How to Have Sex with a Dog – Part 1: The Teacher’s Pet
How to Have Sex with a Dog – Part 1: The Teacher’s Pet
Sex Story Author: | barbielez |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Each course would have its own theme and Candy would always be there to answer any question I may have. |
Sex Story Category: | Bestiality |
Sex Story Tags: | Bestiality, Consensual Sex, Erotica, Fiction, First Time, Hardcore, Lesbian, Male/Female, Romance, School, Teen, Written By Women, Young |
Barbie Lez is a famous journalist and world-renowned trend chaser. Not only does she immerse herself in the latest trends, but she writes all about it for the entire world to read. There is no assignment too small, no obstacle too big. She has collected more Pokémon than any other person. She has explored the far reaches of the world. She even described her first sexual experience in great detail. Some claim she only became famous because she is young, hot, and a lesbian. While there is no way of knowing the true cause for her fame, the fact that she is only 22 years old is quite an accomplishment in itself.
Rumors have been circulating that the intrepid reporter has agreed to investigate the very latest, and most controversial, trend of all. Bestiality School. Here is a quick description in case you are unaware of the peculiar nature of this trend:
Bestiality School is the name of an innovative new company. Taking advantage of the recent countrywide repeal of the laws against bestiality, the upstart company has designed incredibly detailed and immersive sets where clients can, for a fee, interact with animals in a sexual manner. Everything is supervised and each client is assigned their very own teacher. While it is possible to have sex with a wide variety of animals, the most popular package is by far the How to Have Sex with a Dog bundle. But the How to Have Sex with a Stallion bundle is quickly gaining ground.
While the rumors concerning Barbie’s involvement in this unique and perverse trend have yet to be confirmed, readers around the world eagerly await Miss Lez’s next article.
“I can’t believe I’m about to do this,” I muttered. I was standing on the curb, trying to work up the nerve to enter the massive building that stood before me. I read the name over the door for the hundredth time, as if that would somehow help.
Bestiality School
It sounded so innocent, yet I knew my life would forever change the second I set foot inside. I still couldn’t believe I had agreed to write an entire book about my first bestiality experience. Then again, who in their right mind would refuse the opportunity to try the very latest trend for free? Not to mention the million dollars the publisher had promised me upon receipt of the first draft. But in order to become the world’s richest trend chaser, I would first have to overcome my fears.
Just focus on the bright side, I told myself. It’s what I did whenever I got scared. And right now, I was terrified.
“All right,” I muttered, doing my best to ignore the little voice in the back of my mind that told me it was a bad idea. “Here is a list of all the positive aspects of completing this assignment. One: I’ll be getting a million dollars. Plus a very hefty percentage of all book sales. Two: I love animals. Three: I have always been curious about bestiality. Four: I will never forgive myself if I back down now.”
I could have also come up with an extensive list of reasons why attending bestiality school was a bad idea, but I chose to ignore them. I simply closed my eyes, took a few deep breaths, then strode up the steps leading to the building. Moments later I was over the threshold and beyond the point of no return.
“I have an appointment,” I told the hot young woman at the front desk.
“Barbie Lez.”
Her eyes widened. Clearly she knew who I was.
“M-Miss Love is waiting for you,” she stuttered after a few seconds of uncontrolled gawking. “Please proceed through that door.” She gestured to a nearby set of double doors. A massive security guard towered on either side of the entrance.
“Thanks,” I told the secretary. I was nervous, but I forced myself to stand straight and walk with purpose. The security guards bowed their heads as I approached and opened the doors for me.
“Thanks, guys,” I said as I strolled past them. I can’t be sure, but I think they smiled.
I strode down the massive corridor that stretched out before me, my footsteps echoing in the empty space. The walls were white, as was the domed ceiling. Though there were no lights, I had no trouble seeing. It took me a while to figure out the floor was shining. I had no idea how such a thing was possible, but it made me realize just how technically advanced the Bestiality School building was. I couldn’t help wondering what new wonders I would discover next.
It took a while, but I finally reached the end of the hall. There were three doors. Each one had two words engraved upon it. The one to my right read “Changing Room”. To my left stood “The Classroom.” The third and final door was the one I was looking for.
“Miss Love,” I muttered, reading the sign. I was incredibly nervous, yet still I reached out and rapped my knuckles against the wooden surface.
“Come in,” said a sweet voice from within.
I reached for the handle, but the door swung open before I could grab hold. A fancy office was revealed. At least I think it was fancy, but my mind went completely blank when I noticed the woman sitting behind a massive oak desk. She was unequivocally the hottest woman I had ever seen. Platinum-blond hair. Luscious lips. Penetrating blue eyes. Firm, natural breasts. A butt you can bounce a quarter off of. Though I couldn’t see it, I knew she must have a tight, clean-shaven pussy. In many ways, she and I were quite similar. In fact, we probably could have passed for sisters.
“You must be Miss Lez,” said the woman as she stood up and made her way around the desk.
I tried to speak, but no words came out.
“I’m Candy Love, but everyone just calls me Candy.”
“I’m Barbie,” I managed to mutter, though I immediately realized my identity had already been established. What was wrong with me? Never before had I been intimidated by beautiful women. But Candy was in a league of her own. The mere sight of her scantily-clad body made be wet beyond repair. All I could do was hope my pre-cum wasn’t soaking through my shorts. That would have been embarrassing.
“Shall we get started?” offered Candy. She was back behind her desk, hands hovering over her computer keyboard.
“Sure,” I managed to say. The more time passed, the more I grew accustomed to Candy’s intoxicating beauty. It was only a matter of time before I fully recovered.
“As was explained in the introduction video you were sent upon scheduling your appointment,” began Candy, “the goal of Bestiality School is to teach you how to have sex with whichever animal you select. I have been assigned to you and will remain your teacher for the duration of your program.”
My heart skipped a beat. I had been so focused on Candy’s flawless physique that I had completely forgotten about the fact that I would require a teacher. I couldn’t wait for her to teach me all there was to know about bestiality.
“Your first class will begin tomorrow morning at eight o’clock,” explained my sexy teacher. “All that will be required of you today is to select a syllabus package. There are many different options available, each one equally enjoyable, yet entirely unique.”
She pressed a few keyboard keys and the computer screen I only now realized was facing me came to life. As the images flashed on the screen, Candy explained the specifics of each package. There were different difficulty levels, ranging from introductory to professional. There were different lengths, from one-hour intro courses to ten-day advanced programs. My publisher had selected the 5-day package, so I didn’t have to bother figuring out which option was best for me. All I had to do was select the type of animal I would be having sex with. Candy walked me through the vast selection, explaining the pros and cons of each. There were the basic cats, dogs and horses. But there were also pigs, bears and lions. One of the packages even offered the opportunity to have sex with an elephant. As incredible as that would undoubtedly be, I feared it would be too much for a first-timer like me to handle. In the end, I chose to go with one of the basic packages. The How to Have Sex with a Dog 5-Day Training. According to Candy, it was their most popular package.
Once my choice was made, Candy proceeded to explain how my training would be handled. Though she refused to provide any details—she said it was to avoid ruining the surprise—she explained my education would occur over the course of five days.
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