Sex Story Author: | JohnJustJohn |
Sex Story Excerpt: | Upon further inspection, I deduced that we had been invited to a lesbian party. (And, NO it was not a |
Sex Story Category: | Cheating |
Sex Story Tags: | Cheating, Drug, Exhibitionism, True Story |
Friday night Renee came over again and ,once again, I jerked off for her. She seemed to really enjoy it and she always said really filthy shit, so it was better than porn. All in all, it was a reciprocal relationship. After I finished, she abruptly left again. I was beginning to see how strange she was.
Saturday morning, I grabbed my list of potential new houses! I was eager to move out of my place and decided I would spend the day house hunting.
The first place I went to was a garage apartment. It was a bit smaller (and a ton cheaper) than my house was, and it was close to downtown. It was an older home and there was a small balcony that overlooked the backyard. I loved the location and the price, so I called the number and met who would be my new landlord. He was a really nice guy. He told me that I could move in in a week after he finished repainting the walls. I put down my deposit and called my friend Robbie to share the news.
That entire week was another blur of sleep deprivation due to late nights of drinking and listening to Renee talk dirty while I jerked off. I started to feel like a trained monkey. One night we went to her fat girlfriend Chris’s parent’s house and drank until the wee hours. We had gone there for two reasons. The first was that Chris’ parents were out of town. The second was that they had a swimming pool. At the end of the night, Renee and I ended up alone in the backyard. She was sitting on the end of the diving-board in a small yellow bikini and I was lying on the board with my head in her lap. I was naked again and she was talking dirty, kissing me, and pouring beer into my mouth while I jerked off. I came on my stomach and then rolled off the board into the pool. I called in to work the next day because I was still drunk and so tired that my vision was blurring. Maybe I was getting too old for that sort of thing…
Anyway, it was Saturday again, and I was spending the day moving into my new apartment. Robbie was helping me out and after a couple of hours, we took a break and smoked a cigarette on the balcony. On the other side of the fence there was another garage apartment. It had a little balcony not unlike my own, and on it were two attractive young women that looked to be about my age. Robbie, not being a shy person, shouted “Hey!”
They looked our direction and said hello back. “Are you two the ones moving in” one asked.
“I am.” I shouted. “He’s just giving me some help moving.” I looked more closely at them. The one doing all the talking was about 5’5 and had very short brown hair. She was wearing torn jeans and a wife-beater with no bra. I immediately wondered if she was a lesbian. I thought of introducing her to Alexis.
“I’m Jamie!” she shouted. “This is Amanda! She just moved here from Pennsylvania! She’s staying with me until she finds her own place!”
“Cool!” I shouted. Amanda was a bit shorter than her. Her hair was dark brown and her skin was very pale. She was thin and from what I could tell, quite pretty. What really struck me were her eyes. Her eyes were the brightest bluest eyes I had ever seen.
“We’re going to The Turk later. It’s a little bar a few blocks from here. You’re welcome to join!” Jamie shouted.
“Okay!” Robbie answered.
“Around 8!” Jamie yelled.
“We’ll meet you there!” Robbie shouted.
We had gotten the majority of the furniture in when Renee called. She asked me if I would meet her that night. I told her I was going for a beer with Robbie, but could call her afterward. She asked me if I would blow him off. She said she would make it worth my while. I confessed that we were meeting my new neighbors we had just met. Then Renee asked me their names and I told her. As soon as she learned that they were both female, she got quiet. Jealousy?.. This was new, but I thought, maybe I could use it to my advantage. I told her that I would call her after.
Robbie and I arrived promptly at 8 and saw Jamie, Amanda, and a third fairly masculine woman sitting at a high table. We joined them and all shook hands. Jamie introduced the new addition as her girlfriend Jessica. I had already guessed that Jamie might be gay. I had wondered earlier if Amanda was her girlfriend, figuring that Amanda was the “girl” and Jamie was the “butch.” It turned out that Amanda was straight, Jamie was the “girl” and Jessica was the “butch.” It’s a funny world.
We all got to know each other over a few beers. I knew Robbie well enough to know that he was really into Amanda. She was a very sweet girl and I thought that if she and Robbie were to get together, they would be a good pair. I was very happy about the whole evening and glad that I had some cool new neighbors to hang out with. We finally said our goodbyes and headed home. I wanted to get some sleep because I still had some more boxes to move the next morning, but I kind of wanted to make out with Renee and jack off for her again. Looking back on it, it sounds absurd, but at the time, it was a lot of fun.
I called Renee and she came over to my new place for the first time. She asked me about the neighbors. I told her that one of them was a lesbian and that Robbie had a crush on the other one. I could tell that that information put her mind at ease. She wasn’t in danger of losing her little boy-toy.
We made out for a while. She told me to take off my clothes. She talked dirty and I jerked off again. As much fun as it was, it was starting to become routine, and like all routines, it started to get boring. There was never any touching beyond the kissing. I was beginning to want more.
My first week in the new place, Renee came to visit every night. Every now and then, she would come up with something new to say while I jerked off. The real hi-light though was hanging out with my new neighbors after work, before Renee came over. Jamie played guitar and we would sit in the back yard while she played and talk over a few beers. They were both really nice and I was enjoying getting to know them. Robbie kept asking me to put in a good word for him, but every time I tried to Amanda didn’t seem terribly interested.
When I got home from work on Friday, Jamie came over and invited me to a party at one of her friend’s houses. She was taking Amanda to meet some new people and figured that I might want to tag along. I had plans to hang out with Renee that night, but I was in the mood to do something different, so I accepted her invitation.
I invited Robbie and he came with us. Jamie and Jessica sat up front. Robbie and I sat in the back with Amanda jammed in between us. We arrived at a house just outside of town. It was an old two story home and the yard was enormous. White Christmas lights were wrapped around the trees and were strung over the large patio. There was also a big campfire and some people sitting around it passing around a guitar. It wasn’t until we got a little closer that I realized that Robbie and I were the only males at the party.
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