Sex Story Author: | JohnJustJohn |
Sex Story Excerpt: | For three hours, I was blown away by how many things I had in common with her. I felt a |
Sex Story Category: | Cheating |
Sex Story Tags: | Cheating, Exhibitionism, True Story |
Foreword: Once again I was a single man. I missed Marie terribly, but decided I would enjoy being single for a while. I had been unbelievably lucky, having been a part of numerous threesomes with both my first girlfriend Belinda, as well as my most recent girlfriend Marie. However, I was aware that I had not really initiated any of them. Belinda and Marie were responsible for all of my wildest adventures and I was longing to create some fantasies of my own. Everything I had experienced in my life up to that point was going to prove useful, if I was ever going to learn…
Spring 2005
“Hang on.” I said to Alexis as I pulled my cell phone up to my ear. It was Marie calling. “Hello?”
“Hey baby, what are you up to?” Marie asked. She sounded good.
“Having lunch with Alexis. And yourself?” I asked.
“On a break from class. Will you call me tonight?”
“Sure babe. Love you.” Alexis rolled her eyes.
“Love you too.” Marie said as she hung up the phone.
Alexis stared at me annoyed as I put my phone back in my pocket. “What?”
“Love you?.. Dude, she moved away like six months ago.” She said as she poked at her salad.
“I’m not talking about this with you.” I held up my hands.
“Whatever. I just don’t get it. When are you gonna move on?”
“I am moving on Lexi! I’m not hung up on her, we’re just really close. You just don’t get it.”
“You’re right, I don’t… And don’t call me Lexi. That sounds like a stripper.” She batted back.
“Well I’m not calling you Alex, because that makes you sound like a dude.” I volleyed.
“Okay, then just stick to Alexis.”
Alexis was a lesbian. I met her through my friend and land-lady Karen. We became fast friends and eventually best friends. Sometimes, we bickered like an old married couple though. This was one of those times.
“Why does it matter to you so much anyway? Do I ever bug the shit out of you about which chick you have the hots for?”
“Have the hots for? What is this, the 50’s? Are we gonna go to a drive-in and get a drink from the soda jerk? You’re so lame dude.” She laughed.
As I drove back to work, her words stung in my ears. Maybe Alexis was right. Maybe I was hanging on to Marie’s memory. The thought bothered me. It was true, I hadn’t really hooked up with anyone since she had left… Shit.
On my way home from work, my friend Robbie called and told me a friend of his was playing guitar that night at some outdoor bar near one of the colleges in town. I thought about my plans to call Marie that night. I got mad at myself and decided ‘fuck it.’ “Yeah, let’s go.”
We arrived at the campus bar around 8pm. It was mostly out-door and the majority of the seating was a collection of picnic tables. I surveyed the landscape and realized that the majority of the patrons were college students. I was 25 at the time and decided that this was just as good a place as any to get started with my new life.
The girl to guy ratio was about even, but I came to the painful realization that I hadn’t been single in quite a while. I had no idea what I was doing anymore… Shit.
Robbie and I sipped our beers and enjoyed the music. The night was winding down and I was about ready to chalk the evening up as a loss. Maybe it was going to take more time to get back into dating than I thought.
I was getting ready to pay the tab when a young blonde walked up to our table. She was carrying a clip-board.
“Are you guys democrats?” she asked.
“Yeah.” I replied for both of us.
“I’m not supposed to ask that, but I always do.” She smiled. I took a closer look at her. She appeared to be in her early twenties (or maybe even late teens). She had blonde hair and was about 5 foot 9 inches tall. Her build was thin but her breasts were large for her frame. She was wearing navy blue Chuck Taylors and tattered jeans. Her Tee shirt was pale blue and featured a portrait of John Lennon above the words “Let it be.” I liked her right away. “I’m signing people up to vote but I choose not to bother with the republicans because we don’t need any more of them voting, right?”
I laughed. “Agreed.”
“So are you guys registered?” she tapped her pen on the clip board.
“Not yet.” I said. Of course, I was lying. I just wanted to have a reason to talk to her more. “Sign me up.”
We ended up staying another hour. Her name was Renee. She was a sophomore. Twenty years old and studying Political Science. She told me that she liked to go to that bar because they would serve her despite her age. She was very cute and I admired her idealism. I went home that night glowing.
One week later, I went back to that same bar, alone that time. I was hoping that I would run into Renee again. It was a lucky night. I saw her as soon as I got out of my car. I had already planned on really going for it that night so I walked straight up to her. “Hey.” I said.
“Hi…” she looked at me puzzled. She didn’t remember me.
“We met last week.” I said. “You asked me if I was a democrat.”
“Right! Right! God, I’m sorry man. I must’ve met like, a thousand people last week!” she apologized.
“No worries.” I said. I decided at that moment that I was just going to be direct. It was a new approach, but I figured I would give it a try. “I was actually hoping that I would run into you tonight.” I smiled.
She looked at me with another strange look. “Oh… Uh… I have a boyfriend, so…”
“Oh. That’s fine. I just had a nice time talking to you last week and I was just hoping to talk to you some more, that’s all. No big deal.” I smiled putting my hands in my pockets.
“Oh.” She paused looking me over once more. “That’s cool I guess.”
I was in. We got a table and I ordered us some beers. I asked her about college. I asked her about her political beliefs. I asked her about music and spirituality.
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