
House Slut 24 – Juxtaposition

While Tegan goes about her usual day, Brandon and his girlfriend Yeong start something new

“So let me get this straight,” Sam laughed “you let some kid cum on your tits for like eight bucks worth of ice cream?”

“Au contraire,” Tegan said smugly as she took the note from her bikini bottoms and threw it back in Sam’s face “I did it to make you do my housework for two weeks.”

“Fair enough.” Sam mock saluted her with his ice cream as he leaned back on his towel.

“You’d better do it properly.” Tegan chided “I didn’t jerk off a stranger just for you to half-ass it.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Sam drawled.

They watched the waves for awhile. Tegan hadn’t bothered to put her top back on yet, and still had a sheen of spunk on her chest. They remained largely unbothered on their patch of beach. A few people had wandered past them but this seemed to be people genuinely walking for their own purposes and no one had really glanced in their direction. The rest of the afternoon went by without remarkable incident. Tegan went for a brief dip, sticking to the shallow water without wandering too close to the other swimmers. Sam waded nearby but stayed close to the waterline keeping an eye on their belongings. Eventually, feeling tired from an afternoon in the sun they decided to head home.

Stopping by the outdoor showers at the edge of the parking area on the way back to the car, Tegan glanced about and then stripped out of her bikini bottoms, standing nude under the cold water as Sam rinsed off his legs nearby. She ran her fingers through her hair and ran her hands down her body trying to lose as many of the persistent grains of sand as she could. She discreetly glanced around and noticed a few people watching and did her best to pretend she didn’t care if people were looking. For some reason showering nude with strangers watching felt more daring than anything she’d done on the beach and she felt a thrill run through her body as she thought about it.

Satisfied she had gotten as de-sanded as she could, she took her towel as Sam handed it out to her and srapped it around her body covering herself from chest to thighs as she slipped back into her thongs and threw her wet bottoms into the bottom of her back wrapped in her dry bikini top. Sam picked up the idle chatter as they walked back to the car.

“Have a nice day?”

“Very pleasant, thank you.” Tegan smiled. “You too, I hope.”

“Oh, today far surpassed my expectations.”

They arrived at the car and loaded their bags. Tegan pulled on her dress over the towel then slipped the towel out from underneath, tucking it into her bag before sitting in the car. The car had gotten hot in the sun and she was grateful that she’d cooled off in the water before leaving or it might have been unbearable. She tugged at the sternum of her dress and lighly flapped the material, moving some air around as Sam started the engine and cranked up the air con.

“You’ve really gotten bold with showing your body.” Sam commented as he eased the car into traffic and headed toward home.

“I guess.” Tegan said mildly, slightly distracted by her phone as she checked to see if anything interesting was happening on social media. As was typical, there wasn’t. “I guess I’m starting to feel like if people want to look then I’m worth looking at. I’ve grown to enjoy that.”

“So how far do you think you’d go?”

Tegan rolled her eyes.

“Are you going somewhere with this?”

“No, just spitballing, maybe fantasizing a bit.” Sam smirked.

“I can’t say. It would depend on my mood that day. Maybe I’m just feeling less shy today because I was a bit firsky, tomorrow could be a whole new day. It’s not like I’m going to start going around 24/7 and doing my grocery shopping in the nude just because I stripped at the beach one time.”

“That’s a shame.” Sam said wistfully.

“I’m not saying it’ll never happen either.” Tegan countered.

“Well I live in hope.”


When they arrived home Tegan collected her things and entered the house. Sam took that opportunity as they paused outside the door as she was unlocking it to press up against her and she could feel his bulge pressing into her lower back. She wasn’t surprised he was feeling horny again, and wiggled her ass teasingly against him as she opened the door and they stumbled in together. She turned to face him as Sam pushed the door shut behind them and curled one leg enticingly around the back of his thighs as he took her by the waist, their faces poised inches apart as they both refrained, momentarily, from kissing.

Then a polite cough grabbed their attention and they both looked over to the couch where Brandon was sitting, with a woman Tegan had never met before. Based on her asian appearance, she concluded this must be Yeong, Brandon’s present object of desire. And based on the slightly award position they were seated in and the red blush in their cheeks, she suspected they had just seperated from their own makeout session. As an afterthought it occurred to Tegan that with her leg raised to wrap around Sam she was probably exposing her ass and this was not exactly the best way to greet a new guest. She lowered her leg and seperated from Sam, smoothing her skirt.

“Hi, you must be Yeong.” Tegan began.

“And you’re… Tegan?” she glanced to Brandon for confirmation and Brandon nodded. “Brandon said he he had a female roommate but I wasn’t sure…”

“Yes. And this is Sam. He lives here too.” Tegan gestured with a nod of her head. Sam waved.

“So you guys are…” Yeong trailed off.

“Together. Yup.” Sam slipped his hand around Tegan’s waist and pulled her close again. There was a lengthy pause.

“Well, don’t let us bother you!” Sam said, a little loudly as he took Tegan by the hand and led her further into the house.

“It was nice to meet you!” Tegan called as Sam led her away to his room and closed the door behind them.

“Well that was super awkward.” Tegan said quietly once the door was sealed.

“We definitely interrupted a makeout sesh, right?” Sam said with a grin.

“Oh yeah.” Tegan agreed then swatted him playfully on the shoulder. “What was that about us being ‘together’?”

“Well we were kind of acting like it, at least to an outsider.” Sam said defensively. “What did you want her to think?”

“I don’t know. What if she finds out? If her and Brandon get serious we’ll probably see a lot of her.”

“We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. Besides, it’ll probably give her comfort to know the girl in the house is spoken for so she doesn’t worry about Brandon’s loyalty.”

“I guess..” Tegan mused for a second then levelled a finger at Sam “No letting on that Brandon was involved. Let him tell her about that if and when he’s ready.”

“Sure.” Sam said, gently lowering her hand then untying the straps of her sundress where they knotted behind her back, letting the garmet slip to the floor and pool around her ankles. He slid his hand behind her head and pulled her into a kiss, his other hand caressing her lower back. Conceding that there was little more to discuss, Tegan slipped her hands between them and started to unfasten Sam’s belt.


“Well that was awkward.” Brandon said quietly once he heard Sam’s bedroom door click shut. Having been interrupted from what seemed to be a promising makeout session headed towards second base, Brandon was slightly at a loss as to how to reignite things.

“Yeah.” Yeong agreed, similarly seemed to be uncertain.

“You… want to see my room?” Brandon suggested, mostly to break the silence.

“Ok.” Yeong said as they both stood up. He let her lead the way, making vague gestures down the hall. As they passed by Sam’s room Brandon thought he could her a creaking movement of his bed and wondered if Sam and Tegan were already fucking. He wondered if Yeong could hear it and was having the same thoughts. Given that he’d just started to feel up Yeong’s breast over the shirt his mind was solely fixed on that. Not that he was expecting to go much further, since they’d only been out a couple of times, but he wanted to at least continue a little bit. When they reached his room he followed Yeong in and closed the door behind them for privacy. Yeong did a slow turn looking around at all the posters covering the walls and slowly sat down on the bed.

“Cool room.” She said with a smile, obviously trying to keep the ice broken.

“Thanks. Some of the posters are a bit outdated but, y’know. It keeps the place interesting.” Brandon say down on the bed next to her, trying to pick a respectful distance that still conveyed interest.

There was another silence.

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