How Traditions Start – part 14
How Traditions Start – part 14
Sex Story Author: | starrynight |
Sex Story Excerpt: | "I don't know. I thought maybe you and I could…" she started saying, turning a bright red and |
Sex Story Category: | Consensual Sex |
Sex Story Tags: | Consensual Sex, Fiction, Incest, Older Male / Female |
How Traditions Start – Part 14
An original story by Starrynight.
The heavy door to the house swung open and Presley walked in, carrying a large duffle bag. She looked around, smiling to be back at her parents’ house, and put the bag down with a thud. “Hey, I’m home.” She called out, looking around, but there was no answer, the only sound coming from the animals outside.
It was strange weather, like nature had not decided if it was leaning towards summer or towards winter, and despite the sun shining, there was a chill in the air. Presley closed the door behind her, hauling the heavy bag up to her old bedroom, and dumped it there. The last time she was home and slept in her room was at Christmas, and it was amazing to see that it stayed exactly like she left it.
Presley knocked on her younger sister’s door, opening it when there was no answer, but found the room was empty. She looked around confused, then headed downstairs. It was still empty, and after checking her parents’ bedroom and finding no one there as well, she grabbed a jacket and headed outside.
“Dad!” Presley called out cheerfully after she finally spotted a familiar face. He was in their small stable, tending to the horses.
“Presley!” Tom called out happily and held his gloved hands out as his daughter hugged him. “I thought you were getting here tomorrow.” He said with a wide smile, smelling her fragrant feminine scent as her hands lingered on him for another moment.
“Yeah, I had some last-minute change and decided to surprise you. Where is everybody?” She asked and pulled away, looking up at her old man.
“Well, your mother went with your little sister to checkout college, they were supposed to return this morning, but ran into some bad weather. Their flight was cancelled. Hopefully the weather will get better over there and they can catch tomorrow’s flight. Molly was supposed to join them there and come with them. The boys should be coming either tomorrow or the day after, I can’t remember which one of them is getting here when. And that’s it I guess.” Tom said chuckling, his eyes lighting up.
Presley and her father caught up on everything as he finished up in the stables, Tom filling her in on everything that’s been going on around the farm, and Presley updated her father on her new job, and how she was getting along.
“Any boys I should know about?” Tom asked with a teasing grin.
“There is this guy I’m dating, but it’s still new, we’ll see.” Presley answered blushing and her father nodded, not pushing the subject anymore.
Presley went to take a shower, then a nap, tired from her long drive, as her father finished taking care of things around the farm. He was excited to have his girl home, a wonderful surprise after assuming he would spend another night alone.
Tom finished his work, exhausted as usual, and entered the house. He wiped his dirty hands on his work jeans, grabbed a beer, and sighed as he sat back on the couch, enjoying the first cold sip. He kicked off his boots, placing his feet on the footrest, and reclined on the couch, sighing as he took another sip of the cold beer.
Presley woke up from her nap refreshed. She noticed she always slept best in her childhood room and threw off the covers. She was wearing just a bra and panties and stepped over to her bag. She grabbed a tight red flannel shirt, the kind she would only let herself wear at home, a pair of tight blue denim jeans, and grabbed her old slippers from the closet, running her hands through her dark hair. She had started cutting it shorter a few months ago, into a medium bob cut, and though she liked her new look, it still felt strange not having her long hair to play with.
The stairs creaked and Tom looked up from his daydreaming to see Presley climbing down, a sleepy look on her face. He was still drinking his beer and smiled at her as she got to the bottom of the stairs and sat down on the sofa across from him.
“Dad, what did you have planned for dinner?” Presley asked, looking at her father, and eased herself into the sofa. She hadn’t eaten much all day and was getting quite hungry.
“Um…well, to be honest, I didn’t really have anything in mind. I’ve pretty much been having beans and bacon or eggs for dinner for the past days. You know I’m not much of a cook.” Tom said, smiling apologetically as Presley frowned at him. “Oh, you know what, we have some steaks Carl brought over yesterday, I can grill those up for us. What do you say?” Tom suggested.
“Mmm, yummy, steak sounds good.” Presley said smiling. “Why don’t I make us some mashed potatoes and a salad to go along. You can go take a shower while I do.” She added grinning.
“You’re just like your mother.” Tom said laughing and chugged the last of the beer. He got off the couch, shaking his head in amusement and headed for his room.
Tom striped out of his dirty clothes, throwing them into the hamper, and stepped into the shower. It was an end to another long day, and he let the warm water caress his tense muscles. As Tom stood naked under the shower, his mind wandering, he could not help thinking about his youngest daughter’s upcoming eighteenth birthday. It was a troubling subject to think about, one that was often on his mind these last weeks, and as much as he tried to fight it, he could not help imagining what it is going to be like to have sex with his little girl. It was almost a week since Liz went off with Lisa, and the lack of sexual contact with his wife made him have disturbing thoughts even more often.
Tom stood in the shower, eyes closed, letting the warm water cascade down his strong body, and before he noticed, he was starting to get hard. He opened his eyes, taking a deep breath and looked down at his penis as it began to harden. He tried to calm down, taking deep steamy breaths, but seeing his dick harden got him thinking about his youngest daughter and what her reaction to seeing it might be, which only made it worse, and within less than a minute, Tom was completely hard.
He sighed in frustration as he looked down at his thick six-inch shaft standing in full salute. He took a few deep breaths, trying to get it to come down, but his impressive manhood refused, sending signals all across his body, begging to be touched. Tom gasped as he gave up and finally wrapped his hand around his hard shaft. He grumbled with pleasure as he ran his hand along his it then released it. He squeezed some soap on his palm then returned it to his thick shaft, stroking it timidly.
Tom slowly masturbated his thick hard penis, building up the pleasure inside of him. Though he didn’t need much encouragement, he thought about his beautiful wife as he jerked off, imagining her naked body under his. He started stroking faster, the pleasure growing as he recalled her image. He found his youngest daughter slipping into his thoughts as he continued to masturbate, tugging on his fat dick, but each time was intent to think back to his wife.
Tom released a loud groan as he came, intense pleasure hitting him as he squirted his first load down the shower drain. He then remembered Presley was home, and though he was quite certain she wouldn’t hear him, he stifled his sounds of pleasure, clenching his teeth as he stroked his spouting penis, ejaculating all over the shower floor as the warm water washed it all away.
The mirror was fogged up and Tom took in the steamy air as he stepped out of the shower. His penis softened in satisfaction and he grabbed the large towel, rubbing his wet body. He stepped out of the bathroom, into his bedroom, the towel at his waist, and walked over to his closet. He pulled on a pair of boxers, black jeans and a plain navy-blue t-shirt. When he opened the door, he felt a chill and went back to get a light brown jacket.
Presley was mashing potatoes as her father came into the living room, looking fresh and clean. “Smells good.” Tom said, smiling towards his daughter and walked over to the front door. He opened it and looked outside. “It’s quite chilly tonight, you want me to light the fireplace?” Tom asked his daughter, closing the door behind him.
“Sure dad,” Presley said cheerfully and looked up at him. “The potatoes are done so I just have to finish up the salad, you want to get the grill running?” she asked her father.
“Yeah, okay sweetie.” Tom said as he kneeled next to the fireplace and organized some firewood. He put some Firestarter, lit it with a long match, and watched the flames lick the wood until it caught. Tom smiled to himself then walked out the backdoor and turned on the grill. “You want me to open us a bottle of wine?” Tom asked as he walked back in to get the steaks.
“Ooh, really?” Presley asked wide-eyed.
“Sure, if we’re going to have a nice meal we might as well do it right.” Tom said smiling.
“Yeah, okay.” Presley said cheerfully and watched her father disappear into the storage room and come back with a bottle of red wine. He brought out two large wine glasses, opened the bottle, and poured each one of them a glass.
“Cheers.” Tom said, clinking his glass to his daughter’s. They both took a sip, then Tom grabbed the steaks and walked back outside, wineglass in hand.
Presley and her father talked and laughed around the dinner table. It was a nice meal, just the two of them, father and daughter time. They continued to catch up on everything that’s been going on, eating the food hungrily and drinking the wine.
“Honey, everything was great.” Tom said happily after taking the final bite. He leaned back in his chair, glass of wine in hand, and watched Presley as she finished up.
“Thanks dad. The steak was really good too.” Presley said with a smile and wiped her mouth with a napkin. She reached for her own glass and took a long sip. She took a deep breath, feeling full and content, and smiled at her father. “I’m guessing dessert would be too much to hope for?” Presley asked mocking.
“Um, actually, there is cherry pie in the fridge. Marge, Carl’s wife, made it.” Tom said.
“Thank god for Carl.” Presley said giggling and raised her glass. “May he continue to bring us meat and desserts.” She added and Tom started laughing.
“I’ll go get it.” Tom said smiling broadly and slowly rose to his feet. “Why don’t we move to the living room, it’s warmer.” Tom said, noticing Presley looked cold and she agreed happily. “Grab the bottle.” He added as he moved to get the pie.
“Oh wow, it looks amazing.” Presley said as she stared at the pie her father brought over.
“Last time Carl was here your mother sent him away with peach cobbler she made. I guess his wife wanted to return the favor.” Tom said as he cut each of them a slice of pie. He handed it to Presley, poured some more wine into both their glasses, and grabbed his own slice.
“Oh god, this is so good.” Presley praised with a mouthful as she chewed on the first bite.
“Yeah, Marge’s pies are excellent.” Tom said, enjoying his first bite. He looked at Presley, each smiling back at the other guiltily as they ate.
Presley finished her pie, the delicious tart sweetness of it lingering in her mouth as she picked up her glass and took a swig of the wine. It was her third or fourth glass, the bottle almost empty, and she was feeling it. She sat on the sofa with her legs crossed, wine in hand and watched her father eat. “So, dad, are you nervous about Lisa’s upcoming birthday?” Presley asked with a grin.
“What?” Tom asked, choking on the pie. He coughed, washed it down with some wine, and looked up at his daughter. “What do you mean?” he asked her nervously.
“You know what I mean. It’s Lisa’s eighteenth birthday and I guess you’ll be having the… traditional father daughter…um…sleepover”. Presley said blushing.
“I don’t know if that’s what to call it, but yes, your mother and I decided I would do it with Lisa too.” Tom mumbled, blushing.
“And are you nervous about it?” Presley asked.
“Um…Yes.” Tom admitted.
“What are you nervous about?” Presley continued asking, curious, and her father looked at her, taking a deep breath.
“Well, you know, it’s not the most…natural thing in the world, for a father and daughter to…to…have a sleepover, as you so delicately put it.” Tom started saying, blushing. “Quite the opposite really. I don’t know how she’ll react. It’s true you and Molly both took it well and ended up agreeing, but it could have taken a much different turn.” Tom explained, staring into his daughter’s big brown eyes.
“Does the thought of it…excite you?” Presley asked. She had quite a bit of wine, and along with making her slightly tipsy, it was also making her horny. Alcohol often had that effect on her.
“That’s a bit inappropriate for you to be asking, don’t you think?” Tom asked his daughter in a strict fatherly tone as he studied her. He wondered if his response was a giveaway.
“Right, sorry.” Presley said genuinely and took another sip of her wine. “Were you also nervous before your night with me?” she asked.
“Yes, very much.” Tom admitted, taking a large gulp of the wine. He was getting warm from the wine, the fire, and the conversation, and removed his jacket. He tossed it on the couch next to him, and Presley took another sip as she looked at his broad chest and muscular arms.
“Did you…um, like it?” Presley asked blushing as she kept staring at her father. She had almost forgotten how handsome he was, his body strong and manly.
“Did I like it?” Tom asked, repeating his daughter’s words. He had no idea how to answer that. “You mean did I like…um…sleeping with you?” he asked, his throat growing dry as his daughter nodded shyly. “I’m…um, not exactly sure how to answer that.” Tom finally said after a pause, blushing.
“You didn’t like it?” Presley asked, lips quivering, and stared at him, looking hurt.
“Well, no, I…I didn’t say I didn’t like…having…having…sex with you.” Tom said flinching as he spoke nervously. “It’s just that, it was something I did for you, to help, to prepare, to teach you, not to make myself feel good. Do you understand sweetie?” Tom asked and Presley nodded shyly, her face still looking uncertain. “But yes, if you really want to know, I…I did like it.” Tom added, looking at his daughter as he spoke, his heart racing.
Tom and Presley looked at each other, blushing nervously, and both turned to their glasses and took another sip. “Dad, can I ask you one more thing?” Presley started after a long awkward pause, her voice hushed and careful.
“Alright I guess.” Tom said, almost afraid of what his daughter would ask him.
“Did you ever…do it…with Molly again, after her birthday?” Presley asked anxiously. It was something that she had been wondering for a while and was reluctant to ask her sister about.
“Of course not.” Tom said deliberately. Aghast by even a mention of such an idea.
“What about mom, did she ever…with Zach or Jack?” Presley asked, turning a bright red.
“No, of course not.” Tom said decisively as he looked at her sitting across from him, looking at him with her big beautiful eyes, her flannel shirt tightly hugging her curvy body, her large rack stretching it. “Why would you ask that?” He asked, almost sounding hurt.
“Just curious.” Presley said casually, her voice low. Being alone with him, remembering how handsome he was, talking about this with him, was getting her intensely aroused. She felt the wetness growing between her legs and clamped them tightly together. “Dad, would you ever consider doing it again…having sex…with Molly or, with…with me?” Presley asked, her throat going dry.
Tom realized he was beginning to sweat. He felt something stir in his pants and took a deep breath. “I…I’m…um. Why are you asking?” He stuttered, shame and uncertainty on his face.
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