Horny Eager Cousin
Courtesy of http://whiteshadow.pornopartners.com
Eager Horny Cousin
Chapter 1
Susie Blake had big tits, and she knew it. She cupped them in her
hands, hefting them out for Mark’s inspection as he stood gaping before
her, frankly astonished.
“Well?” she asked sweetly, enjoying his stare. “I told you they were
bigger than Pam’s, didn’t I? Is this proof enough?”
Slowly Mark Harmon’s head bobbed up and down, his face slack with
amazement. “Jesus, are they ever! I never saw any like those before,
even in pictures! Can…can I touch them?”
The question came out shy and breathless, making Susie smile at the
tortured look on her cousin’s face. Though excited by the prospect of
having her oversized titties touched, she pretended to hesitate.
“Well…I don’t know. Are you sure Uncle Dave and Aunt Linda won’t come
back from town early? If they got home and started wondering why we
didn’t have the morning eggs collected yet…”
She glanced fearfully at the open chicken coop door, almost expecting
to see Uncle Dave’s big station wagon coming up the gravel driveway
beside the house. She’d arrived almost a week ago to spend her entire
summer vacation with them, and the last thing she wanted now was to get
caught like this.
Mark’s handsome face scrunched in a wince, and he spoke hastily. “Nah,
they never come back early from their town trips. And even if they do,
they won’t bother coming out here to look for us. Look, I’ll make sure
no one can see anything.”
With those words he quickly set down his egg basket and bolted for the
wood-slatted door, pulling it shut with a bang and hooking its crude,
handmade latch to give them privacy.
Actually, the chicken coop wasn’t the most private place in the world
even with its door shut. Little more than a makeshift shack, its
boarded walls gaped to let the country morning sunshine stream in, more
than enough to let someone peek in if they wanted to. And the subdued
lazy cackles of the chickens as they perched in their roosts or waddled
along the hay-strewn wood floor poking for food reminded Susie of an
audience, all intently looking on as she stood with her shirt bunched
at her shoulders and her tits jutting out.
For a moment she was almost sorry she’d set out to show Mark that her
tits were bigger than his sister’s. If he hadn’t pointed out Old Bess,
the family cow, as they were heading for the coop and made a snide
remark about Pam’s tits, it never would have gotten started. On the
other hand, she was the one who’d pushed the subject by announcing that
her tits were every bit as big as his sister’s and maybe even bigger.
One thing had led to another, and now she found herself standing in a
chicken coop with her tits sticking out just like that cow’s, all
because she wanted to impress her cousin.
At least she’d accomplished that much. Mark was impressed. Glancing
furtively toward the house where he hoped Pam was still sleeping, he
fixed the door shut and came back.
“Okay. Now we’ve got lots of privacy. Are you going to let me feel your
tits, or not?”
“Oh, all right.” She shrugged, making them bobble with enticement.
“Just a little, then. Until I say to stop.”
“Sure.” Mark grinned agreeably, knowing that once he got hold of those
big tits he intended to hang on just as long as he wanted. After all,
it wasn’t every day a guy got to wrap his fingers around a pair like
those! “Anything you say, Suse. Anything at all.”
As he spoke, his hands flew up without warning and mashed against her
ripe pliant tits, making her gasp.
“Ohhh, that hurts! Not so hard…ahhh, that’s better. Much better…”
Mark’s fingers slowed their first urgent kneadings, and began to rub
across her tits in a slow, tender massage. His voice came out husky.
“Is that all right?”
“Uhmm, yes…”
Susie gave a purr as her fat, tingling nipples spiked out against his
palms, itching with a sudden incredible sensation.
Startled by that abrupt press of hard rubbery nipple flesh, he jerked
his hands back. “Jesus! What’s happening?”
Staring down in total amazement, Mark saw her nipples puff out until
they had to be at least an inch long and finger-thick, their flared
points distended, red with inflamed reaction.
She had to smile, observing the consternation on his face. Despite all
his big talk about tits and the fact that he and Susie were the same
age, Mark was even less experienced than she was! “Nothing’s happening,
silly. That’s just how girls are, that’s all. I thought you knew all
about titties from Pam and Old Bess!”
“Well…” He blushed, trapped by his own bravado. “Well, hell, Bess is
only a cow! And…uh, I mean Pam never did really show me her tits on
purpose. Just sort of once when I walked into the bathroom while she
was taking a shower…you mean all girls get like that?”
He reached out again, this time gingerly, and flicked one stiffened
nipple with a finger.
Susie gasped. “Ye–ehhss…”
Her nipple strummed out quivering.
Mark frowned. “Does it hurt?”
His finger flicked across her taut nipple again, then moved in a circle
over the bumpy plumped surface of its pink areola.
Susie felt her cunt melt in a flood of steamy juices. “Uhm, not when
you do it nice and easy like that. In fact, it feels nice!”
Picking up courage once more, he gently placed his palms over her large
expanded nipples and rubbed them in a rotating motion, feeling those
huge swollen buds bend and spring erect, stiffer than ever.
Frowning in utter concentration, Mark studied his cousin’s tits as if
they were the last tits he would ever see. He watched their nipples pop
up resiliently under each roll of his hands. He also noticed the
tremors that shot through Susie’s body. Her attractive face took on a
strange expression, full lips parting in a long, low groan and blue
eyes fluttering oddly as he twanged and teased her nipples with
hesitant, curious care.
“Are you all right, Suse? I mean…I can stop, if you really want me
“Nuh–no, don’t stop.”
Breathless and dizzy from the aching excitement that soared through her
pussy, Susie shook her head, her long blonde curls cascading like a
golden aura. Instead she arched her shoulders, shoving those big bouncy
jugs at him for more attention. “Keep doing that. It…it feels nice.
Oh, ohhh…”
He grinned, gaining confidence. Hell, maybe Susie’s tits weren’t all
that different from Old Bess after all. They sure weren’t the floppy
old cow udders he was used to, but they looked just juicy enough for
His grin spreading wide at that comparison Mark deftly grasped those
fatly blossomed nipples between thumb and forefinger and gave them a
couple of rhythmic squeezes, as if actually expecting a stream of hot
liquid to gush forth. “Aaah!”
Susie gasped at those curious nipple-twisting tugs, her teenaged pussy
frothing in a fresh torrent of cream.
Seeing that she didn’t object, Mark tugged again. His fingers pulled on
her big inflamed nipples with tender expertise, taking care not to pull
too hard. “Oh man, I could milk these babies dry! I’ll bet I could get
a gallon out of ’em and it’d taste sweeter than Old Bess ever thought
of! Yeah, I’ll bet you’d taste just like sugar, Suse. All creamy and
warm, like…oh shit…”
Suddenly he couldn’t stand it anymore. His head swooped down and
without another word Mark pursed his lips hard onto one giant pink
nipple and sucked it into his mouth, unable to hold back the urge to
taste that sweet sugary tit a moment longer.
“Oh Mark, that–ooohhh!”
She squealed and arched, automatically mashing her tit to his face.
Susie had never before felt a thrill of pleasure like the one tearing
through her now. But then, she’d never had her tits sucked, either. The
nipple caught between his lips started to tingle like crazy, and the
tingling abruptly increased as his tongue slid wetly over her bloated
spike, making it quiver like a plucked string.
“Yes!” Before she quite realized it, Susie heard herself crying out.
“Yes, suck my titty like that! Suck it good and hard! It feels so…so
nice, soooo nice! Ahhhh…”
She reached up and clutched his head, fingers tangling in his dark
tousled hair. Her tit shoved forward, filling his mouth and smashing
against his face with such ferocity that he couldn’t breathe.
However, instead of pulling back he sucked all the harder. His hands
slipped about Susie’s waist, and found that she was shuddering all over
in a series of ripples that almost scared him all over again.
But her gasping, purring voice urged him on. “Suck…suck me, oh suck
me good! Harder, Mark, harder! I’m–I’m going to–to–oooooh!”
Her cry rose to a wail, and she spasmed. An earthquake seemed to erupt
all through her, and by twisting his head Mark could see that her blue
eyes were glazed and glassy, not like. Susie’s eyes at all.
He didn’t have the vaguest idea what was happening. But since she
didn’t seem the least interested in releasing her death-grip on his
head, he kept on sucking.
Finally the eruptions subsided, and it was at that moment that Mark had
to jerk back for air.
“Whuh–whew!” he gasped, flushed and breathing hard. “Wow, I never
thought I’d almost get smothered to death by a tit! Suse? Hey Suse, you
all right?”
He took her shoulders and gave her a nudging shake.
Susie focused once more into reality, and the worried look on her
cousin’s face. Spiraling down from the nicest surge of sensation she’d
ever known, she blinked. The haze that had clouded her eyes slowly
seeped away, and with it came the dawn of realization.
She’d just had an orgasm. The very first real honest-to-gosh orgasm of
her life! The crotch of her jeans was sopping wet, and her tits
throbbed. Her heart was pounding, and she felt dizzy all over. Her very
first orgasm–and it was wonderful!
“Hey, Suse, come on! If you’re just trying to scare me again–“
She smiled, and Mark let out a loud sigh of relief.
“Oh shit, what’d you do that for? The way you looked, I thought you
were dying or something!”
Her smile widened. When she spoke, her voice was a bit hoarse. “Oh,
don’t be such a big baby! Haven’t–haven’t you ever seen a girl come
Mark went blank. “You mean girls can come too?”
His total ignorance and serious expression were so ludicrous together
that she had to bite her lip to keep from laughing out loud. “Of course
I did, silly! You should know–you’re the one who did it!”
At first he didn’t understand. But the glow in Susie’s bright blue eyes
told him he’d just done something ‘right, whether he understood it or
not. After an instant’s hesitation, Mark grinned.
“Want me to do it again?”
He looked down at her tits, ready for another taste.
However, he was in for a new surprise. Susie nodded, reaching for the
snap of her jeans. “All right. But this time I’m going to let you see
just what happens when a girl comes. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
Stunned, Mark stared as she undid her jeans and began to push them
down. He swallowed hard, feeling his cock lurch in his pants. He hadn’t
expected anything like this! His prick was twisting into a confined
lump of solid rock as he watched the jeans slither crisply over his
cousin’s hips and glide to the old wood floor. She stepped out of them,
at the same time tugging her shirt the rest of the way off too.
Now she stood before him in just her panties, atremble with a mixture
of shyness and anticipation as the vivid memory of that very first
orgasm urged her on.
Mark’s eyes fastened on her damp silk-clad crotch, and he let out a
hoarse breath. “Oh shit…”
He could see the darkened thatch of her cunt hair beneath the flimsy
white fabric, and his prick began to throb so much it hurt.
“Well, don’t just stand there!” Susie’s taunting voice cut through his
mesmerized stare. “I’m not going to strip naked in this old chicken
coop all by myself, you know! And…and besides, if you want to see how
girls come, you’re going to have to show me how boys do it too! That’s
only fair, isn’t it?”
He looked up at her dumbly. Then his face contorted. “You mean I gotta
take off my–the hell I am! Hunh–uh. No way!”
“Oh, is that so?” By this time Susie had noticed the ominous bulge in
his trousers, and the sudden sexy smile that flitted across her face
was playful and knowing. “You want to see me, don’t you? Like this?”
Hooking her thumbs under the elastic band of her panties, she eased
them down. The crisp top fringe of her pussy curls burst into view, all
gold and downy and rich with the promise of more to come.
Mark’s throat went tight. Just that hint of pussy hair had his balls
aching like hell, practically begging for a better look. Despite his
inexperience, he knew when he was trapped.
“Oh, shit! Cock-teasing bitch!”
Angrily he jerked his shirt off and threw it on the hay-littered floor.
Then he went for his pants, and had them completely unfastened before
he froze, too embarrassed to go on.
“You first.”
Susie smiled. “All right. I don’t mind.”
With one deft motion she shoved the panties down her legs, and stepped
out of them completely.
Mark ogled the abrupt spectacle of her blonde-furred cunt. Its thick
triangular carpet glinted in the rays of the morning sunlight, and he
could even see little flecks of wetness on the tufted peak that curled
between her thighs, hiding the rim of her pussy from view.
She stood proudly before him, enjoying the look on his face. “Now it’s
your turn. That is…if you want to see everything. And I mean
absolutely everything!”
She smiled even wider now, tingling with wicked excitement.
There was no way out of it. Flushed and embarrassed but encouraged by
the spectacle of his now-nude cousin, Mark worked his pants down too.
They inched off, with torturous slowness. The first of his cockcurls
burst free, thick and dark and richly entwined. Her breath sucked in.
The base of his cock appeared then, and she hissed the breath out
It loomed out of his cockfur like a fence post, much huger than she’d
ever imagined and so thick that it made her pussy suddenly erupt in a
frothy mixture of fear and excitement.
The pants worked away, and more of his cock appeared. And more, and
more, as if it intended to go on forever. His prick arced like a bow in
the lowering confines of his trousers, and now she could see that his
cock was all veined and pulsing, with a life of its own. She’d never
seen anything like it before in her life, not even in pictures!
Suddenly Mark jerked the pants down, and his cock sprang entirely free.
It wagged up, enormous and hard and soaring out at her, its little
pisstip glistening with a hint of moisture. Taken altogether, his cock
was unbelievably bigger than she’d imagined a boy’s cock to be. It
scared her.
But at the same time, it made her ache.
“Oh, Mark…”
Hastily he pushed his pants to his ankles and kicked out of them, now
as nude as she was. Flushing embarrassedly, he clenched his fists to
keep them from trying to cover his engorged cock.
“Well, what do you think?”
Susie’s cunt was juicing wildly as she took in the big bloated cock
sack that dangled beneath that monster prick, all wrinkled and lightly
fuzzed and perfect. She didn’t even try to hide her awe. “It…it’s
fantastic! I mean…oh, wow!” She watched that enormous prick bobbing
majestically before her, its length swollen to incredible hugeness and
big reddened head nodding acknowledgment, as if fully aware of the
effect it had.
Slowly Mark’s embarrassment faded and a grin of satisfaction tugged at
his lips. “It’s pretty big, huh? At least I always kind of thought so,
compared to the other guys in gym class. Do you think it’s big, Suse?”
He sidled forward, still a bit shy at the blatant way his prick was
throbbing and straining straight out, aimed at her like a spear.
Her answer came out in a husky appreciative whisper. “Oh yes, yesss…”
For a moment longer Susie simply stood there, taking in that monster of
a cock and juicing up a torrent that leaked down her thighs, drenching
“Well?” Mark spoke up suddenly, catching her attention. “I showed you
everything. Now it’s your turn. Like you said, Suse.”
By this time even the slightest trace of inhibition had been swept away
in a flood of hot cream. Susie obeyed gladly. She sank onto the
cluttered floor, making chickens squawk and flap out of her way as she
spread her legs wide.
Her pussy opened up like a flower, its pink petaled lips pooching open
all dewy and well greased to expose the entire creased recess of her
hole to him, right down to the small erect hood of her taut, fattened
It was the first pussy he’d ever seen close-up in his life, and Mark
goggled. His cock thrummed up. His dark brown eyes fastened on his
cousin’s splayed pussy, taking it in with a hungry expression.
She creamed furiously under his stare, and wiggled. “Now…now do you
want to see me come, like I promised?” Her hands slipped down between
her slickened inner thighs.
His head moved up and down. “Yeah. Show me how girls come. I want to
see…oh Jeez…”
His voice rattled off as Susie pulled her cunt lips even wider apart,
gleefully showing him the snug wet depths of her pussy gash in her most
blatant display yet.
Mark looked as if he were going to explode his load of cock cream on
the spot. His prick wagged frantically, and his eyes took on a hazed
Pussy juice burst from her drenched young cunt in a flood. She dipped a
finger along the slickened crease between her cunt lips, all the way
along her pussy gash until it rolled across her clit with twanging
jolts of delight.
She gasped. When she spoke, the words came out as a surprise, even to
“It…it might be better if you used your cock to make me come. If you
just put it against my pussy, like…you know, almost like we were
fucking, I could come really nice then…”
If anything that offer made Mark’s prick ripple with furious agreement
as he took in his cousin’s pert open-mouthed pussy, all slick with
fragrant drool and gaping with eager invitation.
His answer came out a groan. “Yeah, me too. We could both come like
that…let’s try it and see.”
Instantly he was scrambling forward. On his knees, he glided between
her open thighs into a crouch and pushed his hardened cock at the gold-
fringed slash of pinkness that pouted wide before him. His cockhead
slithered into a ticklish tangle of soaked fur, pressing against hot,
wet, pussy flesh.
Susie groaned loudly at that hot-poker feel of cock sliding up to her
pussy. “Oh–ohhhh…”
On his hands and knees, he grunted. “How’s this?”
His inflamed cocktip pushed against her buttery cunt lips, lodging
between them. Susie’s mouth flew open and a long moan slid out as, for
the first time ever, she actually felt her cunt mouth being pried open
around a real, throbbing prick!
“Oh yehhhsss…”
She squirmed ecstatically, feeling her cunt folds expand and melt into
a snug vise about her cousin’s rimmed cockhead.
“Oh, shit!” Mark hissed.
Her moist, rubbery cunt lips seemed to suck his pricktip in like a fat
piece of candy, slurping at it for the rich goodness that boiled up in
his balls. Shit, he practically had his cock poked right in a girl’s
cunt! It felt so good that he twitched his hips, easing his cock around
in her taut, slickened pussy hole.
“That…that’s nice!” Susie cooed, blasting juices all over his meaty
prickhead. “Oh that’s going to make me come really good! Move it around
some more, yes that’s–aaahhh! What–what’re you doing? Oh Mark,
As if of its own accord, Mark’s cock eased deeper into his cousin’s
slurpy hot cunt hole, snuggling into her. It stretched her cunt wide
apart, and she cried out as a sudden burst of pain seemed to rip
through her.
“Oh fuck, that hurts! Don’t Mark, it–it’s too much! Too–oooooh!”
Mark let out a growl, but it was too late to stop now. His prick was
being sucked right up her tight cunt chute, aided by the writhing
twists of her hips as she tried to escape. He sank atop her with a
shudder, and Susie wailed as her virgin cunt was split wide and filled
with hard pulsing cock.
They lay like that a long moment, both panting equally surprised by the
fact that Mark’s cock was totally sheathed inside her. Neither of them
had really expected anything like this to happen. They were cousins,
and cousins weren’t supposed to do this kind of stuff!
But Mark couldn’t hold back a throaty groan of sheer delight as he lay
gasping atop Susie’s voluptuous body, her large tits shoving against
his flat chest and legs flopping apart and pussy squeezing on his meat
in a vise-like grip.
“Oh shit, Suse, your pussy feels great! So fucking great, I just
Susie’s response came out in a gurgle of pure sensation as the worst
twangs of pain faded, being replaced by a feeling so nice that she felt
her body twitch to experience it better. Threads of hurt continued to
snap through her young stuffed cunt, but they were diminishing quickly
as she clung to Mark’s muscular body, getting used to his weight and
the feel of his prick buried up her cunt.
“Ohhh, I can feel it!” she moaned, practically whimpering as fresh
floods of juice poured over his cock shaft until it was oily and slick.
“I can feel it all the way up inside me! Wuhh–we’re really fucking!
Oooh, Mark, you’re fucking me!”
Her words made him laugh. “Yeah,” he grunted harshly. “Yeah…”
He couldn’t stop himself. His hips started a slow pumping motion,
working an inch or two of his engorged cock in and out of her squeezing
hot hole. It was the real thing, all right. Although he’d never done it
before, he’d read enough books to know. His prick slid back and forth,
picking up speed. Its strokes grew longer, faster. It reamed Susie’s
pliant cunt flesh apart and shoved with increasing friction. She
squealed, and her ass arched off the chicken coop floor as if pulled up
by a magnet.
“That…that’s nice! Oh gosh, that’s so nice! Keep doing it, keep
moving it around inside me like that! Oh we’re fucking, we’re really
fucking now! Owwwoooh…”
Her long gold hair streamed out amidst the littered straw and curious
pecking chickens, her lithe teenaged body writhing with swelling
rapture as the last little twinges of pain gave way to blossoming
explosions of bliss. Her strong slender thighs clamped on either side
of his waist for leverage, and she began to hunch in a rhythm that
matched Mark’s thrusts as he shoved his cock in and out of her pussy,
hardly able to believe it was actually happening.
“Ohhh shit…”
They were fucking, really, truly fucking. Mark pushed his meat deep up
his cousin’s pussy, making her wail and surge with the growing fury of
his lunges. Her fingers slid down and clutched his taut asscheeks,
nails digging in hard as she reeled up to take his harsh thrusts. They-
both soared to orgasm. Only moments had passed, but it seemed to last
“I’m gonna cum!” Mark blurted out as his cock snaked up her grasping
cunt, plunging in and out with frantic need. “I’m gonna shoot my load
up your pussy, Suse! Oh shit, I’m gonna do it! Yeah, yeah!”
If it was possible, he lunged even faster. His cockbase slammed against
Susie’s stiff, fattened clit, sending extra sparks shooting all through
her. The eruption of orgasm that built in her now was like nothing
she’d even remotely suspected possible. She bucked up on the old
creaking floor of the shed, giving a small scream as her pussy was
jammed full again and again.
“Yesss! Come in me, shoot your cum up inside me Mark! I want it–I want
it all up my pussy! Faster, faster! Ohhhh Mark, nowww! Now–
When the eruption came, it lifted her up with the force of an
earthquake, sheathing her onto his pounding prick as if they were
fastened together for eternity. She shrieked.
A shuddering spasm surged throughout Mark’s tensed body, and his cock
exploded. A spurt of hot geysering liquid shot deep up Susie’s crammed
pussy, and was followed by a second. And then a third. And a fourth.
Blast after blast of jism tore into her in long thready arcs, making
her own climax all the nicer.
The two teenagers hung onto each other, panting and hurting and mewling
in unison, as they soaked up the most complete orgasm of their lives.
When his balls were drained, Mark slumped with a husky sigh.
Susie groaned in return as his prick splattered the last little
droplets of jizz into her flooded pussy. Hot thick syrup overflowed and
trickled down the crevice of her ass.
It was the most wonderful feeling she’d ever known.
“Oh man, we did it!” he gasped into her ear, his breath warm. “We
really did it…oh Suse, that was something else! Oh yeah…”
Slowly his cock went limp inside her, until it slipped free with a wet
plop. Mark gave her a last cousinly hug, then rolled away still
Susie lay there a moment, just luxuriating in the sticky hot lather of
cockcream seething in her cunt. Then a smile crept over her lips. She
rose languidly, and reached for her crumpled clothes.
Mark watched her dress, until she stood over him fully clad and looking
down at his limp used up prick with an odd self-satisfied expression on
her face.
He grinned back. “What’s the hurry, Suse? We haven’t collected the eggs
yet, and…I’ll bet if we wait a few minutes, we can have some more
“Oh, there’s lots of time for having fun.” There was a lilt in her
voice, and an extra sway of her hips as Susie soaked up the realization
of having gotten her first fucking ever. “I’m going to be here all
summer, aren’t I? We’ll have lots of time for having fun–and that’s a
promise! But I feel like waking up Pam. That girl’s going to sleep the
whole day away if I don’t! See you later, Mark.”
She started off with a light bouncy step, and Mark rose onto his hands,
calling after her. “Hey! I thought you were going to help me with the
“Well I changed my mind!” Pausing at the door, she stuck out her
tongue. Then, with a last little sway of her ass, she bounced off.
Mark grinned after her, frankly not surprised. “Girls!”
Chapter 2
“Hey sleepyhead, wake up! Come on, Pam–up!”
Racing into the bedroom all flushed and surging with energy after her
recent experience, Susie pounced on her cousin’s big double bed and
tumbled over the sleeping shape snuggled there, shaking Pam awake.
A thick mane of glossy dark brown hair cascaded across the pillow as
she jerked back the single sheet wrapped about her cousin’s shape, and
uncovered Pam Harmon’s attractive face.
“Susan, don’t!”
Pam tried to pull the sheet back over her head, but Susie wouldn’t
allow it. “Get up, Pam! God, I think you could sleep forever! Come on,
I’ve got something to tell you!”
Reluctantly Pam gave up the struggle and blinked awake, her large brown
eyes focusing up at Susie’s beaming face. “Oh, all right. But it had
better be good!”
Grumpily she kicked away the sheet and sat up, yawning widely. In a
sheer blue nightie that showed off the thrust of her tits, Susie could
see why Mark thought his sister’s tits were big–because they were.
Jutting out against the flimsy material without the least little bit of
sag, they jiggled slightly as she pushed herself groggily into a
sitting position and rubbed her eyes, blinking.
“Okay, I’m awake.” She frowned a bit, puckering her full lips. “Now,
what’s so important?”
“Guess what I’ve been doing?” A gleam flared in Susie’s eyes, a playful
glitter as she felt the warm seeping ooze of Mark’s cum leaking from
her cunt.
“Su–san!” Pam made a face. She was always a sourpuss in the mornings.
“How would I know? Are you going to tell me, or not?”
Susie would’ve enjoyed tormenting her cousin more, but she was bursting
with the news. It wouldn’t hold back, no matter how hard she tried.
“All right. Guess who just showed me his cock?”
At first the words didn’t register. Pam pushed back her long brown
hair, hardly listening. “Oh, I don’t know. Who?” Then the statement
penetrated. Her eyebrows flew up, and she gasped– “Just showed
you…his what?”
That was the reaction Susie wanted. “His cock–you know what a cock is,
don’t you? And if you don’t, you sure ought to find out from that
brother of yours! Wow, is his ever something!”
Pam reacted as if she’d been punched. Her eyes went round and wide with
shock, growing rounded and wider as the whole episode spilled out.
Susie told her everything, down to the smallest detail. She hadn’t
intended to be so explicit, but the words just poured out of her.
“And then I let him put it in me,” she finished casually, as if it
happened every day.
Pam’s face was slack, her mind stunned and, whirling with the images
her cousin had described. When she finally managed to speak, it was
with a breathless awed gasp. “You…what?”
Susie shrugged, enjoying Pam’s response. “I let him put his cock in me
and it was like…, well, like a giant firecracker going off or
something. I mean, it really felt great! You ought to try it sometime.
I bet you’d like it too, if you did!”
Finally something besides shock crept across Pam’s high-cheeked face.
Her expression turned into a look of pure disgust at the mere notion of
letting a boy shoot his cum in her. “Ugh! That’s gross!”
“No it isn’t! It’s nice. Real-l-l-l nice! I mean…wowwww!” She made a
face of sheer ecstasy, just at the memory.
For her part, Pam was adaze. She couldn’t even imagine Mark and Susie
doing such a thing, and just wouldn’t have believed it if her cousin
hadn’t been so convincing. Mark. and Susie–fucking! Ugh!
But despite herself, she felt a tingle of curiosity stir deep within
her, emanating from her cunt. The images Susie had conveyed were having
their effect. When she spoke again, it was in a small voice.
“Did it…did it really feel nice? Like in the books and movies?”
“Oh wow, did it ever!” Susie’s answer was a gasp of vivid recollection,
as if she once more felt those gushes of hot cockcream spurting up her
Pam blushed, tingling with an excitement she couldn’t quite ignore.
“What’d it feel like, Suse? I mean…was it tingly, sort of?”
“More like an explosion! Like…like when you finger yourself, only ten
times better. A hundred times better!”
At that statement Pam’s blush deepened and her soft brown eyes dropped.
“I…I’ve never fingered myself.”
“What?” Susie stared at her, blankly amazed. “You’ve never even–oh,
what a dummy! Don’t tell me you think that’s disgusting too! Oh wow,
everybody does that! Don’t you ever get horny at all?”
Her expression was so astonished that Pam hung her head in dejection.
Slowly, almost imperceptibly, she nodded. “I guess I do. That is,
sometimes I get this funny itchy feeling and it doesn’t go away for a
long time. Is that being horny?”
Her absolute innocence was so overwhelming that Susie felt a surge of
pity, and softened her scoffing tone.
“Well, that sounds like it, all right. Look, we’ve got some time before
your folks get back, and Mark’s collecting the eggs. Do you want me to
show you some stuff?”
At any other time Pam would have burst out a horrified “No!” But after
all their talk about Mark and fucking and how nice it felt, her cunt
was all wet and achy in that ominous way, demanding attention. She knew
how it felt to be horny, all right. She was horny right now.
“Well…”she let the word linger, then shrugged. “Okay. Do I…do I
have to do much?”
“Only as much as it takes,” Susie said in an authoritative tone,
wiggled up onto her knees. “The first thing we have to do is get rid of
these clothes. Take off your nightie, while I peel.”
Instantly she jerked off her tee shirt and squirmed out of her jeans,
for the second time that morning.
Pam hesitated, suddenly shy in front of her own cousin. She watched
Susie’s big jutting tits spring free, and was still timidly looking on
as she dropped her jeans to the floor and turned, her blonde cunt
fleece shining all downy and moist from her earlier activities.
“Well what’re you waiting for, an engraved invitation? Oh honestly Pam,
don’t be such a big baby! Here, raise your arms, I’ll do it.”
Abruptly she reached forward, grabbing the hem of Pam’s blue nightie.
The brunette barely had time to throw her arms up in surrender as the
crisp material slithered up and over and off, drifting away in a
crumpled heap.
She sat absolutely nude, shivering a bit as Susie took in the spectacle
of her large trembling tits and pale slender body, the girl’s blue eyes
traveling down across her lithe figure and coming to rest on the thick
rich thatch of dark brown cunt bush that curled at the juncture of her
closed thighs, hiding her pussy from view.
“Wow, Mark was right.” Susie gasped, her gaze approving. “He said you
were really built, and he sure knew what he was talking about!”
“Mark said that?” Pam was wide-eyed, shocked that her own big brother
would even think about her like that. But at the same time, a pleasant
ache surged through her cunt at the notion.
“Uh-huh. Now come on, do you want to learn or not?” Susie waited for
the brunette to give a reluctant nod, then went on. “First you have to
relax and think sexy. Think about boys you’ve had a crush on, or
someone you’d like to have peeking in the window at you right this very
moment–that’s what I do. Like…well, like Mark. Boy, wouldn’t he just
love to look in and see us right now like this!”
With those giggly words she flopped onto her back and gave a lazy
stretch, pushing her huge pink-tipped titties into the air in a blatant
Pam did the same, and felt a pleasant oozy warmth sneak through her at
the image of Mark gaping in the bedroom window at the two nude girls,
his mouth hanging open. Wouldn’t he just be surprised!
That thought made her feel sexy and desirable, as if she were the kind
of girl boys liked to stare at, which she was. But she’d never before
stretched out naked in bed, all hot and tingly.
“Do you feel it?” Susie asked, her own pussy tingling by now. “It feels
nice, doesn’t it?”
“Uh…hunh.” Pam agreed, trying to keep the huskiness from her voice.
“Good. Now reach up and cup your titties, just as if Mark’s watching
the whole thing. You can feel him looking at your tits, and I can
guarantee he sure likes tits. It feels so nice that they feel all hard
and sore in a nice sort of way, and when you touch them…aaah…”
Susie sighed, rolling her thumbs across the swelling spikes of her
oversized nipples. They twanged up, and a gush of cream leaked from her
pussy. She gave them a flick, and gasped. Then another.
“Susie, I can’t!” Pam suddenly broke the spell, jerking her hands away
from her own uplifted tits.
“Whuh–why not?” Susie’s eyes unglazed, and she looked over at her
Pam was blushing furiously. “It’s not nice to do those things to
yourself! I just can’t help it!”
For a long moment Susie simply stared. Then she burst out angrily. “Oh,
bullshit! Look, I’ll get you started, okay? Then when you’re good and
horny, I’ll show you the rest.”
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea…” Pam began, but it was
already too late.
Susie rolled onto her side and reached out, capturing one of her
cousin’s big soft tits in a cupped palm.
Pam gasped. Her gasp turned into a groan when the blonde thumbed her
quarter-sized nipple, bringing its peak to stiff erection.
“Oh–ohhh, Susie don’t! This is so awful, feeling ourselves this way!
Her nipple swelled up hard and rubbery and taut, itching like crazy
under Susie’s thumb. She worked it like a button, alternately pressing
and twiddling until Pam’s shoulder arched up in response.
“There, see?” her voice was triumphant. “You like to have your titties
touched too, just like any girl! And I’ll bet I can get you good and
horny, too. Then you’ll be ready for some fingering! How about it,
“I…I don’t…” Pam’s cunt was creaming wickedly now, and the last
thing she wanted to do was stop the wonderful feelings that shot all
through her. Instead, she gave in. “All right. Let’s–let’s do it! I
want to!”
“That’s better.” Pleased, Susie felt her pussy churning up a froth of
juices as she massaged her cousin’s big tits, determined to show Pam
just a little of what she’d been missing. “I knew you’d come around.
Look, it’s working already!”
She watched with delight as Pam’s nipple popped up stiff and quivering
from its pink textured areola, straining under her rippling fingers.
Pam’s brown eyes took on a glaze and she squeezed her thighs together
as hot juicy warmth spread through her.
“See? That feels nice, doesn’t it?”
“Yeh–yesss,” she gasped, reaching up to grasp Susie’s hand in one of
her own. She urged it to knead faster, rubbing across her tits in a
furious massage. It was all happening so fast that her tender virgin
cunt was sopping. Her pussy ached, and the ache was getting worse.
“Do it…do it just like Mark did you, Susie! Do it good!” She wiggled,
her face ecstatic.
Susie smiled. By this time she was fully aroused herself, her cunt
juicing as well. “All right, since you asked for it. But he did more
than just rub my titties. He did this, too.”
Suddenly she leaned over and caught the brunette’s rigid nipple spike
between her lips, giving it a tentative tongue-flick.
“Ahhhhh!” Pam’s eyes flew open, and her cunt fluttered. “Ohhh, that–
that feels so funny! It…it’s making me…ooohhh…”
She reached up, hardly aware of what she was doing, and tangled her
fingers in Susie’s long blonde hair.
They were both taken by surprise. Without warning Susie found her mouth
filled with vibrant tit-flesh, her lips stretched apart to take almost
the whole soft orb of Pam’s tit between them. She’d hardly expected
anything like this to happen, but now she discovered that the feel of
having another girl’s tit thrust into her mouth wasn’t an unpleasant
sensation at all. She began to suck, recalling the way Mark had sucked
her big tits.
“Oh–ohhhh, Susie!” Pam squealed, arching up. She’d never before felt
anything like the pangs of pleasure that shot through her cunt now, and
clutched her cousin’s head tighter. “It feels so nice, so–ohhhh…”
For her part, Susie couldn’t have agreed more. It was naughty to be
sucking another girl’s tit, and she knew it, but that naughtiness only
added to the ripples of delight that had her pussy sopping. She nuzzled
deep into Pam’s pillowy tit, sucking and licking and flicking in a
fury. Then she moved to the other tit and gave that one exactly the
same treatment, all the while squirming with her own arousal. When she
finally pulled back flushed and gasping, Pam sank on the bed in a daze.
Her long brunette hair swirled across her slackened face and fanned out
as her slick young tits rose and fell in quick, heavy gasps.
“Now…now that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Susie’s voice came out husky.
“No-o-o-h-h-h…” she breathed, shaking her head.
“And I’ll bet you’re good and hot too, aren’t you? Here, let me see.”
Abruptly she scrambled to the end of the bed and pushed Pam’s limp,
unresisting legs apart, exposing her pussy.
It flared open in a pink pouting gush of wetness, its delicate lips
pooching apart to display a soft, velvety inner lining and small pert
clit button all oily with juices.
Dimly realizing that her cunt was gaping wide under her cousin’s stare,
Pam reached embarrassedly down to cover it. But the mere touch of her
own fingers was like an electric jolt that went soaring through her.
She cupped her sensitive pussy, trailing her fingertips across it in a
fondling caress.
“Yes, that’s it… Now you’re getting the hang of things Pammy, just
like the rest of us. How’s it feel?”
“It…it’s nice,” Pam managed huskily, groaning. “So niccce!”
Then an overwhelming new notion struck, and she went on without
“But–but it might be even nicer if you did it Suse, like…like you
did my titties!”
Kneeling between her cousin’s open thighs, Susie was inclined to do
just that. The sight of Pam’s fingers entwining in all that brown
fleecy cunt hair and gliding across her greased butterfly-wing pussy
lips was an enticement. But she hesitated. “Well, I don’t know…”
“Oh, please?” Caught up in a flood of sensation she’d never known
before, Pam hurried on. “You’re so much better at it, and–and I’ll do
you too, if you want! You can show me how that way!”
Though the logic of her argument seemed lacking, its promise wasn’t.
Susie creamed wickedly at the thought of having her cunt fingered by
someone else. This time she didn’t hesitate at all. “Oh, all right
then. Maybe that would be a better way to learn, after all. Here, let
me turn around…”
She moved across her cousin’s trembling body until she sprawled atop
Pam, her blonde-fuzzed cunt splaying open just before the girl’s face.
They each gazed into a lush drenched pussy, both juicing and ready for
some action.
Susie reached down and plunged her fingers into her cousin’s brown cunt
fur, pulling her slick, dainty pussy lips apart with a slurpy sound.
They smacked open into a taut little mouth, bursting a fresh flood of
Pam gasped and automatically clutched Susie’s firm hovering asscheeks,
clenching supple pliant flesh.
“Wow, you’re really hot now, aren’t you? I mean, really hot!”
Her breath fanned over Pammy’s small, juicy cunt and her fingers glided
across the girl’s delicate plumped outer lips as if to test their
Pam groaned and twitched in response. “Tha– that’s nice, oooh it feels
good when you touch me there! Do it some more…yes, yesss…ahhh!”
Susie’s fingertips converged on her taut clit button, and slid gently
across it. She arched, her joy bud strumming. With careful ease Susie
kneaded the stiff clefted bump of sensitivity with increasing friction,
and within moments had the other girl panting and bunching up for more.
“Oh–oh good, that feels so good Susie! Rub…rub me there, rub me good
and hard! Yes, yes!”
Tremors of unbelievable intensity swept through Pam, pulling her firm
round ass off the bed as if drawn up by a magnet. Without realizing it
she moved her hands toward the wet blonde-fringed pussy looming above
her, fingers sliding through its moist, golden curls and groping for
the slippery cunt flesh beneath. She frantically massaged the soaked
folds of resilient pussy there as if it were her own cunt she was
rubbing, kneading into fresh bursts of pure joy.
“Ahhhh–ahhh, yehhhsss…”
It was Susie’s turn to groan as her rubbery slick cunt was eagerly
massaged into a froth of excitement, juicing up a lather of need. She
worked Pam’s little clit furiously, twanging it in her fingers until
the lithe brunette was squealing and grasping her bloated cunt with
greedy inexperienced urgency.
“Oooooh–ooooh, I’m tingling all over Susie, I…I’m going to pee! Oh
I’m peeing, I’m pee–eeeeeeee!”
Suddenly she bucked up, spasming in the first explosion of orgasm she’d
ever known. Her brown eyes went wide and glazed, and she hardly noticed
when Susie’s undulating cunt loomed above her face, thrashing and
gyrating with delight, too.
Breathless, Susie plunged a finger up her cousin’s snug cunt.
Pam’s arms flung around her ass in a clutching hug and she screamed,
wailing in the bliss of her very first climax ever.
“Aaaaannnnh! Ahhhh–hhhmmmumfff!”
It all happened at once. Susie’s hunching, wet pussy surged over the
girl’s face and her open mouth plunged against moist parted lips in an
ecstatic kiss as she surged in sheer bliss. Her tongue Shot up Susie’s
cunt and writhed there in a muffled shriek of joy, stabbing between
those blonde-fringed cuntlips and digging deep.
“Ohhhh–ohhh, fuck!”
It was Susie’s eyes that bulged now, as her pussy was invaded by a
wildly lunging tongue. Her cunt-mouth smacked hard on Pam’s face and
wiggled there, splattering the oblivious girl’s chin and cheeks with
juicy wetness as she shoved her finger in and out of her heaving cunt,
urging her on.
Obviously Pam had no idea what she was doing. Totally caught up in the
surges of pure rapture shooting through her, she clung to Susie’s hips
and stabbed her tongue all the deeper in an unconscious kiss of
gratitude, completely unaware that it was another girl’s pussy she was
By the time realization dimly seeped in, it was too late.
“Eat me!” Susie wailed, humping her cousin’s face with shivering surges
of pleasure. “Eat my pussy out Pammy. Stick your tongue up it good! Oh
fuck, that’s so fucking nice! More, more!”
Her finger jabbed in and out of Pam’s tight little cunt with fast
strokes, mashing her palm hard against her clit.
And if any twinge of shocked disgust crept into Pam’s hazed mind, it
was quickly pumped out of her by the eager intruder that lunged between
her cunt lips, smacking in and out with wet fucking sounds.
She couldn’t resist. Sighing a stifled moan of frenzied sensation, she
burrowed her face into Susie’s fleecy pussy and failed her tongue deep,
deep into her, tasting the heady flavor of another girl’s cunt juices.
Her tongue stabbed up to meet Susie’s hunching pussy, and began to
flick in and out urgently. It was a fantastic feeling–almost as good
as having a cock inside her. Susie purred, soaring to a climax of her
“Faster, oh faster! Eat my cunt and fuck me good! Oh Pammy, that feels
so fucking good I can’t stand it! Ohhhh–ohhhh, yessss!”
Her finger increased its pumping to a blur of harsh jabs as she slapped
her seething pussy hard against the writhing girl’s mouth, her body
shuddering toward orgasm.
Pam knew in a vague, disjointed way that she was doing something awful
by eating a girl’s pussy! But she couldn’t have stopped herself now
even if she’d wanted to. Susie’s finger was fucking in and out of her
with an intensity that made fresh blasts of oblivion erupt all through
her and begin a fresh chain of climaxes. Any horror at her own
naughtiness was swept away in a gush of horny juice as she hunched
frantically, impaling herself on that darting probe and tonguing her
cousin’s pussy in pure grateful release. Hot thick syrup literally
poured down her throat, and she gulped for more.
“Oh fucking yes, that’s it! That’s–aaaahhhh!”
Suddenly it was all too much for Susie as well. The sensation of having
that sweet, eager tongue drilling up her cunt hole, the feel of orgasm
building in her like a lit fuse, the sight of her slick finger gouged
between Pam’s puffy brown-fuzzed pussy lips, all had their effect.
Whatever else she was, Susie was not a girl to pass up new experiences-
-especially when she was as turned on as she was right now. She plucked
her finger from Pam’s sopping cunt hole and buried her attractive face
deep into that downy rich carpet of inflamed cunt flesh.
Pam gave a muffled wail as a pink hungry tongue shot deep into Susie’s
seething cunt, returning her favor.
The two girls clung together, sobbing and thrashing and worming their
tongues into each other’s cunt as naturally as if they’d been doing it
They rolled and surged on the big bed in a flurry of long slender legs
and cascading gold and brunette hair, mouths fastened on drenched
pussies and pink moist tongues drinking up flood after flood of hot
sticky juice. Taut, rounded asses bunched in simultaneous fury, and
soft lips pressed to even softer pussy lips as they drove each other to
completion, both caught up in this new delightful thrill.
It was Pam who climaxed first, pumping and slurping up her cousin’s
cunt froth in a heaving burst of satiation.
Instantly Susie followed suit and clutched the other girl’s twisting
asscheeks to hold her lathered cunt in place as she dove her tongue
into it, moaning out a long throaty breath.
Pam sobbed, reeling in an oblivion she’d never known before. Ripples of
rapture tore through her, again and again as if they would never end.
But finally the ripples subsided, leaving both girls drained and
gasping. For a long time they simply lay like that, legs lolling and
pussies fanned by each other’s pants of breath.
Then, laughing hoarsely, the blonde scooted around to hug her cousin,
her high-cheeked face aglow with a broad, slick smile.
“Huhhh–how was that, Pammy? I’ll…I’ll bet you didn’t expect that to
happen!” She cuddled to the limp glassy-eyed brunette, their tits
crushing together.
Slowly, Pam’s eyes focused. She opened her mouth, and sighed.
“Ooooohhh…oooh Susie, it….felt nice…sooooo nice! Was…was
that…like fucking?”
Susie giggled. “Almost, I guess. But fucking’s even nicer! Can you
imagine that? I’ll bet you’d like to try fucking now, wouldn’t you?”
“Even nicer?…”
Her mind still in a whirl of sensation, Pam simply couldn’t believe
there was something nicer than what she’d just felt. Images of Mark
spun before her. Mark and Susie, fucking. Mark putting his cock in
Susie’s pussy. Mark, putting his cock…his cock…
“I might.” Her answer was small and hushed, a mixture of fear and
Susie understood and spoke quickly. “Then maybe you will. Maybe you
just will, at that. We’ll see.”
She gave her cousin a tender kiss on the lips and their wet faces came
together, tongues flicking into each other’s mouth.
At that moment the Harmon station wagon pulled up outside with a crunch
of gravel, breaking the spell.
“It’s–it’s my folks!” Suddenly blushing, Pam wiggled free.
Hastily the two girls dressed and scampered down the stairs, their
faces aglow.
Chapter 3
“Did you have a nice morning, children?
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