men’s heads. I am asked out fairly often but
I have no desire to date. Not now anyway, probably not
Since I am being honest I guess that I should probably
also say that one of the reasons that my husband left
me is that I am not very fond of sex. I have always
found it demeaning and embarrassing. When I overhear
other women talking about a night of great sex they
have just enjoyed or how much they enjoy having sex
with this man or that man I don’t get it. I suppose I
envy them. I know that there is a lot missing from my
life. I have no love or affection in my life, no
intimacy. But the idea of what constitutes a woman’s
role in a sexual relationship just about makes me ill.
My ex, before he left me, tried to get me to talk to a
professional. He said that he loved me but that he
couldn’t live the way that we were and he wanted me to
get help. I suppose that in the back of my mind I knew
I had a problem. I just couldn’t acknowledge it. I
thought, I still think, that the sex act was designed
for the pleasure of the male and is demeaning to women.
If the only way to avoid it is to live my life alone
then so be it.
I drove to my apartment and went straight to my tiny
bedroom. I pulled my suitcase out from under the bed
and opened it. I packed enough clothes for a week. Mr.
Clark had told me to bring my bathing suit. They had a
pool and a hot tub in the back yard. I packed my
toiletry bag grabbed the book I was reading and wheeled
my suitcase out to car.
I had never been to Mr. Clark’s house. I knew where it
was though. He lived in the nicest area in town. His
neighbors were all doctors and lawyers and Indian
chiefs. Well, maybe not Indian chiefs, but prominent
businessmen. The houses were all huge estates with well
manicured lawns and a lot of space between them.
When I arrived Mr. Clark met me in the driveway. He had
been loading his luggage into the limo that was taking
him to the jetport. He helped me with my bag and I
followed him inside.
His wife was still upstairs but his four rowdy kids
were at the kitchen table eating pizza. They all looked
up when we came in. Mr. Clark introduced me to all of
them and the expressions on their faces were scary,
especially the oldest, Keary. I was not expecting this
to be easy. But I had not expected the lustful leer on
the face of a sixteen year old boy when I was being
Kevin, the fifteen year old had a bit of that too, but
he and his twin sister and the youngest boy looked more
mischievous than lustful. Well, perhaps not so much
mischievous as devilish. They were a scary sight.
I was invited to join the kids. There was pizza a
plenty. I had to admit that it smelled good. I had not
eaten pizza in a long time. But those scary kids took
away my appetite. I knew, looking at them now, that I
had made a huge mistake. I was way over my head with
these four.
More than anything I wanted to tell Mr. Clark that I
had made a mistake. I turned to look at him though and
I saw on his face that he knew it too. He looked
guilty, but desperate.
I had worked for Mr. Clark for more than five years
now. I went to work for him almost as soon as I got out
of high school. I knew him pretty well. I also knew the
witch that he had married. She was probably the only
person in the world that Mr. Clark was afraid of. He
was not going to disappoint her. They were going on
that cruise and if the house was nothing but rubble
when they returned then they would deal with it at that
I smiled nervously and tried to assure Mr. Clark that
it would be alright once the kids and I got better
acquainted. He rolled his eyes, not believing me for a
minute. He picked up my suitcase and led me to the
mother-in-law suite off of the kitchen. It was not
being used and would be my home for the next two weeks.
It was very nice, nicer than my apartment! It had a
large bedroom and a very modern bathroom with a large
walk-in shower. There was a nice sized sitting room
with a big screen television.
Mr. Clark showed me around and was about to show me how
to use the television but I explained to him that I
didn’t watch television. He raised his eyebrow and I
explained that I loved to read and I had brought my
book with me.
He led me back out to the kitchen and showed me a list
of emergency numbers and special instructions. There
were not a lot of instructions for the kids. School had
just gotten out for the summer and they were pretty lax
about things like bedtimes and guests. The kids were
obviously spoiled rotten and my job seemed to be to
make sure that no one starved to death or robbed a
He showed me the beautiful backyard with the huge pool
and finally Mrs. Clark came down and they were ready to
leave. She barely acknowledged my existence as she
breezed through the house on the way out to the limo.
Their goodbye to the kids was just, “We’re leaving, see
you in two weeks. Try to behave.” Then they were gone
and I was alone with the four scariest kids in town.
I went to my rooms and started unpacking. I was
startled by a sound as I was opening my suitcase and I
turned to see Keary standing in the door to my bedroom.
I straightened up and asked, “Yes, what do you want
He just smiled his evil little smile and said, “I just
thought that since we are going to be living together
for two weeks we should get acquainted.”
He sounded like a guy trying to pick a girl up in a
I responded, “I’ll be out as soon as I finish
unpacking, Keary, and please don’t come into my room
without knocking again. You startled me.”
He just smiled and acted as if I had never spoken. He
came in and said, “I think we’re going to get along
just fine. I know we are going to enjoy having you.”
He said that last with an obvious smirk. I wanted to
slap him. I wanted to scream at him to get the hell out
of my room. I didn’t for two reasons. I had to try to
get along with this kid for two weeks. It would be
easier if we could have an amicable relationship. But
that aside, this kid was taller than me and outweighed
me by at least fifty pounds! For some reasons when I
had been contemplating the idea of watching over four
teenagers I had been picturing children in my mind.
These kids, even the thirteen year old were young
Keary was large and strong and obviously had a dominant
personality, just like his father. He was very
He came in and sat on the bed and said, “You go ahead
and unpack Gail. While you are doing that we can talk
and then we can go out and swim for a while and you can
get to know the other three.”
I stood there staring at him. I didn’t want to unpack
in front of him for some reason. I am not even sure
why. It just seemed like he was invading my privacy.
But he was sounding so reasonable and I felt helpless
in the face of his intractability.
I began hanging up my clothes and he watched me as I
took everything out of my suitcase. As I unpacked he
kept up a running conversation pretty much on his own.
There were numerous, thinly veiled sexual innuendos and
at times I felt very much like he was the adult and I
the child in this relationship.
At one point I came back out of the closet after
hanging up a couple of dresses and Keary was sitting
there holding a pair of my panties in one hand and one
of my bras in the other. He ignored me and looked at
the tag on the bra, checking for my bra size I assume.
I rushed over and snatched my underwear out of his hand
and ordered him to leave my clothes alone. He just
smiled. I told him to leave me alone so that I could
unpack and he just sat there smiling. There was more
than a little bit of a challenge in his voice when he
said, “But Gail, I’m not through getting acquainted.”
I had a pretty good idea why Mr. Clark’s mother-in-law
had come up with an excuse to get out of looking after
these little monsters. I was going to have to do
something to establish order around here or the next
two weeks were going to be impossible.
Just then the situation got even more confusing. Kyra
came in with a glass of coke for me. She smiled
politely and said, “Here Ms. Cone. I thought you could
use a drink.”
Then she turned to Keary and said, “Come on Keary, stop
being a pain.”
I was grateful for her support. I didn’t really want
the coke but she was on my side and I didn’t want to
hurt her feelings. I took several sips of the coke and
continued unpacking. I grabbed all of my underwear and
took it over to the dresser. I separated it into
drawers and when I turned back Keary was holding up my
bathing suit.
I sometimes think that I am the only woman my age that
wears a one piece bathing suit. I am a very modest
person. It really bothers me sometimes, that women who
are modest are held up to ridicule and those women that
flaunt their bodies and their sexuality are admired.
But I have no intention of changing my ways. I am
embarrassed by the negative attention that I receive
for dressing modestly. But I could never be the kind of
woman who dresses to display her body in public.
In as stern a voice as I could summon up I said,
“Keary! Put that down. You have no right to go through
my clothes like that! Behave yourself.”
He just stared at me for a moment and then he asked
with a note of incredulity in his voice, “You are
shitting me, right?! You don’t really wear this thing
do you?! Jesus Gail, you are one hot chick! You should
be wearing a hot bikini.”
I stormed over to him and attempted to grab my suit
from his hands and said, “I am not a chick! And I will
thank you to watch your language around me. I do not
tolerate vulgar language. I doubt very much if your
father would permit you to use that kind of language
and I won’t either.”
Keary had held onto my suit but Kyra pulled it out of
his hands and handed it to me. She pulled Keary to his
feet and pulled him from the room. He allowed himself
to be escorted out, reluctantly. At the door Kyra
whispered something to him and he finally left.
Kyra came back in and apologized for her brother’s
behavior. She acted as if it was pretty normal, which
did not inspire me with confidence.
She handed me my coke and said, “Here, have a drink and
try to calm down.” Then she raised her glass as if in a
toast and I drank a little more of it.
Kyra waited until I was about to put it down and she
said, “Why don’t you finish it off and I’ll get you
another one. I’m glad you’re here. It’s nice having
another woman in the house. My mom goes out and leaves
us alone a lot. A lot of times I’m home alone with
three rotten boys. You and I need to stick together.”
I was beginning to think she was right. I swallowed the
last of my coke and she took the glass from me and went
back out to the kitchen. She returned just as I was
closing up my suitcase and sliding it under the bed.
She handed me a fresh coke and we sat and sipped our
drinks and engaged in a little idle gossip for a while.
Before very long I started feeling a little light
headed. I felt as though I had been drinking alcohol. I
sniffed the drink but I couldn’t detect any alcohol.
Kyra kept urging me to finish my drink. I didn’t really
want any more but for some reason, every time she told
me to take a drink, I drank.
Things get pretty hazy after that. Kyra took my empty
glass away and I remember her asking me how I felt. I
don’t remember if I answered. I remember Keary coming
back in and Kevin and Kirk entered the room behind him.
I remember being uncomfortable about all those boys
being in my room. I think I remember Keary sitting down
on my bed beside me. After that I don’t remember a
The next thing that I knew it was morning. I knew as
soon as I awoke that something terrible had happened. I
was naked for one thing. I never sleep in the nude. But
I didn’t even notice that at first. There was a
horrible taste in my mouth and my throat was so sore I
could hardly swallow. When I tried to move, my vagina
and my anus felt like they were full of broken glass. I
opened my eyes finally. My head hurt so bad that even
that was difficult. I looked down and saw that my body
was covered in filth. There was something white which
had dried on my skin and flaking off everywhere. I ran
my fingers over it and shivered in disgust. I knew what
it must be. It was obvious that I had been raped.
Judging from the condition of my body I must have been
raped repeatedly in my sleep last night. I suddenly
remembered that I had not gone to bed last night. The
last thing I could remember was Kyra giving me a coke.
I had been drugged!
I struggled to my feet and with difficulty I rushed to
the door to lock it. The door knob had been removed! I
couldn’t even lock my door. I rushed to the bathroom
and the knob was missing from that door too. The first
thing I did was to drop to my knees at the toilet and
throw up violently. It was mostly the dry heaves. I
hadn’t eaten anything since lunch yesterday. But I was
sick at the realization of what those boys had done to
me last night.
When I had my stomach under control I took a quick,
very hot shower. I was anxious to dress and leave
before they could come back in and see me like this.
But it was too late to worry about modesty at this
point and I had to clean that disgusting filth from my
It was crusted everywhere. My face, my breasts, my
stomach, but especially my thighs were covered in it.
My hair was even stiff with it! I scrubbed my body and
shampooed my hair and dried off quickly. I brushed my
teeth for a very long time. Finally, except for the
pain the traces of what they had done to me were gone
and I hurried back out to my bedroom.
Kyra was sitting on my bed smirking at me and I
screamed at her. “You little bitch! You wait until your
father finds about what you did last night. I should
have called the police as soon as I woke up and I would
have if I wasn’t so fond of you father. Now you get out
of my room right this minute!”
She just sat there grinning at me infuriatingly. I spun
around to go to my closet and get something to wear. I
didn’t even notice the padlock until I tried to wrench
the door open. I screamed in frustration and fury and
turned back to Kyra, demanding the key to the lock.
She just smiled and said, “You might as well just
settle your skanky ass down, you stupid cunt.”
I screamed again and went to my dresser. I needed
something, anything to cover my nudity. It was empty!
All of my clothes were gone! I couldn’t even put my
underwear on!
I wheeled back around and demanded that she get me the
key to my closet and return my underwear.
She just grinned and said, “You’re going to have to
talk to Keary about that. Somehow I don’t see that
happening anytime soon. The guys are waiting for you in
the living room. They have something to show you.”
I was on the verge of tears now. I asked her for
something to wear. I certainly couldn’t go anywhere
like this!
She just shrugged and said, “It isn’t up to me. But I
recommend you hurry your ass out there. The longer you
keep Keary waiting the worse it’s going to be.”
I decided that this had to end. I went to the
nightstand, intending to call the police. The phone was
gone! I glanced over at the dresser. My purse
containing my cell phone was gone. I was trapped.
I pulled the sheet from the bed and wrapped it around
my body as best I could. I stormed out of the room and
into the kitchen. That phone was gone too. I didn’t
want to do it, but I was left with no choice but to
confront Keary.
I went into the living room and all three boys were
there. Kyra was following along behind me. Keary smiled
as if nothing had happened and said, “Damn! I thought
you were going to sleep all fucking day!”
I cringed at his language, but I let it pass. I just
wanted my clothes and my purse. I wanted out of here,
immediately! With as much dignity as I could muster
under the circumstances I demanded that he return my
belongings. I told him that if he did not return my
purse and give me the key to my closet I would be
forced to call the police.
He just smiled an understanding smile and in a calm,
reasonable voice, sounding much like he was talking to
a child, he said, “You should sit down first. We have
something to show you and then we are going to need to
I screamed at him, “NO! GIVE ME MY CLOTHES!”
He was unmoved. He just grinned that infuriating grin
and said quietly, “Sit down Gail. Sit down right here
beside me. Don’t make me get up. You’ll be sorry if I
have to get up.”
I screamed again, wordlessly, in fury and frustration.
I stood in front of him and demanded, “What do you want
to show me Keary?! Let’s get this over with and then I
am getting out of here. I don’t give a damn what
happens to you monsters in the next two weeks!”
Keary got to his feet and grabbed a handful of my hair.
He put his face right up in mine and growled, “God damn
it bitch! I’m trying to be nice here. You had best
learn that you aren’t in charge here. I am! When I tell
you to do something you do it. Now you sit down over
here beside me on the couch and you shut up and you
stare at the television. After you watch the little
show we have for you, then we can talk.”
He guided me to the couch and there was nothing I could
do about it. My hands were still holding the sheet
around my body and I didn’t dare let it go. As soon as
I was roughly pushed down on the center cushion he sat
down beside me and put his arm around my shoulder. I
tried to pull away but he held me close and finally I
gave up my futile struggle and stared at the
When I had at last given up and sat quietly on the
couch as Keary demanded, everyone turned their
attention to the television. Kyra picked up the remote
and started the DVD player.
The television came to life and I screamed as I saw a
clear, digital picture of me and Kyra on my bed making
out like a couple of horny teenagers! I sat there
shaking my head as I stared at the screen. I had
apparently been an active participant! I was returning
those passionate kisses and as her hand moved over my
body I had seemed to really enjoy it.
I screamed, “STOP IT! TURN THAT OFF!”
I tried to struggle to my feet but Keary held me in the
seat and in a firm voice he said, “Sit still and enjoy
the show, you stupid cunt! We are.”
I stopped struggling and stared at the screen as Kyra
began to undress me. I tried to cover my face with my
hands. I didn’t want to see this. Keary wouldn’t permit
it though. He reached over and pulled my hands down and
ordered me to keep them at my side and to keep
watching, the show was just getting started.
Kyra had gotten my blouse off and I didn’t resist as
she reached down with one hand and released the front
closure on my bra. My bra sprang open, baring my
breasts and I groaned in embarrassment as the four kids
stared at my naked breasts. I realized now that they
had all seen them last night, seen them and more. But I
had been drugged then. I was aware now and I had never
felt as humiliated in my life as I did at this very
I groaned and shook my head, but I sat there helplessly
as Kyra’s hand began to tease my breast on the screen.
Keary spoke softly in my ear as we watched Kyra in
effect raping me on television. He leaned closer and
said, “I do love those tits Gail. So firm and perky,
it’s hard to believe they are only a B cup. I guess
they look bigger because you are so slender. I love
those nipples too. I love the way they got hard when I
pinched them or sucked on them.”
I felt his hand slide down off my shoulder and come to
rest on my breast and I tried to shrug it off. He
ignored my feeble efforts and cupped my breast in his
I whispered, “Please Keary, please don’t do that. Don’t
touch me there. It isn’t right.”
He chuckled and said, “You didn’t say that last night
sweetheart. You really seemed to enjoy it last night.”
“YOU DRUGGED ME!” I exclaimed. “I don’t remember
anything that happened last night. You’re a rapist!”
He sounded so reasonable and calm when he said, “Don’t
be silly Gail. Look at you. You are enjoying that. You
aren’t being raped.”
I had been distracted by Keary’s hand on my breast. Now
I looked back at the screen and saw that Kyra was
working my shorts off, exposing my plain, white nylon
Keary chuckled and said, “Look at those fucking granny
panties! I’m doing you a favor taking your clothes away
Gail. A girl as pretty as you should dress in much
nicer clothes. But don’t worry. We are going to take
care of that this weekend. You are going to be so
fucking hot!”
Kyra had my shorts down and I had apparently kicked
them off without any prompting from her. I was left in
only my panties and the camera suddenly zoomed in on my
vulva and the wet spot in my panties.
How could I possibly have been wet?! I am not that way!
I don’t get off on sex with girls! I think it’s
disgusting! It was obvious though that last night,
kissing Kyra and submitting to her hands caressing my
body I had enjoyed it.
My face was burning as I watched her hand slip down
inside of my underwear and tease my vulva. The camera
zoomed in again and it was obvious that her finger was
teasing my slit. How could she do that to me?! How
could she do that to anyone?!
I tried again to cover my face as she began to pull
down my underwear. I don’t understand why I looked so
alert, so aware on their DVD but I couldn’t remember
any of this. I was smiling and I even lifted my butt up
so that she could pull my panties down.
Keary squeezed my breast to get my attention and shook
his head. I dropped my hands to my sides again and sat
there crying quietly as on the screen I kicked my
panties off.
There was a huge close-up of my vulva and the moisture
glistening on my labia. Then the camera pulled back and
there was another shot of she and I kissing. Then she
laughed and said something I couldn’t make out and got
out of my bed.
As soon as Kyra, who was still fully dressed, walked
off camera Keary stepped into the picture. He was
naked! He went over and got in bed with me I didn’t
seem to mind at all. In fact, I looked like I was glad
to see him.
We started kissing and his hands began to explore my
body. The look of enjoyment on my face was obvious. No
one could look at this movie and tell that I had been
drugged. Nor could they look at it and guess that I had
been anything but a more than willing participant. I
was smiling and returning his kisses and after a moment
he placed my hand on his hard penis. I had wrapped my
fingers around it and held it happily.
As we watched, Keary reached over and began to loosen
the sheet from around my naked body. I shook my head
and whispered, “No! Please don’t. Oh god, please don’t!
I can’t be naked here with all of you like this. I just
He just smiled and said, “Don’t be silly Gail. Of
course you can. You were naked with us for hours last
night. You really seemed to enjoy it. Do you know what
I think Gail? I think your subconscious mind is just
fine. It’s your conscious mind that is all fucked up.
You just need to learn how to relax and enjoy life.”
That sounded almost like something my ex-husband would
have said. I didn’t believe my ex-husband and I didn’t
believe Keary.
I stopped struggling and allowed Keary to pull the
sheet that was my only covering free. He carefully
pulled it away from my body and allowed it to fall to
my sides, exposing my naked body to the four teenagers
in the room.
I was mortified. I had to look at the television now. I
could not look anyone else in the room in the eye. I
had started crying softly again but I wasn’t fighting.
I’m not sure why. I would not have allowed my husband
to undress me in the living room if it had just been
the two of us!
Keary’s hand returned to my breast and I watched the
television, trying desperately to think of some way out
of this horrible situation. On screen I could see Keary
and I kissing and his hand exploring my body. I don’t
know much about those drugs that they give girls when
they want to rape them these days. From what I had
heard I had thought that they made the girl
unconscious. That was obviously not what had happened
to me. I could see myself reacting to the kissing and
the touching and it looked like I loved it.
When Keary’s hand moved down to my sex on the
television I had spread my legs to give him total
freedom to explore. I saw myself gasp and then giggle
like a silly schoolgirl on the television.
My hand was still holding his hard penis and I was
moving it now with no urging from him. Meanwhile, here
on the couch watching, Keary had dropped his other hand
to my upper thigh and was slowly inching it closer to
where my tightly closed thighs came together. I heard a
noise and looked around to see that Kyra was filming me
again. The camera was catching Keary’s left hand on my
breast and his right hand, now only a fraction of an
inch from my moist slit.
I jumped when his finger touched me in that most
intimate part of my body. But still I didn’t struggle.
Well, I did struggle. I struggled not to gasp in
pleasure at the first touch of a male hand on my vulva
since my divorce. Or at least the first touch while I
was conscious and not under the influence of some drug
that had been slipped into my drink.
Keary whispered into my ear, “Look at the TV. See where
your hand is cunt? That felt pretty damned good. I want
you to put your hand around my cock now, just like you
did last night.”
I don’t know why I obeyed. I hated this. I hated
everything they were doing to me and everything they
were making me do. It was all so demeaning. It was
rape! But I did what he asked. I reached over and
wrapped my fingers around his hard penis. I almost
pulled my hand away when I felt the disgusting moisture
that was oozing out of him and now coated his sex
organ. I shuddered in revulsion, but I left my hand
where it was.
Keary said, “Watch this Gail, here comes one of the
good parts.”
I forced myself to watch. On the television screen
Keary was up on his knees now and moving towards my
face with his large, hard penis bobbing wildly as he
moved. I nearly got sick as I watched him come to a
stop by my face. I saw that the smile wasn’t on my face
at that moment. I looked confused.
Keary quickly cleared up my confusion. I heard him say,
“Open wide you sweet cunt. Let’s see if you’re any good
at sucking cock.”
My stomach churned as I watched. In response to his
command I had opened my mouth and allowed him to pull
my face down over his throbbing sex organ.
I had, on a couple of occasions, kissed my ex-husband’s
penis after he had begged me to perform oral sex on
him. I normally refused to perform such a perverted
act, but on two occasions I had given in. I want to
hasten to point out that although he frequently
requested that I perform oral sex on him, he never once
offered to perform that service for me. I would have
refused to allow it of course. But he never once
I had kissed his penis a couple of times, but I had
never once taken it into my mouth. Yet there I was on
the screen, sliding my lips down over Keary’s penis.
The camera zoomed in for a close-up. We couldn’t see
his face, but we could hear him moaning in pleasure as
half of his sex organ sank into my mouth.
He held onto my head once he had reached that point
where I had started gagging. Then he began to saw in
and out of my mouth for just a very short time before I
saw him tense up and it was obvious that he was cumming
in my mouth. I may have been drugged, but I was still
unable to cope with that. I had gagged and choked and
tried to pull away as he ejaculated into my mouth.
I could see his ejaculate oozing out of my mouth around
the shaft of his penis and finally he pulled it out of
my mouth and patted me on the head. In the voice you
might expect to hear from an understanding parent he
said, “Don’t worry Gail. You just need more practice.
You’ll get better. Now scoop that up and put it back in
your mouth and swallow it sweetheart. You can’t let
that stuff go to waste.”
And I did! I watched in total disbelief as I smiled at
Keary and then carefully scooped up all of his spend
that had escaped from my mouth and transferred it back
onto my tongue whereupon I promptly swallowed it all.
Meanwhile, here on the couch, Keary reached down and
lifted my leg and placed it over his own, spreading my
legs apart and exposing my sex. His hand returned to my
sex and he began to work two fingers inside of my
vagina. I was not wet at all and it was very
Kyra came in for a couple of close-ups and then moved
back when Kevin moved over and sat on the other side of
me on the couch. Soon they both had their hands on me
and at times they both had their fingers inside of me
at the same time.
My vagina had begun to lubricate, despite the fact that
I was not aroused in the least. So their groping was
becoming less uncomfortable, at least physically. My
mind was screaming at me to run from this house as fast
as my legs could carry me. But I knew that I couldn’t.
I was a prisoner now. I was a prisoner of three strong
boys and a girl with a video camera. I knew that their
plan to ensnare me and turn me into their toy for the
next two weeks had worked perfectly. I could never
allow anyone to see the DVD that was playing now. And
it had just started. God knows what else was on it.
I shook myself from my reverie and returned my
attention to the screen. Keary had gotten out of my bed
and as soon as he moved out of the way Kevin had
climbed into bed with me. He had pushed my legs apart
and now I watched as for the first time in my life
someone touched their lips and tongue to my sex.
I may have been only semi-conscious last night. But I
had certainly reacted to Kevin’s tongue on my labia. My
butt had come right up off of the bed and I had held
onto his head with both hands and cried out with
pleasure. Watching my extreme reaction left me
wondering fleetingly what it might be like. But it was
a nasty thing to do and I would never have permitted
myself to be demeaned in that manner if I had not been
drugged out of my mind.
I watched in surprise. It humiliated me all the more
when I had an orgasm as Kevin teased me with his
tongue. I was embarrassed because that was the first
time I had ever had an orgasm with another person, even
while I was married. I had, on rare occasions, sought
relief from the shower massager, a trick I learned
about from a magazine. It had been quite pleasant. I
didn’t do that often though because every time I did it
my conscience bothered me for a week afterwards. But
sometimes you just have to do something to relieve the
After my orgasm Kevin had moved up over me and I
watched now as he began to slide his organ over the
sopping wet entrance to my vagina. I had reached up and
wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him down on
top of me and cried out for him to put it in. And he
Even though he was only fifteen, Kevin’s sex organ was
larger than my ex-husband’s. As he entered me I had
cried out in pleasure. I will never understand how I
could have been so responsive yet have not a single
recollection of the events of last night. It was
obvious though that I was not unconscious and that I
was enjoying myself immensely. To be perfectly candid,
looking at my face on the television now, I can’t help
thinking that I had never enjoyed sex so much as I had
when Kevin raped me last night, first with his tongue
and then with his penis. It was apparent as we watched
that I had several more orgasms before Kevin reached
orgasm and flooded my vagina with his seed.
As we sat there on the couch watching on the television
as Kevin get out of my bed, he reached over and placed
my hand on his penis. Now I had a penis in each hand.
Kevin sighed and said, “Just hold it. Don’t move your
hand or I’m gonna cum. Watching this is turning me the
fuck on!”
The screen went blank for a second and then I saw Kyra
come back into the picture. She had changed clothes.
She had taken her shorts off and was wearing a skirt
now. She got into the bed with me and moved up to sit
back against the headboard. She spoke to me softly and
I had giggled again and then got up on my hands and
The camera was filming from the rear and it was a truly
obscene view of my buttocks and my swollen vulva. I
could see a thin trail of the slime that Kevin had shot
into my vagina. It was clinging to my labia and some of
it had begun to slide down one thigh.
I watched in disgust as I inched up and began to insert
my head up under Kyra’s skirt. She held it down
carefully to avoid giving her brother’s an eyeful. I
watched with dismay as it became obvious what I was
doing under the girl’s skirt. It was obvious by my
actions and by the look on Kyra’s face. I was
performing oral sex on her!
As we all watched the action on the screen there were
numerous comments from the boys about how she was
cheating by wearing clothes when everyone else was
naked. She ignored them until Keary said, “Hell sis,
we’ve all seen you naked anyway.”
They stopped watching the action on the screen as she
argued with them about whether or not they had seen her
naked as they claimed. The argument came to a sudden
end when Kevin said, “If we hadn’t seen you naked then
we wouldn’t know that you trim your pussy hair into a
thin line and that there is a mole that’s a little
smaller than a dime on your right butt cheek.”
She looked at him for a minute and then finally she
found her voice. “How in the hell do you know that?!”
Keary smiled and said, “We told you sis. We see you
naked all the time. We’ve been spying on you for over a
year now.”
“How?!” she asked. She obviously believed them now, but
she was very upset at the invasion of her privacy and
she couldn’t imagine how they had managed it.
Keary just chuckled and said, “Hell, we’d be pretty
dumb to tell you how we do it wouldn’t we?”
She stared at Keary for a few minutes. She was
seething. But we were all brought back to the action on
the screen as it showed her enjoying a very loud orgasm
last night. As she thrashed about her skirt rode up,
almost exposing the point where my mouth was still
pleasuring her body.
She noticed it though and she tugged her skirt down.
She didn’t seem to be bothered by all three of her
brothers watching her have an orgasm. She only seemed
to be bothered by the thought that they had spied on
her and seen her naked. I didn’t think that there was
that much distinction. But of course, I was sitting
here naked and being molested by two teenage boys while
a teenage girl recorded it for their future amusement
and, I suppose, in case they needed any more blackmail
Kyra was swearing quietly under her breath as she
continued filming. On the screen I saw her push me away
and carefully stand up. As soon as she was out of bed
Kirk climbed up behind me. I had already gotten back up
on my hands and knees to make room for Kyra to get out
of bed. Kirk ordered me to stay just the way I was and
he moved up and entered me from the rear as if I were
an animal.
I must have enjoyed it. There was a look of extreme
pleasure on my face. I don’t know what size Kirk’s
penis is. I didn’t get a chance to see it. Whoever had
been filming had been behind us. It was apparently long
enough and thick enough to satisfy me though. After a
couple of minutes I had put my head down on my arms and
Kirk had begun to stroke in and out of me so fast it
was almost a blur on the television. I was grunting
loudly with every stroke but he hadn’t lasted quite
long enough for me to reach orgasm.
I had looked pretty disappointed as he pulled his
softening penis out of me last night. Now, as I sat
here watching I had gotten so wrapped up in what was
happening that for just a second I had thought how
unfair that was. When I realized what I was thinking I
quickly came to my senses and reminded myself that I
was watching a recording of a gang rape starring me.
After Kirk finished with me and stood up, the sex
started getting more disturbing. Keary got back on the
bed and I was forced to watch now as he forced his
penis into my anus for the first time. It was obvious
from the look on my face and my cries of pain that I
had not enjoyed it. Keary had though. Even though he
had just ejaculated in my mouth not long ago he gripped
my buttocks and exclaimed, “Damn! That is one tight ass
bitch! You guys are going to love this!”
I watched in disgust as he sped up and then reached
orgasm, shooting his slimy ejaculate into my anus.
When Keary finally caught his breath and pulled out of
me I saw that I had been crying. I was still crying
when Kevin got back on the bed and forced his sex organ
into my mouth. The camera came in close and I was able
to see that his penis was still coated with dried semen
from when he had had intercourse with me earlier. I
offered no resistance though. Not until he began trying
to force his penis into my throat for the first time.
That was when I started to struggle. I put my arms up
and tried to push Kevin away as he was holding my head
and trying to force his penis into my throat. I was
crying out in pain but my cries were muffled by his
organ in my mouth.
I heard Keary say something and Kirk got up on the bed
behind me and grabbed my arms. He rested his hard penis
in the crevice between my buttocks and held my arms,
leaving me helpless to defend myself.
Keary came closer and he began telling me how to take a
man into my throat and at first it didn’t even look
like I knew that he was there. He reached under me and
pinched one of my nipples and when he had my attention
he repeated his instructions and soon Kevin’s penis was
entering my throat on every stroke. When I had gotten
used to it, Kirk let my arms go and he began to force
his penis into my recently abused anus. I had reached
back and attempted to push him away but he just ignored
The sex on the television was getting to Kevin. He
really enjoyed watching as he had been the first to
insert a penis into my throat. He pulled his hands away
from my breast and my vagina and said, “Keary, I can’t
take it anymore. I need to fuck her and I don’t mean
later! Hell, if I had known how much fun it was to rape
a chick I’d have started a long time ago.”
Keary laughed and said, “Yeah, I was just thinking the
same thing. In about another minute I was about to
shoot all over her hand.”
He took his fingers out of me and lifted my hand off of
his penis. He told Kevin to pull a large leather
hassock over a little closer and they pulled me off of
the couch and bent me over the hassock on my back.
I started crying. I didn’t bother to beg them not to do
it. They had gone to a lot of trouble to get me into a
position that I would have no choice but to submit to
them. But I dreaded this so much. As I would soon
discover, I didn’t know the half of it. This was going
to be much worse than a simple rape.
Keary moved to one end of the hassock. He lifted my
legs up and spread them wide apart. He moved closer and
began to rub the head of his penis over my slit. At the
same time Kevin moved around and knelt at my head. I
had my eyes closed but I heard him moving around. I
ignored him. I thought the danger was coming from
A feeling of total helplessness washed over me when
Keary wedged the head of his penis inside me and
started slowly inserting it all of the way inside me.
My legs were over his shoulders and he had reached up
and was holding my wrists as he began to rape me.
I didn’t think it was necessary. I was submitting to
every nasty thing they did to me now. I had not
anticipated what Kevin was about to do. I suddenly
opened my eyes when I felt something on my face. I saw
that it was Kevin, moving the drooling head of his
penis around my face. He was leaving a trail of nasty
lubricant everywhere he touched me.
I closed my eyes again as soon as I realized what was
happening and I cried just a little harder at this new
indignity. But that was just foreplay. Soon his penis
was lodged against my lips and he ordered me to open my
I sobbed loudly but I obeyed. I knew that I couldn’t
fight them. I might have resisted though, if I had
known what was coming. Kevin began sliding his organ
deeper and deeper with every stroke. When he reached
the back of my throat I started gagging and that was
when I started to struggle.
He pulled out of my mouth and slapped me viciously. I
screamed and tried to get away but he grabbed a handful
of my hair and held me still. He leaned closer and
said, “You stupid cunt. You did it last night. You just
have to relax and swallow and it’ll go right down. Now
behave yourself.”
I thought back to when I woke up this morning and how
sore my throat had been. Even though I had just watched
it happen on the television I was still horrified by
the realization that he was telling the truth, that I
had taken their sex organs into my throat last night.
He placed his penis back at my lips and I reluctantly
opened my mouth. He started slowly pushing it inside of
me and as he did he ordered me to swallow. I couldn’t,
not with that fat penis in my mouth. But the attempt
seemed to suppress my gag reflex and after several
painful attempts I felt his organ slide right down my
He left it there for a brief moment, though it didn’t
seem brief at the time. I started to struggle. I
thought I was going to suffocate but he reached in
between my legs that Keary was pressing down against my
chest and he grabbed one of my breasts. He squeezed and
twisted brutally.
I screamed in pain and he said, “Jesus you’re a dumb
cunt. You can breathe just fine stupid. You did it over
and over last night. Just relax and get used to it. You
are going to be doing a lot of this from now on, so you
might as well learn to do it right.”
Kevin began to use my mouth and throat as if they were
a vagina. With each stroke his testicles slapped my
face and covered my eyes. It was very painful at first
but then I suppose I started getting numb. As the pain
in my throat diminished I started becoming more aware
of the violent attack that I was receiving from Keary.
He was pounding into me so hard that it sounded like I
was being slapped as his pelvis slammed into me. It was
painful to the point that it hurt more than the rape of
my throat.
They were both pretty excited. Between the idea of
raping me and all of the foreplay as they had tormented
me while watching the DVD they had made last night they
were really wound up pretty tight.
Kevin grabbed my head and thrust once more, all the way
down into my throat and he left his penis buried there
with his testicles resting over my eyes as he filled my
throat with his ejaculate. My throat hurt even more
than it had when I woke up this morning. But I was
grateful that I didn’t have to taste that slimy stuff.
It just went right down my throat.
Kevin remained where he was as his penis started going
soft in my throat. I was distracted by Keary as he
began to rape me even more brutally until he came to a
sudden halt and I knew that he was spraying my vagina
with his ejaculate. I shuddered in horror that it was
happening all over again, but I was still held firmly
in place and I couldn’t have moved if I had wanted to.
Well, I did want to of course. I wanted out of here
They finally had satisfied their lust on my helpless
body and they not so much moved back as fell away,
exhausted by the vicious rape of my abused body.
As soon as they moved out of the way Kirk was standing
over me. I sensed him standing there and I looked up to
see him obviously trying to decide which orifice he
wanted to use now that it was his turn to rape me
He had already removed his pants and for the first time
I saw his penis. It was the smallest of the three, but
even so it was larger than my ex-husband’s had been. He
smiled down at me and asked, “Where do you want it,
I just started crying more loudly. I didn’t want it! I
hurt already. I didn’t want any more abuse!
He chuckled and said, “Well hell, if you can’t make up
your mind, let’s see if you can do that deepthroat
trick again. Any chick can fuck. It takes practice to
suck a cock like that. We need to make sure that you
get a lot of practice in the next two weeks.”
He went around to where my head hung down over the end
of the hassock and dropped down to his knees. When he
did his hard male organ came to rest against my cheek.
He took it in his hand and after trailing it over my
face for a moment he put it to my lips and said, “Kiss
it bitch.”
I really hated the profane way that these children
talked. But I suppose in the scheme of things that was
the least of my worries. I pressed my lips against his
penis and kissed him lightly a few times. I tried not
to notice his malevolent grin or worse yet, his sister
nearby with the camera focused on me.
Kirk let me kiss him several time before he lifted his
penis in his hand and pressed his hairless testicles to
my lips. He rubbed his crotch in my face and then he
said, “Lick my balls now bitch.”
I began licking his sweaty testicles and as my tongue
moved over him he moaned in pleasure. He let me lick
him for what seemed like a long time until finally
Keary said, “Jesus Kirk! Get on with it. We still have
a lot of that DVD to watch.”
Kirk chuckled and said, “Oh well, I guess I could go
ahead and fuck the cunt’s face, if you insist.”
He repositioned himself slightly and then he drove his
slightly smaller organ all the way into my mouth and
into the entrance of my throat in one vicious stab. I
cried out in pain but my cries were muffled by the
penis he was battering me with. He watched me struggle
with it for a second and then he pulled out and shoved
it all the way in again, with just as much violence as
the first time. It went on and on and with each cruel
thrust I was in more pain. By the time he pulled back
and rested the head of his penis in my mouth and
finished himself off with his hand I was crying
hysterically. Unfortunately I was the only one there
that felt sorry for me.
Kirk finally removed his sex organ from my mouth and
wiped it across my face. Through my tears I could see
Kyra standing over me with the camera. I wiped the
tears from my eyes with my hands and I saw her smiling
as she stared down at me.
She obviously was enjoying my suffering. After a moment
or two she said, “Fuck it!” She handed the camera to
Kirk and said, “If you guys have seen it all anyway I
guess I don’t have anything to hide.”
With that she unbuttoned her shorts and pulled them and
her underwear down to the accompanying cheers of her
three brothers. She straddled my face for a moment and
squatted down.
I tried to speak. I thought she was making a mistake.
At least that was what I thought right up until she
said, “Come on bitch. Eat my ass out just like you ate
my pussy last night.”
I saw Kirk come closer with the camera and all three
boys were cheering her on. I kept my mouth tightly
closed and struggled to turn my head. She ordered me
once more to perform that disgusting task and still I
Without moving from her position over me she turned to
Keary and said, “How about a hand here big brother?”
I heard him get up. I didn’t know what he had in mind.
I knew it would be painful but I thought that there was
no way that it could be worse than what she wanted me
to do.
I was wrong. I heard a swishing noise and suddenly my
breasts felt as if they were on fire. I screamed and
struggled to get out from under Kyra. Before I could
free myself Kevin grabbed my arm on the opposite side
of the hassock. He twisted it and held it in such a
manner that if I struggled now it would surely
dislocate my shoulder.
I mumbled a protest helplessly into the dank seam
between the cheeks of Kyra’s buttocks and then I heard
that swishing noise and my breasts were struck again. I
couldn’t see it, but I was reasonably certain that
Keary was whipping my breasts with his thick leather
I knew that I couldn’t take another of those vicious
blows. It was one of the most tender areas of my body
and I was terrified that he was going to damage my
breasts somehow.
I surrendered. I couldn’t take it anymore. As I stuck
my tongue out and tentatively moved it up and down
between the cheeks of Kyra’s butt I realized that I had
suffered all of that pain for nothing. These monsters
were always going to win. I only made things worse when
I tried to fight them.
After I had moved my tongue up and down through that
dank, musty crevice she reached down and patted the top
of my head and said, “That’s real nice bitch. Now quit
fucking around and eat my ass out like I told you.”
I felt around with my tongue until I located her anus
and then I began to concentrate on that area. After a
minute she said, “Come on bitch! Get inside. I want to
feel that tongue deep inside of me.”
I pushed at her anus with my tongue and got nowhere. I
tried curling my tongue and stiffening it and finally
the tip of it popped inside of her anus. She gasped in
pleasure and said, “Oh yeah! That’s better bitch! Eat
that ass!”
I kept it up for a couple more minutes but it was very
difficult. My tongue and my jaw were both about to give
out on me. I was actually relieved when she shifted her
position slightly and said, “That wasn’t too bad for a
first time, now eat my pussy. And I want to feel some
enthusiasm bitch.”
I felt like I was going to lose the use of my jaw at
any minute now. But I didn’t dare stop. I began licking
and kissing her vulva and inserting my tongue into her
as enthusiastically as I could until she said, “Oh yeah
bitch! I’m ready now. Suck on my clit now! Ah fuck!
Yeah! Just like that! Oh Christ!”
And then she screamed and pressed her sex against my
mouth and I felt her tense up and then shiver almost
out of control as she had an orgasm.
She finally fell away and I sobbed quietly in a
combination of relief and despair as I waited for the
next indignity. It wasn’t long in coming.
Keary ordered me to get off the hassock and as I sat up
I looked down at my beaten breasts. It didn’t look as
bad as I had feared. There were two angry red stripes
across each breast, one above the nipple and one under
it. They didn’t look like they would leave a bruise
though. And they hadn’t cut the skin.
I struggled to my feet and he tossed me the sheet I had
worn when I left my bedroom this morning. I grabbed it
out of the air and he said, “Cover up the hassock. I
don’t want you staining it with your nasty ass.”
I turned around and covered the leather hassock and as
I did that Keary came up behind me and pushed me to my
knees and then forced me to bend over the hassock. I
was facing the television. Someone had paused the DVD
and there was the image of me having sex with two of
the boys on the screen. The camera was focused on me
and I could only see them from their bellies down so I
wasn’t sure which boys were raping me at the moment. It
looked like Keary and Kevin.
Someone pushed play and the images started moving and
the horrible sounds returned. I heard myself grunting
and the sounds of flesh pounding flesh and it still
looked like I was every bit the willing participant. I
knew that if the Clarks saw this horrible DVD when they
came home from their cruise they would assume that I
had, if not actually corrupted their little darlings,
then I had been a more than willing participant in
their sex games. If that DVD were turned over to the
authorities I’m sure they would have the same
I thought of those recent cases of female school
teachers being caught having sex with their students
and how they had been arrested and subjected to the
most vile public denunciations.
The worst thing though, was that even if I didn’t feel
certain that I would be condemned if that DVD became
public, even if I was reasonably certain that anyone
looking at it would be able to detect that I had been
drugged, I would do anything to keep that obscene movie
from being viewed by anyone. The humiliation would
surely kill me. I had always suffered from an over
abundance of modesty. Being raped had not changed that.
I knew that I would do anything to keep that
pornographic movie from being shown at a later date.
These little monsters seemed to realize it too. They
hadn’t even bothered to threaten me. They had just
shown me that the movie existed and were now forcing me
to watch it. They knew that I was theirs now to use and
abuse as they saw fit.
As the movie started back up I felt Keary fumbling
around between my legs and his organ began to enter me
again. He must not have been completely erect. It
didn’t seem to go in as far and it didn’t feel as thick
as it did earlier. He didn’t do anything once it was
inside of me. He just leaned over me and reached under
me to play with my breasts.
I winced and cried out in pain as his hands grasped my
very tender breasts but once he had them in his hands
he merely held them and then he remained still and we
watched the next part of the movie locked together like
I stared at the television without really seeing
anything at first. After a while though my mind
wandered back to the rape that I was apparently taking
part in willingly as it played out on the television
and I began watching again just as the boy in my mouth
pulled out and shot his creamy load in my face and
hair. He laughed when he looked at the results of his
most recent orgasm, the strand of white slime that
trailed down from my forehead and across my nose and
ending at my lips. I recognized the laugh, it was
After Kevin moved away I was physically picked up and
dropped back onto the bed by Keary. I was surprised at
the strength he exhibited. I weigh one hundred and five
pounds and he lifted me like it was nothing!
Once I was on my back he moved up and straddled me. He
placed his wet, slimy organ between my breasts and
pressed my breasts together around him. He started
sawing in and out of my cleavage and in only a minute
he said, “Okay cunt. Look up at my cock. Lift your
fucking head and watch what happens.”
I watched as, with that same silly grin on my face I
lifted my head and stared down at the penis moving
rapidly between my breasts. I still had that stream of
ejaculate running down my face and I watched as on
screen I stuck my tongue out and nonchalantly licked up
all that was on or near my lips. Just as I pulled my
tongue back into my mouth he erupted and more of that
stuff shot right into my face. The first two strands
hit me in the face and the next one landed against my
chin. The last few weak spurts landed just above my
breasts and then it was over.
I watched him rub his penis through the puddles of
viscous ejaculate and then force it into my mouth for
cleaning. He did that several times before he became
bored and got up.
It just kept going on and on. Each of the boys used me
over and over. Towards the end they had stopped
achieving orgasm, but they continued to get erections
and they continued to saw them violently into my vagina
or my sore throat.
It was becoming obvious that they were hurting me now.
They weren’t just hurting my throat and my vagina
either. They were constantly mistreating my breasts.
They took great pleasure in squeezing them as if they
were trying to squeeze something out of them or
squeezing and pulling on my nipples, stretching them
far beyond anything I thought was possible. It was no
wonder that they had been so sore this morning. Between
that abuse and the whipping I was starting to be
concerned with breast cancer. It seems like I read
somewhere that prolonged physical abuse of the breast
can lead to that.
But far from taking pity on me when I cried out in
pain, they laughed and tried to outdo each other. They
vied to see who could stretch my breasts out the
farthest or make me cry the loudest. And they enjoyed
it so much that soon they were erect again and the
brutal, demeaning rapes started all over again. And
always in the background was Kyra, filming and urging
them to greater acts of depravity.
Keary had stayed there with his penis inside of me as
we watched the last of the DVD. He had gotten erect
from time to time, but he didn’t attempt to have sex
with me again. I guess that between last night and this
morning I had drained the three boys.
When the movie finally ended Keary pulled out of me at
last. He grabbed a handful of my long red hair and
pulled me around and when he ordered me to suck him
clean, as disgusting as it was, I had no fight left in
me. I opened my mouth and he slid his slimy sex organ
between my lips and over my tongue.
I was surprised that I didn’t gag. Maybe I was getting
used to putting slimy things in my mouth. I sucked his
soft penis until it was clean and then he ordered me to
lick his testicles. When they were clean he finally
released my hair and I straightened up.
Keary got to his feet and pulled me up. When I was
standing beside him he said, “Now we need to talk.
Let’s go into the kitchen. You can make us something to
eat while I tell you what your life is going to be like
for the next two weeks.”
I wasn’t hungry, so I asked them what they wanted and
as I started to prepare it Keary said, “I’m not going
to bother to threaten you. You’re smart. You know what
we have. I’m pretty sure that you aren’t going to give
us any trouble.”
I glanced at him. I didn’t bother to respond. He was
He went on to say, “For the next two weeks you belong
to us. You are going to do anything we want. You
already know you are going to hate it. The thing is,
that’s what turns us on. We love how much you hate what
we are doing. I might as well warn you now. It isn’t
going to be just the four of us.”
I looked up at him in alarm. I hadn’t even considered
that possibility.
He saw my expression and he grinned widely. He chuckled
and said, “I love that look. I don’t think I’ll ever
get tired of seeing it.”
I finally had to look back down at what I was doing and
Keary continued.
“For the next two weeks you are going to be dressing to
please, the way you should be dressing all the time
with a hot body like yours. You are going to be showing
a lot of skin. In case you’re wondering, that means
when you go to work too.”
I tried to imagine what it would be like if I were to
go to work dressed like the slut they obviously
envisioned. There were a lot of horny guys at work that
were always hitting on me. They were polite about it
and it had never gotten out of hand. I could see where
they might start getting the wrong idea if I started
dressing more provocatively though.
Keary brought me back to the present when he said, “We
have a couple of friends coming over in a little while
to hang out by the pool. They don’t know it yet, but
they are getting lucky today. We are going to mess with
their minds a little first. But then you are going to
end up doing anything that they want, just like you do
for us. You know that if you try to fight me you are
going to lose. But you aren’t going to give me any
trouble, are you?”
I looked back up at him. I had started crying again.
But we both knew that I had already surrendered to him.
I was going to submit to being raped by two more
teenagers and the more I hated it the more he would
enjoy watching it.
I served them their lunch and Keary ordered me to stand
beside him while he ate. He ate his sandwich with one
hand and the other hand was teasing my body. The pain
in my breasts had subsided for the most part now. There
were still a couple of stripes across them. But they
were just a dull pink now and would apparently soon be
As he ran his fingers over my body I was aware that he
was staring at my face, not my body. He was enjoying
how much I hated what he was doing more than he was
taking pleasure from exploring my body.
He inserted his middle finger into my vagina and he
said, “You have a lot to thank us for if you stop and
think about it. You have learned to be a good
cocksucker in one night. We’ve opened up your asshole
and you can take a cock up there now. But best of all
we are doing something about how fucking uptight you
are. You hate it, but you are going to be a much better
woman when we are through with you. You were such a
frigid bitch. I bet you never sucked your husband’s
cock, did you?”
That was none of his business! He was waiting for an
answer though. I shook my head and for some reason I
was embarrassed. I wasn’t sure if that was because I
had never done it or because I was being forced to
discuss it with him in front of his three siblings.
He smiled and said, “Hell, I bet you have never even
said it, have you?”
I wasn’t sure what he meant. I still stared at the
floor but I asked quietly, “Said what?”
He smirked at me and pulled my hand down and placed it
on his penis. He asked, “What do you call that?”
I knew what he wanted me to say. But I couldn’t. He was
right. I never used the terms that they had been
bandying about carelessly since the rapes started last
night. I finally admitted, “I never use those words.
And no, I have never said that word. That is a penis or
a sex organ. That’s what I call it.”
He grinned, enjoying my discomfort immensely. He said,
“Not anymore, at least not for the next two weeks. For
the next two weeks I had better not hear you use those
clinical terms. From now on you call a cock a cock and
a tit a tit. You call a cunt a cunt and when my dick is
in your mouth you are a cocksucker. We aren’t going to
be making love either. When someone has a cock in your
cunt you are fucking. Those are the words that I want
to hear you use for the next two weeks. If you fuck up
you’ll be punished. And you know how much I enjoy
punishing you.”
“Now let me hear it,” he said. “What’s that you have in
your hand?”
I groaned in embarrassment. After what I had been
through since I arrived last night you wouldn’t think
it would be so difficult for me, but it was. Yet I
couldn’t do anything but obey. “It’s your cock,” I said
in a voice so quiet that he just barely heard me.
He chuckled and said, “Speak up you stupid cunt! I
couldn’t hear you.”
I cleared my throat and in a more normal tone of voice
I said, “I have your cock in my hand.”
“That’s better,” he said. “Now, where is my middle
I think that more than all of the other words he wanted
me to use I hated this one. It was such a negative,
derogatory word. But I answered, “Your finger is in my
He smiled and said, “Very good Gail. Now, there’s just
one more thing sweetheart. I think you should call my
brothers and me Sir and my sister Miss. Got it?”
I responded, “Yes Sir.”
He removed his finger from my vagina…I mean my cunt,
and he patted my ass and said, “Good girl. I knew you
were smart enough to train. Kyra thought that you were
just a dumb cunt. She said that you were just a blonde
in disguise. But that pretty red bush of yours is hard
to hide when you’re naked. You’re going to be easy to
train, aren’t you cunt?”
I felt the tears starting again but I just sighed and
said, “Yes sir.”
They finished their sandwiches quickly and decided to
spend some time by the pool. We all went to Kyra’s room
and she pulled her collection of bikinis out of a
drawer and dropped them on her bed. Keary went through
them and picked one out for me to wear. He handed it to
me and said, “I know it’s more revealing than you are
used to Gail. But don’t worry. You won’t have it on for
They watched me put the tiny, revealing suit on and
Kyra helped me adjust it. The suit wasn’t much more
than four little triangles. I had to believe that her
parents did not know that she owned this thing. The bra
was two tiny triangles that didn’t cover much more than
my nipples and just enough string to keep it in place.
The bottoms were a small triangle that didn’t cover
much more than the crack of my butt, I mean my ass, and
another triangle in front that covered my slit and
some, but not all of my pubic hair.
I looked down at how much of me was exposed and then I
looked at Kyra.
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