How Traditions Start – part 1
How Traditions Start – part 1
Sex Story Author: | starrynight |
Sex Story Excerpt: | It covered little more than her nipples. "Daddy?" Presley asked as she saw her father glare at her and |
Sex Story Category: | First Time |
Sex Story Tags: | Fiction, First Time, Incest, Teen Male / Female, Virginity |
How Traditions Start – part 1
An original story by Starrynight.
It was another end to a long day of hard work at the Fletcher family’s farm. They finished devouring the hearty meal that Liz cooked, and after sitting together in the living room reading, watching TV and listening to music, the kids gradually left for bed.
The Fletchers had 5 beautiful children: the twins Zach and Molly who were almost eighteen, Presley who was sixteen, Jack who was thirteen and Lisa who was ten. All five of the children were homeschooled by their loving parents who made sure to give their kids the best education they could, in addition to each one of them working and helping around the house and farm.
After all the children retired to their rooms, Liz gave Tom, who dozed off, a loving shove and pulled him over to their bedroom. They both got ready for bed and got under the covers.
“Honey,” Liz said shortly after they got into bed “there is something I wanted to talk to you about for some time.” Tom was too tired to note the anxiety in his wife’s voice.
“What is it babe?” He asked her while looking over at her, the bedside lamp shedding an eerie glow on her pretty face and long dirty blonde hair.
“I wanted to talk to you about Molly and Zach.” Liz said to her husband in a gentle voice.
“Oh,” Tom said surprised “what about them?”
“Well, their birthday is coming up and they’re turning eighteen for starters,” Liz said “and we haven’t even started getting them ready for next year.”
“But Liz,” Tom said with a sigh “we’ve already talked about it. They should be getting their acceptance letters any day now. They’re going off to college next year and as much as it’s hard for us, we need to accept it.”
“I know that,” Liz said a little frustrated “that’s not what I’m talking about. I want to make sure that they start college prepared in every possible way.”
“Babe,” Tom said to his wife lovingly “both Zach and Molly are incredibly bright. We’ve seen their test scores. They ranked higher than ninety five percent of kids their age. We’ve taught them as best we could, and I don’t think we need to worry about it.”
“What about things they can’t learn from a book?” Liz asked “That’s what I’m worried about. They never had friends their own age besides from one another. I know they are both friendly and bright and nice. But all the kids they will meet next year grew up completely different from them. They had groups of friends growing up, boyfriends and girlfriends. Our kids never even had their first kiss, not to mention sex.”
“So that’s what you’re worried about.” Tom said understanding “I get it, you’re right. We need to have another talk with them before they go off. Explain to them in more details about sex and how to make sure they stay safe.”
“Tom” Liz said to her husband looking deep into his brown eyes “I don’t think that will be enough.”
“Okay, so what do you suggest?” Tom asked his wife.
“I think we need to take a more hands on approach.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Tom asked surprised and felt awake instantly. He looked intently at his wife.
“It means that I think they should actually see what sex is and how it’s done.” Liz said, slightly dreading her husband’s response.
“Are you serious?” Tom asked nearly jumping out of the bed “So what, you want to just call them in here one night and say ‘Hi kids, have a seat. We want you to watch mommy and daddy fucking so you’ll be ready for college’?”
“That’s one option.” Liz said trying to keep cool but could feel her face getting red.
“One option?” Tom said in disbelief “What’s the other?” he asked almost afraid to hear the answer.
“Honey, I know it’s hard for you to hear, and trust me it’s hard for me to talk about it. But please hear me out all the way.” Liz said trying to calm Tom down “Another option, which I think would be better for them, is for them to actually experience sex. Only that way they will know what it’s like and how it’s done.”
“And who exactly are they going to have sex with?” Tom asked trying to sound calm like his wife asked. In response Liz just gave him a shrug that scared him more than anything she could have said, or so he thought. “You want them to have sex with each other?” Tom asked in disgust.
“I thought about it,” Liz admitted “but I think that might be a little too traumatic for their first time.” Liz paused and took a deep breath before she continued. “I was actually thinking about us.” Liz said and waited for her husband’s harsh response.
“Us?” Tom said both disgusted and shocked. “Babe, I love you more than anything,” Tom said in a tender tone and held Liz “but you can’t be serious about this. You’re talking about having sex with our own children!”
“Tom,” Liz said in an understanding voice “I know this sounds twisted and wrong and maybe even disgusting, but I want you to think about what could happen if we do nothing. Imagine them going off to college. Imagine Molly’s first sexual encounter with a guy. She’ll probably start dating the first frat guy to hit on her and we both know it will not be some nice respecting boy who goes to church. On the first chance he has he will get her panties off and they will have sex.
“Molly won’t have a clue what she’s doing, and you can bet the guy will take advantage of that. He will do whatever he wants with her, popping our little girl’s cherry without giving it a second thought. He might even talk her out of using a condom, which he will succeed, because she doesn’t really know the difference between having sex with or without one. Next thing we know our beautiful little daughter is pregnant and her next twenty years are ruined.”
As Tom listened to his wife, he was starting to understand what she was talking about. The vivid image she painted was not at all farfetched and there was no way he was going to let anything of the sort happen to either of his kids.
“Let’s say for a second that I agree with you.” Tom said to his wife as he pondered on her words for a while in silence “What do you suggest we do?”
“I haven’t really thought it all the way through,” she said to her husband “But basically, I thought that when they turn eighteen, we take Zach and Molly aside at night, talk to them about it then do it with them.” Liz finished saying and watched her husband as he considered this in silence.
“I think if we really do this, we need to do it separately.” Tom said to Liz. He couldn’t believe he was actually thinking about it seriously. “You and Zach in one room and Molly and I in another. I think that seeing each other have sex for the first time is too much. It’s tough enough having sex for the first time with your own parents, no need to add any more.”
“You are right honey, that’s a good point.” Liz said happily to her husband “So are you with me on this?”
“Liz,” Tom said giving her a serious look “do you really think you could bring yourself to have sex with our boy?”
“It won’t be very easy,” Liz said “But what I tried to do for the past week, is look at him not as our son but as a man. That’s when I started to notice how big and handsome he got.” Liz thought back to her eldest son, his short light brown hair, broad shoulders, strong arms and handsome face. “I suggest you try and do the same with Molly. Try to look at her as a woman and not your little girls. You’ll start to notice how big and beautiful she got.”
“Okay then,” Tom said after listening to his wife “I’m willing to give this a shot.”
For the next couple of weeks leading up to the twins’ birthday, Tom and Liz continued discussing the subject every night before bed. They planned how they will go about doing it and gave each other tips on what to do once they are alone with their children.
Tom listened to his wife’s advice, and whenever he looked at his daughter he tried to look at her as a woman. He watched Molly around the house, looking at her pretty face and short dirty blond hair. He looked at her young athletic body, tight little ass and small perky tits that were much smaller than Liz’s big round ones. After a few days, Tom noted that it worked. Whenever he would look at Molly, he would see an attractive young lady where only last week he saw a little girl.
The week before the twins’ birthday, the family woke up to a warm sunny Saturday morning. It was surprisingly warm for the middle of March, and the kids, excited with the weather, all ran down to the pond the family had on their large property.
When Liz and Tom caught up to their kids, they had finished setting up the beach chairs they brought with them and started stripping down to their bathing suits. They took a seat near the kids and watched them as they jumped into the cold water while screaming joyously.
Liz looked at Zach as he walked into the cold water wearing only his swimming trunks. He was as tall as his father by now, standing at around six feet tall and had much of his father’s physique. He was a handsome young man with broad shoulders, strong arms, a muscular chest and thick legs. Working around the farm his entire life kept him in great shape.
Next to Liz, Tom was sitting and looking intently at Molly as she stripped down to her bikini and walked into the water. Tom had not seen her like this since the summer and was amazed at how much she grew up. He looked at her light smooth skin and subtle feminine curves. He watched her as she slowly walked into the water, studying her tight bikini clad ass and when she turned around, looked at her lovely teenage tits. Looking at his daughter, Tom found himself picturing taking Molly’s clothes off and then licking every part of her naked body. He quickly shook his head, trying to get the disturbing thoughts out of his mind.
“I’m going to join the kids in the water,” Liz said to Tom “are you coming?” she asked.
“In a bit” Tom answered, and Liz nodded. She noticed him looking at Molly and knew exactly what he was thinking. It was the same thing she was thinking when looking at Zach.
Liz got up and slowly took her shirt and skirt off before going into the water. Tom looked at his wife and admired her beauty. At the age of 41, she was still in great shape and had an amazing body. He watched her luscious ass as it swayed from side to side.
“Daddy, Daddy, are you coming?” a voice called from next to him making him look away. It was Presley and she walked out of the water to get him to join them.
“Yeah, I’m coming sweetheart.” He said while looking at his sixteen-year-old standing in front of him dripping wet, in her bikini. Presley looked much different than her older sister. She was shorter than her by a few inches, and where Molly inherited her mother’s blond hair, Presley had long light brown hair she got from him. Presley also had a much healthier figure than her sister, with a round juicy bottom and large heavy boobs that even though she was only sixteen, already matched her mother’s in size.
Tom eyed his daughter’s young body, noticing that her bikini was at least 2 sizes too small for her. It emphasized how much she developed over the past months and Tom could not help but look at her breasts as they spilled out of her bikini top.
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