

WARNING: this is what it says on the box, the story of a lesbian rape – no men are involved. It is not a violent story, more one of forced initiation, but please do not read further if this subject matter is likely to offend you. This story is fiction, and all characters and places are invented.

copyright: Lesley Tara, 2012

Sally-Anne whistled quietly to herself, in a happy mood as she cleaned Room 517 on the top floor of the hotel. She knew that she had been very lucky to get this temporary job during the school summer holidays: there were not many such opportunities in her quiet medium-sized home town, and she was only a little over sixteen years old, which is the minimum legal age for employment in Britain. Sally-Anne wanted to save money towards paying for driving lessons when she turned seventeen next year, but, after several fruitless attempts at the few vacancies available, she had resigned herself to wasting the holiday period just hanging around with her school friends – which, nice as they were, would be frustrating, and probably soon get boring. However, she had happened to mention her disappointment to her school geography teacher, Ms. Gilmour (a pleasant, attractive and always very smartly-dressed woman in her early 30s, who Sally-Anne really admired). The teacher had looked at the pretty blue-eyed blonde teenager appraisingly for a long moment and then, as if coming to a decision that had been long-maturing, had said that she knew the manageress of the large modern hotel on the edge of the town – a Ms. Carrington – and that she would mention Sally-Anne to her. In fact, she added to the delighted schoolgirl’s chorus of thanks, she would positively recommend her, and be glad to provide a reference.

Ms. Gilmour had been as good as her word (‘no surprise there’, thought Sally-Anne, with gratitude and affection, ‘she’s so wonderful – I wish I could be like her’), and within a week the eager teen had been given an appointment for an interview with Ms. Carrington. She turned out to be a rather formidable lady, brisk and efficient, and clearly very much in command of her domain. The manageress appeared to be in her late 30s: it was hard to tell, as she was tall and slim, with collar-length brunette hair in a style that was both elegant and rather severe, but from the slight lines around her lips and eyes, she was possibly even a little over 40. Ms. Carrington was dressed with an sophisticated simplicity that Sally-Anne envied, in a charcoal grey business suit, with the flared jacket and tulip skirt tightly-tailored to her slender waist and mature curves. Beneath this was a buttoned blouse in scarlet silk, its flash of vivid colour effectively offsetting both the grey of the suit and the black of the manageress’s leather stiletto-heeled boots. Sally-Anne had been quite intimidated by the woman’s effortless assurance and authority, and felt that she had come across as quite shy and rather immature at the interview. In fact, she had been surprised when, at the conclusion, Ms. Carrington had said – with her first smile – that Sally-Anne seemed to be a nice and dependable young girl, that she had been strongly recommended by Ms. Gilmour, who’s judgement the manageress trusted (there was a slightly odd, assessing look in her eyes when she said that, thought the schoolgirl), that she was willing to give Sally-Anne a two-week trial, and that – if all went well – she would employ her for the whole eight weeks of the summer break, and indeed probably in the Christmas holidays and again the following year.

Sally-Anne was determined to seize this marvellous opportunity, and put all her efforts into demonstrating that she was an ideal employee. It was now the start of her third day, and already she had mastered the routine of her main duty. This was to clean the rooms of the guests, either when they had checked out and before the next arrivals, or – if they were staying over – at some time convenient for them, when the room was unoccupied. Everything seemed to be going well – in fact, at the end of the previous day, when Ms. Carrington had inspected the rooms that Sally-Anne had been assigned, the manageress had given the girl one of her rare smiles, and told her that she was ‘coming on well’.

So Sally-Anne had begun this Wednesday morning in a cheerful frame of mind, and was undaunted by being presented with a longer list of rooms to clean – on the contrary, she was encouraged by this sign of greater responsibility. She would have to get going if she was to finish them all before the rooms were scheduled to be available to the incoming guests, but as she finished up in Room 517 she was quite pleased, as she had already done several in her first hour, since starting her shift at 9.00 a.m. It helped that most of the people who stayed at the hotel had come to the town on business, for, unlike holiday-makers, they were usually up and on their way early, often having checked out even before Sally-Anne arrived at the hotel to begin work.

After finishing the cleaning of Room 517, who’s occupant had left after an early breakfast, the teenager paused for a moment and glanced at her own reflection in the full-length mirror that was fixed to the front of the wardrobe. Ms. Carrington had placed particular emphasis on the importance of maintaining a neat and professional appearance at all times, and Sally-Anne straightened and smoothed down her plain and simple chambermaid’s uniform. This consisted of a black one-piece short-sleeve dress in a light crinkle-resistant artificial fabric; it came down to a little above her knees and had buttons at the front from the collar to her waist, where it was drawn in by a belt made of the same material. Apart from her underwear – a plain and modest matching set of pink cotton bra and panties – the only other things that Sally-Anne was wearing were a pair of comfortable slip-on low-heeled shoes, and a pink plastic Alice band to hold back her straight blonde hair. The cleaning work was quite strenuous, even in the air-conditioned bedrooms, and Sally-Anne had accepted her new boss’s advice not to wear tights or stockings – she would get far too hot in them, and they would only get snagged or laddered. Instead, below the hem of her uniform was an expanse of bare leg, shapely and lightly-bronzed from Sally-Anne’s many sporting and outdoor activities.

The sixteen-year-old took a moment to appraise herself in the mirror, turning from one side to the other to present her profiles. Sally-Anne was normally a shy and retiring girl, and did not tend to think of herself as particularly noticeable or pretty – but, in fact, she had becoming increasingly so over the last year, as her body had developed some quite pronounced curves. Of average height for her age, around five feet four inches, her bust and butt were rather more than averagely rounded and jutting – already, she was having to take a C-cup fitting in her slender 28 inch bras. Sally-Anne had a lively face, with a slightly turned-up nose, an unblemished smooth pink complexion, and a sparkle to her sky-blue eyes.

The truth was that she was an alluring young female, on the cusp of the transition from girl to woman. In a technical sense, she was the latter, for she had lost her virginity a few months before, but she was quite naive and sexually inexperienced. Sally-Anne had only had penetrative sex twice, and hadn’t found it very pleasurable on either occasion; her then boyfriend had pestered her into agreeing to do it, and then had come into his contraceptive sheath within a few seconds of pushing his thing into her hole – there had been almost no foreplay, nor any afterplay either! He had remained lying on top of her for about a minute, and then withdrew with a grunt, leaving her completely unsatisfied. Sally-Anne was quite glad to have lost her virginity – as most of her friends seemed to have done so already – but her reluctance, and indeed eventual refusal, to repeat the exercise had been the cause of breaking up a few weeks ago, about which Sally-Anne had few regrets. Nor was she in any hurry to get involved with another boyfriend, who no doubt would make similar unpleasant demands, and getting this summer job was a good way of taking herself out of circulation for the vacation.

Sally-Anne wheeled her trolley of cleaning equipment out of Room 517, closing the door behind her, and considered her next move. She was also due to clean the adjacent room, number 518, but this was occupied by a businesswoman who was booked in for the whole week and would not be leaving until Saturday morning. Ms. Carrington had specifically mentioned this guest as an important client; she was the regional manager of a large well-known company, and stayed regularly at the hotel for one week in each month. Her name was Ms. Milne, and she was a striking figure – a handsome woman in her mid 30s, nearly six feet tall, with jet black hair cut quite short and shaped around her ears and her sharp cheekbones, and with a slim waist and trim hips that emphasised the thrust of quite a prominent pair of breasts above – they looked like D-cups at least. Sally-Anne had only encountered Ms. Milne twice during the previous days, both times briefly, and if anything she was even more in awe of her than she was of Ms. Carrington. On the second occasion, she had felt quite intimidated as she felt Ms. Milne’s searching regard appraising her from head to toe, and had embarrassed herself by blushing like the young schoolgirl that she was.

There was no ‘do not disturb’ sign hanging on the outside door-handle of Ms. Milne’s room, and all seemed quiet within – although the heavy door was quite sound-proof, so it was hard to tell for sure. Still, it seemed to Sally-Anne that the room had a deserted air, as did number 519 on the other side – the room occupied by Ms. Milne’s PA, a lithe blonde in her early 20s who looked like a recent college graduate. It really would help Sally-Anne to get through her schedule in time if she could do both of these rooms now, and not have to trail back to them later. After a moment’s hesitation, the pretty teenager knocked quite firmly on the door of Ms. Milne’s room; as she had expected, there was no response. The chambermaid concluded that the vigorous businesswoman and her assistant had almost certainly gone out for the day (on the previous two days, she had seen them leaving quite soon after she had begun work at 9.00 a.m., and it was now nearly 10.00), and she assumed that Ms. Milne had simply forgotten about putting out the sign indicating that the room was ready for cleaning.

Sally-Anne unlocked the door of Room 518 with her pass key, padded in for a few steps – and then stopped, rooted to the spot in open-mouthed shock. The bedroom was very far from being unoccupied, very far indeed – for on the large double bed were two naked figures, and they were certainly fully occupied! In the centre of the bed, crouched on all fours and with her ass towards Sally-Anne, was the blonde PA, her full soft breasts dangling beneath her chest and swinging wildly from side to side. Kneeling at the side of the bed, between the younger woman’s parted legs, was the dominating figure of her boss, who was not – as Sally-Anne realised, staring transfixed at the stunning scene – as completely naked as her assistant. Ms. Milne was wearing some sort of belt or harness around her waist, with straps that went around each thigh; the businesswoman’s back was towards Sally-Anne, as her hips jerked backwards and forwards, driving something at the front of the harness in and out of her PA’s cunt with a wet sloppy smacking sound, whilst the recipient gasped and moaned at each thrust.

The young chambermaid was not totally naive – she knew at once what this must be: a strap-on dildo, the kind that lesbians used on each other. The teenager had never seen one in reality before, but she had once on film, when her best friend, Eleanor, had shown her a lesbian porn DVD of her father’s that she had found, in which several women had done unbelievable things with each other, including the insertion of enormous vibrators and plastic strap-on cocks. Eleanor had seemed somehow disappointed at the lack of effect of the hardcore movie on Sally-Anne, but in truth that had been far from the case – the blonde teenager had been simply stunned, shaken to the core, and ever since the images had returned constantly to her mind, especially at night and in her dreams.

Seeing lesbians fucking in the flesh, however, had a whole different level of impact in its unbridled lust-filled immediacy – the vision before her was like a blow in the solar plexus, driving all of the wind out of her. Sally-Anne’s eyes were like saucers, her stomach was full of butterflies, and her legs went so weak at the knees that she had to reach out to grasp the nearby dressing table in order not to fall over, giving a shocked gasp as she did so.

At once, Ms. Milne’s concentration on reaming out the pussy of her pretty young aide was broken. With her dildo still rammed deep into the PA’s vagina, her head jerked round to stare at the intruder, giving Sally-Anne a full view of her heavy mature breasts with their large erect nipples. A flash of intense anger crossed the businesswoman’s sharp features, her mouth snapping closed into a tight line. With one convulsive movement, she ripped the dildo back out of her young assistant’s hole – eliciting a shriek of protest in the process – swung off the bed, and advanced on the hapless chambermaid. Behind her tall spare frame, Sally-Anne had a brief but vivid view of the blonde PA’s gaping cunt, her parted labia almost dripping with sexual juices, as with a bubbling moan of frustration the younger woman collapsed face downwards on the bed, like a puppet whose strings had been cut. Ms. Milne stormed past Sally-Anne, who flinched instinctively, as if she expected to be struck. Instead, the mature woman slammed closed the half-open bedroom door, and turned the inside bolt with an ominous thunk. Only then did she round on the teenager, who shrank back against the dressing table for support.

‘How dare you!’ snarled the angry woman, with her hands on her hips and her breasts thrust forwards aggressively like twin missile warheads, primed to launch. ‘What do you mean, sneaking in like this, and spying on people! What were you up to, creeping around? – were you trying to steal some money, is that it?’ The black-haired woman gestured at the dressing table, and Sally-Anne registered with horror that the hand which she had put out just to steady herself in the moment of initial shock was resting only a few inches away from Ms. Milne’s open wallet, in which the edges of several banknotes and a set of credit cards were clearly visible. With a squeal as if her fingers had been burned, Sally-Anne snatched her hand away, and began a stammering incoherent apology. However, the older woman’s angry tirade stormed on, sweeping aside any apologies and explanations:

‘You sneaky little bitch!’ snapped the glowering and aggressive woman, ‘I’m going to complain about you, in the strongest terms – oh, yes, I’ll see that you’re fired, at once!’

Hearing this, Sally-Anne moaned in despair, almost collapsing as she begged the handsome businesswoman not to do that, oh please, no, anything but that, please, no! Inside her head, she wailed to herself – when everything had been going so well, how could it have gone so disastrously wrong so quickly?

‘So – you don’t want us to complain, you don’t want to be fired, yeah?’ said Ms. Milne, with a strange flush on her face and a burning intensity in her gaze. ‘In that case’, the mature woman continued with relish, ‘we’ll just have to punish you ourselves, we’ll teach you a lesson you won’t forget!’

A harsh endorsing laugh came from the bed behind Sally-Anne, and she glanced over her shoulder to see that the young blonde PA had recovered sufficiently to sit up, and was kneeling in the middle of the bed, heedless of her total nudity, with her thighs parted and her cunt fully exposed. Gazing at the teenaged chambermaid, the PA licked her lips avariciously, and added an eager endorsement:

‘Yeah, let’s do her, do her real good, hot fucking little tramp, she needs it, fucking needs it!’

Ms. Milne was a decisive woman in every respect, and this seemed to be all the encouragement that her rampant lust required. With lightning reflexes, she seized the thunderstruck chambermaid by the arm, and dragged her towards the bed. Reaching the side of the mattress, the tall and powerfully-built woman spun the blonde girl around to face her. However, Sally-Anne had no time to register a protest against what was happening, as immediately Ms. Milne shoved her roughly backwards, and the teenager’s legs caught against the side of the bed, sending her tumbling over to sprawl on her back across half of the width of the bed, her head landing a few inches from the squatting PA.

‘Hold her, Debbie – keep her down, hold her firm’, Ms. Milne tersely instructed her PA, who moved instantly into action, partly following the orders of the commanding boss to whom she was utterly in thrall, and partly also in cruel anticipation of what would now befall the cute and innocent-looking schoolgirl. It took only a second for Debbie to surge forwards and use her knees to pin Sally-Anne’s shoulders to the mattress, imprisoning the girl’s head between her sweat-sheened thighs. To make quite certain that the chambermaid was trapped, Debbie reached out and with each hand she grabbed one of the teenager’s arms just below the elbow, spreading them wide and using her superior position and weight to hold them down. Sally-Anne struggled uselessly against this assault, and looked up in shock at her captor – of whom she could mostly see the underside of the full firm breasts poised above her, their nipples erect twin peaks, with the young PA’s hard-eyed face framed in the cleavage.

The sixteen-year-old was about to voice a protest when something else, even more appalling and frightening, riveted her attention in a different direction. Ms. Milne had grasped the hem of Sally-Anne’s flimsy maid’s uniform, and with a rough jerk had hauled the skirt up to the girl’s waist. The mature lesbian gazed for just a second at the naively girlish plain pink bikini-style panties that this action had revealed, before hooking a finger into their waistband at each hip – and then, with one firm yank, stripping the panties down the squealing girl’s legs, and tossing them aside. The businesswoman seized the naked cunt that was now exposed, with its tightly folded vaginal groove surrounded by a fringe of neatly-trimmed dark blonde pubic hair, and she pressed her thumb firmly into the lower part of the trapped teenager’s slit, parting her trembling dry flesh. Then Ms. Milne stood upright and pressed forwards, forcing the powerless teen’s thighs apart, until the spear of the out-thrust dildo bumped against the chambermaid’s cunt.

It was only at this moment that Sally-Anne’s brain caught up with what was happening, and the reality hit her like a ice-cold douche. She was going to be raped! – these terrible lesbians were going to use her for their kinky perverted pleasure, were going to take her and violate her, and, what was worse, there was nothing at all that she could do to stop them!

‘Oh, no – no!’ moaned Sally-Anne, pleading in desperation: ‘no, no, oh – please, don’t! Don’t do that to me, I’m not a lezzie, please, no, not that, oh! oh God, oh no, please, ple-mummff! ugumpff! uggghuff!!’

The pretty blonde chambermaid’s tearful pleas had been cut short by the action of the youthful PA, who had risen onto her haunches, spread her legs further apart, and then smacked her cunt down over Sally-Anne’s mouth and nostrils, effectively gagging the girl. Debbie now released her grip on the teenager’s arms (for with the whole weight of her body resting on Sally-Anne’s face and shoulders, there was no way that the slightly-built girl could wriggle free), and swiftly unbuttoned the front of the chambermaid’s uniform. Sally-Anne squirmed in alarm at this new violation but was powerless to prevent it, and tears of shame and fear leaked from her eyes as she felt her top being tugged open and her breasts being scooped out of their bra cups and exposed to the view and use of these terrible lesbian rapists. Debbie enjoyed the feel of mauling the pretty young girl’s soft breasts, and rolled the teenager’s hardening nipples between her fingers as she leaned forward, and said:

‘She was just about to make me come – she was just about to get me off, you pissing little cunt, when you came sneaking in and interrupted! I’m so fucking gasping for it, and you’re gonna set things right – so eat my pussy, you little bitch! Eat my cunt and make me come, and you’d better do it good!’

With that remark, Debbie pressed down harder onto the teen’s face, and ground her sticky wet labia over Sally-Anne’s nose and mouth. The young girl froze for a moment, her mind in a whirl between fear and shock on the one hand, and on the other a sudden vivid memory of the scene in Eleanor’s porn DVD in which an older woman had made a younger one devour her pussy until she came in shrieking wild abandon. However, Sally-Anne’s momentary pause angered the impatient and highly-aroused PA, who gave the blonde chambermaid’s tits a sharp slap and then a pinch, whilst repeating her instructions:

‘C’mon, fucking eat me, you fucking little twat, get on with it, you stupid slit-hole!

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