
How Polygamy Begins – 4-3

Chapter 4 was supposed to be two parts, but after looking at the storyline, I decided to include this as the final chapter 4 part. For those that don’t care for Incest, this is a detour, not a new direction. Thank you for reading.

[Heathers Narration]

Sue and I had come in from running a path around the ranch perimeter when Mrs. Donner came up behind us and invited us both for a relaxing sauna. I tried to make a polite exit by saying I really needed a shower.

“Nonsense,” Katherine exclaimed. “You might as well take a sauna first, it will relax those tired muscles.”

I had been dreading the conversation I had known was coming. I didn’t know why, I didn’t have anything to hide from Katherine. I just didn’t have a good rapport with most women. I had definitely grown up a daddies girl, as my mom and I always fought.

Katherine hooked both Sue and me by the arm and pulled us down to the basement. I caught Jay’s eye with a pleading look as she pulled us away, but he just smiled and shrugged his shoulders at me.

Katherine whispered in my ear, “Don’t worry, dear, I don’t bite… much.”

“I hope you ladies don’t mind, but I prefer to sauna au naturel. You’re welcome to use a towel if you’re modest,” said Katherine.

We all dropped our clothing, Katherine pushed a few buttons on the sauna panel, entering the sauna and took a seat.

“Katherine, you must work out often, you look very fit,” said Sue.

“Yes, dear, Betty, Angela, and I all work out every morning at 7:00, for an hour and a half. We saw the two of you leave for your run this morning, so I decided to wait for my sauna until you got back. Where did you run?”

“We ran that path that follows the fence line,” I said.

“Oh, that’s a nice run, it’s just over five miles. Did you stop at my workout stations?” Katherine asked.

“We did the stretching station at the beginning, and the pull-up bars in the middle,” said Sue. “How large is this ranch?”

“It’s just shy of a thousand acres, dear.”

“We really appreciate you having us during the holiday,” said Sue.

“You’re welcome, dear, I’ve enjoyed having you girls. You’re all such great conversationalists, I’ve enjoyed our chats. But, you’ve been avoiding me, haven’t you, Heather?”

“Mam?” I say questioningly. “I’ve talked to you several times.”

“Yes, dear, but only when we’ve been in groups. That’s why I invited Susan along with us, I thought you would feel more comfortable with a friendly face.”

“Well, Katherine, I guess you could say I avoided being one on one with you. It wasn’t personal, it’s just that I don’t get along with my own mother. Every time we’re alone, we fight,” I responded.

“I understand, your mother can be a difficult woman,” Katherine responded.

“You know my mother,” I asked.

“Yes, dear, your mother and I used to be friends. Angus and John are still good friends, but your mother and I had a falling out after we moved here. Did you not realize you and Jason were best friends until you were five?”

“No, mam, I didn’t think I had met Jay before college,” I responded.

“Yes, Gina and I were college roommates and best friends. When I started going out with John, I was the one that introduced your mom to Angus. The four of us actually got married in the same church in a double ceremony. Then Gina and I both got pregnant together and had the two of you, two weeks apart. Your mother and I actually betrothed the two of you in a play wedding. Is the picture of you and Jason in the wedding dress and tuxedo still hanging in the library?”

“Yes, mam, but I didn’t know that was Jay. Mom always told me it was just some one I used to play with. She never told me who it was, she’s never spoken of you.”

“Well, Gina, always could hold a grudge,” Katherine responded.

“Katherine, what did you and my mom fight about?” I asked.

“She was upset when John built this place and moved us out here. We invited you guys to live here with us, but your mother loved the city. She said she would never leave. Then… you know, I don’t even remember what the argument was about. However, I do remember Gina picked up a twenty-thousand dollar vase and threw it at my head. So, we haven’t spoken since, sixteen years, I guess.”

“Wow, Heather, so you never realized you already knew Jay?” asked Sue.

“No, when I sat next to him that first day, I thought he looked like my next victim. I was bummed when Connie told me he was gay,” I responded.

Katherine raised her eyebrows and asked, “victim?”

“Oh, ahh, oh… crap, I’m sorry, Katherine, I ah… well, I didn’t treat guys very nice back then. I would find shy, quiet guys, and make them my slaves. I kind of have this DOM fetish, and I would find willing victims to play with.”

“Do you do that to Jason?” asked Katherine.

“Ah… yes, but I’ve let him dominate me too. He just needs more confidence to do it well, but I liked it when he did it to me.”

“When did he dominate you?”

“Oh, our first date actually. You see Jay, and I had talked about my fantasies quite a few times, and he tried to act one out for me. He did good, but he hesitated a bit. I know he can do it, he just needs a little more time,” I responded.

“What are your intentions with Jason?” asked Katherine.

“I Love Jay and want to be with him always. Jay saved me last year, and I can never repay him, so I’ll spend the rest of my life trying.”

“Saved you,” asked Katherine, “saved you from what?”

“Oh, he didn’t tell you? Well, he saved me from my own worst enemy… myself. I was out of control, and I got in trouble with the law. It wasn’t the first time, and daddy told me he had had enough and wasn’t going to help me out this time. I got a public defender and was about to go to jail for three years. Jay stood up in court and said I was his best friend, and that he hadn’t done his job to keep me out of trouble. He promised the judge if he gave me one more chance, he would make sure I didn’t get into any more trouble. Connie, Rachel, and Susan agreed to the same thing. So the judge gave me a suspended sentence, a year of probation, and weekly counseling. And, the judge made them put up a bond that they would lose if I broke bail.”

“What did your mom and dad think about that?”

“I don’t know, I haven’t talked to him since. He calls me every Sunday and leaves a message, but I guess…well… I guess I’ve been too ashamed to talk to him.”

Sue got up and gave me a peck on the lips. Then she said she was too hot and left us.

“Heather, dear, do you think you’re with Jason because you feel obligated because of his kindness, or do you really love him?” asked Katherine.

“I love Jay with all of my heart. He is my mo chuisle mo chroi, that means,”

“Yes, dear, I know what it means. Angus said that to you from the day you were born. John has told me Angus has been sad this past year, but he would never say why. Now I know why, his heart, his pulse has been missing, his mo chuisle mo chroi. You know John has a video conference line set up in his office. Wouldn’t you know, speed dial number one is to Angus’ video conference. Imagine his surprise if he were to pick up expecting John, and his beautiful daughter was staring back at him.”

“I don’t know if I can face him yet,” I responded.

“Dear sweet girl, there is nothing you could do or say that your ‘Da’ wouldn’t forgive you for. I know you must have felt abandoned by him, but it sounded like you needed a wake-up call in life. He gave you what you needed, just not what you wanted. Call him sweetie, it’s been over a year, it’s time.”

“I’ll think about it,” I answered.

Katherine and I left the sauna and jumped in the pool to cool down. I brought her up to date about my mother and other things that went on over the years. Melly came down a bit later to tell us lunch was ready.

Melly whispered in my ear, “Jays going to have a meltdown if he doesn’t find out who he was with last night.”

I whispered back, “We’ll tell him tonight, come to the lounge at nine.”

Katherine handed me a big fluffy robe, and we went up to our rooms to change for lunch.

[Jay’s narration]

As Heather and Sue were being pulled to the basement, Heather gave me that save me look. I rubbed my ass, smiled, waved, and mouthed ‘bye.’ She furled her brows, flipped me the bird behind my mother’s back, and was gone from sight.

I figured Heather and Sue would be an hour, so I asked Rachel and Connie if they wanted to go four-wheeling.

Melly immediately spoke up, “Ow, great, I’m driving.”

“Oh shit, anything but that,” I said. I covered my mouth from Melly and mouthed to the girls, ‘She’s crazy.’

“Bro, don’t think I don’t know what you said. I’m not crazy, and I hardly ever wreck anymore,” responded Melly.

I strapped Connie and Rachel into their seats with a five-point harness. Then I climbed into the front passenger seat and strapped in myself. Melly asked if everyone was ready and gently pulled out of the garage. This was just a setup, she usually left the garage at warp speed. Melly drove about a thousand feet and stopped at the top of a deep ravine.

“Where’s the barn?” asked Connie.

Melly pointed at a building in the distance.

“Oh, that’s not too far, but how do we get around this valley?” asked Connie.

“Not to worry, Connie,” said Melly, “I have a shortcut.” She gave me a wicked little grin and drove over the side of the ravine.

Connie and Rachel shrieked in terror as the front of the four-wheeler dipped over the edge. The ravine is about a hundred feet deep with a twenty-foot wide stream at the bottom. We rocketed down a fifty-degree slope, leveled out at the bottom, and hit a rise at warp speed.

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