
I Like to Watch Boys Masturbate Pt2

I moved on from my brother to John Fuller

Thanks for all the positive votes and kind words. For those who voted negatively I’m sorry you didn’t like my tale. You probably won’t like this one either.. For everyone else, let’s go…

Hey Guys… I need some positive votes to get this chapter out of the dumpster! Also some comments would be nice. If you don’t like the story let me know why so I can write more to your liking… Thanks Sarah…

As time went on, Charlie and I were finding each other less and less interesting. I’d seen him jerk off so many times it was less exciting and just really more mechanical each time we did it. Finally one day we stopped. We didn’t talk about it or even plan it. We just stopped doing it together. That’s when I met John Fuller.
By then I was seventeen, nearing eighteen and a senior in high school. I wasn’t a cheerleader or anything like that, but I was sort of popular an’d got along with just about everyone. And this was actually detrimental to to my blossoming young sex lift which I might add was in full speed ahead. I can’t remember ever going to bed without one hand jammed in my panties.
As much as I fantasized about all the boys in school jacking off for me I couldn’t approach a single one. Everybody was working their little asses off trying to get laid so I wasn’t about to risk it all by letting anyone know about my secret fetish. Well, almost secret. I mean Charlie knew.
This is where John Fuller came on the scene. It was rumored that John Fuller had been caught masturbating in one of the stalls in the boy’s room. He denied it, but the kids thought it was really funny and christened him, “Fuller the Puller”. His social life was doomed. And it looked like mine was about to take off.

I waited about a month before I made my move. It was lunchtime when I put my plan into action.
After the rumor about John no one would sit with him in the cafeteria. I waited about ten minutes before going for lunch. I knew by then all the seats would be taken, all except where John sat.
I got my lunch tray and acted as though I was looking around for a seat. And, of course, as I already knew the only available seat was at John Fuller’s table.
“Anybody sitting here,” I asked as if I had never heard the rumor?
He looked up from his meal. “Not that I can see.”
I sat down and began to eat. After a few minutes I started a conversation.
“Aren’t you in my chemistry class,” I asked though I already knew. He had been sitting two chairs behind me since September.
“Yea, I’m in it. “
“I thought so. You’re that real smart kid aren’t you?”
John looked directly at me then turned his gaze around the room.
“Is this a joke,” he said turning back to me?
“Did your friends put you up to this? Are you supposed to be nice to me and then when I least expect it you call me “Fuller the puller” and everybody laughs”.
This is where my time in drama class was about to pay off.
“Look Pal. I don’t know what your problem is. All I wanted was to eat my lunch sitting down. You don’t want to talk, that’s fine. We won’t talk.” I looked back down at my tray and waited. He’d either get up and walk away or…
“I’m sorry,” he said.
He cleared his throat. “I’m sorry. That was rude.”
I paused for effect then said, “Hey, no worries, Mate.” John smiled.
We spent the next ten minutes or so talking about chemistry class before I moved onto step number two.
“I’ve got a confession to make,” I said.
John stopped smiling. He looked around the room, expecting to see everyone laughing, then turned back to me.
“It wasn’t exactly an accident that I sat here today. I mean I wanted to ask you something and so I kind of set this up.” I could see the look in his eyes that said, “here it comes”.
I continued. “I suck at chemistry. I mean I really suck at it and I was kind of wondering if you would maybe want to help me with it? You know, like tutor me.” I could almost hear the air come out of him.
“That’s it,” he said. “That’s it. You went through all this just to ask me to help you with your chemistry class?”
“I’m sorry. I guess I’m as bad at social etiquette as I am at chemistry.”
He broke into a broad smile. “Of course I’ll help you. You should have just asked. But then again, if you had just asked I wouldn’t have had the pleasure of having lunch with you.”
We talked for a few more minutes and then lunch was over and we parted, but not before making plans for him to come to my house after school and tutor me in the finer points of alchemy to which I already had a B+ average.

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