
How to gangbang a lady – Dining out on Monica

How to gangbang a lady – Dining out on Monica. Over 80% of women fantasise about having sex with more than one man at a time. However, there are at least 5 reasons why less than 10% of women have done so. (i) STDs, (ii) will feel like a slut; (iii) will ruin reputation; (iv) may get physically hurt; (v) boyfriend/husband will get jealous/will not treat me the same afterwards. I have been involved on many occasions in what many people term gangbangs. Each one has resulted in multiple orgasms for the lady concerned, but none of them were ‘gangbangs’ per se. Personally, I love to see a lady turned on and giving in to her sexual desires. I wouldn’t want the lady concerned to fear any of the five things above. Nothing is 100% safe, but, as with everything in life, risks can be minimised if not eliminated. Choose your sexual partners carefully. Be as sure as you can be that, whatever you do, no-one gets physically or emotionally hurt and don’t allow that to happen to those you are with. There is a huge difference between acting like a slut (fun) and being treated like one (not fun). In 2005 I became involved with some guys who thought exactly like I do and we had a lot of fun. No-one was hurt and no-ones reputation was ruined. Instead there were many orgasms and a lot of cum. A real lot of cum. Anyway, I prefer to call these experiences “dining on a lady”. I wrote this story for my girlfriend. The hope was to persuade her that she should take the plunge from fantasy to reality. It worked. Feel free to copy it and ‘find and replace’ the name of my girlfried with the name of yours or your wife’s and see if it works for you. If you are a lady reading this, feel free to feel as if I wrote it for you. In a way, I did. This was the first story I wrote and I would like to pay special thanks to the people who submit their stories and experiences to this site. Without your words and inspiration this would never have been written. How to gangbang a lady – Dining out on Monica. We had been at a black tie event. Fantastic music and much dancing. We had a great night. You, as ever, had attracted more than a few stares from the men there, particularly as you danced. I enjoyed watching you as much as ever with your fabulous ass floating above the dance floor. Omigod! How I love that arse of yours. From the moment I first saw you and forever since then it constantly occupies my thoughts. Perfectly shaped, lifting off at right angles from your long sexy legs, firm to touch and curving deliciously towards your narrow waist. It is hard not to stare at it when you stand still, and when you walk it is poetry in motion, but as you dance it is impossible not to stare at its mouth-watering wiggle which only goes to demonstrate how firm and tight and perfect it is. I remember seeing you dancing to fast songs with several of the people we’d met, and it looked like you were having a fabulous time. You seemed almost oblivious to the stares other men gave you, instead you just kept smiling at them with your infectious smile… your killer smile. Pride filled my head as I watched you move your body in such a sexy way and I enjoyed thinking about having what other men desperately wanted. You are beautiful, stunning to look at, always gorgeous, and invariably sexy but that night all these things were especially true. You were wearing a smooth, short red dress that showed your curves beautifully. The bottom hugged your arse so tightly I had wondered how you had managed to get it on. And your legs in their customary ‘hold-up’ stockings looked as amazing as ever. Your hair was down and you wore a diamante necklace which accented your smooth neck and shoulders and drew eyes to your fabulous breasts which were just as gravity defying as your arse. It is only now thinking about it that I realise that there was something else about you that night – you had looked incredibly seductive. As usual, you were scintillating company as well as one hell of a sexy dancer and your spirit was contagious to the men you were dancing with. Not everyone enjoyed you being there however. At one point you were dancing with a huge good looking guy; you were just messing around and dancing close, but suddenly his girlfriend appeared out of nowhere and exchanged words with you. The guy smiled at you nonetheless as his girl made it quite clear the guy was taken. We’d ended up with a group who were staying at the adjoining hotel with us and, at the end of the evening, which had finished disappointingly early, we all ended up in the hotel bar. The bar was oak panelled and dimly lit with booths and rooms seemingly everywhere and by the worn smooth look of the panelling the bar dated back centuries. Each booth or room was intimate but you could hear the hubbub from the different groups of people. Some of the men we’d met earlier had gone into an adjacent room, the only one with a door, and had started playing a game of poker. As the night went on, the other couples had drifted off to bed and we went to join the others in the next room. The room was a feast of leather and oak and chandeliers with a fire roaring at the far end. It looked to be a sort of members bar and was even more secluded and intimate than the main bar area. There was very little light and only the chandelier was on and it threw a glow over the table in the centre of the room. The fire threw flickering light into the rest of the room and gave a sense of secrecy, intrigue and history. Music was playing too as someone had wired their i-pod into the stereo. It was a bit of a mix of styles, but it added to the general atmosphere. As we entered, Dave, who we’d chatted to earlier at the event, asked me to shut the door behind me. There was a crate’s worth of unopened beers on one of the tables in a bucket of ice together with wine, spirits and mixers and Dave asked us to help ourselves. We did. The game was going on at the lit table. On one side of the room was a bar, which was closed, and on the other side, close to the fire, was a leather sofa with two large leather armchairs. We recognised five of the people we’d spoken with earlier. They were all sat at the poker table still sporting their dinner jackets and with their bow ties hanging James Bond style around their necks and dangling down onto their dress shirts. The scene we had walked into could have been from any decade for the last hundred years. Whilst we recognised each of the men, you had danced with them earlier, Dave took the opportunity to introduce the group again. Dave and Mike worked together and were good friends. Both were in their late 20’s. We both immediately recognised John as the guy you’d messed about with earlier. Fortunately his annoying girlfriend had crashed as soon as we’d got back to the hotel. He was a big guy – well over six foot six inches tall and full of muscle. Will seemed pretty quiet, but had a dry sense of humour and when he spoke, it was worth listening to. Jason was the fifth, and, whilst it was a handsome group, he was easily the best looking there. Then there was you and I. The game that was going on was clearly just a warm up and soon it became apparent that the real game was about to begin. Mike asked us if we wanted to play. It was £100 stake to buy the chips. They were to play for an hour and depending on how they all felt – a second game was planned. I took £200 out of my wallet and bought us both a seat at the table. The game was serious, but also a good laugh and there was a great deal of banter of which you were at the centre. You looked fantastic – drop dead gorgeous – your fabulous stocking clad legs were on show with the short red dress you were wearing. You had heels, of course, and they served to accentuate the definition in your legs. And then your breasts. I loved their shape, their weight, how your nipples got hard when you were aroused, and how, in the dress you were now wearing, they oozed sex appeal. It is difficult to describe how much I loved you in those moments as I watched you from the other side of the table. Watching as your killer smile cracked across your face, the way your eyes shone, the way you teased and flirted and the way you engaged the people you had just met was everything I had come to expect. Each time I saw you in such form I was transfixed with your beauty, how sassy you were … and how sexy. The others just loved having you there and they loved that you gave as good as you got, and then some.You were true to form and whilst you entertained the banter with enthusiasm, you were also competitive. In fact, despite a slow start you soon got the hang of the poker face. You became difficult to ‘read’ and you had an impressive number of wins. It’s fair to say you had some good hands to start with, but you made the most of them, soon winning enough to double your stake. However, your cards can’t have been that good all the time and, after a while, you must have been successfully bluffing with the men becoming increasingly reluctant to call you. Jason and I were the first to lose and we ambled over to the sofa to sit by the fire grabbing a beer each as we went. We sat on the sofa half chatting and half watching the game as the rest of you continued to play. When the game stopped after an hour, you were clearly the winner. You had accumulated £400. The game broke up and we all gathered around the sofas and chairs to drink and talk. Our new friends tried not to be too obvious in their glances at you. Jason, however, stared, watching your body intently as you walked over. We chatted freely. At one point, you asked if you could get anyone another drink. Will and John wanted a beer. As you got up I watched the five men stop what they were doing and follow you with their eyes as you walked to the table. Your delicious ass shook back and forth with every sexy stride. You knew they were watching and deliberately fumbled the bottle opener onto the floor. When you bent to pick it up, you did so slowly from the waist. You knew they would be able to see the fantastic outline of your perfect figure. We all had a good look at your tight little arse sticking up air and marveled at your fantastic legs. When you straightened up, you opened the bottle and sat it down on the table, then you turned back to us. “Will there be anything else, gentlemen?” – there was silence. “Are you sure I can’t get you something Jason?” you asked with a glint in your eye and as you bent to pick up the bottle cap which had “fallen” to the floor. We could all see down your top – you knew exactly what you were doing – just enough to get them excited, but not too much. “Damn.” was all Jason could say. You just grinned at him. “Here you go,” you said as you handed Will his beer. I know you could feel the men watching your every move and that you enjoyed teasing them. You are good at it and, to you, it was great fun. As you sat John’s beer down, you had to bend over slightly to get it on the coaster. I noticed you turn slightly so that Jason could look down the top of your dress and see deep into your cleavage. It may have looked accidental, but I know you meant for it to happen. Jason noticed, but didn’t acknowledge anything except a slight grin as you straightened up. You looked across at Will as you did. He was smiling broadly. He had also noticed. After about 10 minutes John suggested that we join in the second game. The stakes were to be higher and at £1, 000 they looked to be a little too serious for me. You, however, were keen to continue your winning streak and asked if they would let you play for the £ 400 you had won. They refused. I offered an IOU for the remaining £600 but they politely declined saying that there were no IOUs. The others had clearly come ready to play as they each had £1, 000 which they placed in the centre of the table. You asked again if you could play with just £400 , but they were not keen. “You need another £600,” said Mike “. . . or the equivalent…” “How about we put a value on each of your items of clothing?” he continued half jokingly… The men went through what you were wearing. “Shoes…” said Dave “£10 each” “They cost £200!” you said indignantly. “Yes, but we’re not buying them!” said Will laughing, “if you lose, you can have them back tomorrow morning.” “Dress – £50, bra – £30, stockings – £10 each and knickers – £60” said Dave ticking off what you were wearing. “…if they come off I’ll want a lot more than £60!” … you shot back “£80 for the knickers then” Dave shot back equally quickly. “That would still leave you £ 400 short” said John before you could interrupt. I don’t think you were serious but you entered into the spirit of the conversation that followed. There was a lot of haggling with you acting more indignant and more outraged each time anyone suggested any figure for anything. “I’d pay £100 to get my hands on your cute ass” said Dave. “It’d cost you that just to look at it…” you instantly replied “…through a pair of binoculars.” After a lot of banter, John tried to wind proceedings up. He wanted to play. “OK” he said “how about the remaining £400 is made up as follows… 4 – £25 chips to touch, cup and fondle that fabulous arse. 4 – £50 chips to touch you anywhere” “With our tongues” Will interrupted quickly. “OK” continued John, slightly exasperated. “4 – £50 chips to touch you anywhere… with our tongues” And one special £100 chip for you to touch us where we want!” “With your tongue” sang out Will again. “Right and one special £100 chip for you to touch us where we want …with your tongue” John continued in a monotone. “We’ll make each of these a pink chip so we all know what we’re playing for…” “Ok, but I can call it quits whenever I want – right?” you said checking that you didn’t have to lose any of them. “Sure” said John “Can we play now?” Since you’d had a little to drink and because of the concession that you didn’t have to play either your clothes or your pink chips (and, no doubt, because of your competitive nature) you agreed. I turned one of the armchairs towards the game and sat down to watch. Dave started dealing the chips out. Each had a different colour. You were given £800 in chips which you placed in piles, keeping the “forfeit” pink chips in a separate pile to one side. Your clothes made up the remaining £200 and you were told to place your clothes into the pot if you wanted to bet them at any stage. The first hand was quite funny as instead of using any of your chips you ceremoniously plonked your shoes on the table as your stake. You lost. The game ebbed and flowed and I watched as your £400 in cash (non-pink) chips went up to £600 then down to £200 and finally down to £50. On your next hand you were dealt 3 Queens, which was the best hand anyone had had all night. When John raised you £200 you thought you were on absolutely safe ground. In went the 4 arse fondling’ £25 pink chips and two £10 chips. Mike quickly spotted that you were £80 short, but you were way ahead of them. As soon as he opened his mouth you stood up and, ensuring that they saw absolutely nothing, but imagined everything, you bent away from them. Your short dress rode up your thighs slightly and almost, almost revealed your knickers. Then with your cute ass facing them in all its perfection you reached around and slowly removed your knickers from under your dress, peeled them away from your taut arse, shimmied them down your legs and stepped out of them with perfect balance and placed them in the centre of the table. “I’ll call you,” you said, as 5 mouths hung open at what they had just seen. John, however, had amazingly drawn a straight. It was unbelievable to you and John teased you mercilessly. He put your knickers in his top pocket and rolled the £25 chips between his fingers as if suggesting they were your buttocks. Eventually and sportingly he said “Don’t worry, I’ll give you a chance to win them back” You folded on the next few games, not losing any more, but John used one of the pink chips in each of those games and eventually they were evenly distributed around the table. If you quit now four of the five men would be able to rub their hands all over your fantastic butt. At that stage, you had £30 in cash, £30 worth of bra, £20 of stockings and £50 worth of dress and pink chips worth £300. I could see you totting them up in your head and, with still £430 left, must have been confident that you’d win back the lost pink chips. You had no intention of letting 4 strangers handle your arse. When the pink chips were in the pot you knew you had an opportunity to win them back. That made you a little braver with the cards than perhaps you should have been. After perhaps another 20 minutes, however, your bra (which you had carefully removed through the armholes of your dress) and stockings were in the pot along with one of the £50 pink chips. When you lost, all that you could say was “oh funk!”. Quitting now would give four 4 men a handful and one lucky one the chance to touch you with his tongue… what that might mean was beginning to dawn on you… when you started you hadn’t considered that you’d be betting with any of these chips. Again you folded the next few games, but with two aces in your hand in the next you thought your luck had finally turned. You bet the remainder of your £50 pink chips leaving you with just your dress (£50) and your £100 pink chip. But Jason raised the stakes again. You needed to bet £150, all-in. To get these chips back you were going to have to remove the remainder of your clothes and bet Jason a whole heap of trouble to prove you had the best hand. By this time I was at the edge of my seat. – I was feeling nervous for you. You took an absolute age to decide. You were weighing up the options. If you folded, the only thing you had left to bet was your dress, your bra and what was bound to be a blow job so you would have to quit. But that would mean you were going to let 4 men fondle your bum, and 4 others lick you where they wanted – you’d be almost naked anyway – the only thing you were really avoiding was a blow job. If you played and won – you’d be able to buy back all the pink chips you’d lost. But if you played and lost – someone… Jason… was going to want you to lick his dick… It looked as if you were going to fold, but then, with a look that said “what the heck” you flipped the £100 pink chip into the pot. Suddenly, as you stood up to remove your dress, the atmosphere changed from one of fun and frivolity to serious anticipation and excitement. The room was absolutely silent as you considered exposing your naked body. But you were not going to be shy – you were convinced, I think, that this is all they would get to see and, at the end of the hand, you would be dressing again with enough money to buy or win back the remaining pink chips. You unhooked your arms from your dress, and crossed one arm across your chest to prevent the dress slipping down. You did not rush and, ever the showgirl, you waited until their attention was palpable. First your large perfect breasts came into view. They looked amazing – they always do – and even though your ass is the most exquisite I have ever seen, your covered breasts can stop traffic. If exposed, your round and firm orbs would cause traffic to certainly crash. No one could take their eyes from you. Then you pushed down at the sides of the dress slipping it over your waist and, with your legs tightly pressed together, wiggled it past your hips. As you did so you turned slightly to expose your beautifully round ass to the appreciative onlookers. God, your curves are exciting. Your gorgeous firm ass jutted out fabulously as you bent to pick your dress off the floor and place it in the centre of the table. And as you turned to do so our new friends got their first chance to see your pussy which was, as ever, trimmed neatly and almost hairless. “Jesus!” exclaimed Mike cutting through the tension and staring bluntly at the goddess in front of him. “Rob, where in the world did you ever find such a fantastic looking creature?” There was no proper answer to that. I had found’ you when I wasn’t looking. You were just so different from anyone I had previously met. Incredibly giving and kind and OMIGOD! … so sexy. And, as I later found out, the best sexual partner I could ever wish for. I smiled as, in that instant, I remembered how when you first had anal sex (with me, after many months of me pushing my fingers in your tight arsehole to warm you up to the idea) you got so excited that within minutes you were slamming your ass onto my rigid dick like a seasoned pro. On that first occasion, after you regained enough composure following a violent orgasm, I could see you felt totally betrayed by your body. You made me promise not to tell anyone how much you had enjoyed such a depraved act. Needless to say, since then we have enjoyed many nights with my cock buried to the hilt in your ass, sometimes to the exclusion of your pussy. You love it – rather, your body loves it – more than you would ever admit. “You don’t find women like Monica,” I eventually said, “they only actually exist in your dreams”. With your perfect body on show, you didn’t re-take your seat, but allowed the men to continue feasting their eyes on you. You turned over your aces… “You are going to need three of a kind at least to beat me…” Jason said nothing but turned over his cards one by one – King, King, 5, 6, and finally …….King.

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