How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 8
How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 8
Sex Story Author: | RobertLStevenson |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Milano's official report that he wrote after the Festival, describing what it was like having sex with me, and then |
Sex Story Category: | Authoritarian |
Sex Story Tags: | Authoritarian, Blowjob, Cum Swallowing, Discipline, Domination/submission, Female exhibitionist, Fiction, Group Sex, Incest, Male Male/Teen Female, Teen, Young |
This is the 8th chapter of a series-it will make much more sense and be more enjoyable if you start at the beginning.
This is a near-future world where Fathers are deeply involved in the process of preparing their daughters to succeed in a local coming-of-age celebration known as the Festival where girls are released to the public for training; society has decided it is best for young women to be available to be taught sexual skills at nearly all times by any interested man who has a daughter who is of age.
As always your comments and votes mean the world. Also, if you’re a fan and have ideas for future scenarios you’d like to see in this story line, share them in the comments or email me—I’d love to integrate them. Thank you, and I hope you enjoy.
The week after the Festival was a whirlwind. Jennifer’s first-place victory was a major event, and she and I had interviews with the news stations and papers, made appearances at several functions, and on Friday evening we were even dinner guests of the mayor and his wife.
A stocky, charming man with a shock of silver hair, Mayor Harlan Caldwell was in his late fifties and had been a leading man in politics in our town for decades. It was an honor to be his guest in his home, and was even more evidence of the amazing opportunities that Jennifer’s win would create for her. He and his wife lived in a large, country-style estate just outside town, and they met us at the door with big smiles and a warm welcome.
‘Come in, come in,’ he boomed, shaking my hand firmly, ‘Julie and I have been looking forward to having y’all over! Bianca, Tiffany, would you please take our guests’ coats?’
Two young girls appeared, dressed identically in white blouses and short black skirts, and as they took our coats Harlan explained that they were the Caldwell’s assistants.
‘They’ve been life-changers,’ he chuckled, ‘they’re smart, very attentive. We have them to help with cooking, cleaning, light yard work. And anything else that might need…attending to.’
My wife exclaimed that she loved the Caldwell’s home, and Harlan chuckled again.
‘Why thank you kindly, Mrs. Stevenson. We do love to share it with special folks. Tell you what, dinner is in half an hour-Julie, darling, why don’t you give Mrs. Stevenson the tour and maybe show her the garden, and Robert and Jennifer and I will take a little refreshment in the den, and we’ll meet in the dining room in thirty minutes?’
This suggestion was met with delight from both of the women, and as they set off arm-in-arm, Harlan took Jennifer’s hand and led us down the stairs to a large, luxurious room. Furnished with oversized leather couches and chairs, with heavy wood tables and one wall that was entirely a giant stone fireplace, it had a warm, western, masculine feel that was terrifically inviting. The art on the walls and several bronze statues were all of cowboys and other scenes of the wild west, and in the middle of the floor was a massive bear rug.
Harlan made his way to the bar in the corner, helped Jennifer onto one of the bar stools, then pulled down three glasses while chatting with her.
‘Well, Miss Jennifer, it is truly a delight to meet you in person, and I’m so happy that we get to have this special little celebratory dinner after your amazing showing at the Festival. I was in the front row that night, and I swear I knew, as soon as you stepped onto the stage, that you were going to win it all,’ he smiled as he poured two whiskeys on the rocks for himself and me.
Jennifer giggled and blushed, thanking him and telling him he was too kind. I took my whiskey, touched glasses with Harlan, and made myself comfortable in one of the giant leather chairs.
‘Goodness, not too kind at all,’ Harlan protested, ‘you came through in a big way and won decisively. Truly, there was no doubt as soon as your father removed your underthings-girls your age are generally always quite lovely, but the entire crowd knew you were in a different class altogether the moment you were naked in front of them.
‘Now I’m sorry dear girl, but of course you’re not old enough for a grown-up drink-would you like a Coca-Cola or a ginger beer?’
Jennifer nodded and said thank you. Harlan gave her a tall, ice-cold glass of soda and touched glasses.
‘Congratulations to you, Jennifer, and here’s to a wonderful future ahead of you! Now, tell me darling, what was it like at the end of the evening, when you were taken for the first time? That must be a very intense experience.’
Jennifer’s eyes got a little larger as she remembered that night, and she nodded soberly.
‘Yes. It was…a lot. I mean, it was my first time, of course. But also Mr. Milano is, um, pretty big, so it really hurt a bit when he first put it in me. But he started really gentle, and it got better. And also my dad stayed and held my hand, and that really helped, too.’
She suddenly grinned.
‘But oh my gosh, then I had an orgasm, which felt really good, and then he had a really hard orgasm, and it was super cool feeling his…thing…shooting his…stuff…inside me.’
As much as I didn’t want to, I knew I needed to interject. Jennifer was still learning to speak comfortably about sexual matters, and I wanted her to make a good impression on Harlan.
‘Sweetheart,’ I said softly, ‘remember what we learned about being a well-mannered young lady?’
Jennifer blushed again, embarrassed at the thought of having made a faux pas in front of the Mayor.
‘I’m so sorry, Mr. Caldwell. I should know better-I DO know better,’ she rushed to say, and recited a line from one of her etiquette books, “A young lady should use the proper terms for things in casual conversation. Euphemisms are appropriate while engaged in the act of being trained.”
‘What I meant to say is, that it felt really cool when Mr. Milano ejaculated, and I could feel his penis shooting his semen deep inside me for the first time. Like, I was literally feeling a thick, warm spray against my insides, filling me up, and it felt so good in a way I could never have imagined before.’
Caldwell nodded appreciatively, his eyes twinkling.
‘Well I’m so glad that you found you enjoy the experience. We all loved watching it-it really felt like a privilege to see you take your first cock, and I for one was grateful to have been there to witness it. You were quite beautiful as Tavio worked on you-once you settled in a bit, it seemed almost like a tranquil look came over you and your whole body opened up and relaxed a bit to let him do what he needed to do. It was truly lovely to behold, like an angel.’
Jennifer nodded vigorously, sipping her coke. She seemed flattered that Caldwell was so interested in the details of her experience, and she eagerly agreed with his observations.
‘Yes, I totally felt that. It was crazy, almost like, when he came, I felt almost like I became…I don’t know how to put it…like I was “one with humanity” or something silly like that,’ she giggled.
Harlan shook his head kindly.
‘It’s not silly at all, dear girl. In a very real way, when a young girl such as yourself is taken sexually by a man, from a biological perspective she is fulfilling her most fundamental purpose..
‘Certainly you have many wonderful talents and abilities that will allow you to make your mark on the world, but as a female member of the species, your primary function is to reproduce. All your DNA, practically every part of your body, all designed brilliantly for the express purpose of attracting males to couple with you.
‘It’s a sacred thing, and it’s perfectly reasonable that when you experience it, you feel deeply connected to your species-in reality, you are participating in a primal and ancient act for which you were purposely-and perfectly-created.’
As he spoke, Jennifer leaned closer, rapt in her attention, and her dark brown eyes grew wide and welled a bit at the corners. She smiled, clasping her hands.
‘Oh Mr. Caldwell, that is simply the most wonderful, beautiful way to put that. It’s exactly what I feel. You are so sweet.’
Harlan smiled kindly as he reached out and gently stroked Jennifer’s cheek.
‘Sweet thing, I have spent much of the last thirty-five years training young girls. It’s been a passion. Over the course of that amount of experience a man is liable to get a little philosophical.
‘So tell me, what are you most excited for in this next chapter of your life? What are you focusing on?’
Jennifer instinctively kissed his palm before she replied, her body beginning to respond naturally to his demeanor and touch. Harlan lightly brushed his thumb across her lips before she answered.
‘Well, I feel like I have so much still to learn, but I mostly want to be good at blowjobs, and I’m afraid I don’t really know what I’m doing yet. But I like practicing them, and cum is just really fascinating to me. I want to play with it and taste it and rub it all over me, which is real weird. I don’t know what that means or says about me.
‘But daddy’s been helping me practice a little bit, and I’m so glad. And each time I get to do one I feel like I get better.’
Harlan raised his eyebrows and glanced at me as he heard this revelation, and I just shrugged and nodded.
‘Well, obviously your dad loves you quite a lot and wants you to succeed, darling. You’re fortunate to have such a great relationship with him, and so much support from him.’
He smiled, and reached for the buttons of Jennifer’s low-cut sundress.
‘Now, you must have had quite an exciting time since the Festival. Have you gotten to do anything particularly interesting? And while you tell me, I’m just going to have a look at your lovely breasts here.’
My daughter’s breath caught for a brief moment as Caldwell’s fingers began undoing her dress, but I was pleased to see her maintain her composure and adhere to her training. Pulling her shoulders back a little and sitting up perfectly straight and tall, and gently pressing her bosom toward the older man to let him know she was available for him to do whatever he wanted, she fought to maintain her focus on answering his question.
‘Uh, yes, actually there has been a lot of crazy stuff. I think the one that really sticks out is when dad and I went on Mornings With Monahan on Channel 5. And Kyle Monahan and Dale interviewed us about the Festival, and then Mr. Monahan was like, “Well, I think it’s only reasonable to show the the studio audience and the folks at home what a First Place body looks like,” and so I had to undress right there on the set.
‘Then after I was naked he had Dylan read Mr.
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