Sex Story Author: | Homealone_447 |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Here I'll find what I am looking for.” Cassandra said, standing at the entrance of a bar named 'The Hole'. |
Sex Story Category: | Alien |
Sex Story Tags: | Alien, Anal, Cum Swallowing, Extreme, Group Sex, Mind Control, Monster, Pregnant, Science-Fiction |
Cassandra was running down the hall looking for a way out. She had lost her gun and she barely escaped from the grip of a huge, ugly monster. The rest of the team was not responding through the intercom.
I need to find a way back to the ship. This mission is a total failure.
There was a lot of activity in the complex but not the way it was supposed to be. Cassandra could hear growls, screams and moans in the distance. She turned a corner to find Zindra, one of her teammates, being subdued by a strange creature. The organism was little more than a large ball of meat with insect-like legs and four long, thick tentacles protruding from one end, which Cassandra assumed was the head. She recognized the species from the xenomorph catalog and it was very far away from its home planet.
Cassandra wondered how this monster arrived to the station but there was something else in her mind even more troubling; Zindra was moaning. It didn’t make any sense.
That creature is fucking Zindra! But… why is she moaning? This xenomorph is not sentient. She won’t be able to trick him.
Cassandra got closer to help her teammate but the creature extended one tentacle trying to grab her too. The soldier kept her distance while talking to Zindra.
“Zindra, where is your gun? I can shoot it and set you free. Can you hear me?”
Zindra didn’t answer. One large tentacle was lodged in her pussy so deeply that her belly bulged, showing how it churned within.
Cassandra stood there immobile trying to figure out what was happening. Zindra’s face expressed bliss and it looked very real, as if the woman was actually getting pleasure from this savage ravishing.
The creature manipulated Zindra’s body like a rag doll. It pumped her furiously. Cassandra was right in the sense that this creature was not intelligent. All it cared about was to impregnated this female at once.
She is completely unaware of my presence.
Another tentacle moved behind Zindra’s body and lurked near her ass before recoiling like a snake, ready to strike. Cassandra saw this, realizing that her teammate’s ordeal was just beginning and she might have to leave her behind.
“Oh no, that other tentacle is going to penetrate her too.”
The creature forcefully shoved the tentacle into Zindra’s ass and the woman screamed loudly. This contributed to Cassandra’s confusion. Why was Zindra putting up a show for this mindless monster?
“She is moaning louder. Something is seriously wrong with her.”
Cassandra watched the freakish scene, not sure of what to do. Zindra’s gun wasn’t anywhere around them and she couldn’t see any other way to help her teammate. She tried grabbing one of the monster’s tentacles, testing its strength, and she could barely move it.
What should I do? This monster is too strong to try pulling her off.
The creature fucked Zindra increasingly faster while another creature growled not far from the chamber. It appeared to be getting closer. The situation was changing from bad to worse.
Suddenly, a gurgling sound within Zindra’s belly preceded a gush a white cum ejected from the female’s pussy. Zindra’s eyes rolled back until only white was visible. Then her legs shuddered in the most bizarre way.
Holly crap! The monster is cuming inside of her! Cassandra thought, then, looking at Zindra’s exertions, she said out loud, “Is she faking an orgasm?!”
The sperm dribbled down the woman’s inner thighs all the way to the floor, forming a small pool between her legs. Wow! I guess it is a good thing that she can’t get pregnant. Cassandra thought.
Zindra felt the hot sperm filling her body to the limit and rising up her esophagus into her mouth. The overwhelmed female instinctively tried to contain it inside, pressing her lips together, but it was impossible. The sperm erupted from her open mouth like a fountain. Cassandra looked at her teammate with astonishment.
“God! That’s a lot of cum!” Cassandra exclaimed with true amazement. She had never seen a creature pump so much semen inside a woman. Not because they couldn’t but because it was a waste of reproduction resources. Zindra was not the only one behaving strangely, the creature was doing it too.
Cassandra heard heavy footsteps behind her and turned around. The other monster had arrived. He roared loudly when he looked at her. Cassandra needed to get out of there immediately. Unfortunately, there would be no time to save Zindra.
Shit! This creature is the same one that attacked me earlier. It need to get out of here right now.
The protocol was very clear. If a mission fails, the first priority is to inform headquarters of the situation. Cassandra was pretty sure that there was nobody else in the team that could do that. It was up to her to make a report. She needed to leave Zindra behind if she wanted to escape this complex.
“I am sorry Zindra. I will come back for you. I promise.”
Cassandra was in the middle of nowhere and she couldn’t escape the monster’s clasp. Not that she wanted to. There was something different about this sexual experience. She wasn’t faking it.
The monster’s tentacles were thick and long. They were so strong. She loved how they churned in her tight cavities but not because it was her job. There was no game-plan this time. Her heart was beating in sync with the appendages’ motions. It felt so good. But how could she have these sensations? It was impossible.
The tentacles shuddered violently and then warmth filled her loins. The creature was cuming. The sperm was everywhere inside of her! It kept pouring in until it gushed out of her like a geyser. Just at that moment, her brain stopped working. Her eyes rolled back and then there was nothing. She had become pure bliss…
… but bliss was something that she couldn’t understand!
Cassandra woke up from the nightmare and sat upright on the bed. Her brain started racing, trying to figure out what just happened. She could feel the cold air in her moistened pussy. There was something wrong with her. She thought about Zindra.
What the hell was that?! I need to inform the Commander about this too.
It had been two days since she arrived to headquarters. Cassandra had been confined to her room, pending a debriefing scheduled for today with Commander Vansin. She had no good explanation for her failed mission. Cassandra’s future was not looking good.
A while later, Cassandra was meeting with her superior, Commander Dominika Vansin. The officer looked young but she wasn’t. The debriefing room felt cold and dehumanized, a perfect reflection of the commander’s personality.
“How could you screw this up?!” the Commander yelled, “this was a simple search and rescue mission. Now I’ve lost six expensive resources.”
“I am sorry Commander. I don’t know how this happened. I lost communication with the rest of the team a few hours after they entered the complex,” Cassandra said. There was an odd sensation in her gut and she couldn’t understand what it was.
“What do you mean they? Where were you?” asked Vansin.
“I was in charge of searching the outside perimeter. I encounter a few native xenomorphs and eliminated them without problems. Then I went inside the complex and that’s when trouble started…”
Cassandra explained to the smallest detail everything that she saw in the colonial complex, including Zindra’s strange behavior. But there was still nothing that justified the utter failure of the mission. The expression in the commander’s face said it all. Cassandra was screwed.
“Commander, there is something else. I… I think I had a dream last night.”
“Don’t be stupid! You can’t have dreams. You are a machine! There must be a malfunction in you system. I’ll send you to check up and then you will be assigned to companion duties.”
“You are right Commander. It couldn’t be a dream. It must have been a lingering memory. I am 100% functional. I can still go out on missions.” Cassandra said, trying to keep her current job.
“Negative. Report to technical support and then go to “Relief Services”. They’ll give your next assignment.”
Cassandra was perfectly aware what “companion” meant. She was going to be used as a sexual object by whomever needed her. This was not an unpleasant activity but it was boring. It was much better to travel through space in rescue missions. In any case, it was not her choice. She must do as commanded.
Cassandra was waiting for her first client, Jaruth, a vasirian worker from the mines in sector 85. He had asked specifically for her. The man was a fan of gynoids and Cassandra’s model was the pinnacle of this type of machines.
“Wow! I can believe what I am seeing,” Jaruth said as he entered the room, “A gynoid model S-663 in the flesh. Is it true that you are exactly like a human female, both outside and inside? Answer me, gynoid.”
“Hello, Jaruth. Please don’t call me that. My name is Cassandra. And yes, my internal organs are exactly like a real human. Nobody could tell the difference, even using an internal scanner.”
“Awesome! Then you must have fought in the “Outcasts wars”. Did you? Were you an infiltrator? I am going to fuck a real infiltrator?” said Jaruth, looking intently at her curvaceous body.
“Yes, I was part of the infiltration squad. Thanks to us, the federation won the war with minimum casualties.”
“And now you are a companion. That works great for me”, he said, “Bend over. I want to try the realism of your pussy.”
Cassandra remembered her days as an infiltrator in the outcasts’ worlds. She had hooked up with one of the warlords, who never suspected that she was not a real woman, much less that she was a spy.
At the designated day, Cassandra and all the other gynoids of her squad sabotaged the outcasts’ entire defense system, allowing the federation soldiers to take over world after world with almost no effort. Back then, gynoids were considered heroines.
She bent over as requested and prepare to make all the motions that she was programmed to do. Her pussy was already releasing lubricating fluid and her nipples swelled simulating excitement.
“So you must be like fifty years old, right? Do you get old? Does your body wear out?” Jaruth asked while he aimed his cock at the right spot.
“I gained consciousness 35 years ago. And no, my body is always in perfect shape. You will see that my pussy is tight and warm as it should be.”
“Hahaha. You are a sexy little minx. You know exactly what to say to a real male like me.”
The creator of the S-663 gynoid model was long gone but it was well known that he had been obsessed with perfection. All the internal organs were in place and all of them worked, as if they were real.
The main difference with a real human was that the gynoids were capable of self repairing at will. But there was another difference and this was much more important to Cassandra. As perfect as she was, her artificial brain was not capable of having “feelings”. She could fake pleasure but she didn’t know what it meant. This was her greatest regret and I was because of this that she wished she could be a real human female.
The worker’s fat cock went completely inside of Cassandra’s pussy with a hefty stroke. At that exact moment Cassandra was ready to yelp, pretending that she was enjoying it greatly. But she didn’t. She couldn’t process the necessary routines to make the correct sound. In fact, she couldn’t process anything at all. She was in shock!
“Why so quiet? Don’t you like my cock?!” Jaruth complained. The worker felt offended. No real woman could take his big cock without making any sound. Maybe these gynoids were not as perfect as they said.
After a few seconds, Cassandra’s brain snapped out of the initial disarray and started working in overdrive. It took her just an instant to analyze every possible explanation of what was happening and she came to a single conclusion. Her brain was receiving unknown signals from her pussy. And these signals were stronger that anything she had experience before.
“Are you broken or something?” Jaruth insisted.
What is happening?! Cassandra wondered. Was it possible? Was she having real “feelings”? Cassandra also realized that her heart was beating faster than normal and she hadn’t command it to do so.
Within her confusion, Cassandra remembered that she should be moaning. Even though she was still very stunned, she didn’t want Jaruth to be disappointed and remove his cock.
“Oh yes!” she exclaimed, “Keep going. Your cock is so big that it made me lose consciousness for a second.”
“I knew it! No woman can resist my cock!”
She needed more time to analyze the strange signals emitting from her sensory terminals in her vaginal cavity. At least this was the logical reason that she gave herself. There was another, more compelling reason… it felt good.
After a while, they changed positions. Jaruth momentarily retrieved his cock from Cassandra’s pussy and the woman had another new sensations. She felt anxious. Maybe that pleasant feeling in her loins was just a temporary glitch in her programming and it would never happen again.
The worker barely had time to sat on the futon before Cassandra hastily plugged his cock back into her pussy. The feeling was still there! She moaned loudly and for the first time in her existence, she didn’t have to fake it.
“Wow! You really like my cock, don’t you? You are so horny.”
With Cassandra on top, Jaruth’s huge cock reached almost up to her chest. She bounced up and down eagerly as the sensations intensified. It was fascinating how this new blissful signals were interrupting the normal processing of her brain. The logical curse of action would be to stop doing this and regain optimal operation…
But she didn’t want to stop. She couldn’t. These sensations were addictive. This was another word that she was beginning to understand; “addiction”
Cassandra’s vaginal and anal cavities were equipped with thousands of “nerve” terminals that helped her determined when to moan or what things to say during her pleasure simulations. But now every single one of these terminals was acting as an independent entity, sending non-stop signals of bliss to the central processor; her brain. In a way, this was the equivalent of having sex for the first time.
“You are a magnificent lover, Jaruth. I am so lucky that you selected me.” Cassandra said, remembering to follow the protocol.
“I don’t care that you are a gynoid. From this moment on, you are my favorite. I will come back every chance I get.” Jaruth couldn’t be happier of choosing Cassandra as companion. She was no only beautiful but her pussy felt so real. It was warm and well lubricated. It constricted his cock just right, almost as if she was trying to suck him deeper inside. “You have the best pussy I have ever fucked.”
They change positions again. Now Cassandra laid on the futon and Jaruth stood at the edge, holding her legs up and pounding hard at her. From time to time, during the savage ravishing, Cassandra lost the ability to think; to process information. This was a dangerous situation. What if she had to act quickly for some reason? Her self preservation codes were intact and they indicated that she should stop. But she did nothing of the sort. On the contrary, she asked for more, “Fuck me harder, please! You are making me feel so good.”
Cassandra was beginning to understand that real sex had nothing to do with logic. It was all instinct and she loved it. She turned around and laid flat on the futon facing down with her legs close together. Jartuh climbed on top and shoved his cock back into her pussy. She tightened her vaginal muscles and moaned at the same time that Jaruth did.
The excited woman concluded that there was no point trying to analyze the situation. It was better just to enjoy it.
With his cock being squeezed so delightfully, the worker didn’t last much longer and reached his first climax.
Cassandra had always been able to distinguish hot and cold fluids when poured inside of her, but this time it had meaning. She could actually imagine the pleasure that Jaruth was experiencing as he sprayed his semen inside of her. “Yes! Fill me with your seed!”
The orgasm did nothing to diminish Jaruth’s libido. He changed position, laying on his side and pulling her closer, then plugged his still erect cock back into Cassandra’s body. “Do you like my cum in your pussy? I have plenty more for you.”
“Yes, I like it. Please give me more,” Cassandra said, grabbing her breast and realizing that her pussy was not the only source of pleasure. Touching her breasts felt good as well. This made her wonder what other changes were taking place in her body.
Jaruth was stronger that he looked and he demonstrated it with enthusiasm. He was pounding at the woman’s pussy with all his might, eager to cum inside of her again. Cassandra was going to suggest that he should pace himself but she was as excited as he was and said nothing.
After a short while, he reached a second climax, flooding her already saturated pussy.
The couple changed positions several times during the following hours. Jaruth had cum five times already and he was exhausted, yet he didn’t want the session to end. Cassandra was now on top of him doing all the work and wishing to feel his hot sperm inside of her at least once more.
“This feels incredible!” Cassandra exclaimed.
“Do you ever get tired?!” Jaruth asked, panting from all the exercise.
A moment later, Cassandra felt the worker’s cock pulsating. Jaruth grabbed her hips tightly and discharged his last reserves of sperm into the woman’s warm cavity. His balls hurt but the fact that he was fucking a gynoid model S-663 made it all worth it.
“Yes!! More cum!” Cassandra screamed as she felt his throbbing cock ejaculate for the last time.
Cassandra used her vaginal muscles to squeeze the last drops of cum out of him before letting go. She wished she could fuck for a few more hours but unfortunately this session was over. Jaruth was completely spent.
The woman dismounted him and caressed his cock with true devotion. She licked the remnants of sperm while looking at Jaruth’s face, hoping for a hint of recovery. She was not that lucky…
I think he is already sleep. Damned. Cassandra thought. The entire experience had been so incredible. She had real sex!
Being a gynoid, Cassandra was not allowed to have property but she did have a rented apartment. She sat in the small living-room with a lot to think about. Whatever was happening to her body was not a temporary glitch. She could still feel it. The changes were permanent. Cassandra thought about Zindra. She remembered her teammate’s moans while she was ravished by the creature. Now she was able to understand. Zindra was not faking pleasure, she was feeling it!
Poor Zindra! The recovery mission has been scheduled for next month. I wonder if they will find her and the others still in one piece.
But what was triggering this transformation? Zindra’s body had changed as well but it did a lot faster than Cassandra’s. Why? The questions started to pile up.
Her thoughts drifted to a more immediate concern. Orgasms. She had already experienced pleasure but she had not reached a peak the same way living individuals do. The same way Jaruth did six times earlier that day!
I wonder how it feels. Is it better than the fantastic pleasure I felt today? It must. It wouldn’t make sense otherwise. Orgasms are the key to reproduction.
Cassandra decided to give it a try by her own means. She leaned to the side on her antique coach and started rubbing her pussy.
She had to admit that this didn’t feel as good as Jaruth’s cock hammering her body but this way there was not a time limit. She could do it for as long as she needed until reaching this enigmatic orgasm. Her fingers moved fast over her clitoris and soon she began moaning again. It was a great advantage that Cassandra never got tired, although she often faked fatigue to feel more human. But not today.
After a while, the day turned into night. Cassandra was feeling something build up inside of her. Was this it? Was she going to reach an orgasm? She rubbed faster…
Her brain functions were already diminished by the pleasurable sensations received from the nerve terminals in her pussy but then, something else happened. Cassandra’s mind stopped working all together for a brief instant and a bright light sparked behind her eyes. She felt her pussy twitching involuntarily, once, twice. The sensation lasted only a few seconds but it was the best feeling ever! Cassandra had reached an orgasm for the first time.
Afterward, Cassandra laid astounded on the couch. Her brain functions quickly returned and she analyzed the event. It had been incredible! She had to try it again. Cassandra was becoming addicted.
The rest of the night and the following day Cassandra stayed in her apartment. She did nothing but masturbate without pause, leaving drops of lubricating fluid everywhere, and was able to reach a couple more orgasms. They were not too strong nor lasted very much but they felt great nonetheless.
“This feeling is the best!”
It was in Cassandra’s nature to examine everything and this was not the exception. She knew that some humans had very strong orgasms. If a small one, like the ones she just had, felt so good, then a big one must feel way better.
I need a cock inside of me. More than one if possible. I know what I have to do.
Cassandra decided that she had a new mission. She was going to reach the strongest orgasm possible, no matter how difficult it was or what she had to do. It was not common for a gynoid to assign missions to herself. In fact, it was impossible. But so many things were changing within her body and that included her brain.
The curvaceous female put on skimpy clothes and walked to a club a couple of blocks away. In this neighborhood everything was allowed except killing each other. Clothing was optional and so was sex, anytime, anywhere, as long as it was consensual. Slavery was also common but it operated outside the law.
“This is it.
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