How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 1
How to Train Your Daughter Ch. 1
Sex Story Author: | RobertLStevenson |
Sex Story Excerpt: | I mean, Lilly's are magnificent. I'm really concerned now; if any of the girls my Rachael's going up against look |
Sex Story Category: | Authoritarian |
Sex Story Tags: | Authoritarian, BDSM, Exhibitionism, Fiction, First Time, Incest, Male Male/Teen Female |
George Ramer had already had three daughters take top placement in three previous Festivals, and had built a successful business coaching other fathers in the finer points of preparing their own daughters for their big night. His services included exercise and nutrition programming, movement coaching and choreography, grooming advice, and psychological coaching for both the father and the daughter in order to develop the winning attitude about this momentous event. He lived in Yarrow, a town about twenty miles from ours, and so, since he didn’t compete in Stonewall, I had signed up with four other fathers for a special service he was providing this year.
Ramer’s fourth daughter, Lilly, had turned 18 a week ago, and she was in the final stages of preparation for the Yarrow Festival next month. Ramer had used this as an opportunity to present a lecture series which gave fathers from other towns an opportunity to observe Lilly’s development and training as the Festival grew nearer. Once every three months we gathered at the Ramer house and soaked in all the information we could from George over snacks and drinks, and engaged in question-and-answer sessions with him and Lilly.
Each month had a different focus-previous sessions had covered Evaluating the Strengths and Weaknesses of Your Daughter (a frank and honest assessment of every inch of her body, which laid the foundation for a successful winning strategy), Basic Exercise and Diet Guidelines, Choosing the Talent Portion of Your Daughter’s Routine, and Designing the Photo Portfolio. It had been fascinating to watch Lilly grow up before our eyes and become a formidably beautiful young woman who was sure to take top marks next month. Needless to say, we were all glad none of us were competing against the Ramers.
Tonight was the last lecture of the series, and would cover final preparations for the Festival, as well as things to expect and things to avoid in the last weeks and days before the big event. The Ramer’s den was well lit, with comfortable leather chairs, a large pool table, and a small bar across from the entertainment center, and the assembled fathers talked excitedly in low tones as George joined us from upstairs and motioned for silence.
“Thank you all for coming out tonight, gentlemen, for our last lecture in our special series on preparing your daughter for her Festival. I hope the last year was useful to all of you, and that my Lilly was a helpful learning aid. Sometimes things make more sense when you can see them and touch them then when they are just abstract concepts.” We all nodded enthusiastically and voiced our appreciation with applause. Ramer held up his hand.
“I’m glad to have been of service. Good luck to you all this year. Now let’s get down to business. Tonight we are going to cover some last considerations as the Festival gets close. Lilly, why don’t you come in here now?”
Instantly the door to the spare room off the den opened, and Lilly walked up to join her father. She was a breathtaking blonde, about five-foot-six, with curvaceous hips and a well-formed, but not over-large, bust. She was wearing cobalt-blue strappy heels and a matching silk bathrobe that ended just below her mid-thigh.
“As always, gentlemen, feel free to ask questions as we go. This is your time, and I want to make sure we cover things that will be useful to you-but let’s get started here. You’ll notice that Lilly has very natural makeup on. This tends to play well with the judges; I can get you a couple recommendations for artists if you need to hire someone to do this. Just remember, don’t go overboard with the blush or the eye shadow.”
Lilly stood tall and motionless beside her father as he spoke, smiling at each of us individually, her hands clasped gently in front of her, hinting at only the slightest bit of shyness.
“We’re also going to keep her hair fairly natural, focusing on lots of volume and liveliness,” George continued, moving behind his daughter and loosening the bow that had held her rich blond curls back in a ponytail and letting them fall about her shoulders.
“Now, Lilly’s been keeping up with her exercise regimen and diet, and she’s looking fantastic. Obviously different girls are going to have different body types, but to place in the top three, you’re almost certainly going to want good arm tone, curvy-but-not-chubby legs, and a little stomach definition. Let’s take a look at Lilly, here.” With that, Ramer reached around to the front of Lilly’s bathrobe, untied the sash, and then eased the robe off her shoulders. Lilly blushed, but we were impressed to see her retain control of her instincts and allow her father to undress her in front of us. He had obviously trained her extremely well.
Beneath the robe Lilly was wearing a panty and bra set of the same dark blue. Both garments were constructed primarily of lace, with a tiny bit of solid blue fabric conveniently appearing in front of the very bottom of her vagina, just concealing the exact spot all our eyes had immediately sought. Her breasts were not so lucky, however, and we could clearly see her aureoles and her nipples, which pressed insistently against the intricate and insubstantial fabric.
Her body was a dream, and Ramer was going on about the finer details of her abs, her shoulders, and her hips; it sounded like he was underwater, though, as we devoured her with our eyes. I snapped back to reality as he began discussing the choice of lingerie, gesturing toward his daughter’s breasts.
“…ensure you get her bra fitted properly. You need sufficient support, and you don’t want any overflow. Lilly is just a B cup, so she does fine in a lighter, less heavily constructed bra like this.” As he spoke, Ramer slipped his index fingers into the tops of the lacy cups of his daughter’s bra to demonstrate that the sheer fabric hid nothing. “Slightly smaller breasts are actually an advantage at times, because you can highlight them more effectively in nearly transparent numbers like she’s wearing. Believe me, the judges won’t complain about getting a preview of her nipples. A girl with a larger bust would be forced to wear much more substantial pieces; while certain judges might prefer bigger breasts on a girl in general, that girl won’t have the option of this ‘x-ray’ view, so to speak. Remember, it’s all about working with what you’ve got.”
We were taking notes furiously while trying not to take our eyes off the luscious bit of girl-flesh in front of us. Ramer then took his daughter by the shoulders and turned her around to show us her rear view. The panties turned out to be a thong, and Lilly’s amazing backside was greeted by soft hoots and whistles.
“Speaking of which,” Ramer smiled, “this is our secret weapon right here. Lilly’s butt is obviously spectacular, and we are able to use a thong to emphasize the firmness and curvature of her glutes.” Keeping one hand on her shoulder, he ran the other down to the small of her back and applied a light pressure.
“Let’s pop that a little more, sweetie,” he commanded, and she instantly complied by arching her back and raising her butt slightly into the air. “Good girl,” Ramer said, patting her lightly on the butt, then running a finger under the thong where it emerged from between her cheeks and tugging lightly on it.
“If your girl isn’t as blessed as Lilly, then regular panties or even boy shorts may be the best bet. We talked about some of your girls last time, and I think we came up with some good strategies. Make sure if you go with the thong, that it isn’t too skimpy from the front-remember, the initial judging is looking for a more chaste style. Then, when you turn her around during the promenade, this type of rear side will cause a real stir.”
Releasing the thong, he turned his daughter back around to face us, and indicated her breasts once more.
“Now let’s talk about your daughters’ breasts. When the bra comes off, you need to be sure that her nipples are erect and clearly visible, unless she has ‘puffies.’ Regardless, it has been clearly established that well-defined areolas score better.”
As he talked, Ramer unclasped Lilly’s bra and began easing the straps down her arms, loosening the cups from her breasts and finally removing the lacy bit of fabric altogether. Lilly flushed even more, and her arms wandered toward her magnificent breasts in an attempt to cover herself, even though she knew she shouldn’t. Without missing a beat, Ramer took her wrists and guided her hands down to her sides, holding them there firmly until he felt his daughter stop resisting. Lilly demonstrated she was prepared to control herself by standing up a little straighter and pushing her chest out toward her appreciative audience, smiling sweetly and allowing us to enjoy the sight of her perfectly sculpted bosom. Releasing her wrists, Ramer resumed his discussion of the finer points of breast presentation.
“As I was saying, clearly defined areolas tend to score better. Lilly is of a naturally pale complexion, and her areolas are normally relatively faint. The color you see here is some very light rouge. You must ensure you have a color that will compliment your daughters’ skin tone, and the effect must be subtle. When done correctly, as you can see here, it looks natural and draws the eye to the your young girl’s nipples very effectively. I use a small bit of cloth and apply several light layers until the desired effect is achieved.”
A hand was raised in the audience.
‘Yes, Ted?’
“What if you accidentally color outside the lines, so-to-speak?”
“Good question. Make sure you have a makeup remover on hand, of course. But honestly you’ll get the best results by not making a mistake in the first place. Steady Tawnya’s breast from underneath by grasping it like this, and apply the rouge in small, circular strokes starting at the nipple and working your way out. You shouldn’t have any problems. Any other questions? Yes, Graham?”
“Yeah, what about nipples? When I did the evaluation you taught us several months ago on my Rachael, I realized her nipples are not really prominent, even when they’re erect-what do you recommend?
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